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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 17 Imperial Frontier: Lower Nest Order

Marshall stood under the porch with a laser gun on his back. He watched each of the Pietist brothers walk into the hall with difficulty and pain with support.

In that ancient church lit by countless candles and lamps, too many seriously injured brothers had already entered, praying to the gods in pain and groaning.

The gleaming golden icon of the emperor sat cross-legged at the front of the church. Many believers and wounded were also helped nearby and received treatment with the help of medical staff.

And at the same time, he was spiritually healed under the holy light of the emperor’s icon.

Marshall didn’t know whether it worked or not, but the brothers did seem to have no longer painful expressions, as if the pain had left their bodies.

“It looks like you don’t need treatment, Brother Marshall.” Vito said and walked to the door with a laser gun on his back.

“No, I didn’t, and what’s even more surprising to me is that you didn’t either, Brother Vito.” Marshall said, looking at the laser gun on Vito’s back, “Your marksmanship is very good. You were once a member of the Planetary Defense Force or Planet A member of the Border Army?”

“No, I served in the Marine Commandos before, Ultramar Fleet.” Vito said, looking at Marshall.

“What about you? Your marksmanship is also very good.”

“Local law enforcement, but that was before.”

Marshall turned his head and looked into the old church. Vito looked at him jokingly with a raised eyebrow, then shrugged, “It’s a stupid idea to attack the factory directly.”

“I agree, brother, we paid a heavy price and did not take the factory.”

“But we will make heretics pay the price, sooner or later.” “Of course, but I think we may need to consider current issues, such as this.”

Vito pointed into the church. The roar came from a corner of the church and echoed throughout the hall.

“This is all your fault! Henry Moore! Your fault! If your brother Morvin hadn’t captured the flank, we would have captured the factory long ago!”

A bald man with some kind of strange hose on his head roared, and the person he roared was the boss Vito rescued from the factory.

Boss Henry frowned and stared at the roaring man in front of him, “Watch your words! Mosley, he is also your brother! Your church member and family brother!”

Everyone’s attention was attracted. Mosley walked around and waved his fingers, “I’ve been quiet every day since I came back from the space station! God above! You can’t even take down a factory?!”

“A factory? That is one of the main strongholds of the Hammer Gang. Do you know Mosley very well, or have you stayed on the space station for too long and forgotten about our home world?”

Mosley stopped and glared at Henry, but the latter looked directly into his eyes without fear, and the two became tense.

Vito and Marshall walked over. Mosley looked at the two and then took a step back with a growl, “Luft is dead. Now the Low Nest Order needs to choose a new leader, between you and me.”

Mosley walked to the center of the church and looked around at the believers, “Brothers of family and faith! Today, here! In the holy monastery! We will definitely choose a new leader, the leader who will lead us to the final salvation!” “

Mosley shouted, “I, Mosley Fox! I heard the words of the gods in the space station among the stars! He promised me that the final salvation is coming! The great gods are coming!”

The believers cheered, bursts of wild cheers.

Vito looked at the madmen around him, and then looked at Marshall. Like himself, he didn’t yell.

A joking smile appeared on Vito’s lips, and then he looked at Henry, who also walked into the center of the field.

“You mean, you are the spokesperson chosen by the gods, so you should be the leader?”

“I am the person chosen by the gods. I have heard their voices and seen their figures. I am their messenger!”

Henry looked at Mosley and wanted to say something but hesitated. Mosley was a member of the family and one of the core figures of the Lower Nest Order. He could not openly argue with him in such a public place.

“Messenger of God? Brother Mosley, you say that?” Vito walked up, took off the laser gun and handed it to Marshall, and walked into the center of the monastery under the attention of everyone.

Mosley looked at the strange young man in front of him and hesitated, “Who are you? What qualifications do you have to speak here!”

“No, let him speak.” Henry said, holding Vito’s shoulders and looking around at the believers.

“Brothers, this is Brother Vito Constantine. He helped us successfully evacuate the factory and dealt a heavy blow to the heretics!”

There was a burst of cheers and applause around him. Vito looked at Henry, who must have nodded. Vito walked to the center.

“Brothers, Brother Mosley said that he is the spokesperson of the gods. He heard the whispers of the gods at the edge of the galaxy. Brothers, have any of you not heard his words?”

“You are praying, haven’t you heard it in your faith?” Vito asked, and the people around him nodded.

“We should rejoice in the impending redemption, but in Victoria there is only one chosen spokesman of the gods, and that is the Archbishop.”

The crowd started talking, and Mosley’s expression began to turn ugly, “You mean, I tried to betray the Order and establish another one?!”

“Did I? Brother Mosley, why do you say that?”

Mosley roared and rushed forward, grabbing Vito by the collar. He was very strong, much stronger than he looked. Vito shook his eyebrows slightly and looked at the angry guy in front of him jokingly.

“I am a member of the family! How dare you insult my loyalty!” Mosley roared, and Henry strode forward to pull Mosley away.

Vito landed firmly on the ground, and Henry held his shoulders. “What Brother Vito said is definitely not slander. We must beware of the greed and betrayal in our hearts.”

Mosley growled and looked at Vito, who also looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was thinking about something, but quickly turned his head and looked around at everyone.

“Therefore, brothers, I think that the Lower Nest Order now needs a leader, a leader who is truly good at struggle and unity, and a leader who is familiar with and understands this place.” Vito said.

“Brother Mosley’s faith is impeccable, but Brother Mosley has been away for too long. I think Brother Henry, who has fought side by side with us and understands the nest, should be elected to take on this important responsibility!”

Vito said, spreading his arms, “Who thinks like me?”

The believers looked at each other, and after a round of whispering, many people raised their hands, and everyone raised their hands.

“This is my honor, brothers, and now.” Henry turned to Vito, “Brother Vito, the last member of the Morven Order, the greatest contributor to the Battle of the Factory.”

“I hope to accept you into the General Assembly of the Lower Nest Religion. I hope you will work with me to defend, build, and spread our faith.”

Vito smiled and hugged Henry. The crowd around him burst into cheers, and Mosley looked at Vito angrily.

Mosley muttered, and Vito showed a smile on his lips, the smile of a hunter who sees his prey walking into a trap.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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