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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 121 The Final Era: Preparation for Retirement

A warm fire was burning in the tent. The fire was placed in the center of the tent. Comfortable carpets made of local nomadic animal furs were spread around. The burning flames and heat rose up and filled the tent. , bringing warmth in this cold desert night.

Vito sat by the fire and looked at the flames. The blazing flames danced in front of his eyes. The flames reminded Vito of many memories.

He had spent many nights sitting in the tent like this, chatting around the campfire and feeling the warmth of the night.

Chief Suleiman sat down with Sara’s support. He sat next to Vito and stirred the campfire with a poker, making the flames burn brighter.

The chief took down the tea stove from the iron stand above the flame. He poured a cup of goat’s milk-like milk tea produced by the local nomadic gentle animal, Kaban. He held the hot milk tea in a small teacup. The medium was handed to Vito.

The latter politely took the tea cup and took a sip. He nodded and thanked the chief. Warmth instantly filled his body. I have to say that the tea tasted really good.

The chief spoke in an unknown language, and Sarah naturally translated her father’s words into Ushken.

“They said you are a wizard who can cast spells, and you also used witchcraft to kill Casas.” The old chief said with his famous gestures, and Vito smiled and thought for a moment.

He nodded slightly and then held the tea cup with both hands, “You can say that, probably.”

“Why did you come here, to our land.” Sarah looked at her father and translated. The almost simultaneous words sounded a bit confusing, but in fact they were easy to distinguish. Sarah’s voice was more beautiful and sounded It’s like a voice in a fairy tale.

Vito looked at the campfire and sighed, “I was going to kill an old friend, but in the end I didn’t do it, so I forgot about it and left.”

“Old friend?” the chief asked, and Vito smiled bitterly and nodded slightly, “Yes, old friend, one of my bastard friends, but also the only one who is still alive from that time to now.”

The chief looked into Vito’s eyes and thought about something. He gestured again and said again, “You are very old. You have experienced many things, and you are much older than you look.”

Vito looked at the chief in surprise, he was really surprised, “How did you see that? No one has ever found this.”

“Your eyes, Vito Constantine, your eyes tell me all this.” The chief said swinging his elbows, his old voice as deep and steady as a crackling campfire, “Human eyes can tell many stories, you Especially the eyes.”

Sara looked at Vito in surprise. Apparently she didn’t realize that she was actually very old, very, very old. How old was she? Probably twenty thousand years old.

Vito smiled and nodded in affirmation without hiding anything. The old chief also nodded in approval. He appreciated Vito’s honesty very much.

“This is our first real conversation, Vito, you saved my son and the sons of others, you did us a favor and my people will never forget that.”

“You are a kind person, a good person. Your eyes tell me this. You are different from those outsiders.” The chief said. Vito took a sip of tea and looked at the chief with a smile. “It’s rare, chief, in this world.” Not everyone can understand all this rationally.”

“Indeed, my people hate you. They don’t know you, and they don’t understand you, but they will understand after today.” He said, his fingers dancing with the stars, “They will tell you in the tent By your deeds, they will learn that you are different from those bandits.”

“Thank you.” Vito smiled gratefully. It is indeed very rare to meet such a group of simple people in this world.

He has been wandering in this wasteland for many years. For many, many years, since Terra became like this, he has traveled to all continents and all lands, but they are the only people he has seen that he truly likes. .

“Tell me, Vito, do you have a family?” said the chief, as his daughter sat beside him, translating the ancient tribal language into another, more practical language.

Vito was silent for a while again, and the chief stopped Sara from asking him. He waited quietly, watching the story through his eyes.

Vito didn’t need to speak, the patriarch already knew the truth.

He nodded slightly, “You are a wanderer, Vito. Your home and family disappeared many, many years ago.”

Indeed, he is right in every sense. He has no concept of home. For thousands of years, he has basically traveled everywhere, from the west to the east, from snowfields to deserts, from the snowy peaks of the Alps to Mount Everest. From the savannah of East Africa to the roaring Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Vito has always had no fixed abode.

He lived in many places for many years, even a long time. He lived in the eastern land from the prosperous age of the early Tang Dynasty to the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion and then to the collapse of the Tang Empire.

He also witnessed the rise of the New World. He lived from the thirteen continents of North America until the Pan-American Railway penetrated the continent, but he never had a real home.

In fact, the island of Crete, where he was born, would have been hit by nuclear bombing long ago. Although his small city-state disappeared long before the rise of the Roman Republic, the small place was destroyed in the Greco-Persian War, leaving no rubble at all. remain.

“But you want to be one of our people, you want to be a hunter, and live among us with a shotgun, in this difficult desert, why?” the chief said. After Sara finished translating, she also looked at Vito, who He also looked at her charming smile, and her face was slightly red under the flames.

Vito took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, “I like the life here, a peaceful life, nomadic, hunting and traveling.”

“I have lived in the outside land for a long time. Warlords fought, technological barbarians fought, and looters from all walks of life fought. Cities rose and fell, settlements were destroyed by war, and no trace of civilization remained. ”

“Believe me, Chief, I’ve seen a lot of things that you can’t believe. I’ve seen how terrible things humans can do under extreme circumstances. I’ve also seen an entire settlement destroyed by the slaughter of terrifying monsters. The world outside is far more terrifying than this desert.”

Vito said, looking at the campfire, “I’ve had enough of the intrigues, and I’ve had enough of being a mercenary licking blood from my knife. They call me the Master Assassin, Vindicare, Callidus, Chuli.” Sass, Iverson, Wenham, Novans, etc., I tried to change the world, but…it only got worse every time.”

“I’ve been living in chaos for too long, and the Chief, my old friend, thinks it’s time to put an end to all this chaos, but I don’t want to worry about it anymore, he’ll take care of it, I know he can, and I just I want to find a stable and peaceful empire to live out my life.”

Vito looked at the chief without any disguise, “This is my answer, this is why I want to stay here.”

He didn’t want to worry about these things anymore, he was too tired. Vito had tried to save human civilization. He had fought the aliens since the Golden Age, fought the Eldar, fought the Greenskins, fought the rebel intelligences in the Iron Man Rebellion, But he failed to prevent the coming of the Dark Ages.

Human civilization among the stars has long since fallen, and on Earth, everything he has tried to see now is like this. He once tried to help some people rebuild order, but they either became brutal tyrants or were destroyed by the darkness. His world was completely crazy, and he eventually became like that.

Vito would assassinate them, but all that would result would be another chaos, another chaos.

So, he was tired and couldn’t move.

The chief looked at Vito in silence, and Sara looked at her father with her peripheral vision. She also wanted Vito to stay for personal reasons.

The chief picked up the tea stove and poured a cup of tea for Vito. The chief hung the tea stove on the campfire and stood up. “They will set off at dawn tomorrow. You should rest early.”

Vito smiled and nodded slightly gratefully. After drinking the warm tea, he stood up and nodded his thanks to the chief, “I will.”

After nodding his thanks to the shy Sara, Vito turned around and got out of the tent. He stood under the stars and looked at the brilliant Milky Way above his head, where countless stars were.

He also looked at the stars. The tall giant stood on the balcony and looked up at the stars, his eyes reflecting the light of thousands of stars.

His ambition will also shine to the other side of the sea of ​​​​stars, and he knows that his will too.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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