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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 60 The Final Era: Crossing the Sea of ​​Fire

Macrocannons with a smaller caliber than those of the Imperial Navy spit out deadly tongues of fire. Above the side cannons are scarlet automatic cannons. These fully automatic weapons are firing fiercely, and the dense firing array weaves countless bullets. It became a meteor shower flying across the Milky Way.

Countless cannon fire poured out from the Mechanicum warships, and its rapid, terrifying and violent discharge of firepower was enough to amaze any Imperial captain. These degrees of automation created a rapid and violent attack on the Empire’s leading star sea battleship in a very short period of time. Firepower network, macro cannons are roaring, automatic cannons are pouring down heavy rain.

The rapid-fire cannons above the battleship lit up the background of the universe. Raindrop-like barrages flew across the orbit of the planet, and they swarmed towards the fleet on the other side of the huge star.

The Necrons’ tomb ships were rushing in at breakneck speed, and those dark ships slid across the surface of the galaxy as smoothly as curling stones across the ice.

A barrage like a rainstorm hit the black fleet, and the explosion like a rainstorm instantly swallowed up these fast-moving warships. However, after a burst of flames, the undead warships were still moving forward, and there was not even a trace of fire left on their dark steel surfaces. The next scratch.

The Necron warship, which has a strange shape and seems to completely ignore fluid mechanics and material texture, is flying at an unimaginable high speed. Dark green light flashes around the ship’s body, and the green light filaments are stretched due to the rapid movement of the warship.

The green halo belt dragged and extended behind the undead fleet, like a strange constellation of stars.

The star-and-moon type Necron reaper ships rushed towards them, accompanied by several small Necron warships. The light spear arrays and bombardment cannons in the Mechanicus fleet hit the Necron hull head-on, and a dense rain of bullets flew across the galaxy.

The Necron fleet was constantly flashing with dazzling firelight, but these hard black warships still rushed towards the Mechanicus fleet at high speed. Green arcs of electricity were emitted from the weapon incisions at the positions, and the cold space of the universe was slashed by lightning. On the frigate, the void shield flickered under the strike of lightning.

As the second electric arc arrived at the speed of light, the battleship was shattered and exploded almost instantly, with flames spitting out from the muzzles and buildings.

The broken red building collapsed and shattered, and flames spurted out from the broken cracks and gaps. The broken battleship tilted and bent in all directions, as if it were spitting out “fire-like blood” like a person whose head had been severed.

The large Mechanicus warship turned around, and the Nova Cannon charged under the golden mechanical skull gathered. The dazzling beam roared out and hit the oncoming Necromancer warship. Explosions and green lightning spewed out from the broken black stone hull. When it came out, broken steel spurted out like a torrential rain.

Nova cannons were fired from the large ships one by one. The proud soldiers of the Mechanicus finally shattered the advancing Necron warship, and the other party responded immediately. Tesla weapons and arcs began to fire at the large warship.

The warships of the Adeptus Mechanicus showed amazing courage, and the small warships accelerated forward one by one, using themselves as a shield to block an arc.

The frigates exploded and disintegrated one after another, and their spurting “fire blood” lit up the surface of the entire planet’s atmosphere, dotting the dark galaxy background with gorgeous flame flowers.

Dense rainstorms and laser beams streaked across the battlefield, and Vito was driving the Thunderhawk at high speed. He drove the Thunderhawk through these dense rains of bullets at extremely high speeds.

It’s like passing through a downpour but not being hit by even a single raindrop. Because it can’t be hit, the Thunderhawk will quickly explode and disintegrate as long as it is hit by even one round of artillery fire or laser beam.

But Vito drove a fighter plane into this sea of ​​death. The movements and trajectories of the Thunderhawk changed rapidly. The complexity of its movements was dazzling. The flames from the tail nozzle almost became Losing linearity is like having half of the lines drawn on a painting curved and straight.

Vito flies through the shells and rain of bullets, as if he is really dancing in the storm but not being hit by the raindrops.

His eyes swept across the chaotic battlefield in front of him at high speed. The flames of the explosion illuminated his face and were reflected in the black eyes. The judge’s wrist swung and rotated at high speed, driving the Thunder Eagle to move at extremely high speeds.

The large-arc turn was achieved under the emergency side push of the propeller. Vito used this to roll upward to avoid the beam of a luminous spear. After completing the large turn, he straightened the fuselage and continued to drive at high speed. Ragnar was in the cabin. The people complained and whined, as if they thought this place wasn’t messy enough.

“Ragna, stop howling!” Vitor shouted loudly, and in return was a series of shouts from Ragnar in Fenrisian, or curses to be precise.

“Next time I would rather be shot out by a cannon than ride on the boat you drive!” Ragnar shouted at the top of his lungs, while Vito smiled and suddenly pulled up the control, “Then you are the best Let’s hope there will be a next time.”

Bell looked at the roaring sea of ​​fire outside through the small side window of the Thunderhawk. He could even hear through the Thunderhawk’s bulkhead the vibrations from the torpedo engine outside as it penetrated at extremely close range.

It has to be said that they are literally dancing on the sword of death. As long as there is the slightest deviation, they will immediately turn into a ball of flame and disappear into the galaxy.

But they didn’t, and despite Ragnar’s howling, they were still alive and moving across the battlefield.

Bell was certain that if the empire had a ranking mechanism for pilots, then Vito would definitely be the best pilot in the empire, or even one of the best.

But what Bell found strange was how Vito could accurately control and sense the firepower coming from all directions when his field of vision was limited to the glass of the cockpit, as if he knew where the gunfire would come from. , and how long it will take for the next round of artillery fire to arrive.

“Ah!! All the Father!” “Ragnar, the Emperor, please stop howling!”

Lancelot cursed loudly, obviously very uncomfortable, but strangely Olaf seemed very calm. Lancelot looked over in surprise, “Old Wolf, you didn’t happen to be a combat pilot, did you? “

“No, but I was a member of the Storm Wolf Company before I became the Death Watch.” “What do you mean?” “I used to drive a combat motorcycle.” “Ah.”

Lancelot raised his head in understanding. He still remembered that when he and the White Scars fought against the Eldar on Luvain Nar, the habits of those racing enthusiasts indeed made them very adaptable to this kind of “flying” moment. .

The torpedo warheads flashing red in the torpedo tubes roared out, and each Mechanicum warship launched a dense torpedo net.

Vito operated the Thunderhawk to rush past these whizzing torpedoes at extremely high speeds. The Thunderhawk flew through the gaps in front and behind each torpedo, and even cut across them with a scalpel posture at very close range.

The torpedo warheads flying around the Thunder Eagle rushed towards the Necron fleet, but the black battleship fired green arcs, and the jumping lightning blew up a large number of torpedoes. The high-speed continuous bursts turned the torpedoes into brilliant sparks in the background of the star sea. .

A huge network of torpedoes exploded one after another, the small sparks turned into a sea of ​​blooming flowers, the clouds of fire obscured the outline and trajectory of the Necron fleet, and the flames soared into the sky, almost touching the Thunder Eagle itself.

The blue wings were scorched by the high temperature, and the pitch-black charred surface spread from the very edge. Vito operated the Thunderhawk to fly through the fire clouds despite violent vibrations, but when it was passing through the gorgeous flame clouds, it collapsed in the clouds. The black steel structure collided out.

The Necromancer battleship broke through the fire cloud and advanced rapidly from the sea of ​​fire. Vito saw the crescent-shaped Necromancer warship approaching at a very fast speed and suddenly pulled up the operating lever. The propeller sprayed downward violently, causing the Thunder Eagle to jump backwards. out.

The gravity pressure brought about by this sudden movement still exceeded 10G, and even approached 20G! If the Astartes hadn’t been transformed by Superman, they would have fainted long ago.

But they could still feel the huge dizziness and discomfort, “Fuck!” Ragnar complained loudly, and his roar echoed throughout the fighter plane.

But Vito had no time to pay attention to him. He suddenly pressed down the nose of the plane and rushed downward. He rushed down from the side of the harvester at high speed and swooped out just before the huge body hit the Thunderhawk. The fighter plane emerged from the cloud of fire. It suddenly jumped down like a dragon entering the sea, as fast and flexible as a dragon.

In the dazzling fire cloud and sea of ​​​​fire, Vito once again operated the fighter plane to roll to avoid the passing Necromancer warship, and the green arc flashed in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Vito continued to operate the control stick at high speed, and the Thunder Eagle rotated and sprinted through the gaps between the battleships. As it moved forward, the fire clouds quickly extinguished and dissipated after consuming oxygen. The dark cosmic background appeared in front of them again, but also Almost instantly, he was swallowed up by new explosions and flames.

The Mechanicus warships continued to fire back with all their strength, but the vanguard of the Necron fleet still rushed into the Mechanicus fleet. The close-range arc strikes caused the Mechanicus warships to shatter and disintegrate. The explosion flames erupted from the shells of their own and enemy warships. It surged up and down. Vito operated the Thunderhawk to swoop down. The Mechanicus warship and the Necron warship were biting together in front. The explosion and broken wreckage of the ship’s hull flew around the Thunderhawk.

He drove the Thunderhawk constantly changing speed and angle, flying between various wreckage floating in the weightless environment. The broken hull was illuminated by the gunfire from both sides.

Vito dived downwards at high speed, and the Thunderhawk’s tail flame was stretched extremely straight. The blue raptor suddenly turned sideways and rushed down the side of a Mechanicum cruiser. Just as they passed by, a whole row of macro cannons fired. The gunfire and the shock wave from the muzzle collided and hit the Thunderhawk’s fuselage.

The fighter plane lost its balance and began to fall in the wind like fallen leaves. The vision of the high-speed rotating fighter plane was completely blurred. Vito looked at the afterimage outside the driving glass and pulled the control lever tightly.

“Ah!!!” Ragnar yelled, looking like he was definitely not going to be able to ride the roller coaster, Vito thought to himself.

“Inquisitor! We must adjust the angle!” Bell shouted calmly. Vito raised his fist and punched the operating instrument. Suddenly, the Thunderhawk gunship’s in-system thruster was quickly ignited, and the high-power engine The fuel was consumed exponentially, but the fierce propulsion flames also stabilized the Thunderhawk.

After free-falling for a while, the thrusters pushed at full speed in the counter-clockwise direction, hitting the cabin with a huge force. Vito was almost thrown out of his seat, but his hands were still holding on tightly. The gripping operation feeling allows Thunderhawk to achieve stable balance.

He sat back in the driving chair, and Thunder Eagle was facing the chaotic battlefield above his head. The ships on both sides were engaged in a gorgeous and fierce hand-to-hand battle at close range.

Vito’s eyes reflected countless firelights, and he watched the tragic scene above from the cockpit. The Mechanicum’s all-machine body shattered and collapsed, and the fire and blood spurted out and lit up the galaxy.

The Astartes all watched this scene from the cabin. Their vision crossed the unclosed cabin door and looked at the tragic scene outside the driving glass.

Vito reached out and opened the communication channel, his eyes still staring at the battlefield of death, “Cole, let these idiots retreat, all retreat.” “Understood, Inquisitor.”

Cole’s voice sounded briefly, and then disappeared immediately. Vito sighed and adjusted the fighter plane to re-align with the planet.

The Thunder Eagle rushed down, and behind it, the sea of ​​fire was spreading in the orbit of the planet, and the blood of the Mechanic God would be sprinkled all over the orbit of the planet.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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