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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 110 The Final Era: Blackstone Fortress (5) The Last Defense

Chapter 110 The Final Era: Blackstone Fortress (5) The Last Line of Defense

The situation of the space battle outside Blackstone Fortress is very bad, very, very bad. Relying on only two warships to contain an entire Chaos fleet is an almost impossible task for any naval commander, or at least an extremely stupid one. idea.

But Cole, the stupid one, because he fell in love with the weirdo Vito so many years ago, and the captain who got caught up in this fucking assault is still holding on, and so is his ship.

The Infinite Frontier sailed on the Milky Way, its surroundings completely engulfed and illuminated by fire. A large number of explosions and churning fires swallowed everything in the Milky Way.

The Infinite Frontier and the Firemane Fang were already scarred. They were constantly carrying out rapid maneuvers and counterattacks. To be honest, they had done a good job. At one time, they really contained those ferocious attacking Chaos warships, but the situation soon became overwhelming. There has been a change.

Chaos warships relied on their huge numbers and fearless offensive style to push them to a dead end. The void shield had been broken several times, and the outer buildings of the warships were also in dilapidated condition. The damage control units were working hard to stop the losses. , but more and more losses make the situation more and more critical.

Cole looked at the red display icons in front of him. He cursed in a low voice and looked at the blazing Milky Way outside the window. The churning fire clouds surged under the Infinite Frontier, and the battleship seemed to be really sailing on the sea. The surface slides across.

The plasma thrusters stirred the surrounding flames and sprayed and rotated together. The macro cannon fired neatly again, and the Firemane Fangs also flew overhead and fired together. The cannonballs pierced the curtain of the galaxy and hit the Chaos Fleet. An explosion swept through those black ones. The battleship, but the other party soon fought back.

The battleship sailing out of the fire cloud fired a burst of artillery fire. The intensive shells bombarded the Infinite Frontier and the Firemane Fang. The flicker of the void shield began to become dim, and the violent vibrations made the bridge seem like an earthquake. Same.

Cole struggled to support his body. He stood in his position and felt the vibrations of the entire battleship. The captain cursed at the monitor at his hand that was constantly sending out alarms. He turned off the annoying alarm and looked at the bridge. The black stone fortress on the side of the window.

“You better hurry up, you bitch,” Cole cursed viciously.

Vito sneezed loudly. He stood on a corpse and rubbed his nose. He was surrounded by exploding bolt guns and roaring wolves. The wolf warriors used the explosive bombs in their hands without reservation. of forward shooting.

The giants in gray armor continued to advance forward, and the mortal soldiers followed them through the corridors filled with corpses. The dazzling light of violent guns and laser beams filled the entire corridor.

“Cold?” Lilith said, pulling out the sword from the face of a Khorne vampire. Vito shook his head and smiled bitterly, “No, Cole must be scolding me, let me hurry up.”

Vito said, picking up the bolter and blasting the head of the Khorne demon in the corridor with one shot. Vito jumped off the body and continued to fight and walk. He quickly hid behind a bunker, and dense bolt fire came from the corridor. A call came from the other end.

Vito looked at the Wolf Regiment soldiers who were firing back. A Cadillac Regiment soldier rushed up the corridor with a rocket launcher. He knew he would definitely die, but he still rushed out without any hesitation. Everyone here rushed out. Everyone knew they had no chance of getting out alive.

The Cadian soldier pulled the trigger before being shattered. The rocket flew instantly from the corridor and hit the Black Legion heavy bolter who fired at the end. He was knocked to the ground by the rocket, and the traitor beside him The brother was also hit by the explosive bombs flying rapidly in the corridor and fell to the ground.

But more people died in the subsequent assault. Sven Gorehowler, Ragnar and other wolf warriors charged forward. They rushed out of the corridor and killed the enemies with chain saws and power axes, at extremely close range. Kill the enemy to the ground in close combat.

Vito looked at the soldiers who continued to advance around him. There were only a few of them. Compared with the huge dock landing battle at the beginning, there were only a few soldiers who had come here.

The two-hundred-man assault company now has less than fifty men left, and less than a quarter of the mortal soldiers are left. Colonel Mars also died, but he died like a hero, firing a grenade. Died along with several mortal traitors.

Most died during the assault, in the difficult battles advancing along the corridors of Blackstone Fortress.

The entire Black Stone Fortress is like a meat grinder. The loyal and traitor sides are engaged in fierce battles in every black corridor, hall and stone bridge here. Countless lives have been lost in these lifeless black stones. Countless Blood splattered on its icy surface.

This is really ironic. The undead built these fortresses. They were supposed to be driven and used by those soulless things, but now here, in the Blackstone Fortress, the flesh-and-blood creatures are carrying out the most brutal mincing in the galaxy. war.

But the sacrifice of the soldiers was valuable after all, because the assault force had almost reached the reactor. According to the holographic structure diagram, they had reached the central part of the fortress and the gate of the core, the source of all power.

Sven Gorehowl killed the traitor in front of him with an axe. He rushed out of the corridor and rushed onto the long black bridge. The Wolf Lord charged forward and kept swinging his ax to knock down the bridge.

The traitors fell into the abyss below, and the Wolf Regiment soldiers filed out from the corridor exit. They fired forward along the long black bridge, and explosive bombs from both sides fired from both ends of the bridge.

Countless firelights cut through the dark well-shaped space and struck on both sides. Soldiers on both sides were hit by explosive bombs and fell to the ground. Some fell off the bridge and disappeared into the bottomless abyss.

The warriors of Cadia and the Skitarii walked among the giants’ corpses. They followed the remaining giants and advanced. Wolf Lord Gorehowl and the veterans took the lead in advancing. They waved their war blades and slashed forward. Advance.

The brutal meat grinding battle was fierce on the not-so-wide bridge, chain saws against chain saws, war blades against war blades, the traitors and veterans of the Black Legion and the World Eaters fought fiercely against each other, their hand-to-hand combat was cruel and efficient. , the weapon he wields efficiently harvests every life.

Behind them, the artillery fire displayed by both sides continued. The bombs fired from both sides of the bridge flew over the corpses and lit up the blood flowing on the bridge. The fierce exchange of fire turned the place into a meat grinder.

Looking at this scene, Vito recalled a place, a place also called a meat grinder, Verdun.

All human art of war finally turned into pure barbaric fighting. Warriors from both sides clashed with each other with pure brute force. Their armor and weapons collided together, and people crowded on the bridge to fight to the death.

Ragnar roared continuously and slashed at the World Eater in front of him. The latter struck Ragnar’s arm with an ax before dying. Ragnar roared and poured his anger into the battle ax and chopped his face into pieces.

“All father!” Ragnar let out a pure wolf howl. His broken helmet exposed one of his wolf fangs. The veterans around him also let out a wolf howl. They rushed forward and slashed like wild beasts. The level of bloodthirsty and madness is almost the same as that of the traitors.

“Damn it! Lily! Go up and open the gap! They are going to turn into wolves!” Vito shouted, Ragna and the others’ genetic defects were about to be awakened by the bloodthirsty fight, and they must be stopped!

Lilith spun the blade in a circle and rushed forward. She sprinted up the long bridge with long strides. The female devil rose into the air behind the giants and somersaulted over their heads.

Lilith stood on top of a World Eater. She shook her body and tried to stand firm. The World Eater raised his head differently and looked at Lilith above him. The latter smiled and cut off the two sides of him with a wave of his hands. The heads of war brothers.

A huge amount of blood spurted out from their necks. Before Lilith could take action, the traitor was hacked to death by Ragna who rushed up after the gap was opened.

Lilith fell backwards on the body and somersaulted to the ground. When she stood up, she looked at the wild wolves rushing around. They killed the last traitor on the bridge and fell to the ground after crossing the black bridge.

Ragnar gasped and stood up. He was covered in blood and looked at the brothers who rushed across the bridge. Vito also rushed over. He smiled and nodded to Lilith, who smiled and held the knife.

But their tranquility did not last for a moment. A large number of traitors and demons rushed out from the direction of the bridge they had just crossed. They chased them from the other end of the bridge and launched a fierce attack on the loyalists here.

The soldiers immediately reorganized the defense line on the bridge to fight back. Mortals and space warriors hid behind bunkers and opened fire on the opposite side of the bridge. The bridge was already covered with countless corpses, both those of the enemy and their own.

Swain looked at the enemy across the bridge and growled, “We don’t have time.”

“Indeed, Lord Wolf Lord, we will stay to break up the rear. Please continue the attack.” Marshal Delta of the Skitarii Army said mechanically. He stood in front of the Wolf Lord and held a plasma gun.

The Wolf Lord looked at the members of the Mechanicus in front of him, and he stared into his mechanical eyes, “It seems that it’s time for us to say goodbye, Delta. It’s an honor to fight alongside you.”

“Me too, Lord Wolf, I, the Skitarii and the Cadian warriors under my command will try to hold them back here as much as possible and make use of the favorable terrain of the bridge.” Delta said word by word, “We, should Go and see Om Messiah.”

He calmly announced the manner and place of his death, and also announced the surrounding Cardia and Skitarii soldiers who were still fighting back, but they also already knew the place of his death.

Sven nodded and raised his battle ax and swung it back, “Wild wolves! Follow me!”

The Space Wolves warriors stood up and retreated while fighting. They rushed into the door behind them. Vito also looked at Delta before leaving, and the latter nodded slightly in silent farewell.

Vito followed the wolves. He looked back in the long corridor. He watched Delta turn around and walk with his warriors. That was the last silhouette of the Skitarii Marshal.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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