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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 46 Imperial Frontier: Section 44 Hunters and Prey

The scorching red light of the laser gun passed through the streets. Countless laser beams flashed on the dark lower streets of the hive city. Scarlet beams of light were continuously shot from the muzzles of the laser guns. The hurriedly retreating defense soldiers retreated and buckled randomly. Move the trigger.

They headed towards the giant arcade at the end of the closed street. Some people were rolling and crawling to escape. Behind them, laser beams and Tyranid biological bullets were fired at these escapees. They fell to the ground after being hit. , screamed in agony and was eaten up by carnivorous beetles. At the other end of the street, Genestealer cultists armed with Imperial weapons are advancing together with their filthy blood relatives. Roaring Tyranid creatures rush from the other side of the street. They rush out of tunnels and arches, wearing carapace. The Tyranid war beast charged forward and crushed the guards soldiers who were fleeing along the way.

The giant beast rushed out from under the arcade at the end of the street. In the underground hall, near the orbital elevator, two Guards soldiers emerged from the sandbags, shouldered the rocket launcher, pointed at the beast and pulled the trigger.

The roaring rocket hit the beast, but the Tyranid beast continued to sprint despite the explosion. Countless laser beams and plasma struck it, and its black carapace dissolved and penetrated under the violent bombardment. Its body turned into a giant hornet’s nest.

The giant beast used its last strength to hit the support pillar. The tall stone pillar fell to the ground and smashed a roaring twin laser cannon.

The billowing smoke instantly filled the air, and as soon as the smoke spread, countless Tyranid soldiers rushed out of it. They rolled in from the smoke, and their huge numbers instantly overwhelmed the forward positions before they had time to react.

The sandbags were knocked down, and the soldiers were instantly slaughtered. The survivors began to flee backwards, but their speed was obviously not as fast as the specialized Tyranid creatures.

On the last line of defense of the orbital elevator, the heavy bolter machine gun roared and shattered a large number of Tyranid soldiers, but a large behemoth rushed out from the dust cloud that had not yet dispersed.

The beast roared with its swirling maw, and the huge beak on its lower jaw clicked. As it rushed forward, the guards hurriedly and desperately aimed all their firepower at the beast, but its specialized head was strong and strong. Armor is enough to fire bolters and plasma.

The beast rushed towards the position. Everyone looked at the approaching maw in despair, but just as the machine gunner lowered his head and prepared to face death, a cruel roar sounded in front of them.

The guards raised their heads and looked at the beast from behind the sandbags. It roared in pain, and blue flames burned behind the carapace on its crown. Another plasma cannon hit its back, and the plasma flames burned. The beast screamed as it penetrated its flesh and blood.

The soldiers looked at the work ladder on one side of the wall, where Planetary Defense Force soldiers rushed out one by one on the raised circular platform. These militiamen burst out with great courage, carrying plasma weapons that could explode at any time. Melta weapons rushed out.

They set up the weapons without hesitation and opened fire quickly. The fierce fire covered the entire hall from high places. The Tyranid beasts fell like falling leaves under the condescending firepower, and plasma and molten fireballs fell among them. It bloomed and spread, and the rockets roared and billowed into thick smoke.

There was a sound from the elevator of the Astra Militarum Guards. The orbital elevator landed steadily on the ground. The gate opened amidst the flashing red warning light, but before the gate was fully opened, laser beams shot out from inside. Came out.

The Guards platoon leader watched as a large group of Planetary Defense Forces filed out of them. They quickly spread out and fired fiercely at the approaching Tyranids. The laser beams passed over the heads of the Astra Militarum soldiers like a torrential rain. A blow was struck upon the Tyranid swarms and their shameful kin.

The platoon leader stood up, holding a laser gun, and looked at the Planetary Defense Forces who jumped off the platform and walked in groups in front of them while shooting. The Guardsmen all looked at these local militiamen who suddenly became fearless with surprised expressions.

Their war cries rang out one after another, even suppressing the roars of the Tyranid herd, and among them, a man walked out of the elevator, a man wearing a red cloak.

The platoon leader looked at him with an expression of astonishment, then immediately stood at attention and saluted, “Your Majesty the Inquisitor! I didn’t expect that the regiment headquarters would send you to support us.”

“Your regiment has other things to be busy with. The entire lower nest has been invaded by these bastards. I need to know where their mastermind is.” Vito said as he walked off the platform and came to the platoon leader. He looked at the machine gun and pointed at the tunnel exit ahead.

The machine gunner was startled and then immediately raised his machine gun and started roaring. Explosive bombs rained down on the tunnel, intercepting and interrupting the rhythm of his charge. Soon, all the Tyranid beasts in the hall were annihilated.

Vito tilted his head slightly and then waved his hand. The platoon leader watched in amazement as a SADF soldier carrying a rocket launcher appeared next to him. The rocket roared through the dust of the battlefield and directly hit the tunnel. , with an explosion everything fell into silence.

The soldiers stopped shooting, and the herd of beasts pouring out of the dark tunnel stopped. No more beasts rushed out of it, but everyone knew that the Tyranids were only regrouping and not being eliminated. Can you believe it? ? Saying the words “Destroy the Light Tyranids” is like drinking fake wine.

Vito looked at the Tyranid remains in the hall. Corpses and carapace fragments were all over the hall. These dirty things were scattered everywhere after the devastating firepower.

Vito shrugged slightly and pulled out the bolt gun. He waved his arm forward to signal everyone to follow. The SADF soldiers followed, and soon the orbital elevator completed its work again and opened the gate. The platoon leader I was surprised to see another group of SADF soldiers coming out, including even a guy wearing civilian clothes but holding a gun.

“Judge, how many reinforcements have you brought?” the platoon leader asked in surprise, and Vito walked towards the entrance of the tunnel, bringing a large group of defense troops with him, “Everyone who retreated, now it’s time for us to counterattack. “

“Come together?” Vito asked, shaking the bolter.



Boots inlaid with silver iron plates stepped over the corpses of Tyranids. These horrific creatures have now become cold corpses.

Silver Boots stepped over the body of a Tyran, its head shattered by a large-caliber shotgun. Silver Boots stepped forward again but stopped. Its owner took his feet back and stopped at a body. Tyron’s corpse, well, it wasn’t really a corpse since it was still moving, but now it was.

The flash of the bolter disappeared in a flash, and the large-caliber bolt instantly shattered half of the gunworm’s body. The blood splashed onto the trouser legs, causing the owner of the boots to pat the trouser legs in displeasure.

Vito stood with a gun among the corpses. Around him, the Guardsmen following him were firing rifles at the corpses. Tyranids’ vitality was very tenacious, and almost all Tyranids had considerable recovery capabilities. , so you’d better make sure they are completely dead, completely dead.

“Lord Inquisitor, the whole regiment and the reinforcements of the Planetary Defense Force are counterattacking across the board. The third company has re-captured the lower hive corridor and blown up the stairs.” The platoon leader turned off the communication headset on his ear, and he stepped forward with his gun in hand. He passed the corpse and came to Vito’s side, and a large piece of Tyranid flesh and blood splashed out on the other side of Vito.

Vito glanced at the platoon leader and raised his eyebrows slightly, “So fast?” “Yes, sir, our troops counterattacked quickly. I guess Tyron thought that the attack was hopeless and retreated on his own initiative. Based on our experience in Gravalex , Tyranids will retreat if the biomass lost during the attack is greater than the biomass gained.”

Vito stopped and looked at the Tyran corpse lying on the edge of the underground street. The knife insect’s corpse had several huge bloody holes punched out, and the death state was very miserable.

Vito turned his head and looked at the empty tunnel. The Inquisitor rubbed his chin with the butt of his bolt gun, and then took out an exquisite silver snake pocket watch from his arms. He opened the cover and looked at the ticking watch inside. Mechanical clock dial.

The Inquisitor shrugged slightly and put the watch back into his pocket. He raised the bolter and changed the magazine before pulling the trigger sharply. “Faster than I thought. I hope they are on time.”

Before Vito finished speaking, screams rang out immediately. The platoon leader immediately raised his gun and aimed back. Several burly bipedal beasts suddenly stood up from the pile of Tyron’s corpses. They held bone knives and shot like the wind. Killed the surrounding guard soldiers.

The ventilation fan blades above the underground street crashed to the ground, and the blades were crushed by the beast that jumped from it. It quickly waved its claws and harvested the surrounding guards who tried to resist.

In almost a few seconds, all the guards following Vito were dead, and only the platoon leader was left alive. He hurriedly took aim and shot with his laser gun, but the beasts could not hide much. The beam of the gun hit the black and purple carapace like it was polished.

“Lord Judge! We were ambushed!” the platoon leader exclaimed, but Vito shrugged calmly, “Yes, I know it was an ambush. To be honest, I was surprised that I walked so far before being ambushed. “

“What?” asked the platoon leader. Vito shook the bolter casually, “Look, I was ambushed by a Licat up there. The beast failed. It came straight towards me to confirm the Tyranid fleet. Prepare to behead the local empire leader to defeat the core of the empire’s defense force.”

“And after Likart failed, they will definitely try a second time. Next time it may be in some place where I don’t want it to appear, such as the bedroom of the Governor’s Palace. I am not used to being naked in front of lovely ladies. I couldn’t kill a bug with my body, so I decided to give them a chance and let them know where I wanted to be.”

“That’s right here.” Vito said and closed his eyes. He had to close his eyes because the second lieutenant platoon leader’s brain was blown out of his head and half of his face was covered in mush.

Vito sighed and wiped away the bloody remains on his face, “Can you let me finish?”

Vito said helplessly as he looked at the giant thing floating in the tunnel. It was a creature with extremely degenerated limbs but a long tail. Its huge brain hung on its shoulders, almost deformed.

But don’t underestimate the creature just because you think it’s deformed. After all, arcs of electricity flashed across its body, and it was also the one that blew up the platoon leader’s head.

Vito whistled and looked at the bug with interest, ignoring the several Tyranid warriors around him who were about to move. He looked at the deformed creature floating over.

“Brain worm, you think highly of me. It seems that your fleet of worm queens know that I have psychic powers, right? I like your information sharing ability. If it weren’t for the fact that the untouchables would give me a headache if they came close, I would even want to bring one with me. ”

Vito said and inserted the bolt gun back into the holster. Before Vito could make any comments, the warrior behind him struck like lightning. The bone knife slashed towards his head with an afterimage, but it was almost The bone knife that appeared as an afterimage suddenly stopped, and stopped quietly just a few inches above Vito’s head.

The Inquisitor sighed and rubbed his neck helplessly, “That’s why I like to fight with enemies who have normal thinking ability. At least they will let me finish my words. Well, maybe, at least the Eldar will. Although I Don’t like to hear them finish the riddles.”

Vito said as he raised his finger and shook it slightly. Suddenly, the bone knife in the warrior’s hand broke out of his hand. The warrior watched in shock as his bone knife was stabbed into the abdomen.

The bone knife held by the invisible hand moved on its own, directly cutting off the samurai’s waist. After the samurai fell to the ground, it directly shattered its entire face. The bone knife repeatedly hit the samurai’s face until it hit him. The bone knife fell to the ground after a bloody mess.

Several Tyranid warriors looked at each other. They all took a step back and raised their bone knives and roared angrily. The brainworm screamed in a low voice and fired a shining arc of electricity from its head.

The lightning struck Vito, but suddenly hit a shield two steps away. The arc exploded instantly and the flashing current spread out and wrapped around Vito.

The flash of light swallowed up the entire field of vision, and at that blinding moment, a claw whizzed in from the light. Vito looked at the claw and raised his hand to directly break the bone claw with spiritual energy. The samurai screamed, but another samurai suddenly appeared from the other side and slashed at Vito’s neck from both sides with two bone knives.

But Vito just glanced at the warrior, and an invisible fist hit it directly. Its hard carapace was shattered into pieces, and the entire beast was knocked out and directly embedded in the powerful force.

Several warriors appeared at the same time, launching a whirlwind attack with knives and claws at the same time, but the sharp cuts stopped neatly around Vito, and they all stopped accurately a few inches away.

Vito pulled out the chain sword, and the moment the sword light lit up, each of the Tyran heads fell to the ground, and each of the tall corpses collapsed to the bottom.

“Do you know how difficult it is to wash away the smell of blood? Do you know that I have a war date tonight?” Vito said as he walked towards the brainworm, holding the chain sword in his hand, not forgetting to cross the worm along the way. Passing corpses one after another.

The brainworm let out a sharp scream, but Vito smiled and clasped his hands, “I didn’t expect it, right? Normally, I would only use my psychic powers when I need to kill a stronger enemy alone.” , so I’m complimenting you.”

As he spoke, Vito’s eyes glowed golden, and a psychic shock wave hit the brainworm’s psychic shield. The shield was all covered and lit up, and the brainworm waved its short, almost useless front. Claw screamed.

White lightning struck Vito one after another, but the latter just walked slowly towards his mind. Those lightning bombarded the chaos in front of Vito and were decomposed one by one. The ground in front of him decomposed and shattered, and a shock wave plowed from the ground. The earth struck, and all the corpses along the way, whether they were Tyranids or humans, were instantly shattered into pieces of rotten flesh.

But the power was still shattered by the shield in an instant, and the impact was broken down and scattered the corpses around Vito. The brainworm screamed and bombarded Vito with various psychic powers, but to no avail. .

He walked to the shield in his mind, and drew a small seal with his fingers in front of the shield. Then Vito’s fingers curled up those snake-like slender seals and touched the surface of the shield, almost instantly. The entire shield instantly exploded and shattered.

The brain worm screamed like a baby, and the terrifying scream was enough to scare anyone, but Vito just rubbed his ears helplessly and then raised his hand and moved down slightly, and the brain worm was directly like It hit the ground hard like a meteorite.

The brainworm screamed, but Vito raised the chain sword and stabbed directly into the end of its tail. Violent blood spurted out, and the scream of the brainworm echoed throughout the tunnel like a nightmare. .

Vito pressed the brainworm’s big head, and its huge head was suddenly pressed firmly to the ground. He smiled and looked at the brain in front of him, and its small eyes also turned to look at him.

“You see, I caught fish with my own bait, and the quality of the bait determines what level of fish I can catch tonight. I think I can get some good prey with this bait.”

“Ah, of course it’s not you. Don’t get excited. I’m talking about the insect queen who is watching the show in your mind right now.” Vito smiled and took out a purple crystal from his arms. It was a bright purple crystal that shone brightly. The crystal always sparkles with some kind of weird dust, and every moment the dust twinkles like a star.

Or… that’s just stars.

“Oh, dear Lily, I hope your sister…fuck, is she your sister or yourself? Ah, no matter what, I hope your promise will work.”

Vito crushed the crystal, and the stardust quickly penetrated from his ears and nostrils. Vito’s eyes suddenly lit up, and the brainworm’s eyes lit up with the same golden light as he screamed.

Vito’s consciousness rushed into the network of Tyranid’s will, which was a huge, twisted and eternally hungry will, as huge as the entire galaxy.

But in the endless consciousness, the howling of countless beasts and the torture of endless hunger, Vito broke through the scarlet curtain and tore a gap, a small gap, from the surface of the huge will.

But he saw what was behind the gap, which was a unique pure white Tyranne. It had a huge lower body egg sac, and its countless arms were shaking and howling as it looked at Vito on the other side of the curtain.

“Found you.” He whispered, and then the curtain closed instantly, and countless tentacles of the huge Tyrannic consciousness attacked Vito from all directions. When the first tentacle was about to touch Vito, a sudden wave of emotions emerged from him. A large swath of twinkling star fragments enveloped him like a diamond-shaped mirror.

The mirror suddenly shattered after a moment. Among the countless fragments, Vito had already disappeared, and all the tentacles were thrown into the air. The roar of the beast in the endless huge will, the extremely angry roar echoed in the sea of ​​​​spirit.

Vito’s eyes closed again. When they opened again, the light flashed and they returned to normal eyes.

The Tyranid brainworm screamed and its head exploded instantly, exploding like a flesh bomb. Its blood sprayed all over Vito and dyed him completely red.

“Worri!” Vito cursed and took a few steps back to look at the blood all over his body, “How long do I have to wash this damn thing off!”

He cursed loudly and kicked the body of the brainworm, and then a severe headache swept over him, causing Vito to subconsciously press his temples, “Fuck, it hurts so much, since this thing can’t Pain relief? What a shoddy product, but at least it pays off.”

He drew his chainsword and stuck it back into his belt. He turned and walked towards the end of the tunnel, but was caught by a claw halfway. He looked down at the half-body Tyranid warrior, which was weak. He opened his mouth and howled in a low voice, and his persistence even made Vito feel a little respect.

He knelt down and looked into the eyes of the Tyranid warrior with a smile on his face, “Don’t worry, ah, by the way, let me tell you the Insect Queen, I know where she is and will come to see her for a date soon.”

The Tyron howled loudly, and Vito stood up, drew his bolter, and shot it in the head.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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