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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 115 The Final Era: Wasteland World

The motorcycle galloped across the endless desert, raising a cloud of dust and blowing in the wind. The vicious sun shone on the crimson body of the motorcycle.

Vito was riding a motorcycle wearing sunglasses, and the sunlight reflected on the mirror of the single-sided sunglasses. That thing is definitely a valuable antique now. After the Great Trial War, it has become almost impossible for the entire earth to produce such a mirror. Well, at least not here.

The motorcycle galloped through the Gobi Desert, and the ancient road slid backwards under the tires. The suitcase behind Vito was covered with a blood-stained cloth bag, and a round object in it kept shaking back and forth.

The scarf around his neck pulled and swayed with the wind. The revolver and automatic pistol were hung on both sides of his belt. The sniper rifle was folded and hung on the side of the motorcycle. Vito straddled the motorcycle and his body swayed up and down.

The scalding hot wind blew on his face, but what was surprising was that Vito’s skin was still so white, and there seemed to be no sign of darkening due to the vicious sun, just like a porcelain doll.

He rode his motorcycle to a small town in the desert, where many travelers were trading, exchanging information and replenishing supplies. In today’s world, if you want to travel through the deserts of Central Asia, supplies and assistance are indispensable. .

Vito parked his motorcycle under an eaves. He took off the canvas bag hanging on the car and walked towards the bunker not far away. It was a desert residential building half buried underground. This structure can make it have With good ability to resist wind and sand, it will not collapse even if it is hit by a sandstorm.

He carried two guns and a long sniper rifle on his back and walked through the streets. The place was full of shouting vendors and bargaining travelers. Vito keenly observed a cage as he walked through the streets.

There are many people in the cage, and they all look different, including men, women, and even children, but without exception, they all have shackles around their necks and are branded with symbols representing their slave status.

Vito stopped and looked at the slave mall with his gun on his back. On a small street corner, slave traders were shouting. They were bargaining with their customers and discussing the appropriate price.

An adult man has four alloy bars, a woman has three alloy bars, and a child has one alloy bar with six pre-war bullets.

Vito looked at the slaves. They were in terrible condition. One of the women had almost died of dehydration. He was silent for a moment and then walked up.

The slave saw the kind mercenary hand a small jug of water to him. The woman immediately took the jug and drank heavily. Her condition improved a lot and she seemed to be more energetic.

She thanked her profusely in a language that Vito didn’t understand, and her slave master looked over angrily, wanting to know who was touching his goods without paying him.

But he quickly shut up. He saw Vito looking directly into his eyes, and even noticed the two pistols in conspicuous positions on his waist.

“What do you want, Mr. Mercenary?” the slave owner said flatteringly, “I highly recommend my reserve of female slaves! There are many of them you will like. You see, she can help you carry things during the day, and she can also relax you at night. Relax.”

The slave owner’s flattering smile made Vito unhappy. He watched the slave owner put his finger on the gun subconsciously, which shocked the slave owner, but Vito had no intention of killing anyone today.

“Watch your goods, otherwise you won’t be able to sell anything.” Vito said and turned and left, and the slave owner then began to bargain with the next customer.

Vito crossed the street and came to the half-buried building at the end of the street. It was much busier than expected.

This is a bar that provides convenience and a resting place for travelers from all over the world. People of all shapes and colors come here to communicate and drink.

Vito walked into the bar with a gun on his back. The mercenary’s entry caused a moment of commotion. Travelers and drinkers all looked at the mercenary, but soon returned to normal conversation and noise.

“It looks like you succeeded.” The man wearing a red scarf sitting in the corner of the bar said, his legs hitting the table. The face that obviously came from the east made him stand out here.

“Yes, this is the goal.” Vito said and threw the canvas bag on the table. The man opened the mouth of the bag with his fingers and looked inside, then nodded with satisfaction.

“It is indeed him. Congratulations on completing the reward. This is your reward.” The man said and placed a few alloy bars on the table. Vito looked at the silver pre-war metal bars and frowned, ” You promised it was five, Yang Song, but I only saw four.”

“The prices have changed, my friend, and this guy’s head is not worth that much when you go out.” Jansson said with a smile, but Vito was not so happy.

His fingers were pressed on the butt of the gun, his eyes full of murderous intent. Yang Song also smiled and put his fingers on the revolver on the table, with a red knot unique to his hometown tied on it.

“Relax, my old man, don’t use swords or guns. As compensation, I will give you a bigger reward.” Yang Song said with a smile, but that smile did not make Vito feel happy at all.

Yang Song snapped his fingers to summon the bartender, and the female bartender in cool clothes poured them a glass of local specialty wine, a drink called Qing Long Tongue, which is said to be brewing elements extracted from the local cactus.

Vito had drunk this kind of wine and had to say that it tasted pretty good, so he released his gun and sat at the table to drink, but his hostile eyes were still staring at the Oriental in front of him.

“You are very incompetent as a bounty merchant.” Vito scolded.

But Yang Song laughed without any guilt. He raised his glass and toasted to Vito, “It’s not me who has the final say, right? You know, the war between the Achaemenid Empire and Ursh made everyone It’s not going well.”

“While you were away working, the value of this gentleman’s head decreased. The person who issued the reward was busy doing other things and had no money to pay for the five alloy bars.”

Vito snorted softly. He shook the wine glass in his hand and looked at the Eastern people in front of him. “They all say that you and your people are very cunning. They are called Eastern Jews, Yang Song.”

“I think smart is a better word, but you see, our principle is mutual benefit and win-win, so I won’t let you lose money, at least not this time.”

Yang Song leaned against the wall and took a sip of cool wine. “There is a commission. The North African Secret Society wants a person’s head. The price is very good.”

“How much?” “One hundred gold bars”

Vito was silent for a moment. He weighed his drink and looked at Yang Song, “Who is so valuable? Let those cultists want his life?”

“I’m afraid I can’t answer your question. Who knows why those African magicians want him dead.” Yang Song said, patting the cloth bag on the table, “But it is enough to make up for your loss.”

“Often high bounties mean dangerous missions.” Vito said as he accepted the four alloy bars. “You made me jump into another fire pit, Yang Song.”

“But it’s worth the risk. This is the most valuable deal right now. I don’t expect you to be grateful to me if I leave it to you.”

“The Conclave asked me to contact the best mercenary, so I guess that’s you, my friend, if I remember correctly you haven’t messed up a single mission so far.”

Many people have heard of Vito. Legend has it that he can kill a target with an accurate headshot from two or three kilometers away. He can also poison his prey like a ghost, pretending to be anyone around the target and approaching him, and finally wipe out the victim. It was rumored that he killed everyone in the noble castle in one night, killing no one.

Some people call him “evil ghost”, “ghost” or “messenger of death”, but Yang Song still prefers another title, “Master Assassin”.

Yang Song said with a smile, then shrugged, “Of course, I also received a lot of referral fees, so it’s a win-win situation.”

Vito smiled nonchalantly, then stood up with the gun on his back, “Okay, do you have any information about the target?”

“He is in Astrau. I heard that he has a group of strong men under him. You’d better not encounter them head-on.” Yang Song crossed his legs and said leisurely, “The secret meeting asked him to die, not to survive, and to bring back any Anything that can prove his identity will do.”

“They really picked it clean.” “That’s right.”

Vito looked at the oriental man in front of him, and he suspected that he was playing some tricks. Vito was not a local illiterate tribesman, nor was he a mindless idiot traveler. He knew that this guy was planning something.

But that meant nothing to Vito right now, at least until the bounty was completed and he could handle the rest, if need be.

“Prepare my bounty, Yang Song. If I come back with only ninety metal bars, or ninety-nine, I will smash your head.” “I know, good luck to you.”

Vito picked up the glass and drank it all, then walked out of the bar with a gun on his back.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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