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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 38 Imperial Frontier: A Hymn of Loyalty

Imperial Administrative Affairs Office Headquarters, well, when you can hear this name, it means that you have arrived at a territory and territory that the Empire can firmly control. This kind of building is like the light gun of the Astra Militarum and the chant of the State Church. The same is found in every loyal world, large and small.

In almost every world, there is such a building. It is one of the largest and most gorgeous buildings in the country. It is built in the center of the imperial city. It is usually built to imitate the Ministry of Government headquarters on Holy Terra. It is a huge church-like building.

Countless towering Gothic spiers and arc-shaped vaults are scattered everywhere, crystal glass and magnificent statues are dotted everywhere, and the Imperial Sky Eagle logo always hangs high at the entrance of the golden gate of this building.

This building is so huge. It is the headquarters of the Ministry of Government located in the hive world, the capital of the galaxy. It is so huge that it cannot even be described simply as huge.

This is almost a city, a city within a city. With its complex and huge internal structure network, if there are no Ministry of Government personnel to guide the way, any outsider will get lost in the countless cloisters, halls and churches, but even so, no one can claim to be Get to know every corner of this thousand-year-old building for yourself.

At the very center of this giant building, there is a vault structure above the main structure, which is carved with countless exquisite patterns. Below the vault surrounded by tall towers is the core of the Ministry of Government and the core of the entire Victoria galaxy. Real heart.

The galaxy government meeting hall is located here. Under the gorgeous large vault, there are a circle of stepped seats arranged from low to high.

Whenever the government of the Victoria system needs to decide on important matters, this place will be filled with officials from various departments, and that is exactly the case today.

Between the crystal murals and the marble walls, countless officials, big and small, gathered here. They came from all the important departments of the Victoria system, the Ministry of Government Affairs, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Planetary Defense Force, the State Church, the Astrology Academy, the Mechanicum Association, etc.

There are even some department personnel who may not be so important, but still have a place here. These leaders of the Victoria Galaxy gather here, talking closely with each other in small groups.

In the central open space of the circular meeting hall, Governor Reuven was gathering with several other heads of departments. The leaders of these secret societies all looked distressed and annoyed.

“Have any of you got any news from the patriarch? And the bishop.” asked the female minister of the Ministry of Political Affairs. She seemed very anxious and restless.

“No, no, there is no news. We only know that we were attacked by the Hammer Gang and the Syndicate.” The Generalissimo of the Planetary Defense Force said with certainty. He raised his hand and clenched his fist. “I dare to use I bet my life, brothers and sisters, it must have been Sher who helped those low-nest bastards raid the gathering.”

“But the question is, how did Scheer know about the gathering? It was a secret place. No one except us knows the specific location, and family members will never betray the Order.” The representative of the Archbishop of the State Church said without hesitation. Obviously, he Brothers who do not doubt their faith at all, remain steadfast.

“Then how did he know? There is a traitor among us?” the generalissimo asked doubtfully, the golden epaulette ribbon swaying on his chest. He was so tall and taller than anyone present.

Obviously, part of Tyron’s genes makes him so burly, and the others have more or less similar manifestations, such as being taller, more sensitive, or having a commendable appearance.

Especially the Minister of the Interior, she is absolutely beautiful. Perhaps it is partly due to the specialization of Tyranid genes. I heard that there are some gene-stealer cults that use such methods to allow these ladies and ladies to enter the upper echelons of the empire. , grasp intelligence, deliver messages and collapse infections.

Others will operate in the brothels, clubs and bars of Zhongchao, spreading the infection through sex. In many cases, this is the reason why a world falls into a Tyranid rebellion.

Lu Wen frowned slightly and began to think. His doubts attracted the attention of the rebellious bishop of the state church. He looked at Lu Wen and said, “Brother Lu Wen, have you discovered anything?”

The bishop’s words caused everyone present to look at Reuven. The governor looked around at everyone and shrugged slightly, “A few nights before the rally, Vito Constantine went to the Sharman Club after meeting with me.”

“Sharman Club? Where is he going and what is he doing?” Ms. Minister asked vigilantly. It was obvious that several people had noticed the problem, but Lu Wen seemed very indifferent, as if he was not worried at all, although he didn’t know whether it was true or not. Not worried or just pretending.

“Dating, my lady minister, it’s not a secret that he is dating Silver Snake, the information dealer from the lower nest.” “The Lord of the Redeemer! Reuven! That bitch is an information dealer! And you don’t know about the Sandman Club Who does it belong to?”

The generalissimo growled angrily, but Reuven smiled innocently. He pointed to the medal on the generalissimo’s chest, “None of us have been to Philus’ club? You, him, me, and our subordinates Everyone has been to his club, that little bastard controls most of the clubs and clubs in Shanglao.”

“If someone goes to his club and is regarded as a traitor, then all of us should be executed.” Reuven’s words forced the angry Generalissimo back, and the curse he was about to say was suppressed. , Lu Wen looked at this strong but irrational idiot and snorted disdainfully.

“Then do you think Vito betrayed us? Brother.” The bishop said gently, as if to bridge the awkward and contradictory atmosphere at the scene. Apparently he was very good at this.

Lu Wen took a deep breath, then shook his head slightly, “No, he didn’t know the meeting place at the time. He only found out about the meeting place that day. He didn’t even see any of us when he went to the club. He didn’t constitute a prerequisite for betrayal. “

“I know that Vito will betray us sooner or later. He is a conspirator and an ambitious guy, but at this moment? He is about to gain power and become the emperor of the next nest. If he wants to betray us, he will have to wait until he has gained power. meeting, not at this moment, do any of you really think that he can unify the Nest Order in the future and compete with us? “

Everyone nodded approvingly. Indeed, Vito Constantine is not yet capable of splitting the Lower Nest Order. Although he is extremely capable, he still does not have the ability to rebel under their noses at this moment. He must know one thing, too. He is a smart man and would not do such stupid things.

But Ms. Minister looked a little confused and anxious. She didn’t know if it was a psychic reaction caused by the disappearance of the patriarch. She held her chin in thought, “Could Constantine be an agent sent by the sector government? If so, He doesn’t need to think about taking power.”

Lu Wen shook his head slightly, “Our allies in the sector government have not sent back any news. Scheer has made countless reports over the years, and we have suppressed him every time. I don’t think he has reported this time.” You can convince the district government to take action.”

“Besides, if his superior, the Arbitration Lord of the Extreme ** Legal Department, decides to intervene, then our friends in the Sector Legal Department will also know about it, and then the news will come, but we don’t have the news now, so I I don’t think it was the district government that did it.”

“Who could that be? Could it be Terra?” The Grand Marshal’s question was more like a joke, making several people laugh, and finally even himself.

Yes, Terra, that Golden Throne world at the other end of the galaxy, can the light of the Emperor really shine here? Does he really care about this frontier galaxy?

“I can’t sense the ancestor. Its psychic signal has disappeared, but I think it is still alive.” Ms. Ms., the chief astrologer of the Star Language Academy said in a confused voice. Her blind eyes were covered by a blindfold. Maybe It’s because you have to come here for a meeting, so you can’t always scare everyone, right?

“But where is the patriarch? We can’t sense it, and no one has found him.” The Grand Marshal asked eagerly. His enthusiasm is commendable. The instinct derived from genes makes them particularly concerned about the whereabouts of the patriarch. Everyone is In this way, they were restless and filled with impatience and panic.

This is one of Tyron’s characteristics and also a weakness. You see, genetic instincts are often not controlled by their thoughts and rationality.

Lu Wen shook his head slightly and looked at the several fellow members of the association in front of him, “Our people are already collecting information. It is enough that the patriarch is still alive. Although the sect has suffered heavy losses, we still have a large number of people. As long as we are safe and sound, we can regroup.” strength.”

Several people nodded affirmatively, yes, as long as they are still alive. Only two heads of Hydra have been cut off now, while the remaining seven are still there, and they will soon let this monster grow more heads. .

The premise is, is it right to live?

The door of the meeting hall was suddenly opened. Several people looked at it together. Everyone in the hall looked at the opened golden door. Among them were several officials who were driven into the hall. They were roughly driven into the meeting room. Some of them were even thrown in, looking very embarrassed.

Under the gaze of everyone, a dozen law enforcement officers from the Ministry of Justice walked into the hall loaded with ammunition. They were wearing silver breastplates and full sets of weapons. Each of them was holding a large-caliber laser gun branded with the logo of the Ministry of Justice.

The law enforcement officers drove the people near the door inwards, attacking with rifle butts, feet and fists. Those unlucky officials were violently driven into the hall. The law enforcement officers sealed the door and others walked up the stairs. At the top of the conference hall, he held a gun and looked down at everyone in the hall vigilantly, making sure that he could hit anyone at any time.

Lu Wen frowned, an uneasy feeling welling up in his heart. He looked at Grand Arbitrator Scheer who walked in from outside the gate. He walked out from among the law enforcement officers, with a thunderbolt hanging on his belt. Shoot the gun.

“Grand Arbitrator, what do you mean?” the female Minister of Government shouted loudly, pointing at a group of law enforcement officers around her, “You are committing a coup! You are committing a crime of rebellion! Take your people back! Immediately!”

“No, madam, you are guilty of rebellion and treason!” Scheer angrily shouted, with a fierce light in his eyes. Reuven pulled the angry lady behind him and took two steps forward.

“What are you talking about? Grand Arbitrator Scheer, are you planning a coup? Do you think the empire won’t settle the score with you if you kill us all? You know that the empire and Terra will not tolerate rebellion.”

“Well, what if he is authorized by the empire?” A familiar voice said, and Lu Wen’s eyes widened in surprise, as did all of them.

They watched the man named Vito Constantine appear from a corner outside the gate, suddenly appearing. No one expected him to appear here, let alone with a group of arbitrators.

But now, the questions they had argued about before were answered.

As Vito smiled, the law enforcement officers at the surrounding door dispersed. They pushed to both sides to make way for the passage at the door. As they dispersed, there were waves of heavy footsteps outside the door.

Everyone’s eyes widened as they stared at the two huge entities. They were two behemoths that appeared behind Vito like mountains.

The two tall giants stood behind Vito. One of them wore a heavy power armor that was almost as burly as a Terminator, with thick fur draped on his shoulder armor, while the other giant wore white armor and held a hand in his hand. A hanging banner stands on Vito’s left side like a magic weapon emerging from a mural.

“Astartes.” The Grand Marshal said almost in surprise. Everyone present like him showed expressions of exclamation and fright, a kind of fear. Even if they become Tyranids, their souls belong to humans. Then a part of him still reacted, the betrayer’s almost instinctive fear of His Angel of Death.

But even so, Lu Wen quickly regained his composure. He nodded slightly to his colleagues, and several people looked at Vito who looked calm and composed, at least on the surface.

“Sir, who are you? You were not invited here.” The minister said decisively, and the firm attitude in her words was commendable, while the bishop pointed at Vito and shouted almost fanatically.

“In the name of the Emperor! You are blaspheming! You are blaspheming the authority the Emperor has given us! You are blaspheming Himself!” “I’m glad you are still shouting in his name, Lord Bishop.”

Vito showed a joking smile and looked at the people in front of him almost in amusement, “You seem to be very forgetful? You have forgotten my name after not seeing each other for a few days, so let me introduce myself. ”

Vito’s smile gradually disappeared, and majesty and unquestionable authority appeared on his face. He held one hand behind his back, and pressed the other hand on the hilt of the chain sword on his belt, raising his head and looking down. Looking at the people in front of him.

“I, Vito Constantine, am the judge personally chosen by the Emperor. In the name of the Emperor, I am here to clean up the traitors and clear the door for the Empire and all mankind.”

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a sharp knife had pierced the hearts of several people. Lu Wen looked at Scheer almost in shock. He looked at the gray-haired arbiter, and his resolute expression did not look like he was joking at all.

Is he crazy? ! Lu Wen exclaimed in his heart, since he directly called the Inquisition? ! No! How did he contact the Inquisition? ! The contact information of these inquisitors will not be found on the phone list, no! The key is not this issue!

Is he crazy? ! Didn’t he know that the Inquisition would probably regard him as part of the rebels, or at least as a possible derelict in his duties, and then execute him together?

Apparently, my friends, these heretics haven’t figured out one thing yet.

True loyalists are never afraid of death, especially their own death. Their lives have long belonged to the Golden Throne and the Lord of Humanity on it.

And when death comes, the loyal people can return to the Golden Throne, which is the greatest glory.

Vito smiled and glanced at Sher, who pressed his hand on the butt of his gun and stared intently at the traitors in front of him. His eyes were full of anger, as if it were the flame of the eternal burning star torch itself above Terra. General.

“Legally, I have the right to execute you directly, but I want to play a game and let you reveal your true colors.” Vito said with a smile, but the minister still remained calm enough. She flicked her hand and pointed at Vito. Please, “Our power is granted by the sector government! Even the Inquisitor has no right to take it away!”

“You are slandering us! Inquisitor! We have never betrayed the Golden Throne! I will never allow such heretical behavior!” The bishop was still shouting aggressively, but Vito’s expression when he looked at him was full of irony, with a playful look. Feel.

“It’s funny that you can still say such things until now. Let’s make the problem more clear.” Vito snapped his fingers, and there was a sound of heavy footsteps coming from outside the door, and there was also a sound of heavy footsteps. A beastly roar.

Several people’s eyes widened as they watched two giants push a restraint cage into the conference hall. In the cage was a beast, a roaring beast that was tightly restrained.

Two giants wearing knight’s swords and chain axes joined their brothers. The four giants guarded behind Vito, silently showing his authority, the authority of the inquisitor.

Vito laughed jokingly and looked at a few people mockingly, “You know? There is a magical mechanism in the instinct of Tyranids. If their leader node creature is threatened by life, then the Tyranids present will He will protect his leader out of instinct, completely abandoning rationality and considerations of his own safety.”

“A kind of hive mind. This is very useful in war. Every time I behead the Tyranid node commander, it is very troublesome and I have to fight with a large group of guys. But I found that this instinct has another use.”

Vito snapped his fingers, and almost immediately the Astartes, who was wearing a winged helmet, pulled out his bolter and fired a shot at the head of the tightly restrained Ancestor. The monster struggled and roared in the cage. , countless metal chains and restraint structures clanged in the vibration, but the monster was still locked tightly, and its prison remained motionless.

“Save it, you idiot. I’m using this cage to keep the Great Demon of Khorne. I can put your Tyranid Overlord in it as well.” Vito smiled mockingly, and then looked at the twitching expression and body in front of him. Several people twitched involuntarily.

“I found that Tyron’s instinct is more efficient than any interrogation. I have always wanted to try it. I am very happy that you have provided me with such an opportunity today.” His smile turned into a sarcastic smile. The mocking smile of a soon-to-be victor.

“Lancelot, do it.” Vito said looking straight ahead. The fingers of the winged helmet began to pull slightly, and the trigger of the bolt gun clicked. The ancestor in the cage roared angrily, and its blood basin The mouth roared continuously within the range that it could be opened, and anger and wild emotions spread from it instantly.

The generalissimo’s body changed from a slight twitch to a violent twitch. He roared, and the human teeth sharpened rapidly, like razors, and his body began to swell. The decent military uniform was burst, and the inhuman monster launched. attack.

He rushed forward with inhuman speed, and the parts that were originally human fingers turned into sharp claws. He clawed at Vito’s face, but the latter remained motionless with a smile on his face.

The roar of the chain saw ax suddenly erupted. Ragnar swung the chain saw ax with lightning force and instantly cut off half of the body of the alien in front of him. He was neatly opened from the shoulders, and the whole person was cut diagonally into two pieces. Half.

The Grand Marshal fell to the ground, raised his head with his broken body and looked at Vito, who smiled slightly. A huge shadow enveloped the Marshal. When he looked at the source of the shadow, he saw an iron foot. It was the last thing he saw in his life.

This seemed to be a signal, and all the Tyranid infected launched a violent attack. The beautiful Ms. Interior Minister attacked at an extremely fast pace, so fast that she even evaded the thunder of several law enforcement officers around Vito. Shooting the gun, her slender claws fell from the air.

But she overlooked one thing. There were four Astartes Space Marines present.

Lancelot grabbed the head of the female minister and caught her accurately in mid-air. Before the female minister could react much, her beautiful face was crushed together with her head, turning into countless splashes. of broken bones and brains.

There was chaos in the meeting hall. The gene stealers rushed towards the cage violently. The law enforcement officers all started shooting. Countless laser beams were fired at the hateful alien traitors from all directions. The monsters were knocked down one by one. With the penetration, the confrontation with the psychic energy in the central position also began.

The Astropath looked in the direction of Vito, and the impact from the mental level hit Vito, but the latter still stood without dodging or dodging. The mental shock wave was spread out in front of Vito, and the power hit It was shattered instantly on a shield.

Ms. Astropath screamed. Obviously the backlash had a big impact on her, but her scream stopped immediately. Olaf stared at her and released a burst of glare in his eyes. The Astropath suit Holding his head on the ground, he screamed again. The scream, which was enough to cause severe pain in anyone’s ears, did not last long. Bell pulled out his bolter and shot him to pieces. .

The Bishop of the State Church did not live long. Obviously, he was not a powerful gene stealer like his colleagues. As a fifth-generation infected person, he was more like a human being, so he was quickly shot to pieces by Bell’s second shot.

The Space Marines drew out explosive bombs and wielded swords and axes to kill the rushing gene stealers. The hot red light of the laser flashed in the hall. Vito stood calmly in his position. He was just holding up a piece of Lu Wen panicked in the chaos, with countless laser beams flying around him, screams and flesh and blood flying everywhere.

When all this chaos was over, the glorious governor could no longer stand up. He looked at the debris around him in panic. When he heard footsteps, he turned in horror and looked at Vito who was walking in front of him. He held the frightened bird’s shoulder with a smile on his face.

“Do you know the saying that chaos is a ladder, some people fall down and some people climb up? I remember it was said by a certain sage in Gu Terra.”

Reuven nodded and Vito smiled wider.

“Then I hope you get used to the feeling of falling.”



Everyone in the hall of the Ministry of Government was alarmed. All the people passing by looked at the governor rolling down the long marble stairs. People were so surprised that they all stopped when someone went up to help.

People looked at the law enforcement officers standing in the corridor at the top of the stairs and on the ground. This group of white-armored arbiters surrounded the entire hall, and among them, a man wearing a black trench coat walked down. He was handed over by a giant. He took a cloak and put it on his body. It was a red cloak with big letters i on it.

People watched in horror as the judge walked down the stairs. Four giants stood on each step. Their iron feet crushed the steps. The cracks spread everywhere. The four giants stood on the steps. Behind the Inquisitor, there was a silent threat to anyone present who might have unwise thoughts.

Vito walked past the fluttering banners of the Death Watch, and walked up to the horrified Governor who was lying on the ground. He teased this guy, “It’s funny, it seems like your usual self-confidence is not very strong.”

Vito smiled and leaned down, looking at the Governor with his black eyes, “You know I can execute you directly, right? I don’t need evidence, no explanation, the mark on my body and the four friends behind me Power has been given to me.”

He looked at the governor’s frightened eyes and smiled, “But I happen to be an outlier in the profession of judge.”

Vito stood up, and a servo skull flew out of nowhere. Vito raised his hand and an interface popped up at the end of his palm. He inserted it into the slot corresponding to the servo skull.

After a moment of silence, the servo skull flew up. It hovered in the center of the hall and projected a holographic projection into the center of the hall. It was Governor Reuven and his colleagues. Every word they said when they met with Vito, every word. Every action was projected, clearly and accurately presented in front of everyone in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

People looked at the holographic projection in surprise, while Reuven almost collapsed with fear. He looked at the projection in amazement and was at a loss for words, while Vito laughed, “Do you know what your bodyguards didn’t scan? This is it.”

Vito changed his position and looked at everyone in the hall, “This idiot and the alien traitors who have been executed by me betrayed the empire and betrayed you. They led the Tyranid swarm to this planet.”

“I can see that some of you know what it is, and some of you don’t, so let me explain to those who don’t know, those alien hybrids will eat everything about you, your house, your car, and yourselves, and These idiots still think that’s the way to salvation.”

Vito looked at Reuven in front of him, “And this idiot selectively ignored some facts because of greed. He betrayed the Empire, the Emperor, and everyone on this planet, just like he betrayed his brother and Just like hunting down the legal heir to the governor of this planet.”

“I think the power to execute this idiot belongs to her. Let me introduce to you, Olivia Lyon Lane!” Vito said and stepped aside. He looked at the top of the stairs, and everyone looked over.

A woman walked out from behind the army of law enforcement officers. She was wearing the same clothes as Governor Reuven, but the difference was that she wore a brooch on her chest, a brooch that belonged to the Leon Lane family.

She walked down the stairs step by step, her gray-green hair was carefully tied into braids, the same hairstyle as the portrait in the mansion. Reuven looked at her with a shocked expression. He knew that it was Olivia, the one The little girl he thought was dead.

Olivia walked between the Space Marines and came to the hall. She walked up to Reuven and looked at this coward. The latter reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, “Dear niece, I don’t know you. Still alive if I knew” “You would kill me, I know.”

Olivia took the gun handed over by Vito, she raised the gun and pointed it at Reuven’s head. She looked at the murderer and traitor in front of her with a surprisingly calm expression, “I gave up revenge a long time ago. Giving up my identity, my name and everything I had, I thought I wouldn’t enjoy revenge.”

“But uncle, I think I was wrong.” Olivia’s eyes suddenly burst into murderous intent, “I like revenge.”

The gunshot rang out and the traitor fell to the ground.

Vito watched Olivia take two steps forward. The red-robed judge looked around at the dead people in the hall, “The traitor is dead. On behalf of the Emperor, I return the power to its legal and loyal owner. At this moment, loyal people are cleaning up the remaining traitors, and many of your superiors will be liquidated. If you don’t want to end up like this, then I hope you know what to do.”

There was still silence, but the officials all nodded. They certainly knew what to do at this moment after being officials for so many years, and Vito smiled with satisfaction, but the smile quickly disappeared.

“But this is not a moment of victory! We still have a battle to fight! In the name of the Emperor I demand that you obey Governor Olivia and obey the Loyalists!”

“For the Empire, for the Emperor!” Vito yelled.

What responded to him was the thunderous roar of the mountains and the tsunami, for the empire! For the Emperor!


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

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