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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 114 The Final Era: Memories of Old Times

Terran Standard Year: 29K.801 Terra/Old Earth


The dazzling sunlight shines on the exposed rocks, but the sun is burning the earth like a devil. Everything in the endless desolate wilderness is so hot, and the gravel is like a soldering iron, emitting hot smoke, even in the canyon. Because of the high temperature, the scorching air currents distorted the vision.

Bare rocks and Gobi stone piles occupy everything. There is no trace of life on the desolate land. The ancient legends about the forests, grasslands and oceans that once existed on Terra have long become songs of the past. There are only In poems and unrealistic fantasies.

There is only death and desolation on this land. The endless desert and Gobi Desert extend towards the end of the earth. The only place with some changes on this land is here, these canyons and passes composed of bare rock mountains.

The lizard climbed onto the rock, looking around with its little eyes, but soon it fled in terror into its shelter on the rocky peak.

A boot stepped on the rock, and the punk gunman wearing a turban and goggles cheered around. He held a crude automatic rifle in his hand. The craftsmanship is enough to make you doubt whether his enemy fell to the ground first. The gun in his hand would explode first.

There are many such people in the canyon. They are all wearing various mixed and matched clothes. The only common feature is probably that everyone has a flaming skull tattoo on their arm.

These guys dressed like wasteland punks were resting in the valley. Motorcycles and trucks were parked between the mountains. This was a convoy, a gang of robbers that can be seen everywhere in the wasteland of Terra. .

These illegals, robbers, rapists and shameless villains from various settlements and towns will gather in the desert. Eventually, a group of such villains will form a gang of predators. They will wander around, plunder and extort those weak settlements. .

The blazing sun shines on their heads, and the high temperature further heats up and intensifies between the mountains. Many people are hiding in the only shadow or sitting on their motorcycles. These villains are talking to each other, discussing the recent events. “achievements”

The leader of the gang sat in the shadow of a canvas awning pulled out by the truck behind him, holding a glass of water in his hand that, although it didn’t taste good, was definitely a luxury in this land.

“Boss, we made a lot of money a while ago! There are more things in that town than we thought!” The driver with a mohawk sat on the side, showing his yellowed teeth, “Since there are A fleet! Now we can earn a few months’ worth of goods at once!”

“Not to mention the people there were sold to slave traders! Although those old hats are not worth much, they still made us a lot of money.”

The mohawk giggled, “I still prefer the town we went to last year. The women there are really great! The price is quite worth it, but it would be great if we could keep a few of them.”

The leader ignored this shabby guy. He drank water and looked at the men around him, especially the large truck parked on the side, which carried the gold bars they earned and all the valuable things. He didn’t want anyone to To steal.

“Boss, when are we going to look for a few more towns? All the women in our hands are dead. Those boys were too careless, although… they didn’t do it on purpose.”

“How dare you say that! Those are goods to be sold to slave merchants! You are all going to die for me!” The old man hit him on the head with a stick, and the mohawk immediately hid aside with his head in his arms, “Boss “Don’t you give me the most beautiful one?” “Did I ask you to talk back?”

The boss pulled out a short-barreled shotgun and put it against the head of the mohawk, “Those women are going to be used to change the water! The price of water has gone up again! Ever since the fight between Achaemenids and Ursh, it has never ended. It’s gone! The price of water keeps changing every day! You guys are just throwing away the goods!”

The boss got up and was about to pull the trigger, but it was not the mohawk that died after a gunshot. The boss suddenly turned his head and looked at a gang rider who fell to the ground.

Then came the second shot, the third shot, and the fourth shot. One person fell to the ground. That person’s marksmanship was unbelievably superb, but now was not the time to marvel.

The boss stood up and waved his pen, “Everyone hide! Hurry!”

Before the boss finished speaking, the fifth and sixth shots were fired. The gang members began to look for bunkers everywhere. These rude predators fled from the pass and hid behind rocks and vehicles.

A bunch of crudely made firearms began to search for enemies in the surroundings. The punk gunman looked around nervously with his automatic rifle, but did not notice the figure that suddenly fell behind him. The shadow slit the punk gunman’s throat with a knife and pulled it from his belt. A shoddy grenade was dropped.

The boss walked out of the awning towards the gun and looked around. The men around him were also looking around, but he saw nothing. There were no visible enemies in the surrounding canyon illuminated by the midday sun.

Suddenly there was an explosion on one side, and the fuel tank of a truck was blown away. The churning flames instantly engulfed the surrounding looters. The remaining people also began to shoot around in panic, shooting at all the chaos around them. gun.

The boss was startled and bent down to avoid a stray bullet, “Cease fire! You fools! Cease fire!”

They did stop because their heads were shot through. Bullets shot through their heads in the chaos. The boss and the mohawk looked around nervously trying to find the gunman, but all they saw was Gang members fell to the ground one by one.

“Damn it! Come out!” the strong boss roared, while Mohawk timidly held the gun behind the boss. He looked around nervously and soon saw something, “Tou! Where is he!”

“Where?!” the boss shouted, but what he responded to was a gunshot. A gunshot and a bullet blew out the mohawk head, and he fell to the ground.

The boss looked around, pointing his gun everywhere but never saw the man.

“Don’t move.” A voice said. The boss was very sure that it was not someone from his gang. He stopped and turned his head blankly to look at the gunman standing not far away, who appeared almost suddenly.

His face was covered with a visor, and only his eyes with sunglasses were exposed. He held a pistol in his hand that was definitely not homemade, and carried a sniper rifle on his back. His studded boots flashed in the sun. Little bits of light, just like diamonds.

He looked at the boss and tilted his head slightly, then turned back, “Nash. Luandao, I don’t know if this is your nickname or what, but someone wants your head.”

The boss’s hand was still touching the shotgun. He stared at the gunman and showed his gold teeth. “I believe we can talk. Gunner, what do you want? Money? I can pay three times the ransom of your employer.”

His hand was adjusting the steering slightly, and the gunman’s pistol shook. “The request didn’t say whether it was a living person or a dead person, so I don’t mind bringing anything back. You’d better think about it clearly.”

The boss cursed in a low voice. He looked at the gunman sizing him up. He must be a mercenary or a bounty hunter. Although there is no difference between the two most of the time, this guy looks very professional.

He couldn’t see the gunman’s face clearly, not at all. The black single-sided sunglasses reflected the luster in the sun.

But suddenly, a gang rider who was not dead behind the gunman picked up a gun and pointed it at the gunman with the most vicious and vulgar curse words.

The gunman pointed his gun at extremely high speed and pulled the trigger. The gang rider’s head with a unique hairstyle was blasted by the gunshot. When the boss saw the gunman’s inactivity, he immediately picked up the shotgun.

He fired, and a dense spray of shotgun shells sprayed towards the gunman, but suddenly all the projectiles stopped in the air, like insects caught in a spider’s web.

The gunman pulled out the revolver from behind. When a shot was fired, the predator boss fell to the ground. The gunman lowered the smoking revolver and walked to the body.

He pulled off half of the turban with his fingers to reveal half of his face. Vito looked at the body on the ground from behind his sunglasses.

“That’s fine, it’s not easy to bring someone with you anyway.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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