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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 7 Imperial Frontier: Helpfulness

The golden wheat fields spread to the ends of the earth, and this endless golden ocean covers the entire earth. When you look down from space, you can see an extremely beautiful picture.

Gold, green and crimson earth echo each other. These colors are not the toxic wastewater discharged from the factories of the Forge World, but originate from the life force of nature, which nurtures the food and clothing of the entire galaxy’s population.

This is the agricultural world, an extremely important world in the human empire. Why? It’s very simple, because people will be hungry if they don’t eat, and they will die if they are hungry for a long time, right? Yes, that’s the reason.

Each agricultural world is the granary for the entire galaxy and tens of billions of people. The entire empire’s food rations come from the agricultural world. However, there is usually only one agricultural world in each galaxy, or at most three. The survival of each agricultural world It is all related to the survival of the entire galaxy.

If the agricultural world falls, the entire imperial planet in the galaxy will have an unimaginably large population. Civil war, chaos and riots will break out in hunger. Not to mention dealing with the coming enemy, they themselves will be fighting in the civil war. They fought for the remaining rations and killed them all.

In order to feed these hungry imperial worlds and prevent the huge population from rioting, the imperial agricultural world simply uses the entire planet for farming and does nothing else.

The mountains were leveled, the oceans were filled, and the entire planet’s surface was completely covered with food crops, wheat ears, fruit trees, and all crops improved by the Mechanicum’s biotechnicians. Food crops were extended to the ends of the earth, and extremely high-yielding food would Harvested and collected by the entire planet’s population, and handed over to the Galaxy Governor’s Mansion after leaving enough food for oneself.

Over the years and generations, countless transport ships have been coming and going on the planet, transporting food here to various imperial worlds. This has made the planet’s orbit very crowded, and the entire starport and surface airport are very busy.

But this silver shuttle still found an opening. This slender intergalactic aircraft slowly descended from the sky. The vector jets at the end of the fuselage spit out flames. A huge amount of dust was lifted up from the ground. At this stop, Thick fog rose in the warehouse.

The old administrator of the apron walked out of the workshop, swore and waved his hand to disperse the dust in front of him, and watched as the shuttle landed smoothly on the apron. The jet nozzle gradually cooled down, and the hatch naturally dropped and opened.

A person walked down from the deck, a man. He was wearing a black jacket and a red scarf. He had a blaster and bullets hanging from his waist. He looked like a mercenary?

“What are you doing?” the old administrator asked. The man smiled and threw the silver empire card to the old administrator. “Keep an eye on my ship, and it needs to replenish fuel. The money is already in it.”

The man said as he walked past the old administrator and patted him on the shoulder affectionately, “The extra is for you, so don’t let the local gangsters steal anything, do you understand?”

The old administrator smiled and put the silver card in his arms, “Understand, your name? If you are willing to tell me, according to the governor’s order, any landing ship needs to be registered.”

“Of course, I can do that too.”

“No, it’s not necessary. My name is Vito, Vito Constantine, Rogue Trader.” Vito said with a smile, his smile was bright and friendly, and the old man smiled and nodded slightly, “Of course, of course, Rogue Trader.” “

Vito showed a pleased smile, and then walked out of the hangar. The bright sunshine shot down from the sky. When Vito raised his head, he had to block the sun with his hand before he could look at the sky.

I have to say that the weather in this agricultural world is very good, with clear skies and no red dust caused by excessive use of pesticides. The whole world is natural and harmonious. As expected, the world close to Ultramar is quite good.

Vito lowered his head and looked around the busy street. Most of the people here were local farmers. Agricultural vehicles were driving up and down the street. Farmers in simple clothes were walking around. Walking among the vendors and shops, purchasing good things that appeared in the market today.

Vito walked on the street, the bolt gun shaking with his thighs. He looked at everything he saw along the street. He had to say that the environment here surprised him a little.

The security situation in the Victoria Galaxy is surprisingly good. Unlike most imperial worlds, which can make the Ministry of Justice furious for a few days, the security situation here seems to be surprisingly good. There are no imperial marshals patrolling the streets everywhere, nor The mercenary carrying the gun has become a kind of alien himself.

But soon, Vito clearly realized that he was still hasty. As he walked along the street, he accidentally discovered three young street gangsters gathered in front of a stall, shouting something in rude low Gothic. , Ah. Especially the accent. Vito is sure that if Judge Amberley Weir were here, he would have made some harsh comments about their poor accent.

Speaking of which, what is that little girl doing recently? The last time I met her was in Relmunda? I remember that time he and the boys from the Death Watch helped Amberley kill the patriarch of the local Genestealer sect.

Oh. Vito still remembers when Ragnar howled like a lunatic, shooting randomly while slashing through the purebred genestealers with his chainsword.

I remember that Amberley told her about a person at that time, a person who seemed very interesting to her, or to be precise, very interested in him, a political commissar named Kane.

But since that time, I haven’t seen the lovely Miss Weir for several years. Well, it’s better not to see her. That crazy woman’s ability to make trouble is not inferior to her.

Vito is always the only one who makes trouble for others, and no one else makes trouble for him!

Having said that, those little gangsters seemed to be interesting. Vito leaned closer and immediately heard those bad words clearly.

“Old Rolling Ball! I said! You must pay taxes to the Harvester Gang! This is our territory!” the bald young man shouted, waving his fist, and the old man snorted disdainfully, “I paid it to you. Once, give it to Locke. “Fuck! Locke died a few months ago!” “What does it matter to me?”

The old man said unyieldingly, “You go find him. I don’t know if that bastard gave you money, but I don’t care. Now get out of here.”

“You must give us one more time! Otherwise we will break your useless legs! You will never die!” the young man with a unique hairstyle shouted, and had already pulled out a metal rod, which seemed to be the same style as the bailiff’s.

“No money! You can’t even kill me! I’ve had enough of you assholes! Everyone wants one! I swear I’m going to go straight to Antonio and tell him what you idiots are doing!”

Obviously, the name Antonio angered or intimidated them, but after a brief hesitation, the gangster picked up a stick and hit the old man.

The old man was startled and almost fell to the ground, but he soon realized that he didn’t need to run away, because one hand grabbed the stick. The old man and the three gangsters all looked at the man, an outsider wearing a black jacket. By.

“Who are you? Get away from the outsiders!” the bald gangster yelled angrily, while Vito looked at them jokingly and glanced at the money bag on the bald man’s waist.

“Old man, I guess the local gang has collected the tax, right?” Vito asked. The old man nodded blankly, “Yes, they have collected it, but they”

“A bunch of idiots who think they are smart enough to collect money again behind the boss’s back.” Vito said with a smile. The bald man was irritated, took out his dagger and roared angrily, “Who do you think you are? A tax collector?!”

Baldhead stabbed Vito in the abdomen in anger, and Vito punched the gangster in front of him in the face. As he stepped back, Vito took away the baton.

Vito did not dodge, but rushed forward, and suddenly bent the bald man’s arm with his arm. He heard the sound of his arm being broken while screaming. Before the bald man could curse during the scream, Vito He knocked him to the ground with his legs, and then hit his big shiny head hard with the baton.

The bald man instantly fell to the ground and lost consciousness. The gangster with the unique hairstyle cursed and punched him. Vito punched him on the lower jaw faster than him. The gangster lost his balance and hit the wall. Then he was hit in the back by Vito with a stick, then a second time, and a third time, hitting the gangster repeatedly like a dog.

The third gangster froze on the spot, not daring to move forward. He just watched from the side. It was not until his companion begged for mercy in the loudest voice that the one-sided street fight came to an end.

“Enough, enough! Stop!” the gangster screamed, and Vito did stop, looking at the gangster in amusement and then threw the baton aside.

He bent down and pulled off the heavy money bag from his bald waist, and then waved his hand, his meaning was clear.

The two gangsters who were still standing immediately grabbed their companions and left the stall in embarrassment. Vito opened his money bag and threw a few golden imperial gold and silver coins to the old man.

The old man looked at the gold coins in his hand hesitantly, then raised his head and looked at Vito, who showed a bright smile and clapped his hands, “Okay, I have a question, old man, how can I find this Antonio?”

“Are you because of those gangsters? Are you the new law enforcement officer?” The old man stood up and rubbed his waist, while Vito shrugged, “No, but yes, I don’t mind sending you Let’s discuss it with him, but I have other things to ask him about. Can you tell me where he is?”

The old man looked at the gold coins in his hand and looked up at Vito in surprise, “Why are you helping me? You are a foreigner.” “A foreigner who is willing to help others, but my help must be repaid. Now it is your turn. “Where is Antonio?”

Vito straightened his collar as he spoke. It seemed very natural. The old man looked at Vito up and down, especially when he saw the bolter, he was stunned.

“He’s at the Green Lizard Bar on the edge of the settlement, at least usually, but I don’t think the Tiger Claws would let you see him.” “Don’t worry, I trust my powers of persuasion and charisma.”

Vito waved his hand and then walked towards the end of the street, “I wish you a happy rest of the day.”

The old man looked at Vito’s back, then at the phone under the shop stall. After hesitating for a moment, he sat down and leaned on the chair, “Let them be.”

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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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