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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 49 Imperial Frontier: A Time for Redemption

The cockpit of the Skyhawk is dim and silent. The shuttle in this galaxy, which can be called a work of art, has commendable taste both inside and outside. The comfortable brown-red leather driving chair is smooth and supple, and the well-planned LCD screens are scattered throughout. On the household instrument panel, there are two unique spherical three-dimensional operating interfaces on both sides of the steering column.

This shuttle does not look like it was made by the Empire at all. Its style is more similar to the cockpit style of the Eldar longship, but it still incorporates many Imperial elements very appropriately, such as skulls and glittering decorations. Sex thread or something.

Vito ran in from behind the quickly opened cockpit door. He dexterously climbed into the driver’s seat and quickly started the instrument panel. All the display screens lit up, and the star’s three-dimensional operating system projected an entire system. Vito skillfully clicked and slid on the operation screen and quickly completed preparations for takeoff.

The entire shuttle made a subtle buzzing sound. Vito pushed the holographic interface in front of him to both sides and clicked on the glass in front of him. The black cockpit glass showed the scene in front of the shuttle after a burst of flash. .

“Come on, beauty, it’s time for us to take risks.” Vito increased the engine speed on the armrest of the driver’s seat. The vector jet engine at the end of the shuttle began to spray red fire, and the fighter plane levitated from the spot and moved forward. Smoothly slid onto the hangar runway.

Vito retracted the landing gear and clicked on the communication band. “The hangar manager opened the door. Is there anyone there?” He was answered by a rustling sound on the radio. Vito sighed helplessly and looked at the completely straight line. Audio screen.

“How can I expect them to still stick to their posts? I should read less epic books. They write about human beings being too selfless most of the time.”

Vito sighed and leaned back on the pilot’s chair. “The hangar intelligently controls the servitor. The Inquisitor overrides the authority i-001 and opens the hangar door.” “Accepting the command. Recognition is in progress. Recognition is completed. The permissions are met. Open the door. ”

As the mechanical voice read out the response word by word, the solid ground star port warehouse door at the far end also slowly opened. The heavy steel structure was opened to both sides under the action of the sliding system and heavy hydraulic structure. The scarlet red The light shines into the hangar, and the entrance to hell has been opened.

Vito pushed the steering column and the entire shuttle roared out. The fluid shuttle rushed over in an instant and flew out from the gate. The shuttle flew on the war-torn streets of the Middle Nest, and the burning city fire shone on it. A dazzling light reflected on the surface of the shuttle.

The spaceship like silver water droplets flew from building to building. Vito looked at the burning street below and the swarm of Tyranids running on it. At the end of the street, Vito suddenly turned, and the vector engine adjusted the direction with extremely high efficiency. The spacecraft completed a sharp turn in front of a collapsed building.

The Skyhawk nimbly passed between the ruins. Vito made various extremely difficult movements to fly among the ruins of the city. In this restricted flight area, he was just like walking in the garden. easy.

The shuttle roared out from the collapsed gap on the edge of the hive city and almost immediately began to climb and fly. The flames of the vector nozzle turned pure blue and pushed the longship into the atmosphere.

Vito drove the spaceship to flexibly dodge between the airborne bacterial cysts. As he pressed his finger, the laser cannon fired continuously, blasting all the bacterial cysts that could be destroyed along the way into fallen flesh and blood.

But soon the Skyhawk broke out of the atmosphere. It flew out from the purple-brown rainstorm of airborne sacs. The burning atmospheric flames extinguished and dissipated from the fluid body, leaving only the cold light of space shining on it.

But suddenly a dense firelight illuminated the fuselage. Vito looked at the exploding Imperial warships from the cockpit. The Imperial destroyers exploded and disintegrated one by one, and the dazzling firelight lit up the background of the entire galaxy.

“Judge.” Bell’s voice said. Vito looked at the corner of the arc-shaped cabin glass. He saw the blue Thunder Eagle appearing behind him, and the burning flames on its body that had penetrated the atmosphere had just dissipated and extinguished.

“Very good, it seems we are all here and ready to go.” “Can you tell us where we are going? If we are going to die, I would rather know where we will die.” “Okay, let’s go find the Insect Queen.”

“Insect Queen?!” Ragna’s voice shouted in surprise, although Vito didn’t know whether it was excitement or fear, “Yelling, calm down, just ransack their backyard.”

“How do you know the location of the Worm Queen?” Olaf’s voice asked “There are tens of thousands of Tyranid biological fleets, how do you know the location of the Worm Queen.”

Vito smiled and looked at the splendid war zone ahead. Battleships turned into flying flames, and the cold space background was lit up, completely lit up by blood and fire.

“Remember the lobe reader we grabbed at Huangquan-8 last time?” “Remember, what happened?” “I used that thing to burn the brains of the Tyranid node creatures, and then I knew the location of the worm queen. ”

There was silence in the communication band, and then Olaf’s voice came again, “When did you bring the lobe reader off the ship?” “Omega came down to help me that time, but that’s not important now, Cole. “

“Say.” Cole was standing on the bridge of the Infinite Frontier. He stared at the flying gunfire in front of him. Countless Imperial warships were turning into wreckage, and the Tyranid fleet was overwhelmingly attacking in his direction.

“Cover us as we approach the Queen’s biological ship. I just turned on the frequency and you heard it. I’m too lazy to explain, and I don’t have time to explain.” “This is a stupid idea, man.” “Yes, this is a stupid idea.”

Cole sighed and punched the operation interface. Captain Cole suddenly stood up and burst out with unparalleled majesty and courage. He looked at the bridge operators below and pointed to the Tyranid fleet in front of him, “All Imperial warships listen to the order! Attack forward! Cover the Inquisitor and Astartes!”

The crew looked at each other, but after everyone looked at Cole’s firm eyes again, they immediately made up their minds. Roars and curses against Chaos and Alien ancestors came one after another. The first mate began to turn the rudder on a large scale, and the propulsion nozzle array of the Infinite Frontier began to spit flames violently.

The battlecruiser rushed forward, and the remaining Imperial warships around it also began to charge, and countless streams of fire gathered into a shining sun.

The Imperial Navy began to charge forward, the light spear array and heavy artillery began to roar, countless firepower bombarded into the Tyranid fleet from the front, and dense torpedo rain was launched from the ships of the Imperial warships.

Waves of explosions lit up in the Tyranid fleet, but all those beasts rushed forward without hesitation. The destroyer formation in front of the fleet was hit and exploded by the Tyranid biological ship, and the dazzling flames lit up the entire Infinite Frontier’s bridge.

“This is suicide! This is crazy! I can’t execute this order!” Someone shouted desperately in the fleet communication band. Cole looked to the side of the fleet and a Moon-class cruiser began to leave the Imperial Navy attack formation.

Cole frowned at the ship. He turned on the communication band with the ship, took a deep breath, and then slowly said, “Commissar, carry out the mission.” “As the Emperor wishes!”

The sound of gunfire echoed in the band. After a moment, the ship returned to the offensive echelon of the Imperial Navy. Cole slid back to the communication band with Vito and shouted at the top of his voice, “Charge!”

“Okay!” Vito also shouted, as if they could really transmit each other’s voices through the cold space. Vito pushed the joystick hard, and the Skyhawk roared out like lightning and rushed through countless Imperial warships and biological ships. The Thunderhawk followed behind it and dodged, sprinted and fired continuously with superb driving skills.

Thunder’s turbo bomb cannons kept roaring, and the flying beasts in front of them that were flying like a swarm between the fleets of both sides were smashed and exploded.

Vito drove the Skyhawk past the side of an Imperial cruiser. The giant ship passed by the Tyranid bio-ship at the same level, and the macro cannons on the side roared. Vito and the Death Watch rushed under the roaring ship guns and bombs, and dense explosions flashed on their side.

The close-range space fight was vividly displayed before their eyes. The Imperial Navy pierced into the Tyranid fleet like a sharp blade, but its number was too small. Not piercing an inch was accompanied by terrible losses and casualties.

The explosion of the warship and the disintegration of the Tyranid ship floated and spread in space. The Skyhawk and the Thunderhawk followed closely and passed through this space meat grinder. The Thunderhawk followed the Skyhawk and rose up. They almost whizzed past the upper part of an Imperial warship.

The Tyranid bio-cannon bombarded one side of the warship, and the void shield was ineffective under the siege of dozens of bio-ships! The warship disintegrated and exploded, and clouds of fire rose from around the two fighters. The Gothic church and the spire collapsed and disintegrated. The explosion of the macro cannon instantly cut off the entire warship.

Cole looked at the biological ships around him. Those biological beasts attacked from all directions. Their tentacles and biological cannons bombarded the void shield of the Infinite Frontier. The flashing shield was suddenly pierced after an attack. Tyran’s biological shells hit the hull directly.

The violent explosion shook the entire warship. Cole crashed and fell to the side of the bridge. Many people fell heavily to the ground. Cole cursed and leaned on the handrail and punched the surface.

“Captain! The warp is churning! The storm of destruction is coming!” Ms. Astropath yelled in a crazy tone. Cole climbed up in confusion and stumbled back to the operating platform. “Ms. Oriya, what are you talking about?” “The power of destruction is approaching! Destruction is coming!” “Speak human language! And we are going to be finished! Killed by Tyranid!” “No! Captain is the power of the warp! It’s the cracks of chaos! Ahhhhhhhh!”

The Astropath screamed hideously in the end. Cole looked outside the bridge and saw countless warp cracks above them and the biological fleet.

Purple lightning shot out from it, and Cole looked at the crack in surprise, “Navigator! What happened to the warp shadow!” “Ah!!!” “Answer me!” “Power! The power of destruction tore a crack! The shadow was destroyed! Ah!”

They were going crazy. It was the influence of the warp and it was very severe. “Is it the Chaos Fleet?” “No!”

A voice shouted, as majestic as steel. The voice suddenly appeared from the communication frequency band and tore apart everything.

A row of warships suddenly jumped out of the crack. It was a huge space fleet, and each warship had a black cross on it.

“Black Templar!” Cole shouted, “No need for mercy! No need for regret! No need for fear!”

“In the name of Dorn! We will bring down the wrath of thunder!”

The Black Templar fleet immediately began a storm-like offensive. Countless heavy artillery, light spears and bombardment cannons ruthlessly cut into the battlefield from overhead. The Tyranid fleet was dismembered and collapsed under the attack from overhead.

In the Skyhawk, Vito looked up at the fleet and smiled, “Thanks Lily.” As he said that, Vito rolled over and allowed the Skyhawk to pass under a biological ship.

He drove the fluid longship directly towards a biological mothership with mediocre weapons in the chaos. Thunder followed and rushed towards the biological ship with him.

Vito suddenly pulled the trigger, and two small proton torpedoes suddenly popped up from both sides of the Skyhawk. The two torpedoes roared and hit the carapace of the biological ship, and a small scale was blown out of it. Not a big or small gap.

Vito rushed over and rushed directly to the biological ship. He suddenly pulled the trigger again. The melt beams converged on the flesh and blood under the gap from several launch ports at the same time. The Skyhawk rushed into the melt. In the fleshy pit that opened the way, Thunder Eagle rushed in without hesitation.

Cole is right, this is a stupid idea.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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