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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 122 The Final Era: Hunting Team

They set out at dawn, when the first ray of morning light appeared on the desert and the golden ocean turned into a golden ocean under the rising sun.

The hunting team walked on the sandbar with guns on their backs, and each footprint stretched back to the end of the earth with the sunshine. The hunters were walking on the desert wrapped in turbans, and the new hunters were among them. Vito was carrying his sniper rifle. Follow the front of the line.

He walked behind the chief’s eldest son. Apparently his father had specially assigned him to be in charge of today’s hunt, perhaps to be his own guide? Or maybe it was simply to prevent themselves from messing up or something, although they were completely overthinking this aspect. When they started hunting, their ancestors were not even born for eighteen generations.

Vito has hunted in almost all regions, terrains and lands, from the savannahs of Africa, the rain forests of the Amazon, the great plains of North America to the ice fields of Siberia, basically everywhere you can think of Vito has hunted hunting.

He still remembered that time in Siberia, when he went hunting with that old bastard. He vaguely remembered that their goal was to cross the frozen soil of Siberia eastward and go to the Far East to solve the demonic disaster summoned by the local cult idiots.

He hunted with the old bastard, but after a whole day of hunting, he didn’t even catch a rabbit. In the end, he had to rely on a deer that Vito shot to eat that day. To be honest, he has always been very skilled in this area. Not so good, he is better at philosophical thinking and planning for the future.

Although he is better than him in martial arts and Vito has never been able to beat him, he always has a way to disgust him and win by surprise, using his skills to get the better of him.

They walked on the sandbank for a long time, from when the sun first rose to gradually moving towards the middle, time passed quickly like wind and sand, but until now they didn’t even see a single moving thing.

Vito followed the son of the patriarch with a gun on his back. His eyes looked around calmly. He was an experienced hunter and so were his subordinates. They didn’t have any anxiety or uneasiness, but continued to search the surrounding land calmly.

The hunting team crossed the endless desert and walked through sand dunes and valleys on foot. The desolate wasteland set off the surroundings and enveloped the land and the entire planet with the breath of death.

Today’s Terra has long lost any vitality at all. Almost the entire planet has turned into this earthy yellow color. The only color changes are ice sheets and magma plains. It is not at all descriptive to use the word “dead world” to describe this place. Too much.

Nowadays, the people who can survive here are all strong. These tenacious and fierce tribesmen live on this land. Year after year, generation after generation, the traces of civilization have long faded, leaving only fierceness and fierceness. Tenacity.

Vito looked at them and began to think for some reason. If the old bastard’s army certified them, supplemented by training and strengthening, what a powerful military force they would create, which might be enough to unify and divide human civilization.

But as he thought about it, Vito cursed in a low voice, how could he think about that old bastard? Damn it, he can go wherever he wants!

Vito’s low curse only lasted for a moment. He saw the son of the patriarch raising his hand to signal everyone to stop. He picked up the shotgun and quickly climbed up the ridge on one side. The hunters under his command also followed suit one by one. Done.

The son of the patriarch grabbed the gun and climbed up the mountainside. He turned his head and yelled something impatiently at Vito. Vito couldn’t understand, but judging from the tone, it was not a good word.

Vito smiled and grabbed the sniper rifle and climbed up the ridge. He was very fast and skilled, even faster than the local hunters. He was the first person to come to the son of the patriarch.

The son of the patriarch looked at him and then looked down the ridge. Vito also looked down the line of sight. They were a group of desert yaks. Well, although they looked very different from cattle, that’s what people called them. Yes, it was not me who gave this name.

Hunting groups with burly bodies and high humps gathered under the ridges. They chewed mosses and cactus plants in the shadows. Their hard and thick teeth allowed them to grind rocks or any objects and use their powerful digestive power to crush them. It turns into nutrients and is stored in the hump.

These animals can rely on this ability to survive in the desert for a long time, migrating from one sandbar to another. They are strong survivors, just like the indigenous people of this land.

The hunters all climbed up, and they took aim at the yaks with their shotguns. The son of the patriarch also put the butt of his gun on his shoulder and locked his eyes on the crosshair.

Vito did the same thing after killing them. He locked the sight of his scope on the back of a yak’s head. From here, the bullet could penetrate the junction between the skull and the spine, and easily enter the brain without having to fight with it. Skull butt.

The yaks did not notice the threat above their heads at all. They continued to chew their food, and the hunters gradually pressed the trigger. Vito took a deep breath and prepared to pull the trigger.

But suddenly the yaks raised their heads, and so did the hunters, and Vito raised his head with them to look at a cloud of dust rising in the desert, from which something big was galloping.

A train, a turbojet train running on the desert. A rocket turbine nozzle was installed on the back of the armored train. Plasma fire was violently sprayed out from it. The train flew across the desert with the help of its powerful propulsion. go ahead.

The herds began to flee in all directions, and they fled towards the distance of the sandbar. The hunters subconsciously hid behind the ridge, and Vito was also with them for some reason.

The train passed through the side of the valley at high speed. Vito looked behind the ridge towards the end of the train that was driving away. There was a sign painted on the end of the armored train, a sign with an edge and a triangle.

As the leader’s son walked away, he stood up first. He immediately raised his shotgun and aimed at the yaks. The leader’s son began to curse. He cursed the train and the outsiders in it.

Now their distance is too far, and it has reached the limit of the hunter’s shooting range. No one can be sure to hit the prey.

except him.

Vito set up his gun in front of the patriarch’s son and the hunters. He squatted half-crouched behind the ridge and set up the sniper rifle among the rocks. His eyes looked at the running prey from behind the sniper scope.

The hooves of the yak herd kicked up a cloud of dust on the sand. The tall beast rushed through the sandstorm, and its earthy-yellow fur was almost integrated with the sand and dust, completely indistinguishable.

The patriarch’s son said something teasingly, as if telling Vito to give up. They couldn’t hit the outsider, let alone anything else, but Vito laughed.

“You know what the title they gave me is?” Vito said with a smile, his eyes locked the scope on a shadow.

“Vindicare “Assassin”.”

Vito pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot out from the barrel of the gun at extremely high speed. The silver bullet penetrated the dust and smoke and entered it, and a scream rang out in the smoke.

After all the yaks had gone away, the dust they raised gradually dispersed, and a fallen yak was exposed in front of them. The hunters were surprised to see the motionless yak, which had been killed by a single shot.

The son of the patriarch also looked at the yak in shock. Vito stood up with his gun and patted his shoulder, “Let’s go, let’s take it back and let Sara and the others handle it.”

The patriarch’s son was furious when he heard his sister’s name. Just as he was about to say something, Vito had already climbed down the ridge, and even started teasing her.

“Are you coming?” His voice came from below.

The hunters then began to crawl downwards. The patriarch’s son looked at the prey and cursed in a low voice before climbing down the ridge.

Vito clung to the cliff of the ridge and looked into the distance. He looked at the dust raised by the train in the distance, and then looked northwest, in the direction of Astrau.

He was silent for a moment and then continued to descend.

“I won’t fight for you, old coot.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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