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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 52 Imperial Frontier: The End Has Begun

The empire in the 41st millennium was in despair. Legend has it that the emperor’s icons in every sector and galaxy shed tears of blood and mourned for their own race. At first, people didn’t know what that meant, and they were hesitant and hesitant. Filling people’s hearts, people didn’t know what it meant until the first suffering came.

This millennium has been painful. People thought that after the wars of the Age of Apostasy, human civilization would usher in hope and redemption. This was indeed the case at first, but countless enemies in the galaxy began to launch attacks, and desperate wars began. Played out across the empire.

The invasion of Tyranid, the wave of greenskins and the Black Crusade of the Chaos Warmaster, countless horrors filled the empire, and countless worlds turned into seas of fire.

Civilization and hope have long become a distant past, and only the deepest fear and despair exist in this dark galaxy.

But that’s not entirely the case. The fire of hope is strong and tenacious. Even if the physical body has long been exhausted, the spiritual flame is still burning, and the flame of hope is also burning.

Although this millennium has been desperate, human beings have still survived. We have survived countless sufferings, we have fought off all kinds of enemies, and struggled to survive in countless difficulties.

We succeeded, although it is only temporary, but perhaps the greatest gesture of mankind is also like this. Even if we know that there is only darkness ahead, we still stubbornly look for the light in it, and the light and hope have never really left. , it is just hidden, waiting for people to discover it.

Vito walked through the magnificent marble arch. The tall statues of sword-holding angels on both sides still stood. The golden eagle wings still spread their wings and soared, and its light was still shining like that.

Two flags were lowered from the top of the wall. The flags depict the will of the empire. After the long night, the empire’s sky eagle is still flying at the edge of the galaxy, and it will continue to fly.

There were many transport planes and fighter planes taking off and landing at the busy airport. They were busy going back and forth between the surface and the warships in orbit. Countless blue tail flames flickered in the clear sky.

Vito looked up at the endless blue sky. The dark clouds finally dispersed, and the war became a distant memory. He stood at the airport and felt the warm breeze blowing on his cheeks. It was the breath of life. After the destruction, This is the most beautiful taste.

Vito lowered his head and walked to the center of the airport. Between the countless tarmacs and take-off and landing fighter planes, Vito, Captain Mikael and Marshal Amalric met here.

Two space warriors wearing blue armor and black armor saluted the inquisitor. Vito smiled politely and then awkwardly raised his right arm, “I’m sorry, my lords, I can’t salute you. Please forgive me.”

“There is no need for this, Judge. Everything you have done is the highest honor. You should accept our respect without returning the gift.” Mikael said solemnly. The Ultramarines Captain held his helmet under his arm and wore a red shirt. It undulated slightly in the wind and occasionally collided with the black robe of the Black Templar Expedition Marshal beside him.

The Grand Marshal of the Black Templar also nodded affirmatively, with four golden nails embedded in his resolute face, “As the company commander said, Judge, I heard about your bravery in breaking into the insect nest mothership and killing the insect queen. Please accept my respect for your deeds. Even if you look across the galaxy, you may be hard-pressed to find such a hero.”

“What I regret is that we arrived so late. If we had arrived earlier, maybe the loss of this planet would not have been so. It will take many years for its people to rebuild their homeland.”

“The people of the Empire are hard-working and tenacious, Grand Marshal. I believe they will regain everything they have lost. Hope has returned to this planet, and the Emperor’s light will never fade away.”

Grand Marshal Amalric nodded in agreement, “I think so, Inquisitor, the Emperor’s will has opened the dark clouds of the subspace for us, allowing us to arrive here to join the final glory, and he will never leave again.”

Vito smiled and nodded, “As it stands, my lord, the Emperor will never leave again, and we will ensure that his will is passed on throughout the galaxy.”

Marshal Amalric and Vito looked at the sky together. Countless warships gathered in orbit. The end of the world did not let these empires’ pride be humiliated and hazy. After the great war, they will carry new glory and join the To the hardware war in the galaxy.

“What are your plans? Judge, are you willing to go to Cadia with us?” Marshal Amalric suddenly asked. Vito looked into the eyes of the Grand Marshal and shook his head slightly, “I heard some news, The Plague Fleet and the Terminus appeared in Cadia, endless destruction and destruction fell on the surrounding star systems, and the Emperor’s light began to flicker.”

“And we will bring his light back to the galactic frontier, just like here. Inquisitor, are you willing to accept our invitation?”

“I think I am very honored, but I must refuse you with shame. Dear Grand Marshal Amalric, I must go to investigate some things that must be found out, but I want you to guarantee that what we are doing is on the same path. superior.”

Amalric raised his head slightly and then nodded affirmatively. The black armor on his body reflected a cold light under the light, but his resolute face made people full of enthusiasm. That kind of firm look, a kind of confidence in himself. An unhesitating look on the road and faith.

“The same is true, Inquisitor, I believe that we will meet again, and the Sons of Dorne and the Sons of Sigismund will fight alongside you at any time.”

“So do I, Lord Marshal, and I will honorably fight alongside the Sons of Dorne, no matter where they are.”

Amalric put his iron fist on his chest in salute, and then pressed it on his black sword. “There are still many wars to deal with. We will set off immediately. May the Emperor guide us to meet again in the future.” “May the Emperor bless you and me. The way forward is meeting, Generalissimo.”

Amalric turned and left. His huge body walked towards the waiting Thunder Eagle at the far end of the airport. Mikael also looked at Vito and nodded goodbye, “It’s time for me to leave, my friend. It’s an honor to be with you again.” Fight side by side.”

“This isn’t the last time, Mikael, see you next time.” “See you next time, Vito.”

Vito watched as Mikael also walked towards his Thunderhawk. He turned his head and smiled at the approaching female governor Olivia. The latter came from the gate in a skirt. She lifted herself up and was blown up by the wind. The long hair looked at the rising thunder eagle.

“Are you leaving too?” “Yes, I’m leaving too. There are still many things waiting for me.” Vito watched the two blue and black Thunderhawks fly towards the battleship in orbit, and soon Both fleets would then set off for the next war where the Emperor would need them.

“Promise me something, Vito.” “What?” “Don’t forget me.”

Vito smiled and took Olivia’s hand, “I won’t. Even if the stars burn out and the universe dies, I will never forget the lovely person I was with on Planet Victoria.”

Olivia looked at the man in front of her with a smile, and reached out to touch his slightly rough face, “I will never forget you, never, not even when my life comes to an end.”

They all showed sincere smiles, and a Thunderhawk rose from the nest below and hovered at the edge of the airport. Vito looked at the Thunderhawk and sighed slightly, “It’s time for me to go.” “Well, goodbye, my king. “Goodbye, my princess.”

Vito kissed Olivia gently on the lips, and then walked towards the Thunderhawk. He jumped onto the boarding deck and grabbed the armrest with one hand and looked at her at the airport.

The Thunderhawk moved outward, then climbed and took off towards the high-hanging sky. Olivia stood on the airport runway and looked at the huge battleship. The glorious longship also lit up its bright tail flame.

On the other side of the curtain of red tail flames, the Eye of Fear flashed with blood-like light. That eye stared closely at the physical universe, and its dark pupils gradually enlarged.

At the end of these 40 thousand years of darkness, the final flame has been lit.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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