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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 59 The Final Era: Preparing for Attack

The deck was busy, with ground crews running back and forth on the large deck. Their shouts filled and echoed under the metal dome, and red light flashed from time to time outside the blue air wall on one side. and green beams of light, even if there were no explosions and vibrations, the clouds of war would have descended here long ago.

Servants were executing orders in groups, and soulless workers were approaching from the side carrying thick energy hoses. Under the instructions of the ground crew, or to be precise, curses, these brainless servants inserted the energy pipes into the blue thunder. At the interface on the Eagle’s tail, the pump element begins to inject the Thunderhawk’s fuel tank.

Omega walked around the Thunderhawk, his mechanical eyes flashing green scanning beams, the incense burner hanging from the mechanical arm behind him, burning and floating along with the hymn to appease the machine soul.

Light smoke from the incense burner rushed past both sides of the Thunderhawk’s fuselage, and the mist was cut off by the blue steel. The thick twin-mounted heavy bolter was swinging up and down, and the sound of loading came from the inside of the muzzle. A star war eagle is ready to attack.

And its deadly passengers are also making preparations. Lancelot is sitting on the container beside Thunder Eagle, with a censer hanging from his finger. Do you think this censer is small? The reason why it looks like a small ring-like thing is just because of the hugeness of Astartes.

“Fight in ten minutes! Repeat, fire in ten minutes!” A warning echoed on the ship’s public communication screen, war sirens sounded one after another, and red light danced on the walls and hatches.

Transport trucks and flatbed trucks were moving at high speed around Lancelot. They were shuttled on the deck, while the ground crew were busy preparing for the take-off of Lightning fighter planes and Valkyrie transport planes.

Waves of smoke fell from below the shaking censer, and the smoke landed on the power sword lying across Lancelot’s knees. The cold sword body flashed with a cold light in the incense mist, and the green wings of the Dark Angel also The wings spread out at the hilt of the sword, like a ferocious bird of prey about to pounce on its prey.

The mechanical priest walked behind Lancelot, and the servo skulls followed and coiled around him. His strange binary language did not attract Lancelot’s attention.

Lancelot’s eyes were fixed on a line of inscriptions on the sword. It was an inscription written with the ancient proverbs of the Caliban knights. Its language and meaning have long been forgotten by mankind. Only the last Cali on the Rock of Caliban Only the sons of Ban knew this unknown ancient language.

“The Lion’s Blade, the Emperor’s Sword, the original body wishes me the divine weapon.” Lancelot recited the eulogy of the battle group in a low voice, his face was serious and serious.

Every Astartes will do this during the final inspection before the battle. Even Ragnar is now carefully inspecting his chain axe. The gray-blue ax blade is engraved with the shape of a roaring wolf. head.

The son of Fenris carefully checked his equipment. He did not sing or recite some hymns. He seemed to completely believe in the machine soul in his hands. It did not need to be comforted or comforted. It had become one with him and became the emperor’s. Immortal weapon.

And his chapter brother, the old Olaf, held the priest’s two-handed war hammer and sang in a low voice, “The all-knowing father is above, guard your people and lead your wolves.”

“I am the son of Leman Russ, the Wolf of Fenris. I dedicate my life and oath to you, to lead the way forward in ice and snow, the all-knowing father.”

Lancelot raised his head and looked at Olaf. He nodded approvingly and admired Olaf’s composure. The old wolf had gone through countless years of fighting. He was the oldest and toughest warrior present. The five gold pieces on his forehead were Nails are a silent declaration of honor.

Five-hundred-year veterans are respected in any Chapter. Their long lives belong to the Emperor and the great mission of the Astartes.

Lancelot stood up. He inserted the knight’s sword into the bridge. He handed the incense burner to the servitor on standby with his big hand and then put on his winged helmet. The Caliban knight walked to the Thunder Eagle’s boarding door and watched as it left. Here comes the judge.

Vito walked from the distance of the deck, the bolt gun and chain sword on his belt were shaking with his steps. He also wore many weapons and ammunition clips on his waist. He had taken off his scarlet cloak, and He changed into a fitted and straight black jacket.

Um? Why don’t you wear a breastplate, you ask? My friend, for the decomposition rays and gauss weapons of the undead, what is the difference between wearing a breastplate and running naked?

Vito walked to the engine room deck and nodded to several Astartes. Lancelot and Olaf both nodded steadily to the inquisitor. Only Ragnar, who was as lively and active as ever, expressed his kindness with a playful smile. .

“Lancelot, it seems that your preparations for battle are complete.” Vito said with a smile. The Caliban knight nodded slightly and tapped his breastplate with his hand, “In the name of Lion, in the name of the Emperor. “

“What about you? Old Wolf, can you still move your bones?” He said with a smile. Of course Olaf was not angry. He knew Vito was joking, so he smiled and nodded slightly, “I can continue to fight for my father for a few more years. , until he summons me to the throne.” “Then your retirement plan may have to be delayed for a long time. It seems that the emperor is not very anxious to ask you to accompany him.”

The old wolf chuckled a few times with his rich laughter, “One day he will call me, and I also hope that it will be the most glorious battle, the greatest battle.” “I’m sure, that will be ”

Vito turned to look at Ragna. The energetic wolf cub showed a row of teeth with a smile on his face. To be precise, they were wolf teeth.

“What about you? Ragnar, I hope you haven’t spent too much time drinking.”

“Praise the All-Father! We can fight another battle in such a short time!” Ragnar laughed and said loudly, raising the chain ax in his hand and spitting out mist from his fangs.

Vito smiled and looked at Ragnar with his hands on his hips, “Are you ready to use the weapons to deal with the undead? I don’t think you need to read the briefing to know, right?”

“Of course! If it’s not green light or red light outside, it’s definitely undead!” Ragnar smiled and pulled out the melt gun on his waist, then hung the chain ax on his belt and pulled out a plasma pistol. , this guy holds two guns elegantly on both sides of his head.

He gave the answer silently with a smile on his face. Vito smiled and looked at Lancelot, who patted the bolt gun on his waist and nodded affirmatively, “We are ready, Inquisitor, waiting for you. Order.”

Vito walked between them and walked onto the deck. Ragnar turned to look at the inquisitor in surprise, and pointed at the fixed cabin next to the hatch. The fixed position was much smaller than the surrounding fixed racks. It was obviously For mortals.

“Your place is over here, what are you going to do?”

“Sail the ship,” Vito responded cheerfully, and then Ragnar gave him what he could almost call a horrified expression, “No!”

and cries of despair.

In the Thunderhawk’s cockpit, Bell was adjusting the instruments. He was sitting on a large Astartes chair, and there was a short mortal seat next to him. It was obvious that this Thunderhawk had been modified for general use, which made Both Astartes and mortals alike can swoop onto planets in raptors, bringing the Emperor’s wrath upon their enemies.

“The soul of the machine is calm. It has reached its best condition.” Omega’s voice came from the communication platform. Bell saw the priest from outside the driving glass. He was tirelessly inspecting and comforting every part of this war raptor.

Bell shook the control stick, and the propulsion nozzle at the tail of the fighter plane swung in the direction with the movement of his wrist. A slight preheating flame flickered in the vortex nozzle.

Bell checked the data display terminals one by one. Ammunition, fuel and take-off preparations were all ready.

But just when Bell was about to call his brothers to come up, he turned around and saw the Inquisitor walking into the cockpit. Vito walked to the edge of the driver’s seat and kicked Bell on the leg armor, “Get started.” , I’ll drive.”

Before Bell could respond, Ragnar had already strode to the cockpit door and looked at Vito with a bitter look on his face, “No, Vito, I vomited all over the last time you drove the Thunderhawk!”

“Who told you to drink so much malt liquor before setting off? Go back and stay.” Vito said and sat in the mortal operating position. He waved his hand to signal Bell to get off, and the pharmacist did obey the order. , he got up from the driving seat, stepped on the deck with his power armor and walked out of the cockpit with a heavy echo.

Vito took one last look at Ragnar, who looked like he was constipated. He turned on the engine with a slight smile, and the roar of the propeller sounded instantly.

“Ah! My father!” Ragnar complained and turned to leave. At this moment, Lancelot and Olaf were just boarding the plane. Lancelot quickly got into his seat and immediately locked the locking bolt. Genna showed a surprised expression.

He felt the gravity of the Thunder Eagle as it lifted off the ground, and saw Bell entering his position as well. “It’s Vito, the Emperor is on top, we can bear it.”

Lancelot immediately entered his position. He pulled down the fixed bolt and locked himself firmly. Olaf also completed preparations to set off. The Astartes were already in their positions, as well as Raghu. Na’s chattering and complaining shouts were mixed with the roar of the gunship’s engine.

Vito pulled up the operating lever, and the Thunderhawk slowly rose from the ground and slid forward out of the hangar. The blue shield penetrated around the fighter plane, and the Thunderhawk entered space from the lower edge of the Mars-class battle cruiser’s belly. .

Vito looked at the chaotic battlefield ahead from the cockpit. Artillery, blue beams and green arcs flashed throughout the universe, and the flames of explosions dotted the orbit of the planet.

“Sit tight!” Vito yelled, pushing the thruster power to the maximum. In an instant, the four Astartes in the cabin were thrown to one side. If they hadn’t been fixed already, they would definitely have crashed. On to the bulkhead.

The power of the thruster engine reached its maximum, and the flames of the sun lit up the jet nozzle, almost instantly allowing the Thunder Eagle to accelerate to the speed of sound and sprint out.

On the battlefield in front of them, the Mechanicum and the Necrons were engaged in a brutal cosmic hand-to-hand battle.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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