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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 108 The Final Era: Blackstone Fortress (3)

Vito didn’t know why he recalled the battle of the World Engine. He still remembered that day when he was on a cruiser of the Imperial Navy. He witnessed the destruction of the Astral Knights Chapter that day and witnessed the death of eight hundred Star Knights. The warrior died in the destruction in a short time.

They completed their mission, the World Engine was stopped, and the Imperial Alliance finally defeated the Undead and won the war. However, the result was that eight hundred Death Angels rushed to the Golden Throne and achieved a difficult victory with extremely tragic sacrifices.

He remembered the conversation he had with the First Captain of the Astral Knights, Zaharos, who was sent by the Chapter Master to attack the Arch-Emperor, Heqiroth, who beheaded the undead.

That was the last time they met. At that time, he asked Vito what he would do if one day Vito himself was in such a desperate situation. Vito did not give him an answer at the time, but the company commander gave Vito his own answer.

“Fight with all your strength and complete the mission before taking your last breath.”

These were the last words of Captain Zaharos. He and his entire battle group died in that battle, and many soldiers Vito knew died there.

Who would have thought that a few centuries later, Vito himself would lead such a lone army, a lone army destined to never return, to launch a desperate assault on another undead fortress?

And now, Vito also knows what happened in the world engine that day, and he feels it deeply.

Their assault went full force into the interior of Blackstone Fortress. At first, everything went smoothly. The traitors on the outside were defeated by the assault of a hundred Space Wolves warriors and an entire company of normal battle groups.

The Space Marines surged forward in the narrow corridor. Warriors armed with chain axes and power blades charged forward, followed by an entire hunting party. The ferocious firepower of explosive bombs covered the entire space of the corridor, destroying everything that existed. Beat the enemies in the corridor to pieces.

The mortal warriors of Cadia and the Skitarii Brigade of the Adeptus Mechanicus followed behind them, and the swift assault force attacked at full speed along the complex tunnels and corridors of the Blackstone Fortress.

Ragnar and his brothers acted as the absolute main force and wiped out everything. The roaring wolves swept away all enemies, but this smooth moment ended quickly.

When the commando team reached the central ring of the fortress, the situation took a turn for the worse. Unlike the previous outer defense line, which was mainly composed of mortal traitors, low-level demons, and a small number of traitor space warriors, from here on the absolute main force of the Chaos side completely turned into traitor space warriors.

The traitors of the Black Legion, World Eaters and Iron Warriors began to fight back here. The rapid firepower of the traitors of ten thousand years immediately raised the intensity of the war to several levels, and the warriors of the Space Wolves began to suffer heavy losses.

The most powerful and loyal traitor legion under Warmaster Abaddon inflicted heavy losses on them. Countless brothers were knocked to the ground, torn to pieces in close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, and were killed by the Word Bearers Dark Mage among them. Sacrificially hit by a Chaos spell.

The battle between loyalists and traitors quickly turned the battlefield into an arena for demigods, in which the mortal warriors of Cadia and the Adeptus Mechanicus were rendered useless as they were struck by swift and precise bolts. , they exploded into countless splashes of flesh and blood and collapsed mechanical debris.

But the warriors still persisted, even in the face of such heavy losses. The Cadian warriors surrounded both sides of the Space Marines, and the Skitarii looked for every opportunity to pour the wrath of the All-Machine God on the enemy. .

They continued to advance, even as the number of casualties increased exponentially, and they continued to advance toward death.

Vito hid behind a wall. Lying in the corridor on his side were the remains of several Space Wolf warriors. Their armor had been blasted with several horrific holes by blasters. Among their remains lay several Devourers. Of the world.

Obviously the traitors did not care about the lives of their “traitor brothers”. The traitor Space Marines at the end of the corridor were knocked down together with the World Eaters. Violent bombardments hit the corridor, and the black stone walls continued to burst out with dazzling rays of light. of sparks.

The Space Wolves warriors crouched behind the bunker and fired forward. The explosive bombs from both sides pierced the dark sky of the corridor and fired at each other. The bright gunfire lit up the entire corridor.

“Vito!” Ragna, who was covered in blood, leaned against Vito. Blood spurted out from the roaring chain ax in his hand. Vito looked at Ragna up and down, “Injured?”

“Small injuries, but we blocked the traitor’s side attack. Many brothers died, but we must continue to move forward!” Ragnar said. He stuck his head out and looked at the end of the corridor, and immediately there was a burst of fierce explosive fire. Coming over, a Space Wolf warrior fell to the ground.

Ragnar hid back and held the chain axe. He and Vitor looked at each other and nodded affirmatively. The Inquisitor nodded to Olaf, and the Rune Priest also gave a clear nod.

Vito waved his hand to the Cadian warrior on the side, who immediately handed a smoke bomb to Vito. The Inquisitor took a deep breath and suddenly rushed out.

Almost immediately, dozens of explosive bombs were hit in front of Vito. Those explosive bombs that were thicker than a human arm were accurately fired at him, but all the explosive bombs were blocked by the psychic shield, and they rose together. The lightning shield that rose up blocked this wave of bombardment for Vito.

The flames of the bomb exploded instantly, and the fire climbed up along the shield wall, but a small cylinder was thrown out in the fire, and the gray thing fell in the middle of the corridor.

The traitors looked at the thing with their bolt guns. In an instant, it sprayed out a large amount of smoke, covering the entire corridor. The traitors did not hesitate to pick up the bolt guns and fire violently inward. The bombs penetrated the diffuse smoke and rotated. The projectiles tore through the curtain of smoke.

But it was constantly flashing with purple light. When explosive shells were fired into it, a purple flash of light would be evoked. The sound of heavy footsteps rushed towards the eyes accompanied by an even brighter flash.

The black shoulder armor broke through the thick fog, it was Ragna! No! Ragnar and Lilith to be precise.

Lilith sat on Ragnar’s neck, her beautiful purple eyes flashing with halo, and the shield she summoned was the psychic shield that blocked all incoming blaster fire.

Howling, Ragnar charged forward, knocking over the Traitor Space Marine blocking his way at the end of the corridor. Ragnar swung his chainsaw in a killing spree, killing an Iron Warrior with his first blow. The traitor’s neck was cut by a chain saw and a huge amount of blood spurted out.

Ragnar wielded the chain ax among the traitors at the end of the corridor. He began to harvest lives in a very short time. The traitor of the Black Legion aimed his bolt gun at Ragnar and prepared to fire, but his face was thrown by Lilith. The long knife pierced through, and the hard helmet was like paper in front of the demon blade of Slaanesh.

Lilith jumped out from Ragnar’s shoulder. She jumped onto the fallen traitor’s shoulder and pulled out her long knife. Lilith stepped on him and fell to the ground, and almost immediately began to dance the dance of death.

The roaring giant wolf and the silver-haired beauty harvested life together. Ragnar swung roughly, and Lilith’s wonderful and extremely flexible slashes were made. She kept flashing under Ragnar with lightning-fast steps, and her speed was almost unbelievable. Unbelievable.

The suppressed warriors in the corridor rushed over, and Lancelot rushed out first. He wielded his knight’s sword and killed the nearest traitor.

Behind him were the warriors of the Space Wolves. They howled and rushed out. The Wolves rushed out of the corridor and opened fire violently in all directions. The rapid firepower of the bombs immediately killed several traitors around them, but the traitors were not affected at all. Without showing any weakness, he drew his melee weapon and charged forward.

In the empty hall at the end of the corridor, the Astartes started fighting at extremely close range. It was like going back to the Horus Heresy, the battle between Space Marines and Space Marines, and the fierce battle between demigods. staged.

Axes and axes, swords and swords collided fiercely. All kinds of war cries and roars filled the hall like thunder. Vito rushed through the fighting giants. He turned around and transformed his right arm into a plasma cannon. A traitor must have fired a shot.

The traitor’s shoulder armor was pierced by plasma and he screamed, and this brief imbalance exposed his flaw. Lancelot cut off his head with a backhand sword.

Lancelot looked at Vito and nodded affirmatively, but immediately raised his sword and looked forward, “Vito! Be careful!”

The judge turned his head to look in that direction, and a striking red beam struck. Vito dodged the blow with a flying dive, and Lancelot also dodged it, but not everyone was so lucky. .

Several Space Wolf warriors and mortal soldiers were killed by beams of light. Vito looked at the source of the supply. The Word Bearers mage holding the scepter recited blasphemous incantations and directed magical attacks at the loyalists.

The shock wave knocks an entire group of people to the ground, and psychic lightning pulses to kill loyal warriors. He must be stopped!

“Olav! Cover! Lancelot! Command!” Vito shouted and rushed forward. Lancelot raised his knight’s sword and pointed it at the traitor, “Warriors of Cadia and the Mechanicus! Fire!”

His order was immediately reflected, and a whole team of warriors composed of Cadian and Skitarii rushed forward. They raised their plasma guns and phosphorus fire weapons and fired at the Word Bearers mage. A rapid explosion exploded in his head. On the shield in front of you.

Then Olaf also stepped forward, and dazzling psychic lightning flashed in the Rune Priest’s eyes. He howled in a shaking voice, “The All-Knowing Father! Give me your great power!” Olaf fired the lightning, The giant electric arc bombarded the Word Bearer’s shield, and his shield was broken!

The moment the psychic shield disappeared, and just before the Word Bearer raised his scepter to prepare for defense, the chain sword thrust against the hilt of the scepter, and dazzling sparks shot out on its surface.

The Word Bearer’s head covered with scriptures was pierced by a sword, and his face was pierced by the chain sword. Thick threads of blood broke out from the back of his head and followed the peak of the chain sword.

The Word Bearer fell backwards and fell to the ground. Vito pulled out his sword and rolled forward in a circle before stopping. Vito looked at the brothers in front of him, and Lancelot lowered his sword blade and nodded to him.

Vito smiled, but suddenly his smile froze because he saw Lancelot shouting and raising his sword again. Vito was slightly stunned and turned his head back.

Shaking vibrations resounded throughout the earth. A huge object fell from the sky and hit hard behind Vito. The violent air flow it raised instantly made Vito’s clothes vibrate.

He watched the huge steel thing slowly raise its head, with long meteor blades spinning on its three arms, and a symbol branded on its chest, the symbol of the Dark Mechanicus.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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