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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 62 The Final Era: Inside the Tomb

Necrons, this species has actually disappeared a long time ago, or their civilization and existence have long been gone. The race called the Necrontyr has disappeared in the long river of history, and has been replaced by countless people. The steel body of the soul.

They are hard, fearless, and almost indestructible. Behind the extremely advanced and even magical level of technology are twisted thoughts that hate all flesh and blood. Those individuals in these steel bodies who preserve thinking, those former nobles , the King of France and the high priests are now paranoid and crazy.

The first time humans fought against the undead was in Orpheus. It was a bloody, long and difficult decisive battle, and the empire won a victory that cannot be called a victory.

Although the Orpheus star field was preserved, in the chaos and turmoil that followed, the human empire, which was severely weakened, still abandoned this star field.

The war was won, but the victory was also lost.

After that, the wars between humans and the undead continued one after another. Vito still remembered the battle of the World Engine. It was a fearless and glorious battle. The Astral Knights won a difficult victory at the cost of almost annihilating the entire army.

But today, Vito felt that maybe he wouldn’t have to pay such a high price, at least if they could get it done within an hour.

The Inquisitor squatted behind a black wall, green decomposition rays and Gauss weapons bombarded the corner wall, and plasma arcs jumped and flashed around him.

Vito looked at the four Astartes who were also hiding on the wall. Behind them lay the remains of several Necrons. Their dead state was very ugly.

In order to ensure that these iron blocks would not stand up again after being reorganized, Vito and the Death Watch made their best efforts to beat them to pieces. As far as the results were concerned, it seemed to be quite successful, although they seemed to have missed a few hits. indivual.

Vito nodded slightly to Bell. The Ultramarine lowered his bolter and took out a grenade from his belt. Bell threw it out violently, and the grenade hit the wall at the end of the corridor and bounced into the long corridor where the Necrons were located.

The explosion sounded instantly, and a large sheet of flames swept towards the undead soldiers. They did not dodge or dodge. The flames could not cause any damage to them. The hot heat flow directly slipped from the black metal surface, even the charred ones. There are no traces.

The undead looked at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of them. One of the undead raised a Gauss rifle and aimed it again at the flames, but suddenly a flash of plasma roared out of the fire cloud, and the plasma penetrated the churning fire cloud. One of his shots hit the undead in the chest.

A hole was melted out of the black steel, but the undead was not killed. The latter raised his Gauss rifle and fired continuously at the giant charging in the flames.

But the plasma seemed to have damaged his stable structure, and his arm was shaking. The Gaussian ray only hit one side of the giant’s shoulder armor, and an obvious gap was made in the black carapace, but the giant had already rushed there. before.

Lancelot’s power sword pierced the undead’s face. The undead guard fell to the ground with a crash, and chaotic arcs of electricity flashed around his face around the decomposing blade of the power sword.

The undead beside him aimed his gun at Lancelot, but before he could shoot, he was punched in the face by Ragnar who rushed towards him.

The Necron was hit hard against the wall, and the machine’s head was dented due to the heavy blow. He slowly turned his head without any pain, but as soon as he looked forward, he was cut off by a chain saw axe. head.

The roaring chain saw cut off the face of the undead from the front. Ragnar drew his bolter and fired at the remaining undead. The undead aimed at the Astartes and began to fire.

Ragnar pushed the Necron corpse next to him in front of him. The corpse blocked the laser arcs. Ragnar rushed forward and used the corpse as a battering ram to knock over several Necron soldiers.

He abandoned the corpse, swung the chain saw and looked over the shoulder of the last undead guard still standing. The arm that was about to raise the decomposition rifle began to twitch under the fierce cutting of the chain sword, and the undead souls were godless. He looked at the Space Wolf in front of him, who angrily grabbed the undead’s head, and then violently tore it off from his neck.

Full of rage, Ragnar let out an angry wolf howl. He turned and pounced on another Necron who had just stood up. Lancelot stood up from the ground, raised his bolter and began to fire at the reinforcements that appeared at the end of the corridor.

Bell also rushed up from the side and took aim with his blaster. It must be said that Bell’s marksmanship was very good. As a pharmacist, his marksmanship could literally shoot one head.

The Necron reinforcements were hit by a bomb at the end of the corridor. They were knocked to the ground, and green arcs of electricity spurted out from the bullet holes, as if they were a special kind of blood.

The undead warrior holding a plasma shield appeared in the corridor. He held a black shield with his left arm, and his protective stance instantly unfolded to block the incoming bombs. The bullets decomposed and exploded a few inches in front of the shield, and the flames did not hurt them at all. The undead warrior is nothing.

These iron guards holding shields and cutting battle axes flashing with green light stepped forward. The bombardment of bombs was meaningless in front of them. Their iron feet stepped on the black stone ground flashing with green light, amidst the heavy mechanical footsteps. Attack.

The underworld structure beetles flew over their heads one after another. These beetles came in swarms like swarms from between the vaults, black stone pillars and walls, with green lightning flashing in their iron jaws.

Bell and Lancelot immediately shot at those structures. The bolters exploded and flickered among the dense swarm of beetles, but they still could not stop the dense sea of ​​beetles from coming.

They came like dark clouds on a rainy day, but just when the first group of beetles was about to contact Belle and Lancelot, a force captured them all, and then all the beetles were pinched together by invisible hands. They squeezed each other and hit each other, eventually exploding and disintegrating.

Their steel remains fell to the ground, and Olaf, with lightning flashing in his eyes, came up from behind the two of them. Bell and Lancelot looked at each other, immediately raised their bolt guns and continued shooting.

Swarms of beetles were constantly blocked and bombarded by bolters and psychic powers, but their problems were not the only ones. Necron warriors holding stance shields were approaching in formation, and their iron feet ruthlessly trampled them to pieces. Soulless compatriots on earth.

“Ragnar! Charge!” Vito shouted and rushed under the three giants. The chain sword in his hand roared and roared. Ragna, who had just chopped the undead soldiers in front of him with his battle ax, did not hesitate at all. He rushed in front of Vito and crashed directly into the warriors.

The Space Wolf’s shoulder hit the station shield, and its flashing energy lightning bombarded Ragnar’s armor. He howled in low pain and punched the surface of the shield with both fists.

The undead warriors stopped, but at the moment they stopped, Vito rushed forward and jumped up. He stepped on Ragnar’s head and flew over the heads of the undead warriors.

Vito spun around and landed on the ground. The moment he landed, he flicked his right arm and the plasma gun slid out. He shot through the head of a samurai with one shot. The samurai collapsed to the ground, as if he had lost his thread. Like puppets.

Vito continued to fire at the warriors. One of the warriors came up with a decomposing battle axe. His body was constantly bombarded by plasma, but the plasma could not effectively kill the black giant at all.

He wielded the disintegrating battle ax and slashed continuously in front of Vito. The inquisitor dodged and moved, but the undead’s attacks were extremely fast and violent. He kept swinging the decomposing battle ax and tried to kill the inquisitor, but Vito used his strong body behind him to kill the judge. Repeatedly roll backwards to dodge.

Vito came to a black stone pillar. He leaned against it, but the undead’s attack arrived immediately. The disintegrating battle ax struck the black stone pillar with an axe. Vito escaped downwards and then pounced forward.

He jumped in front of the undead’s iron feet. Vito raised his chain sword and knelt down and swung it. The chain sword roared and cut on the undead’s ankle, and the ferocious chain saw cut off its leg. The undead warrior knelt on the ground, and the moment he turned his head to look at Vito, the chain sword was inserted directly from the front of his face.

The roaring chain sword pierced the face of the undead warrior, and countless mechanical debris spurted out from the chain saw cuts. Vito pulled out the chain axe, raised his right arm and evaporated half of the undead warrior with one shot. Face.

Vito took off the melta grenade from his belt. He took off the safety and threw it towards the undead warriors not far away. The melta grenade exploded under their feet, and the calves of the two undead warriors were dissolved and cracked almost instantly.

The moment they fell to the ground, a gap appeared. Ragnar seized the opportunity and rushed in. He grabbed the head of the nearest undead warrior and cut off his neck with a roar of chain axe.

The next undead warrior swung the disintegrating battle ax towards Ragnar, but he was blocked. Lancelot’s knight sword lay in front of him to block the chopped down undead decomposing battle axe, and its green blade was on Countless arcs of electricity flashed on the knight’s sword.

Lancelot glared at the undead warrior in front of him. He pushed up and relied on brute force to resist the suppression of the mechanical body. Then he cut off his arm holding the battle ax with a sword. The moment the ax fell to the ground, the Caliban Knight He cut off his head.

Ragna was fighting with the remaining undead warriors. One of the warriors rushed from the side. He threw away his shield and stepped on the iron foot to get close to Ragna at high speed.

He raised the battle ax and slashed at the back of Ragnar’s neck while Ragnar was not paying attention. However, when the undead’s battle ax was about to hit the target, the steel body suddenly froze.

Olaf watched the undead warrior raise his arms and clenched his fists slightly. The undead’s body was completely stuck, and its mechanical limbs made a roaring sound of working hard, but to no avail.

Ragnar turned around and immediately solved it with a chain axe. As the undead warrior fell to the ground, the entire hall fell silent briefly.

“Good job, everyone, let’s continue now,” Vito said and walked towards several people, but before he could finish his words, intensive decomposition rays were fired from the other side of the Blackstone Hall.

Those rays bombarded several people, and everyone looked to the side of the hall, where the undead army came out of the exit of several doors that suddenly opened. Even they could not find it before.

The Gundam Necromancers headed by him opened fire violently with heavy ray cannons. Without warning, everyone immediately began to look for bunkers. The Astartes rushed towards the surroundings. Olaf summoned a shield behind him and blocked several people who could not avoid it. After firing the shot, he began to rush towards the stone pillar.

The undead fire fired fiercely at them. Bell retreated while firing. The explosive shells hit the undead army, but it was obviously so weak compared to the opponent’s firepower.

Bell rolled and hid behind a black stone pillar. Olaf also rushed towards the nearest stone pillar. He was hit by a plasma ray on his back shoulder. The lightning struck the old wolf’s shoulder, but the latter remained the same. He gritted his teeth and rushed behind a stone pillar.

The Astartes all entered the bunker, but Vito was not so lucky. He was just outside the stone pillar corridor, and he was a perfect target in the unobstructed space.

“Sun!” Vito cursed and subconsciously rushed towards the nearest archway not far away. Decomposition rays and arcs bombarded him around him. Vito kept changing his position to avoid the fatal ones that would kill him immediately with just one shot. arc.

And this is not the most damning thing, the most damning thing is that a big centipede rushed out of the undead army not far away! Mechanical centipede!

The Tomb Stalker swung several limbs and rushed towards Vito at top speed. The Inquisitor cursed loudly and rushed towards the arch, while the Tomb Stalker rushed towards Vito at top speed.

Vito sprinted away at full speed. He swooped into the archway before the Tomb Stalker’s forelimbs could reach him. He rolled into a squat and raised his plasma right arm gun.

But suddenly, a door panel above the archway between him and the stalker suddenly smashed down, and the stalker who had just chased half of his body in was cut off by the door panel.

Its broken part fell to the ground, and the broken front half squirmed on the ground. Vito got up and shot it through the green eye to silence it completely.

Just as Vito was about to turn around, he heard the sound of fingers touching a certain crystal structure behind him. The fingers seemed to be very careful, as if they were afraid of damaging the thing.

Vito smiled and returned his arm to its normal form, “Thanks, Trazin.” He said with his back to the man.

The mechanical fingers tapped gently on the green dimensional magic, and the undead’s eyes looked at the Rubik’s Cube in front of them, flashing intermittently as he spoke.

“You’re welcome, old friend.”

The Endless One said.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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