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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 66 The Final Era: Entering the Storm

The turbine engine hung low and slid off the dismantled skirt. The recessed turbofan nozzles were removed by several ground crew members. The ground crew members wearing orange vests handed it over to the waiting servitors. After these processes The soulless servitor, whose strength and endurance far exceeded those of normal humans, carried the turbofan away.

Under the jet array at the end of the fighter plane, two priests of the Mechanicus were holding incense burners and chanting the ancient Mechanicum hymn in Gothic. Words that were difficult for ordinary people to understand were uttered weirdly by the electronic voice, which made It sounded more like distorted electronic music.

On the other side, another priest was directing the servitors to complete the disassembly of the overloaded and damaged engine. The servitors worked efficiently, dismantling and uninstalling the nuts and bayonet, gradually exposing the complex turbofan engine body. Under the lights of the hangar.

Omega stood in front of the Thunder Eagle. The servo skull suspended beside him fired scanning beams from its eyes. Green stripes of light slid across the Thunder Eagle’s fuselage and wings at different levels.

Omega turned his head slightly and glanced at the servo skull next to him. The floating golden mechanical skull turned towards Omega. The complex data flow slid across the surface of the right mechanical eye of the servo skull, and its data information was transmitted to Omega’s processor almost instantly. , he turned his head and watched Thunder Eagle quickly complete the reading and analysis.

“The Thunderhawk was seriously damaged and the machine spirit was irritable and restless. I’m surprised that you were able to drive it back.” Omega said without emotion, but from the same sentence, Vito seemed to be able to detect a hint of it. A trace of displeasure.

The Inquisitor standing aside smiled and rubbed his nose. He looked at the Thunder Eagle undergoing repairs in front of him. It was indeed a miracle. After they escaped from the planet’s atmosphere, the fighter plane had stalled, but then suddenly turned on again. I did it once, and it completely fell silent after I drove it back.

Maybe the machine soul wants to find a comfortable place to pass out? Oh, then they enjoy life much more than these oil guys.

“Can you fix it?” Vito said with a joking smile. Omega didn’t look at him. The layered snake-like mechanical arms under the red robe were squirming and bending around, as if there were really countless iron snakes surrounding Omega. of.

He walked up to the Thunder Eagle and stretched out his hand to touch the nose of the fighter plane. His iron hand gently brushed across the blue steel surface, as if he were gently stroking a sleeping woman.

“I can, but next time, please protect her.” Omega said without looking back, while Vito nodded with a bright smile, “Of course, of course, Ohm Messiah is the witness.”

As he spoke, dull rumbling sounds came from several directions in the hangar. Vito looked at the source of the sound. The heavy sealed hatch outside the air wall was slowly sliding down, and the Imperial Sky Eagle logo followed. It gradually appeared as the hatch slid down.

“We are about to enter subspace.” Omega said and had already started maintenance work. Cutting and welding guns popped out of his robotic arm, as well as rotating screwdrivers. The priest had already entered his working state and took over the ground crew. their work.

Vito watched the airtight hatches slide down one by one. The thick hatch at the far end that slid down first had been connected to a sealing bolt. Vacuum gas was sprayed out from the surrounding gaps. A complex mechanical and hydraulic structure was installed around the gate. It works until the mechanical iron locks completely lock the valve.

Vito looked at the nearest hatch. The gray-black iron door slowly lowered, and the bright starlight outside disappeared one by one. Everything was blocked until the door fell completely, completely closing the ship to the inside. Completely separated from the outside.

“Come on, I’m leaving first.” Vito said, waving his hand and walking towards the busy arched entrance of the hangar. Omega glanced at Vito and continued to work intensively.

Under the illumination of the hangar lights, the cutting gun sprayed out a sea of ​​sparks that shone like stars.



Vito returned to his cabin, and the Inquisitor took off the bolter and chainsword. He threw the heavy weapon belt casually on the round coffee table.

He walked from the big bed to the classical-style desk. The judge brushed his fingers over the ebony desk surface. There was a stack of scrolls and documents placed on the dark desk. Vito casually picked up a stack of scrolls and documents. Let’s take a look at the title of this book.

Written on the old brown-red page was the line “The Great Expedition and Poetry” written by Calkas on the 13th Expedition Fleet.

Vito sighed and put it back on the table. He remembered that this child had a good relationship with Loken. Gavir had always admired him and even mentioned him to Togaton and himself. He was brave. A poet who was industrious, tireless, and above all honest, and he died of honesty.

“Gavel Togaton.” Vito sighed and sat on the chair next to the desk. He still remembered his voice, the young Captain of the Tenth Company of the Luna Wolves.

He has always liked both of them throughout the 13th Expedition Fleet. Togaton is humorous and straightforward, always speaking his mind and treating his friends sincerely, while Loken is always loyal to friendship, implements his own beliefs, and never wavers.

“Istvan.” When Vito said these words, it was as painful as a knife. He was not in Istvan, but he could imagine that scene, that desperate and heart-wrenching scene.

Vito took out the crescent-shaped communicator from his arms, with green crystals inlaid on its surface. Vito opened the locked desk drawer and threw it in.

He looked at another thing in the drawer, which was a small ring. The ring was too exquisite to be made by a mortal craftsman. It was full of the craftsmanship style of the Eldar. It was exquisite and beautiful, as if it were made of stars. .

In the core of the stars and the moon, there is a gem, a purple-red clean gem. The pure crystal is like the most beautiful and pure object in the world. There is not even a trace of cutting marks on the smooth surface. It seems to be formed by condensation after a drop of blood falls naturally.

And this is correct in a sense, because this is what Lilith gave to herself, and it was indeed made with her own blood.

She said it was a drop of blood taken from her heart, although Vito didn’t know whether demons had hearts. Aren’t they energy bodies? But at least that’s what she said. The original words were “give yourself pure emotion and love.”

Vito sighed helplessly and gently brushed the gemstone with his fingers. The gemstone was smooth and delicate, just like a woman’s skin.

He raised his head and looked at the closed floor-to-ceiling window of the starry sky beside him. The solid armor layer outside had fallen, and the entire battleship had been completely sealed off from the outside world, both physically and sensually, because they were about to enter the subspace. .

Vito could sense the opening of the subspace channel outside. Powerful chaotic energy was spraying from the crack into the physical universe. Lightning was bombarding the armor of the battleship and the protective shield of Geller’s position was still fully open. Isolate the terrible evil energy of subspace from the inside of the ship.

This is necessary. When a battleship crosses the sea of ​​souls in the subspace, only the opening of Geller’s stance can protect them within it, shielding and covering the light of the souls of mortals, especially the astropaths on the ship, to avoid They were discovered by the demons and demons lurking in the subspace.

They will lurk in the shadows through the Warp, hiding in the corners of the daemons’ view.

Most people are afraid of everything in the subspace, and even a mortal can go crazy just by taking a look at the subspace. The chaotic and crazy storms in it are enough to drive any untrained ordinary person crazy, so every time they travel through it, all senses that can communicate with the outside world are blocked. The place for interaction also includes the large floor-to-ceiling windows in Vito’s room.

He smiled sarcastically. Everyone was afraid of avoiding the subspace, but now he was about to enter the subspace, and he didn’t know what to say.

Vito put the ring on the ring finger of his right hand. The ring fit perfectly on the outline of the finger, and its touch was as comfortable as a gentle hand caressing Vito’s finger.

He leaned back on the chair and slowly closed his eyes. His soul sank into the ocean. The seawater of the Sea of ​​Souls rose from both sides of his cheeks and gradually immersed him completely in it. When the seawater rose from his cheeks, he slowly closed his eyes. When he passed the top, he fell completely into the cold water of the Sea of ​​Souls.

He fell slowly, all feelings and emotions disappeared, and everything fell into silence.

Until a pair of hands hugged Vito’s chest from behind, and those slender hands met on his chest, and that strange feeling came to his mind.

And people generally call it memory.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

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