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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 3 Imperial Frontier: Black Watch

The steel alloy hatch stood quietly in front of him. Vito stood outside the door, looking around the wide training field. There was no one here, although the Mars-class battlecruiser did not have a lot of personnel, and it was not the same as the large one. Like most products of the Adeptus Mechanicus, most of the cabins here are modular and can be adjusted for functionality at any time.

But anyway, this place has been turned into a training cabin, and there is no one there? Vito remembered that Cole had ordered the armed sailors on the ship to conduct training a while ago. After all, the performance of this group of brothers when facing orcs jumping gangs a while ago needed to be improved.

But there is no one here. Every training machine and every shooting target is empty. There is not even a servitor. It is as quiet as a space hulk.

But it was precisely because of the silence that Vito clearly heard the sound inside the cabin door. It had to be said that the loud voice was quite clear. He could hear every curse word in it clearly. He was not even swearing in Gothic, but It is a very distinctive regional dialect, the dialect of a very cold planet.

Vito sighed, pressed the switch, and the hatch opened immediately, but immediately a hurricane hit him. Vito suddenly saw a big hand appearing in front of him, holding a handle in his hand and almost flying through it. The battle ax on his forehead.

Vito looked at the sharp blade, then popped up and looked forward. He saw the dangerous perpetrator. In the center of the training cabin, two Astartes monks were fighting in a metal circular training cage.

The surface of the ball-knotted muscles was covered with sweat. The two giants were holding weapons and fighting each other with great speed in the training cage. They even penetrated the protective cage, so they almost got shot.

“Why are they fighting again?” Vito asked, and the big hand in front of him was retracted. Olaf sighed angrily, and he inserted the battle ax back into the weapon rack, “Lancelot and Lagra Because of the fight between our original body, Lord Llane Johnson and Lord Leman Russ, ten thousand years ago, there was a dispute over who won.”

“In the end, their solution was to come here and have a fight?” “Yes.” “Wow, this…is quite unique to them.”

“This is absolutely crazy! Ragnar! I just stitched up your wound! You will cause it to crack!” The Astartes monk wearing white armor that was very different from Olaf roared, looking quite annoyed. , he stood outside the training cage and roared like a lion.

“Come on! Bell! Don’t fart there. My arm was bitten on the chest on Fenris. It could have strangled a giant wolf, let alone a kitten!” Ragnar said, and then laughed. He was hit hard by the long sword, and he kept retreating and bumped into the cage. His opponent took a step forward and pinned him to the edge with the long sword.

“Don’t show off in a hurry, wolf cub, you haven’t defeated the knights of Caliban yet!” The blond Astartes smiled charmingly, but the suppressed son of Fenris still smiled wildly and bumped his head. On that perfect face, Lancelot stepped back again and again.

“You two, come down! I ask you in the name of the pharmacist to come down!” Bell roared angrily. Seeing the two warriors fighting again, Bell smiled and spit out the blood in his mouth, “Come on, you are blackmailing It took you more than an hour to cure me, and in the end I had to go into battle with a bolt gun.”

“Your Majesty the Emperor! Were you slightly injured at that time? You damn Devoured One has been struck by an axe! I told you to go down but you didn’t!” “In the name of the Emperor and Terra! You two give me Get out of there, I’ve been trained hard in Ultramar! I swear you’ll keep me busy for another whole day!”

Vito smiled and stood aside with Olaf, “How long have they been fighting?” “They have been fighting since before I came here, Inquisitor, I estimate it should be almost an hour.”

“very good.”

As Vito spoke, he took out the bolter from his waist, raised his hand and fired. The first shot accurately shattered Ragnar’s sword, and the second shot broke Lancelot’s long sword. Sword, both Astartes were forcefully stopped.

The two giants turned their heads and saw the smoking muzzle of the bolt gun in the judge’s hand. Vito put down the gun and looked at the two helplessly, “If I remember correctly, you two, each of you The primarchs of all of us have sworn that we will no longer be enemies between our brothers under the witness of Lord Rogal Dorn, but you two are here cutting each other with knives? “

Olaf smiled and pushed Lancelot aside with a punch, “Sparring, Judge, this is an ancient custom of our two war groups.” “When the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels met, each other sent out a Warriors compete.”

“That’s right, if I wanted to kill him, I would have won long ago.” Lancelot lifted up his wet blond hair and laughed loudly, while Ragnar smiled disdainfully and pulled it off the shelf with his backhand. The second weapon, “Really? I want to see how you win.” “I’m very happy to show you.”

There was another gunshot, and the hunting knife in Ragnar’s hand was shattered. “That’s enough. Next time you two go and compare the number of alien kills. Hello, I’m hello, everyone. Also, you have dismantled the training cage again.” ”

Ragnar jumped out and looked back at the training cage with an extra hole, “Well, it can still be used after repairing it. You can see how to fix it, Bell.” “The sun of Ultramar! I’m a pharmacist! Not a technical priest!”

Ragnar smiled and hugged Bell’s shoulder armor, “You have so many skills, why don’t you learn them? As we all know, the best way to heal friendly troops is to kill the enemy.” “Get out.”

Ragna laughed, and Lancelot also jumped out. He rubbed his neck and grabbed a towel from the side to wipe his sweat. “Is there any problem? Lord Vito.”

“Besides you dismantling things again? Yes, yes, we have a new mission.”

After Vito said this, everyone looked over. Vito stood in front of everyone, with one hand behind his back, facing the Astartes warriors with his signature movements.

“The Grand Inquisitor of Highgate has sent word that we are needed somewhere in the Victoria system.” “Victoria? Do we know what the threat is?”

Olaf asked. The calm old wolf was as reliable as ever. Vito looked at his old friend beside him and shook his head slightly, “No, I don’t know. If the Grand Inquisitor Highgate didn’t tell us, it means no one knows.”

“Ha! Great! I just like this kind of battle!” Ragnar roared, extremely excited, “Just like hunting in our hometown, Olaf, tracking prey on the snowy fields, and finally winning!”

“I still like to be on the safe side, Inquisitor, do we have any information?” Bell asked, and then was interrupted by Ragnar, who approached Bell with a mocking look on his face, “Don’t be so boring, Bell, it’s not about everything. You have to follow the scriptures.”

Lancelot smiled and put on the armor lining. He shouldered his power knight sword, grabbed the chain ax and threw it to Ragnar, who caught it naturally.

“Okay, it’s time for us to go to the bridge, what do you think? Old Wolf, I don’t plan to miss the scene during the jump.”

The old wolf Olaf also smiled, “Indeed, come on, Judge, take us there.” Vito and Olaf looked at each other and smiled, and put away the bolt gun, “Of course, but I guess we have to first Listen to the complaints.”



“Olav, Lancelot, you have dismantled my equipment again.” Cole cursed, but the burly giant in black armor smiled. He walked past Cole and walked straight to the commander. Bridge.

Cole looked at Ragnar, and then at Lancelot, who was also smiling. They both walked over without even replying, but the answers were already written on their faces. .

Cole sighed helplessly, “Bell, if they make trouble, use a stun gun to knock them down.” He said to the pharmacist, who responded by patting the anesthetic on his waist.

Olaf and Vito also walked past him. Cole sighed, straightened his collar, turned around and strode to the bridge. He stood between the four Astartes, and the captain looked down. They were all filled with awe as they looked at the faces looking at them under the bridge.

I don’t know if it’s to the captain, the four Astartes, or the Inquisitors, but I guess it’s all.

Cole raised his eyes and looked at the chaotic vortex appearing in the starry sky ahead, with countless lightning and energy waves tumbling in it.

“Attention everyone, enter the subspace and start sailing.” Cole said, Vito also walked to the bridge and looked at the people below, “Let the adventure begin!”

The battleship’s giant vector jet turned into blue flames. The giant ship completed its turn and sailed towards the stormy waves of the subspace, heading towards a new journey to the star sea.

I am the Emperor’s Sword. Now I summon my monthly ticket to kill the aliens!


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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