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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 44: The Empire's Frontier: A Dire Situation

Countless anti-aircraft shells shot into the sky from the hive city. Chimera anti-aircraft cannons and ground-based heavy artillery and laser cannon arrays burned the sky. The entire hive city was shrouded in this dark cloud of death, burning like a cloud of fire. The upper floors and outer buildings of the entire hive were illuminated, and the glass and pure exterior walls of every large building reflected scarlet light.

In the oval hall of the administrative court, flickering firelight was reflected on the dome and the huge fan-shaped floor-to-ceiling windows, but the people here had no time to pay attention to those things.

Everyone here is busy, almost at full load. Countless mechanical instruments and communication equipment are constantly interacting with each other. The semi-curved hall is full of people.

They came from all the important units, the Planetary Defense Force, the Astra Militarum, the Imperial Navy and the Adeptus Mechanicus. They all crowded together and conveyed the news with various sounds or pure curses.

Those vulgar, almost barbaric words conveyed information about the war situation, and the data technicians quickly recorded it and projected it onto the real-life Victoria global war situation map.

Every message for help, army dispatch and battle line situation are all clearly displayed. As the curses change one after another, the war on the surface and in orbit is intensifying.

At the other end of the hall is another group of people, from the Ministry of Government. Staff from the Ministry of Justice and the hive government gathered in another group. They are busy maintaining order in the entire hive, which is not as easy as war.

There was fighting inside and outside the entire hive, and the fierce fighting was not just outside the city walls.

According to the results of Vito’s Generator operation, tens of billions of people are gathered in giant hives. Their food, drink, shelter, and shelter are all problems. The fear of war and the rapid consumption of supplies have brought about serious public security problems. This has left the Ministry of Justice very busy, while the Ministry of Government is busy getting these people food and water, and housing them.

Vito looked at the main screen projected in the curved hall, which was a summary display of all conditions on the entire planet. Countless marks and signals were flashing on the three-dimensional surface of the entire planet, and there were densely packed light spots in orbit.

Vito’s eyes jumped between pieces of information, and the flood of information and data flashed before his eyes. In order to process these complicated and complicated data, several servitors had burned their brains and been replaced, and it seemed that this The situation continues.

Massive amounts of data were gathered in, and the sound of artillery fire rang out one after another outside the hall. The impact that shook the enemy occasionally acted on the exterior glass of the hive capital headquarters. Those colorful stained glass rattled, as if they were about to break at any moment. generally.

Vito looked at the data and lowered his head to look at the beauty on the side. Olivia was sitting on the command chair belonging to the galaxy governor. The chair on this shrine-like platform was more like a throne, and she sat on it like a real queen.

Of course, it is not true. After all, there is only one emperor in the empire, that is the emperor, so Olivia did not wear a crown or royal robe. She wore a close-fitting white lace shirt and a black bra. She sat on the golden throne. Looking at the global data, his eyes were filled with anxiety and even fear.

Her fingers were clasped on the armrests of the throne, her joints turned white from the force. In fact, Vito thought she was brave enough. Ordinary women and even men might have been so frightened that they would start crying, but she didn’t, she still kept on. Maximum calmness, an amazing calmness.

Vito smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. Olivia raised her head and looked at Vito on the side. He was wearing the red jersey of the Inquisitor, and there was an i subtitle symbolizing the Inquisition hanging on his chest. pendant.

Vito stands next to the queen like a king. He calmly commands and coordinates the massive data of the entire planet. Every army and fleet is under his control, and he has done a pretty good job, at least so far. So far in the three days since the war began the city has not fallen.

Of course, the situation is not much better. Olivia can clearly see the occupied cities one by one on the holographic map. The entire outer city of the hive has been completely occupied, and scarlet signs cover the core of the hive from all directions.

Several urban areas completely disappeared, and their populations were swallowed up in an instant, as well as most of the planets in the entire Victoria Galaxy. Olivia still remembered her fear when she saw all this data for the first time. It was almost It’s a heart-piercing fear.

But she quickly calmed down. Whenever Vito held her shoulders and stood beside her, an inexplicable sense of security and trust came to her heart, as if he was the enemy of all the galaxies. None can compete with his general self-confidence.

Olivia took a deep breath, and her bulging chest gradually dropped, “Have you seen anything worse before?” she asked softly, her voice almost instantly drowned out in the noisy hall, but Wei Wei Tuo still heard her words clearly.

The Inquisitor smiled and looked at the global data map, “Believe me, dear, if you have fought countless battles in this galaxy like me, you will get used to it. This is not the worst situation. “

Vito said and pulled his hand, and a plane flew over from the data map. On it was a string of data. Vito pressed the communication symbol in the corner of the projection.

“Grand Commander, tell the Vostonian Sixth Regiment to withdraw to the inner city and leave that position alone.” “We can hold this place! The Vostonians never retreat!” “If you still want to serve the Emperor and the Mechanical God, withdraw immediately, I need living people to serve the Emperor and the Empire, not dead people.”

Vito said sternly, his words full of majesty and unquestionability. After a short silence, there was a sigh, “I will give orders to the judge.” “Very well, Grand Commander, stay alive and loyal as long as possible.” Emperor.” “As His will wills.”

Vito switched the data panel to the next frequency band, and its communication opened naturally, “Generalissimo, how is the situation of the Valhalla regiment?”

“Heavy losses, Inquisitor. Four of my ten regiments were severely damaged, and two formations are gone. Although the Astartes repelled the Tyranid attack, I think we must abandon the outer wall positions. , relying on the city wall to reorganize the defense.”

Vito nodded slightly and looked at the actual battle line shown on the data map, “I have ordered the Vostonian troops to retreat. Part of them should join you. Tyron will quickly reorganize the attack and reorganize the defense line as soon as possible. .” “Yes, my lord.”

Vito pushed away the data panel, then opened the communication on his wrist and raised it in front of him, “Hey, Cole, how are you doing? Did the picnic go well?”

“If you mean Tyron’s cookout and using us as lunch, then they’re almost there.” “How long can you hold on?”

“I don’t know. Although the navy and the Astartes fleet have temporarily blocked the swarm, their number is too large. We will definitely lose in the war of attrition. It can only be said that the previous retreat and the timely destruction of some supplies have made Tai Ren has not replenished enough biomass, and with the Emperor’s blessing we can consume it before the Tyranids take over the planet.”

“How is the situation on the ground?” “Most of the nest is gone. Our defense at the core of the organization. Fortunately, there is no Tyranid airborne sac in the current position.”

“We have to find a way, Vito, otherwise we will die sooner or later.” “I know.” “You have a way, right? I can hear your tone.” “Are you so sure?” “We have been partners for more than ten years. , I know when you are sure and when you are not sure but there are ways, dangerous ways.”

Cole sighed, “Do you think your method is feasible?”

Vito was silent for a moment. He didn’t answer but just looked at the fire outside the window silently. After a moment, he said, “It’s feasible, but… it’s dangerous.” “Do it according to your own ideas, Vito, I trust your judgment. “

“I know, good luck to you my friend.” “Good luck to you too.”

Olivia watched Vito put his hand on his arm. The judge looked down at the female governor with uneasy eyes in front of him. He smiled and touched her white face.

“Don’t worry, dear, this is not the first time I have fought this kind of battle. I have fought this kind of city defense battle many times, and one of them was particularly tragic.”

“Is it more tragic than this time? More serious?” “Yes, at that time, the situation was more difficult than now, but at that time, I had a friend who had been helping me, three to be precise. We guarded the city together to ensure everything. It’s not over.”

Vito said as he swiped the data pad upwards, and Olivia looked at the gunfire outside the window. The ground-based turbolaser cannon fired again, and the flashing red light illuminated half of the command hall.

The red light shone on Vito’s face, but the judge’s expression remained as calm as ever. Olivia watched the red light outside the window gradually dimming after the peak and remained silent for a moment, “What happened when you fought with Tyron last time?” Sample?”

“Last time? Ah, it was the first time the Empire fought against the Tyranids in Macragge. The Ultramarines and I fought against the swarm. Chapter Captain Calgar and everyone else held the two polar positions. That update Tragic and even more desperate.”

“A few times I thought the position was about to fall, especially after Calgar and the Tyrant were duel and the battleship was seriously injured and sent to orbit. All the command fell on my shoulders. There was no news about the first company commander at that time. Now only I, Mikael and Sicarius, the two company commanders, are left to command the Arctic defense.”

“It was the same then as it is now. The heavy ground-based laser cannons were firing non-stop, and the Tyranids were hitting our positions like a tsunami. It was a desperate war, at least it seemed that way at the time.”

“But you all survived, and you still need the company commander.” “Yes, we all survived, and we also need Sicarius, since the Emperor is not dead either.”

Olivia tilted her head in surprise and looked at Vito in confusion, “You seem to be very sorry. Aren’t you happy that the second company commander is alive?”

Vito smiled bitterly, “My dear, if you stay with Sicarius for a few days, you will also want to shoot him in the head to make that idiot stop nagging.”

“But in the end, yes, we won. Macragge was not lost. After a series of heroic sacrifices and decisive battles, we won. So my dear, we will not die anywhere today.”

She smiled and pressed Olivia’s shoulder, “The Emperor is not going to let me die yet. Many people are, so we will win.”

Olivia also smiled and rested her head on Vito’s waist. The latter gently held the female governor’s head with his hands. She closed her eyes and seemed to have left all the noise and war out of her mind. The world between her and Vito was left.

“How many years have you lived in the war?”

Vito let out a long sigh, and many things flashed through his eyes. “To be honest, I forgot, I even forgot how old I am?” “How could it be?” “Dear, if you have lived like me, After a few centuries, or even longer, time is not so important, you see, when your life lasts for more than a hundred years, it starts to become blurry.”

Olivia closed her eyes and smiled, and a real smile finally appeared on her face, “So I slept with a man who was hundreds of years old?”

Vito also laughed. He chuckled, “Old? I’m still quite young. At least to me, I’m not old yet. No matter how time passes, my soul and optimistic character will always be young.”

“Of course.” Olivia said with a smile, while Vito looked at a new data panel that appeared in front of him. On it were a series of red lines, which were the migration and evacuation routes of the refugee team. The survivors were all Gathered within the inner walls of the hive, waiting for the final redemption or destruction.

There are a bunch of newly arrived crowd marks on it, and they seem to be moving very slowly. What’s more, they seem to be mixed with some Planetary Defense Force troops. If Vito remembers correctly, he gave this group The orders given to the troops were to hold their ground.

Well, this is not a surprise, morale collapsed, people were disoriented and so on.

Vito smiled jokingly and moved the data plane away. He patted Olivia’s head. The latter’s charming eyes opened and looked at Vito, who also looked at her.

“Dear Lord Governor, it’s time for us to cheer them up.” “Pep them up? You mean…” “No, I don’t plan to use a bolter to cheer them up. I’m not my colleagues.”

Vito took Olivia’s hand, and the latter stood up from the throne and took his arm. Vito smiled and looked at the gunfire outside the window.

“Let’s go for a walk.” “Your date place and time are really…” “As unique as ever, yes.”

Vito smiled and walked to the back door of the headquarters with Olivia, while the explosion outside the window was still flashing in the clouds. Yes, this was not a good time.

For anything.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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