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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 33 Imperial Frontier: Old Drama

Dim lights flickered in the underground enclosed space, flickering like candles covered by clouds and mist. This silent underground parking lot was filled with deathly silence. Countless cars were parked here. It is like an aging galaxy with extinguished stars, moving towards the final eternal tranquility in tranquility.

But suddenly, the silence was broken by a sound coming from the edge of the dead silence. It was the rustling sound of tires running over the abrasive ground. The sound got closer and closer from a distance, breaking the eternal silence little by little.

Bright car lights shone into the parking lot from the exit of the rotating driveway. It was like the light shining from nothingness penetrated the entire parking lot. A black car drove down from somewhere and finally stopped in the empty center of the parking lot. Location.

The folding car door opened smoothly from the side, and a boot stepped out, a boot with a silver patch.

Vito stood up from the car, holding on to the dark surface of the roof and stood beside the car. Marshall also stood up from the driver’s seat, holding on to the door, and subconsciously adjusted the position of his laser gun.

Vito stretched out a hand and took Olivia out. Vito straightened his collar and looked around, looking at the silent parking lot with a joking expression.

But before Vito could make any comment, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. He looked toward the source of the footsteps and saw a man wearing a political commissar-style turtleneck coat walking out of the gaps between vehicles. In addition, several heavily armed people also appeared, both men and women, but without exception, they were all armed to the teeth.

A man wearing a coat stood directly in front of the car. His face was as cold as the cold winter. Under the coat was a bulletproof breastplate. On the breastplate, there was an extremely eye-catching leather gun belt extending to his armpit.

Vito smiled helplessly, and walked towards the man from the car, “Really? The parking lot? Such an old-fashioned meeting place?” “I only care about safety, no one will disturb us here.” The man said , he looked at Vito who was walking towards him, who stopped a few steps away and smiled jokingly, “This is the first time we have met, Grand Arbitrator Sher, but I have known about you for a long time.”

Grand Arbitrator Sher’s face was still extremely cold, without any trace of a smile or even a friendly expression. He stared at Vito coldly as if he wanted to pierce him with his eyes.

“Before we start any conversation, I need to confirm your identity, Vito Constantine.” Scheer said, and Vito looked at Marshall with an awkward smile, “I think Marshall told you, right? “Yes, but I have to make sure you’re not lying, outsider.” “What will happen if you don’t?” “I’ll have to dig a hole tonight.”

Vito looked at the gunmen behind him, the police officers wearing the badge of the Ministry of Justice. Everyone looked at him with extremely murderous eyes, even the beautiful female police officers.

Vito’s specialized hearing heard the clicking sound of the fuse being turned on, and he smiled happily. It seemed that there was still something commendable in the Victoria Galaxy.

Vito raised his wrist, and the communicator turned on after a tiny light lit up, “Cole, Olaf, are you available?” “Of course, Inquisitor.” “Very good.”

The young Vito Constantine pulled out the communicator from the wrist buckle, and the small creation was placed on the ground. As refracting optical fibers appeared in the space, two humanoid silhouettes appeared in the extremely short space. Time was woven out, and as countless light filaments criss-crossed, becoming increasingly dense, their appearance became clearer.

Arbitrator Scheer looked at Vito’s side. The man made of light filaments came out of nothingness and stood next to Vito. The navy captain’s uniform was so conspicuous that it made people just His identity is clear with just one look.

On the other side of him, the eyes of Scheer and all the law enforcement officers present gradually widened. Even Marshall and Olivia behind Vito showed extremely shocked expressions.

Everyone present looked at the giant, the giant that was so huge that it exceeded the limit of holographic projection.

The giant power armor was clearly visible in front of everyone, and his face flickered in the light at the extreme projection boundary, making it impossible to see clearly, just like an angel descending from heaven to the earth.

His angel of death.

Vito smiled slightly and put one hand behind his back, “Please allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Vito Constantine, the Inquisitor of the Foreign Order of the Imperial Tribunal.”

“I am Rear Admiral Cole Markarian, former Imperial Navy captain, captain of the Mars-class battlecruiser Infinite Frontier, now part of the Inquisition fleet,” the navy captain said.

As soon as the tall giant next to him spoke, he suppressed all sounds, and his rich voice was like the emperor himself.

“I am Priest Olaf Thorz, son of Leman Russ, from the Space Wolves Chapter. I am also a member of the Death Watch Chapter. My brothers and I follow Inquisitor Vitor.”

Everyone looked at the giant in great amazement. No one among them had seen the Brother Astartes before. Even if it was just a projection, the presence of the Emperor’s Angel of Death was enough to make anyone feel fear and awe.

Vito smiled jokingly and looked at Arbitrator Scheer, who quickly forced himself to regain his composure, and then nodded affirmatively. Now no one would doubt Vito’s identity.

“You came very quickly, Lord Inquisitor.” Scheer said, with a hint of trembling in his voice. It was obvious that the shock brought by the Emperor’s Angel had not completely subsided.

“As the Emperor has blessed, the astral language you conveyed passed through the void. Lord High Inquisitor Highgate received your request and ordered me and my companions to come and solve the problem.”

“And as the Emperor wished, we have completed the first step. The Inquisitor has found the location of the Empire’s enemy, and my brothers and I destroyed the evil factory of the alien traitors today.”

Olaf clenched his iron fist and said. Although this small holographic projection device was not accurate, the clicking sound when the iron fist was clenched was heard, but the movements of the Death Angel still made many people subconsciously take a step back.

Cole raised his hand slightly, and his sleeves trimmed with admiral’s gold wire swayed slightly, “The results of our purification and testing in the scarlet pigment factory show that the local gene stealer cult used scarlet pigment to modify the minds of believers. This bypasses the process of genetic infection and avoids the scrutiny of the local legal department.”

Sher frowned, while Vito looked at Cole with a slightly raised eyebrow, who smiled slightly, “You guessed it, right?” “Ha, basically yes.”

Vito cleared his throat and called Grand Arbitrator Sher’s attention, “Arbitrator, your area has been infiltrated by Tyranid gene stealers. I think this has been going on for centuries. They call themselves the Pious Society and pretend to be It became a branch of the Emperor’s faith and spread its followers across the planet, hiding in the shadows until it came onto the scene decades ago.”

Vito turned around and pointed at Olivia, “She is the daughter of the former governor, Dirente Caen Lane, and the legal heir to the governorship of this planet. Her father was not assassinated by a Chaos cultist. But the traitor Reuven, who is currently in the governor’s seat, colluded with the Pious Society, the genestealer sect, to assassinate him.”

Sher’s expression twitched, and he focused his attention on the woman in the distance at this moment. When she looked at the silver-gray-haired girl for a moment, she showed a rare expression of surprise.

“Olivia? Is the child yours?” Sher asked in surprise, taking a few steps forward, while Silver Snake just nodded slightly and said nothing.

“Your Majesty! We thought you were dead. General Lvov and I searched for you for a while but couldn’t find you. Why didn’t you come to us?” Scheer asked excitedly, obviously very concerned about this. But Silver Snake just sighed, “I had other things to do at the time, and I didn’t dare to go to the nest again.”

Scheer obviously wanted to ask further, but the tall Olaf took a step forward. Although it was just a projection, the sound of his heavy footsteps came from the other end in digital form, “Grand Arbiter, I don’t think it’s time to As we grapple with Ms. Olivia’s past, we have a more pressing threat approaching.”

“I’m sorry, sir, let’s get back to the topic.” Scheer said and took a step back. The tall giant nodded slightly, and the afterimage flickered.

“The local Genestealers have sent a signal to the Tyranid Hive Fleet, and our enemies have received the signal. The destruction of the space station at the edge of the system was not caused by Chaos or pirates, but by members of the Genestealers here. At the space station, the psychic signal of the Hive Fleet was received, and the astropaths there also received it. In order to prevent the space station from issuing a warning, they destroyed it. “

“Now, the Hive Fleet has arrived, Grand Arbiter, in the name of the All-Knowing Father we must prepare.”

Olaf’s words made Scheer’s eyes widen, and those law enforcement officers who looked quite strong unexpectedly showed a hint of fear. For the common people of the empire, they may not know what that means, but obviously, for legal affairs, For those on the front lines against the Empire’s great enemies, they know what that means.

Scheer turned his head. He turned his back and was silent for a moment, then slowly turned his head, “How long will it take for the Hive Fleet to arrive?” “We don’t know, but according to speculation it will be soon.” Cole answered He, the navy captain said so.

“Our Ms. Astropath has observed the approaching shadows in the void. She cannot tell how long it will take for them to arrive, but based on our past experience, it should be very soon.”

Scheer pondered for a while, “Captain, have you ever fought against the Tyranids?” Cole nodded affirmatively, pressing one hand on the chain sword, “Yes, we have fought against the Catachan Jungle Warriors. Passing a branch fleet was a tough battle.”

“I have fought against Chaos Daemons and fought against Orcs. I know what that means, and I know even more that we need the support of the Astra Militarum and the power of the Empire.” Scheer turned around and said, his weathered face The sky is full of clouds, but still calm.

He is a true warrior and will not lose his position because of fear.

“Yes, we have sent out a signal for help. So far, the Imperial Astra Militarum Corps and the Imperial Navy fleet have responded to the request. They are on their way, but we still need to be prepared.”

Scheer nodded and looked at his law enforcement officers. They had already regained their composure. To be honest, the quality of the local legal department was very surprising.

“When I fought against Chaos, I knew very well that on the eve of the daemon invasion, the cultists would launch riots and uprisings to weaken and disperse our power. I think the same is true for the Genestealer Cult.”

Vito patted his empty belt, “Yes, so we need to solve this internal problem before we can face the impending destruction.”

“I have already found out some parts. You don’t need to worry about the lower nest area. I have persuaded the Hammer Gang and the Syndicate to help us deal with the lower nest. What you and your law enforcement officers need to do is to clean up the upper level with the force of thunder.”

“How is the strength of the local loyalists?” “I know the loyalists in each department. They are all good and outstanding people, but because of the problems that seem to be clear now, they have been suppressed and suppressed by the dignitaries who we once thought were just greedy bureaucrats and now look like alien traitors.”

“General Wolf can take over the planetary defense force, Bishop Laput can ensure the loyalty of the state religion, Minister Kadi can try to ensure that the administrative department continues to operate, and the loyalists of the Mechanicus, the Astronomical Institute and the Merchants’ Branch are all in contact with me.”

“We have been planning to eradicate these greedy traitors when they betray the Emperor and Terra one day, but now it seems that we still did not expect their madness.”

“Yes, they have joined a group of alien enemies who will eat up everything on the planet. Obviously, in the face of greed and desire, a little lie and promise can fascinate them.” Vito said helplessly, waving his hand slightly.

“I can now confirm that the current planetary governor, Reuven, is one of them. Olivia’s parents did not die from the revenge of the Chaos cultists, but Reuven cooperated with the Genetic Cult. They colluded to assassinate them and sent Reuven to the position of governor to ensure their survival.”

“Over the years, Reuven has been secretly acquiescing in their preaching and covering up their existence. He even has the handle of the archbishop and bribed him to make the archbishop betray his faith and betray the emperor.”

Olav clenched his fists in anger, “He must be punished.” “Yes, my friend, he will.” Vito said, still looking at the arbitrator, who was obviously surprised, but the surprise soon passed. After all, all this is not that difficult to understand, and they probably guessed part of it. Although they probably understood that it was the Chaos cultists, it seems that there is no difference in the result now.

Olivia put one hand on the car door and lowered her eyes silently. It seemed that many memories reappeared in front of her. She cursed in a low voice and leaned on the hood of the car.

Vito looked at Olivia. Cole seemed a little surprised. He had never seen Vito distracted at this time, but the Inquisitor soon refocused his attention and looked at Sherion.

“We don’t know how many “important people” in the empire have betrayed the throne, and we don’t have time to screen them. It is even more impossible for us to carry out indiscriminate cleansing at this critical time and destroy the Great Wall.”

“Soon they will accept me as a member of the “family”, probably injecting me with the infected body and then bringing me closer to the big family of gene stealers, which means they will summon me. I will soon be able to find out who the leaders are, and what you and your people have to do is to eliminate and arrest them.”

“And I, my friends and I will raid the acceptance ceremony led by the patriarch. At that time, a considerable number of gene stealers will be present, and we will take them all together. Catch them all and deal them a heavy blow. “

Shell thought for a moment, nodded affirmatively, but soon raised a new question, a valuable question, “The number of cultists is huge, especially the infected. We don’t know how many there are in the upper echelons of the government. It is difficult for us to search them all at once. If we let go of their leaders, even one, it will bring a huge threat. “

Yes, as long as there is a leader who escapes punishment, he will quickly organize a riot. Even if it is a hopeless and doomed riot, they will fight to the death, and that means that the planet’s defense capabilities will be greatly weakened, and it will be weak when facing the Tyranid fleet.

Vito smiled, put his hands behind his back and looked at the arbitrator. Cole and Olaf gathered behind him. The two of them seemed to be the entire empire’s army.

“I have my own way, Arbitrator. Please contact the loyalists now and prepare everything that needs to be prepared. We don’t have much time.” “Indeed, I will prepare as soon as possible. Marshall will continue to assist you. Your Excellency the Inquisitor, please allow me to leave. We still have a lot of things to do.”

Shell did not delay for a moment, which made Vito very appreciative. He must have many questions, especially for Olivia, but he just glanced at the girl not far away, and then left with his law enforcement officers. They disappeared at the other end of the parking lot.

Yes, now is not the time to entangle many problems. Now is the time to make a last-ditch effort for survival.

Vito looked at Cole and Olaf, “I and the others will meet you as soon as possible, Inquisitor.” “I know, Cole, keep an eye on the reinforcements, and start preparing to organize the population and supplies of other planets in the Victoria galaxy to retreat to the hive world quickly.” “Understood, Inquisitor.” “Then good night, and good luck to everyone.” “May the All-Father bless us.” “May the Emperor bless us.” The projections of the two disappeared after the light particles trembled. Vito picked up the communicator and inserted it into the wrist card slot. He walked to the side of the car, and Olivia slowly raised her head and looked at him with a tired smile, “I… I need a drink.”

“Me too, Marshall, take us back.” Marshall nodded, while Vito held Olivia’s hand, with a slightly tired look on his face.

“There are a group of traitors and lunatics under our feet who are ready to kill us, and there are also a group of nightmare disasters coming from outer space. This is my daily life, one of my nights.”

“Tonight is indeed too long.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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