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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 37 Imperial Frontier: Live! Live well!

Vito sprinted along the edge of the shrine at high speed, and the golden statue was shining brightly above his head. Well, actually it was not that good now. After all, it had already been marked with many blackened bullet marks and explosions from laser guns. Bullet notch.

Countless guns roared around Vito Constantine. Countless light bullets and solid bullets fired from the other side continued to shatter the walls. The ground and everything around, debris and wreckage flew everywhere, turning the place into chaos. of storm factory.

Vito raised the muzzle of his gun and killed an oncoming Genestealer with one shot. The Inquisitor rushed through the hail of bullets at high speed. He moved between countless bullets, and light bullets and explosive bombs roared from his ears. However, many of the surrounding gene cultists were smashed to pieces in Niyu, and only Vito passed through without any injuries.

The Inquisitor rushed into the arch on the side of the shrine. As soon as he rushed in, he saw a scene of fierce fighting. The Genestealer Ancestor fought back hard under the siege of two Astartes monks, and its claws were drawn in the air. Flashing arcs, but the two giants blocked the counterattack with the same agility.

Ragnar blocked the slashing claws with a chain axe, and Fenris’s wild wolf punched the ancestor in the abdomen. The strong and powerful punch pushed the ancestor back against the wall.

But when Ragna was about to attack again, the claws on the monster’s abdomen suddenly came up, and the strong biomass carapace of the claws hit Ragna’s waist, and in the brief moment when Ragna lost his balance In an instant, the ancestor hit Ragna hard on the helmet with his backhand, causing the black giant to fly out.

Ragnar hit a place not far away, and the Fenrisian Wolf climbed up. He took off his helmet and his teeth were rattling at the corners of his mouth that was bleeding. When he raised his head, the tall Tyranid beast was already in front of him. , the giant scythe slashed down and hit Ragna’s head.

But suddenly a burst of explosive bombs hit the chitinous carapace of the ancestor intensively, and countless fragments and ashes spread everywhere. It seemed that the ancestor looked to the side and saw Vito charging towards him while firing, with the bolt gun in his hand. Fired continuously in a very short period of time, and the intensive shooting even made the barrel of the gun burn red and almost burst into flames.

Vito threw away the bolter he had snatched from a certain Pious Society guard. “Bell! My sword!” he shouted. For some reason, Vito stepped at just the right moment when Bell and Olaf rushed in. The inner court shouted out instantly.

Bell did not hesitate, and immediately threw the weapon that was slightly smaller than the Space Marine’s chain sword to Vito. The Inquisitor caught the chain sword. At this moment, he happened to rush in front of the ancestor, and the giant beast waved. The giant claw struck the head, but the chain sword instantly swung up to block the dangerous claw.

Vito took the first blow from the ancestor with his mortal body. He held the chain sword tightly with his other hand and suddenly pulled out a plasma pistol from his armpit.

That is a dangerous weapon. All plasma weapons are extremely dangerous, but the pistol type is the most dangerous one. Almost no one is willing to use this weapon. The small size makes the pistol type heat dissipation and anti-riot. Functionality is almost zero.

Only the pistol type used by Space Marines can rely on its larger size to install a series of safety facilities, while the model used by mortals is a literal self-destruct starter. Among the Astra Militarum, only the Punishment Battalion will Equipped with this weapon so that they can “better” kill the Emperor’s enemies.

But Vito raised this weapon and pulled the trigger without thinking. Plasma sprayed out from the small muzzle of the gun, and countless ion lightning shot out in an instant, almost looking like it was going to explode.

But no, it didn’t explode. The plasma plasma penetrated the rainstorm of flying sparks and hit the ancestor’s face directly. The plasma plasma melted its carapace with a face, and the flesh and blood underneath was burned and corroded to bring about… In severe pain, the Ancestor shook his head and roared.

Bell stepped out almost immediately. The white-armored giant sprinted and roared with a blaster. The bomb hit the side of the ancestor’s head. The monster instinctively looked to one side, and in this brief moment, Bell threw it Dropping the bolt gun, he strode forward at lightning speed and grabbed the ancestor’s right claw.

The ancestor was startled and prepared to wave his left paw to fight back, but just as he was about to take action, he found that his left paw could not move. It turned its head in surprise and saw Lancelot holding the paw tightly under his armpits.

Knight Caliban threw away his beloved sword and grabbed the monster’s claws with both fists. The Ancestor showed a look of shock that was rare among Tyranids. It obviously didn’t understand what these guys were doing.

“Ragnar! Up!” Vitor yelled, like a hunter calling for his hounds, who were already attacking.

Ragnar threw away the chain ax and charged forward with a howl. He hit the clan leader like a wild bull.

The patriarch was knocked against the wall behind him, and the two Astartes on both sides immediately followed suit and pressed their claws against the wall. The ancestor roared and waved the claws on his abdomen to stab Ragna in front of him.

But the Fenrisian wolf directly grabbed the claw with both hands and powerfully controlled it some distance away from his head. The Fenrisian wolf showed its teeth, and he laughed and slowly pushed its claws away. opened.

Vito showed a satisfied smile and turned to look at Olaf, “Old wolf! Get ready! Bell! Lancelot! Nail gun!”

Olaf suddenly stepped on the ground, and countless bolts of lightning jumped around him. The flashing lightning illuminated the face of the ancestor. The monster looked in the direction of Olaf and struggled, but the Astartes monks on both sides began to fight. A concave nail gun with the Mechanicus logo on it was pulled out from his waist.

They pulled the trigger, and the concave iron in the nail gun shot out suddenly, fixing the ancestor’s claws on the wall. The monster looked at this scene in surprise, and Bell and Lancelot connected and marked its entire arm. After removing the restraining nails, the ancestor roared and struggled, but was fixed by rows of iron nails.

“Brothers! Get out of the way!” Olaf yelled, and lightning arcs danced out of his mouth along with the words. The three Astartes immediately distanced themselves, striding backwards.

Olaf waved his big arm and struck countless lightning bolts at the ancestor. The monster was hit by lightning and screamed. Countless lightning arcs danced on it. Its whole body was instantly covered by lightning. It fiercely He waved his head, and the solid back armor hit the wall, causing the wall to crack in all directions.

The giant beast’s carapace exploded as it roared, and its limbs were pulled forward with all their strength. The iron nails began to loosen, and were pulled out of the wall bit by bit.

Vito frowned as he looked in the direction of the Ancestor. It looked at Olaf. His eyes were spraying with lightning and light. All his energy was devoted to casting spells. Vito was not sure whether he could hear his own voice.

Saliva spurted from the giant beast’s mouth, its braided tongue flicked around, and the first iron nail popped out of the wall and hit the ground hard.

“Old Wolf” Vito said and took a step back. He watched the iron nails being pulled out from the wall. The claws gradually began to lean forward. Lightning struck the beast, but that only made it angrier. .

All the iron nails were pulled out, and the Ancestor roared and strode forward. It rushed straight towards Vito and Olaf. The three Astartes all raised their guns and aimed at the Ancestor, but But Vito stopped him loudly.

The giant beast rushed towards them with great speed, rushing towards them with severe pain from Olaf’s lightning strike, and falling into that pain brought anger, and anger would make it strike harder when it came into contact with both of them. .

Vito looked at the three people on the side. Their attention was all on the giant beast, and Olaf was obviously fully devoted to it. After making sure that no one noticed him, Vito closed his eyes and then opened them suddenly. .

The giant beast stopped, and its body seemed to be tied by some kind of force. It was suddenly slapped to the ground, and its huge body was pressed to the ground, creating a large shallow pit. There was an inexplicable pressure on the surface of the ground. The bottom is cracked and broken. To ordinary people, it looks like the giant beast has been knocked down by lightning.

But the ancestor raised his eyes, and he could notice that in the light of lightning, the space and arc around Vito were slightly distorted. They were twisted together like a concave and convex mirror, and even his face was in the distorted space. The bottom was blurred, only a pair of eyes emitting a faint golden light flickered in the chaotic position.

The ancestor’s paws were on the ground, and his strong bones and muscles supported him to gradually climb up, but every movement was as difficult as holding up a mountain.

“Olav! Knock it over!” Vito turned his head and shouted, and the old wolf also raised his arms. Giant electric arcs rose up in his hands, and the electric light illuminated the entire inner court like the rising sun, and all metal surfaces were illuminated. Electricity surged all over the place. “In the name of the All-Father! I will send down divine punishment!”

The roar of the old wolf was close to a real wolf howl, and the lightning struck the ground, sparking a dazzling light that was almost like a supernova explosion.

The giant beast roared at Vito, and Olaf struck lightning with his arms forward and struck the ancestor with a blinding strike. The monster burst out with a heart-rending roar, and corrosive substances were sprayed from its bloody mouth. Liquid, but all the saliva was evaporated by lightning before it hit the ground, and the monster screamed and struggled.

But the monster failed in the end. The moment the lightning disappeared, the giant beast fell to the ground like a landslide.

The lightning stopped, and the tall giant fell to his knees. Bell immediately rushed over to hold Olaf’s arm, but the latter waved his hand, “It’s just tired, Bell, that’s all.”

“I know, old guy.” Bell smiled, and then looked at the ancestor in front of him with a trace of steam coming out of his body. Ragna also came over and kicked the motionless big guy with his leg.

“Is it alive?” “Yes, it’s still alive, and its vital signs are still responding.” Bell said, looking at the data tablet on his wrist, “But it will have to faint for a while.”

Ragna laughed loudly and kicked the ancestor again, “Damn it, this is the first time we have captured a Tyranid node creature alive, right? Who brought a camera?”

Lancelot laughed, picked up his knight sword and walked over, “Memory is the best photo, Ragnar, that is a photo of glory.”

“I prefer tangible memories of glory.” Ragnar said with a mouth full of fangs. He was like a lively wolf cub, always having endless enthusiasm and vitality.

Vito rubbed his neck jokingly. He carried the chain sword and walked to the body of the ancestor. He tilted his head and looked at the behemoth in front of him, “He will survive, right? We still have to do something with it.” “

“Yes, he will survive, but he won’t be very comfortable when he wakes up. He will probably yell and get nervous like Ragnar usually does.” Bell said, helping Olaf up, with his eyes on the hand in his hand. Medical display.

Ragnar showed his full teeth and smiled at the monster, “Your Excellency the Inquisitor, we went to such great lengths to knock this thing down, and we have to carry it out together. Hope it’s worth it.”

Vito also smiled and looked at Ragnar, “Is it enough to exchange it for a planet?”

Ragnar laughed and bent down to pick up one of the chief’s paws.

“I think it’s okay, let’s carry him away together, kitten.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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