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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 117 The Final Era: His Invitation

The tall giant looked at Vito in front of him. His face was calm, solemn and not angry.

“Hello, Vito, I’m glad you can still recognize me.” He said, and Vito smiled innocently, “It’s hard not to recognize you, you bastard. How long ago was the last time we met in person? ?”

“If I remember correctly, my friend, it should have been in London in 1871. At that time, I invited you and me to help our mutual friend Mr. Marx escape from the accusations and imprisonment of the local villains.”

Vito smiled, and there was no trace of friendliness in that smile. He raised his crossbow and pointed it at the old bastard’s head, “Do you remember what I said last time?”

“You’re going to kill me.” “Correct.”

Vito’s finger was on the trigger of the crossbow, and the golden-armored warrior beside him holding a bomb halberd also looked at him, his expression calm but with a silent warning.

Vito glanced at the thick bolt muzzle, then looked at his armor and smiled mockingly, “Ancient Roman style? You old bastard’s aesthetics are still so bad.”

“I think it’s quite good-looking.” He said, looking at the man in front of him with his solemn eyes. Vito was sure that ordinary people would be shocked by him at this moment. This old bastard has some unique personality charm. Yes, it can persuade and suppress ordinary people most of the time.

But unfortunately, Vito is no ordinary person.

“Can your poison arrows kill me?” “Are you trying to intimidate me?” “No, just out of curiosity. I think I can use it if possible.”

Vito cut softly, then lowered the crossbow, “No, unfortunately not.”

“It’s a pity, but I believe you can improve, right?” He said, raising his hand slightly to signal the golden-armored warrior aside to put down his weapon. The burly warrior stood aside holding a halberd. He had the same majestic eyes as this bastard. Looking at himself, but Vito didn’t care at all.

“Bored of your long life?” “A little bit, but you know that’s not what I meant. Seriously, can you improve on this venom?”

Vito stared at him in thought for a moment, and then said, “Yes, yes. Maybe I can figure out how to kill you in time, but not now. Why do you ask this question? Beware of me?”

“No, it just might be useful in the future. Maybe your poisonous arrows will kill other beings similar to me in the future, some demigods.”

Vito frowned and stared at the tall giant in front of him. He looked around the well-equipped laboratory, “What are you planning to do here?”

He pondered for a moment, then turned around and poured something on the test table. He poured one bottle of reagent into another bottle, “I know that the Secret Society hired you to kill me. You have a very good reputation over the years, my friend. “

“Don’t be complacent, old bastard. If I knew the target was you, I would have succeeded.” Vito said displeasedly, his words full of threats. The golden-armored warrior looked at Vito and subconsciously held the halberd. The old bastard put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head slightly.

“I believe you will. You have become very famous over the years, Master Assassin Vito. I hope that your talent in this area can be put to use in the future for our cause.”

“Our cause?” Vito said coldly, and he turned around with a smile and patted the shoulder armor of the golden armored warrior beside him.

“This is Constantine Waldo, the commander of my Golden Armored Guards and the deputy commander of the entire legion.” “Legion Commander? Then who is”

Vito said nothing, so the old bastard looked aside and nodded with a smile, “I came at the right time. This is Bram Al-Khadur.”

Vito raised his eyebrows, obviously a little curious about this strange name.

But the man solved the problem. He walked past Vito with a smile, “It’s troublesome, isn’t it? Don’t worry, just call me Macado.”

“Macadovaldo, hum, you have found two more unlucky guys, haven’t you?” Vito said mockingly, while Macado walked to the experimental table with a smile and took out a recording sheet. Got up and took a look.

“I don’t think so, what about you? Marshal Waldo, what do you think?” “No.”

The golden-armored warrior said sternly. He stood on the side like a golden mountain. He was already very tall, but he was still not as tall as that old bastard.

“Why did you make yourself so big? To scare people?” Vito asked, and he nodded slightly with a smile. “Part of the reason is that I find that humans are naturally afraid of beings three times larger than themselves.”

“I’m not afraid of you.” “I know, you, me, and Malcador. From a strict point of view, immortals are different from ordinary humans, and Waldo is a genetically modified warrior, so it doesn’t really count.”

Vito looked at Malcador, who nodded politely and smiled, while Vito sneered, “You are an immortal, then you should know what this old bastard did.”

“Yes, I know, but I still choose to cooperate with him towards the future. Vito, you should try to do the same.” Waldo put down the record sheet in his hand, walked over to the old bastard and handed him the notebook. .

“The results were pretty smooth, but Dr. Astarte still suggested that we obtain the experimental equipment on the moon as soon as possible. He will build the facilities in the Himalayas as soon as possible.”

“Indeed, this is very satisfying.” He looked at the notepad, which was too small for him, and his eyes read the text line by line. “The preliminary results of the original body project have been completed. Please inform us as soon as possible. Yida, the plan is ready to begin.”

“So there’s nothing left for me?” Vito, who was left alone, expressed his dissatisfaction, and the owner here nodded slightly apologetically, “No, of course, my friend.”

“Have you seen the army outside?” he asked, reaching out to indicate what was outside the laboratory door. Vito gave his answer with a slight shrug.

“What do you think?” “We may be able to deal with Ushken and the remaining warlords, but I don’t have the foundation for a war of attrition. This kind of elite unit can easily be defeated by a war of attrition and cannot replenish its troops.”

“Either reduce the quality or lose the battle.” Vito said lightly, but his conclusion satisfied the old man. He looked to Waldo for advice, and the latter nodded in approval.

“I’m glad that your military qualities are still so reliable. My friend, you are still the same as you were in the Golden Age, Field Marshal Vito Constantine, the hero of the Golden Age Federation.”

“There is no need to mention the old things anymore.” Vito said, but many things still flashed through his eyes, and memories came to his mind, but they were quickly suppressed by Vito.

It’s all in the past, he thought to himself.

“What if this isn’t bringing up old things again?” he said.

Vito raised his head and looked at him with suspicion. The tall giant returned the notepad to Macado. He took a step forward and raised his arms slightly, “You just asked again, who is the generalissimo? I think this person is It’s you.”

“You want me to command your armies? For what? To fight for you?” “Fight for humanity, Vito.”

He stopped a few steps away and said he had to stop there because both he and himself knew that if he got too close he would shoot, and absolutely would.

“For the time being, Waldo will lead the Imperial Army to cooperate with you. He will work with you as deputy marshal to defend against the enemy, and you will become the grand marshal of the human empire.”

“The Empire of Man?”

Vito asked. He looked at the old bastard and then looked at Malcador and Waldo. The golden-armored marshal adjusted his armor with a halberd, and the end of the halberd made a crisp sound when it hit the ground.

And his rich voice sounded again along with the knocking sound, which almost immediately drew Vito’s attention back.

“Our people have fallen in strife for too long. In just a few centuries, civilization has fallen to what it is today.”

“Technology and knowledge have long since disappeared. The alien aliens you once fought against are plundering and occupying our land and killing our people. However, they cannot protect themselves in today’s troubled times, let alone muster the strength to fight against the threats to our family. fear.”

He said in that rich, magnetic voice.

“Slavery, witchcraft, superstition and religion will be eradicated from our people, reason and knowledge will return to the world, and under one flag, mankind will rise and be great again.”

Faced with his impassioned speech, Vito laughed without hesitation. His voice became louder and louder and eventually turned into laughter. This made Waldo take a step forward dissatisfied, but the old bastard raised his hand. Signaled to stop.

He looked at the big and small Vito in front of him. The latter looked at him calmly after laughing, “What the hell have you been doing for centuries? Now that everything is over, you jump out and tell me that you are going to turn the tide?”

“Yes, I was depressed for a while, and Malcador convinced me to save our people.” He said and looked at Malcador, who smiled and nodded in response to the gratitude.

“And I’m trying to convince you now, Vito, that you also know that the outside world must be stopped.”

“You are an outstanding commander and marshal. I dare say that there will be no better one in human civilization, so I plan to hand over my legion to you, not just the ones outside, but all of them. “

He said, clenching his fists with certainty, “Soon a powerful and unstoppable army will emerge from the sky. They will wipe out all the corrupt existences on the earth today and bring the light of truth back to the world.”

“And you, my friend, I want you to be my marshal and command them to accomplish this feat.”

Waldo and Malcador looked at Vito together. He looked at the giant in front of him in silence for a moment, then cursed and raised his middle finger.

The giant looked at the middle finger and smiled jokingly, but Vito didn’t smile at all.

“I won’t fight for you.” “You are fighting for humanity.” “Fart, I know what you are thinking, old bastard, you want to lead all this yourself and be the “emperor” of this empire.”

“Go find someone else, idiot.” Vito said and turned around and walked away angrily. He watched his old friend leave. He raised his hand to signal several golden giants like Waldo who suddenly appeared outside the door to stop. .

“You will understand, my friend, and I know you will eventually understand it for yourself.”

Vito glanced at him, and then walked under the ventilation grid where he broke in. The old man looked at Vito and laughed jokingly, “Why don’t you go through the main door?”

“None of your business.”

Vito jumped into the ventilation pipe lightly. The old man looked at the pipe above his head and smiled. Waldo came to him holding a halberd.

But it was he who spoke first.

He smiled and shook his head slightly, “No, Waldo, I haven’t failed yet. Like I said, he will figure it out on his own and come back.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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