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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 113 The Final Era: Blackstone Fortress (8) Farewell

Sirens rang throughout the entire corridor. The sergeant major stood in the middle of the corridor and roared loudly, calling his men to move forward. The damage control crew members were galloping forward carrying the tools of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

This is not the first time that the sergeant has performed this kind of mission. To be honest, since he boarded Vito’s ship, the sergeant has no idea what fear is. After all, every mission is like going to see the Emperor’s family, but every time It was impossible to see him again, so the sergeant was too lazy to pray.

“Hurry up! You idiots!” the sergeant yelled at the top of his lungs, so that every one of his men could hear him clearly.

The sailors rushed past the soulless servitors, each carrying a toolbox or damage control tool on their shoulders. They had no time to wait for the slow-moving servitors to respond. They had to reach the damage site as soon as possible.

The priest of the Mechanicus kept tapping the keyboard on the data platform in the corridor, and lines of data flashed before his eyes. The servitors held fire spray and sprayed fire spray at the edge of the corridor to extinguish the burning fire. The servo skull also Whistling past the place in front of the corridor where emergency orders needed to be delivered.

“Damn! The whole ship is in chaos! Priest! You’d better tell me where to go now!” the sergeant major with thick arms roared. The mechanical priest looked at the data plane in front of him and continued to tap with his fingers. Countless warning icons were rolling around like a strong wind, and yes, the whole ship was in chaos.

“The sixth deck was shelled and the pressurized pipeline needs to be repaired. Sergeant, you must rush there as soon as possible. According to the data, its nearest route is”

Before the priest finished speaking, there was an explosion in the corridor, and a huge hole was blown out of the bulkhead. The negative pressure airflow in space instantly swept away several servitors in the corridor, and several sailors were also there. Screaming and being sucked into space.

“Close the corridor! Priest! Hurry!” the sergeant major shouted and grabbed the wrist of the sailor who was about to be sucked away. The sergeant major himself also grabbed a pipe to prevent himself from being sucked away. The powerful negative pressure air flow was like a strong wind. Dancing wildly in the corridor.

“Priest!” the sergeant major shouted, and the priest of the Mechanicus pressed the button. Several of his mechanical arms made him stand firmly in place, and the priest quickly completed the program command.

The closed hatch in the corridor quickly lowered, and the heavy iron door slowly fell to the ground with the sound of an alarm. The sailor suddenly fell to the ground and gasped for air. The sergeant major also collapsed in the corridor and gasped. Angry.

The priest’s eyes were still locked on the screen, and his mechanical eye quickly scanned the data on it. “We must end the battle as soon as possible. The ship losses are still too high.”

“Hopefully this isn’t our last voyage,” the chief petty officer gasped.



Violent explosions bombarded Cole’s side. The captain almost fell to the ground. He climbed up with difficulty and looked at the shining fire outside the window. Violent explosions continued to fill his field of vision.

Alarms blasted across the entire bridge, all hull areas turned red, and countless warning signs slid across the holographic display like raindrops.

But Cole didn’t need those things at all to know that the situation was very bad. Explosions and vibrations kept happening on the ship. She was dying. If they didn’t want this voyage to become the last, they had to do something now. Order something.

“Chief gunnery! Concentrate fire to the left! Quick!” Cole shouted. The gunnery chief began to issue orders without looking back, but the chief controller next to the gunnery chief looked at the man in front of him in horror. There were multiple screens, and his face turned pale. The warnings on the screens were enough to scare him, and anyone else.

“Captain! The void shield energy is about to be exhausted!”

Cole looked at the commander with wide eyes. Everyone turned to look at Cole, waiting for the captain’s order. Those eyes seemed to be believers who longed for salvation, seeking words of salvation from their apostles.

But Cole didn’t know what to say. He closed his eyes and cursed in a low voice. He knew that this might really be his last voyage.

But he was wrong, this was not the final mission given to him by the Emperor.

“Captain! We have withdrawn into the ship! Retreat immediately! Quick!” Vito’s voice echoed in the communication channel, and Cole opened his eyes suddenly, just like a servitor who had received an order.

“The gunnery chief concentrated all the firepower and fired to the right! Open the passage!” Cole shouted and then looked at the chief controller, “! Charge the void shield for the last time! Then inject all the energy into the subspace jump engine!”

“Helmsman! Take us to the open area! Prepare to perform the jump ceremony! The whole ship is ready to jump!” Cole’s order was immediately responded to, and everyone immediately began to execute the order. Countless roars and transmissions sounded one after another on the bridge. , the whispers of countless mechanical keyboards and servitors became messy and loud.

The macro cannons on the right fired together, and the dense shells and lance beams hit the Chaos battleship on one side. The battleship immediately disintegrated and exploded in the dense fire.

The Infinite Frontier’s jet engines began to turn urgently, and all the side-thrust jet nozzles on its abdomen began to work. The entire giant ship began to turn sharply and rush towards the edge of the battlefield.

The striking light of the jet array pushed the Infinite Frontier past the broken Chaos warships. They slid past the front of the Blackstone Fortress. The light spears continuously bombarded the Chaos warships in front. The torpedo launcher at the bow of the ship fired one torpedo at a time. All empty.

The dense torpedo net roared and crashed into the Chaos fleet. Explosions occurred after a short period of time. Gorgeous sparks bloomed around the Infinite Frontier. The hull rushed through the flames. With the best performance of this type of battleship, Sprint at full speed.

“Keep increasing the engine power! Don’t worry about the losses!” Cole shouted, tapping his fingers quickly on the screen, and soon the communication channel was clicked, “Firemane Fang! The mission is completed and the retreat begins!”

“Captain!” shouted the Oracle below, interrupting Cole. He turned his head and shouted to the captain, “We must lower the void shield to activate the Geller Stand Shield! But if we lower the shield We will.”

“Exposed to enemy fire” Cole finished what he had not finished. Yes, if the void shield was lifted now, the Infinite Frontier would definitely be torn apart by the Chaos ship’s shells in its current state.

That meant someone had to stay, and what that meant was all too clear.

“Retreat, Captain, we will cover you.” The communication channel of the Firemane Fang said this calmly. The Firemane Fang had already begun to turn. Cole looked at the roaring fire wolf icon. He couldn’t see the other captain’s face, but he could imagine the captain’s expression when he said these words.

It was a calm expression. He had already known his fate before carrying out this action.

The crew turned to look at the captain. Cole looked at the communication icon and was silent for a moment. It was a brief but almost eternal silence.

“Farewell, may the Emperor’s guidance arrive at the Throne.” “See you at the Throne, Captain.”

The huge battleship turned from the side of the Infinite Frontier and rushed towards the Chaos fleet. Cole watched the beacon of the Firemane Fang gradually move away, closed his eyes and said something silently, and then suddenly opened his eyes. A punch to the control panel.

“Execute a subspace jump! Prepare the entire ship!” Cole roared, and the surrounding screens lit up with the operations of the Bird Commander. The passage of the chaotic energy field surging in the subspace in front of the bridge was removed from the The physical universe is torn apart.

“The jump is ready, Captain! You can perform the jump ceremony at any time!” “Execute!”

Firemane Fang rushed into the Chaos Fleet, and the cannons on both sides of it began to roar simultaneously. All weapons began to empty out all ammunition reserves. All weapons were shining and roaring, and the Void Shield also began to flash under the onslaught of the surrounding Chaos Fleet. .

The captain of Firemane Fang sat on his captain’s chair. Below him, Captain Bird looked at his screen. The bald man leaned on his chair and sighed, “Infinite Frontier has entered.” Subspace, they succeeded.”

“Captain, break the void shield.” A voice said, without any fear or panic in his words.

The captain sat on a chair and looked at the gunfire outside, slowly closing his eyes and saying, “Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Thank you for your service over the years.

“It is now my honor to announce that our mission is over.”

“Our mission is accomplished.”

“What?! Space Marines? What the hell Space Marines!” the lieutenant commander of the 8th Cadian Regiment roared. His voice was as loud as thunder, but it had to be so to suppress the sound of the surrounding artillery.

The company commander pressed the landline phone with one hand. He looked at the artillery fire outside the window, “Are you out of your mind?! The Black Templars are in the south! There are no Space Marines in our theater.”

“What? You saw it? The Emperor! Tell me clearly Corporal! What do you fire if you see a traitor Space Marine? A flaming Space Marine helping you?”

“Your Majesty! Are you hallucinating from the shells?” the lieutenant commander roared, but the noise outside the command bunker caught his attention.

The lieutenant put down the phone. He walked out of the bunker and saw those warriors with his soldiers, those Space Marines whose bodies were burning with blazing flames.

They silently walked towards the battlefield with heavy steps, and they walked towards the battlefield with raging anger.

The Emperor’s wrath.


It is generally believed that the appearance of the Cursed Legion usually means that the Emperor himself, out of anger or impassioned emotion, will help humanity send his own army of immortal heroes onto the battlefield.

In the Battle of Cadia, the Cursed Legion provided effective help to the Empire, defeated Chaos, and made an indelible contribution to the Battle of Cadia.

However, the general historians believe that the Firemane Fang’s assault on the Blackstone Fortress was also crucial in the entire Cadia campaign. It also showed undying dedication. Some people even rumored that their heroic sacrifice summoned the Emperor. Their heroic deeds touched the great Lord of mankind. .

But no matter what, they have created magnificent achievements with their mortal bodies, and they are comparable to the gods with their mortal bodies. This is their undisputed glory. The heroes of the empire will always be engraved in our hearts.

Blackstone Fortress, the assault on the Eternal Will, all personnel were killed, and there were no survivors.

——Excerpted from “Great Sacrifice and Glory—The Beginning and End of the Battle of Qadia” by Yasili Sulaymanya.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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