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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 6 Imperial Frontier: Imperial Space Station

The apron of the space station was dark. All the lights, landing lights, and even the door indicator lights were all turned off. There was no sound at all, only a spine-chilling silence.

This place is like the dark space beyond the light of the emperor’s sacred star torch. Everything is shrouded in a cold silence, and everything floats in this dead silence.

But gradually, a little bit of light began to illuminate this dark world, from a little bit of dim blue light until it turned into a scorching beam of light shining like the sun.

The Thunderhawk gunship slowly moved from the take-off exit to the apron. The vector jet spouted flames. All the darkness was lit by the flames. The jet gradually moved downward amidst the rumble, and slowly let the Thunderhawk land on the apron. on the tarmac.

The door of the gunship opened with a bang, and a huge figure stepped out, followed by a second one, four Death Watch Astartes. They all wore the helmets of their own battle group, but they were all painted black. , bright headlights shone out from them, instantly sweeping away the remaining darkness.

The Astartes monks, armed with explosive bombs and melee weapons, surrounded the Thunder’s deck. Vito also walked out of the cabin. He wore a closed helmet, and every step of his magnetic shoes drove little dots of fluorescent lightning.

The Inquisitor stepped off the Thunder Eagle and looked around. It was obvious that the gravity system and life support system here had been disconnected or destroyed.

Vito nodded slightly to Ragnar. The Space Wolf held a chain ax and strode towards a half-open internal entrance hatch. Ragnar directly tore open the door, threw the door leaf behind him and floated. He strode into the corridor and looked around with blue eye glasses.

“Everything is safe, brothers.” The communicator in his helmet said, and then he took two more steps inside, followed by the remaining visitors who entered.

The Space Marines walked in the corridor. They surrounded Vito in the middle, blocking all possible design positions like huge walls. Their heavy footsteps walked in the dead corridor of the space station. Except for the vibration of the iron boots, there was nothing left. There was no movement at all, the place was dead silent as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

Bell passed a sign announcing the station, “It looked busy in here, at least before we got here.”

“This kind of space station usually has hundreds of people on board. Even if there is an attack here, we should see at least one corpse.” Lancelot said, pushing away a broken tabletop in front of him. The fragments hit the wall gently, and then slowly floated to other places.

“I agree with him, Vito, there was obviously a firefight here.” Ragnar said, turning his head and using the headlight to illuminate the wall on one side. Several bullet holes were clearly visible on it.

Vito stopped, and so did the four Space Marines. They stood behind and to the sides of Vito, looking at the bullet holes in the wall with him.

“A solid bullet gun, not a bomb.” Lancelot quickly concluded, while Olaf tilted his head and looked to the side of the corridor, “There are people running and shooting here. Maybe the guards are trying to fight back. Intruders? “If so, then both of them definitely don’t mind dying with the enemy.”

Ragnar’s voice sounded from the other end, and everyone followed the voice and walked over. Before they even walked in front of them, they saw the huge gap in the bulkhead. A big hole was torn open in the corridor of the entire space station, directly exposed to the into the universe.

Vito knelt down and lightly traced the debris on the bulkhead with his fingers. He looked at the powder on his fingers.

“The rockets were fired hastily and very unwisely. I estimate that many people died not from being sucked into the universe, but from being blown up.”

“But we didn’t see the body. Do you think the invaders took the body away? Or did they do it intentionally?” Olaf said in surprise, “But what enemy would do this? The perverted bloody people of the Dark Eldar?”

“No, those perverts like living people, not corpses.” Ragnar said, patting the bulkhead with his palm, “And we didn’t see any traces of the Eldar’s weapons. Their fancy things can easily leave traces. ”

“You are right, Ragnar, not the Eldar.” Vito stood up, but Olaf looked confused, “I can’t imagine what kind of enemy it could be, Inquisitor, besides, what is the value of this space? Did the intruders go to such great lengths?”

“I don’t know, but I think we can find the answer in the command tower.” Vito said, leading the way to the dark corridor, followed closely by the four Space Marines.

They found the command tower without much effort. All space stations in the empire are manufactured according to a template standard. Even if the external appearance is very different, the internal structure is roughly the same. As long as you have been to one space station, the rest will be the same. You probably already have a number.

Vito and the four Death Watchers have been to a lot of space stations, and many of them were unpleasant. It took a lot of time to shoot and kill people before moving forward.

But it was much easier here. They arrived at the command tower smoothly. It was also empty. The semi-curved giant glass wall was at the front. The Imperial Golden Eagle hung on the dome. Under the tall dome, there were countless Mechanical instruments.

Like many places in this space station, there are traces of conflict everywhere. Vito walked to the space station commander’s position. There was a bullet hole on the back of the chair, and there were dried blood stains on the leather chair.

Not only that, almost the entire operating platform was destroyed. The perpetrators used guns and blunt instruments to roughly destroy the dials. Every instrument and every divination machine was destroyed.

“Bell, check if there is any surviving data. I guess these idiots don’t understand the operating principles of the machine.” Vito just said it, but Bell had already started to do so.

He used the multi-functional tool table on his arm to cut open a data terminal, and after some exploration, he pulled out a black hard drive. “Obviously, these idiots thought that destroying the mechanical dial would destroy these. All heretics are the same.”

“Wow, don’t let the Mechanicus know, otherwise those guys will have another attack.” Ragnar said with a smile, watching Bell plug the interface into the hard drive, and the Extreme Warrior stood up and checked the data on it in the helmet.

“This space station detected an ominous sign a month ago. According to the data, there were changes in the stars at an unpredictable distance.” “What kind of changes?” Vito asked. Bell was silent for a moment and quickly gave an answer. “Some constellations disappeared, or could no longer be observed. The technicians of the space station believed that it was a subspace storm and reported it to the stationmaster.” “Anything else?” “The stationmaster agreed and asked the astropath to send an alarm to the main star during the window period a few days later, and then the record was disconnected.” Vito frowned slightly, walked to the command desk and looked down. Every instrument was destroyed. “It seems that the invaders tried to prevent them from issuing a warning and succeeded.” “Except for the request for help from the astropath, perhaps because of the subspace storm, it was received by us.” Lancelot rubbed the dashboard and said, and the thing did not react at all. “Guys, I think you’ll like this news.” Bell said as he walked towards the crowd, “A shuttle from the space station has left the station. According to the last record, it should have been after the exchange of fire.” Olaf took a step forward, “It means that this is a rebellion in the space station. The traitors massacred the entire space station, and now the traitors have escaped on the shuttle.” “But do they need to take the bodies away?” Lancelot asked, and Vito shook his head, “This question is not important for the time being, and we have no way to answer it.” “How can we find them?” Ragnar asked immediately, obviously impatient, Bell was silent for a moment, “The data shows that the shuttle’s fuel is very limited, and it seems that most of it The fuel was taken away by an Imperial Navy ship passing by, and the remaining shuttles are short of fuel. ” “Can you calculate where they are going?” Vito asked, and Bell nodded slightly in the white helmet, “According to calculations, the maximum fuel of the shuttle can allow the fugitives to reach the nearest Imperial planet, the agricultural world Owen-4.” Vito walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, looked at the distant stars, and then activated the communicator, “Cole, we have found something, set the coordinates to Owen-4.” Vito stopped and turned his head to look at the pierced station chair, “Don’t let anyone find us.” Use the monthly ticket to summon the Emperor’s light, and the Star Torch will send the monthly ticket light to the edge of the empire.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

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