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Warhammer Expedition Super God — Chapter 7 The war between angels and scum 7

The battle with Chaos is inevitable. Now all Leon can do is wait for the arrival of the Chaos army. As for the mortal soldiers on the Tiangong planet, they have almost evacuated, but there are still some mortal auxiliary army groups still holding on to the front. Among them is the Third Regiment of Consqueit, which has an Emperor’s Chosen!

Previously, the Third Consqueit Regiment was attacked by male angels who had turned into Chaos Eggs during their retreat, resulting in them missing the best time to evacuate. Now, the Third Consqueit Regiment has been transformed into male Angels of Chaos Eggs. And surrounded by some male angels corrupted by subspace energy, but due to the presence of the Emperor’s Chosen in Consqueit’s third regiment, the casualty rate of Consqueit’s third regiment still remains zero to this day!

But even with the protection of the Emperor’s Chosen, it is impossible to produce ammunition out of thin air. The Consqueit Third Regiment has exhausted all ammunition and medicine in the previous breakout battle. Now they will face a difficult choice. , firstly, it is to fight to the death with Chaos and finally fall into the hands of Chaos. Secondly, these ugly chaos eggs surrender and then become part of the bodies of these ugly chaos eggs. However, as far as the Astral Militarum is concerned, they How can we easily give up the glory in our hearts and surrender to chaos!

I saw the political commissar of Consqueit’s third regiment, pulling out the power sword from his waist and turning on the power switch on the hilt, shouting: “For the Emperor! All of you, fix your bayonets. Today is the return to the Emperor’s throne.” It’s time to step down from the Golden Throne!” Then he took out a white whistle from the inner pocket of his coat, put it in his mouth, and blew it hard. The sharp whistle sounded and everyone in the third regiment of Consquette jumped out. After pulling out the bayonet from his waist and attaching it to the muzzle of the gun, the political commissar’s whistle sounded, and all the men of Consqueit’s third regiment rushed out of the trenches with the determination to die and rushed towards the chaotic lackeys and minions.

Although some soldiers of Consqueit’s 3rd Regiment were naturally less courageous, when facing chaos, a rage suddenly ignited in their hearts. This rage made them fearless and took up their guns with bayonets and crossed over. The trenches and the shining bayonets are so frightening. Even the snipers in the Third Regiment of Consqueit, who are naturally short in stature and even timid, but like to make money very much, face Chaos. The Skaven snipers were not afraid, but relied on their unique talents to hide in the dark, using their homemade slingshots to continuously harass the minions of Chaos who were attacking other soldiers of Consqueit’s third regiment.

The people of Consqueit’s Third Regiment have no fear. Even without the blessing of the Emperor’s Chosen, they can defeat these minions of Chaos, even if the cost is death, and they cannot return to the Golden Throne beside the Emperor to continue serving the Emperor. Fighting for the emperor, they have no regrets!

Just when the few remaining members of the Third Consqueit Regiment thought that the flag of their Third Regiment was about to be taken back by the Imperial Military Affairs Department, the Emperor’s Chosen One erupted with a golden light. The light quickly healed the injuries of the remaining ten or so warriors of Consqueit’s third regiment, while those Chaos Eggs exposed to the golden light felt pain as if bone-attached maggots were eating flesh and blood. The severe pain makes these chaos eggs, similar to those facing the ugly old rulers in the Cthulhu mythology, scream in pain!

The burning pain made these chaotic eggs want to scratch the flesh and blood all over their bodies. After a while, these chaotic eggs were scratched with flesh and blood all over their bodies by their own arms. The organs they walked outside were scratched by this sun-like thing. The golden light became dried meat again.

At this time, the Emperor’s Chosen looked like he was wearing golden armor. He held the Emperor’s Sword and raised it high in the sky. He kept chanting poems praising the Emperor. The golden wings on his back allowed him to fly into the sky and spread the truth of the Empire. And glory!

The surviving soldiers of the Third Regiment of Consqueit all fell to their knees when they saw the arrival of the Living Saint, chanting poems praising the Emperor and the Living Saint. When the Emperor’s Chosen slowly fell from the sky, behind him His golden wings slowly turned into particles of light in the sky during the slow landing process, but his spiritual information full of the emperor’s uniqueness cannot be faked. He is unique in this universe. Living saint, maybe someone will become the second living saint in this universe, but I don’t know how long it will take for the second living saint to appear.

When Leon, who was in the battleship above the orbit of the planet, knew that a living saint had appeared among the mortal auxiliary forces that had not yet evacuated from the planet under his feet, his expression was so surprised. , ‘Oh my god, thank the Emperor for saving those innocent children, one of your twenty descendants, great father, the Primarch who rules the Second Legion of Space Marines, Leon thanks his father here! ’ Leon silently thanked the dazzling light of the cold sun in the subspace for saving the innocent children who had not yet evacuated the planet beneath them!


Warhammer Expedition Super God

Warhammer Expedition Super God

Status: Completed Author:


The Second Legion, which was hidden by the Emperor, came to the universe called Super Seminary with the help of the Emperor. In the vast universe, they drove battleships and used macro cannons to bring the Emperor's mercy.


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