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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 53 The Final Era: Dream of the Star Sea

Imperial calendar. Terra standard year 998.41K

Hazy star field. Facolon Gemini

The Mars-class battlecruiser has been sailing in the dark galaxy for a long time. The pendulum that calculates the time symmetry axis of the physical universe and the subspace is ticking. Time is being infinitely stretched and extended along with the long propeller tail flame. The red firelight illuminates the entire rear edge building complex of the battleship.

Those buildings are mixed with red and black parts. It is the perfect fusion of the Mechanicism and the Imperial Creed. The bright red symbolizing the God of All Machines is perfectly integrated with the gold and black symbolizing the Emperor, forming the outline of the superstructure of this magnificent spaceship.

One by one, the Gothic spires and the hundred-color glass windows are all illuminated. The distant light of the star system is projected from the depths of the galaxy. The huge hull looks so huge under the illumination of the stars.

One by one, the silent macro cannons are pointed at the dark galaxy. The bright light is reflected on the barrel, and the steel surface is shining like a layer of crisp snow.

Behind the archangel statue on top of the battleship is a magnificent church-like building. The building is so tall and huge that it almost covers the entire upper part of the ship. Layers of dark buildings are arranged along the central axis of the battleship, and countless weapon launch arrays are located in it, silently falling asleep under the starlight.

It’s not just the machine soul that is sleeping, the entire battleship is sleeping. According to the navigation clock, it is the night of standard Terra time, and tranquility shrouds every corridor and hall.

In the hangar, the divine soldiers of the God of All Machines are silently docked on the deck, and the Thunder and Lightning fighters are arranged on the deck. Their baggage and weapons and equipment are piled in the corner. Chimera armored personnel carriers and Rhino fast off-road vehicles are also parked here, and the soulless machine servants drag their stiff bodies across the deck.

Starlight splashed across the hangar from the attack hatch, and the brilliant galaxy background cast gorgeous light into the hangar, turning the hangar into a starlit beach. The servitor walked across the deck, its shadow extending a long shadow in the sandy starlight, and its cast iron legs echoed with its clacking sound.

The entire battleship was asleep, and sailors were sleeping in every cabin. Even the duty booths were silent. Everything seemed to be completely silent, like a space wreck floating in the galaxy.

The sound echoed throughout the hangar, and because of the quiet environment, it echoed in the nearby corridors and halls. The sound passed through the deep night and entered a cabin at the back of the magnificent battleship.

This is a spacious room with gauze curtains and sea blue and milky white marble as the main decoration. The decoration part is composed of a large number of arches, Roman reliefs and plaster lines. It looks almost the same as the noble rooms of ancient Rome and ancient Greece in ancient Terra. There is even a large artificial bathing pool for bathing.

The wooden desk is placed near the window of the room. The starlight sprinkles on the old desk. There are many books and scrolls piled on it, most of which are ancient documents and books, and some manuscripts written by the owner himself.

In fact, I would rather call it a document, because those books are too thick. The diaries and manuscripts are almost as thick as dictionaries. The slightly yellowed pages have a strong sense of the times.

The steel plate is placed on an unfinished manuscript, and the ink bottle presses down one corner of it, illuminating the title of this manuscript under the dreamy and gorgeous starlight.

“The Unfortunate Guardian – The Story of Konrad Kurtz, the Midnight Ghost”

The pages of the book were filled with many words, many of which were written in High Gothic, but some of them were not in the Gothic fonts used by the Empire today.

Those Gothic fonts were obviously human, and their grammar and structure were almost the predecessors of modern Gothic. The author used a lot of these ancient fonts that had long been forgotten.

The red cloak and coat were hung behind the screen, the chain sword on the belt was quietly leaning against the head of the bed, and the grenade launcher was stacked on the bedside table with its matching parts.

Vito was having a nightmare on the Roman column bed, his face was stiff and his arms were pulling the sheets, his head was bumping around on the pillow as if avoiding something, and he recalled one voice after another in his mind.

“Defend the Eagle Gate! Defend the city wall!”

A chaotic voice sounded in the sound of gunfire and noise, which was the voice of countless people, the voice of different people shouting with all their might.

There were flashes of fire and human figures in front of him. Huge figures were slashing and killing in front of him. Giants were fighting with giants, like a bloody fight.

“For the Warmaster! Forward!” A voice shouted, and the voice made Vito frown, and his breathing became dull and rapid.

“Son of Dorn! Hold your ground! Where is Captain Sigismund?!” Another voice shouted, and dense bolt guns roared in Vito’s mind with the roar of chain swords. He looked at the splashing blood and flying fragments.

Shouts and killings rose and fell in the dull explosions, the heavy footsteps of the Titan mechas stepped across the land, the rainstorms and strong winds roared and echoed in Kongzhou, and the sound of thunder eagles crossing the sky was accompanied by dense explosions.

“We must defend this place, we can’t leave.” The golden voice holding a halberd in front of Vito said, and behind him were countless identical golden figures, holding halberds and walking towards the shining light in the distance without hesitation.

The broken silhouette of the city flashed in front of Vito like a revolving lantern. Countless fragments and rubble poured down like fallen leaves in the strong wind. A crimson mad giant rushed into the crowd with a chain saw axe. Blood and death instantly filled the entire world. middle.

“Juba Khan! Rush up! Stop them.” The roar of motorcycles roared as they rushed in. Vito breathed rapidly. He looked at the fight between the two giants. The golden giant like a city wall and his body Giants painted with hydras fought each other, glaives and chainsaws collided with each other.

Battleships with the same appearance were fighting with each other in space, with explosions and flames filling them. Those came from a factory, and a giant shape with the same weapon was biting together. One of the giant ships was spitting out blazing fire. The flames rushed into the orbit of the planet and fired the first orbital cannonball downwards.

“Traitor!” Shouts rang out along with the sound of artillery fire, again and again.

Vito gritted his teeth and seemed to be enduring some kind of terrible pain. His expression was struggling and ugly. “He betrayed us, betrayed the Warmaster!”

“Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!” “Wolf God! Wolf God!”

Screams and war cries came one after another. Vito’s breathing was rapid and difficult. He seemed to be looking at something, looking at each painful and twisted moment. It was a horrific torture to the soul. It seemed difficult to find any suitable adjectives. .

“Stop, brother, it’s too late to turn back now, father will understand.” A loving voice said, and the outline of his wings fell to the ground behind him, majestic and glorious, but what responded to him was a tall silhouette, his head The red light of death flashed from behind, and a sad and determined voice responded to him.

“No, brother, I can’t look back.”

“Let the galaxy burn!”

“What have you done?” said a man like the sun, a holy sword burning in his hand.

The voice roared like thunder. In an instant, the voice shattered the dream. Vito suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up on the bed and gasped for air to return from the abyss of pain.

Vito rubbed his forehead and looked at the messy sheets. He sighed as if this was not the first time he had such a nightmare.

“You have had that dream again, my friend.” A voice said, and Vito looked at the man standing in front of the huge French window on one side of the room. He was holding a long staff and staring at the brilliant nebula.

Vito grabbed the bolter on the bedside and pointed it at the man’s head. Vito stood up from the bed. As the sheets fell off, the scarred body stood beside the bed. He looked at the man with his back turned to him. The man’s finger was firmly on the trigger. “Who are you?”

“Your friend.” The man said and turned his head, his pointed ears scanning the starlight that poured into the room.

Vito showed a look of astonishment, “Eldarad Osuran?”

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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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