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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 74 The Final Era: The Continuation of the Ancient War

The Astartes warriors, thousands of years ago, when the Emperor’s Great Crusade began, he created twenty legions, twenty primarchs, of course, to most people, even those who are knowledgeable, Humanly speaking, there are only eighteen Space Marine Chapters in the Empire, two of which have long since become forgotten.

They are even more forgotten than the traitors. As of now, no one in the galaxy knows the fate of those two legions, not even the traitors in the Eye of Terror.

But listen to the word, traitor. There was a time when it was believed that even if the stars burned out and time came to an end, the Primarchs and their Astartes would remain loyal to the cause of the Emperor. There will be no flaws in the fraternal alliance concluded.

No one believed that the Death Angels forged by the Emperor would fight each other. Everyone believed that the Astartes would unite to bring chainsaws and bolt bombs to the enemies of Mankind and the Emperor.

Mortals may betray, xenos may tear apart alliances, but the loyalty of the Astartes will last forever.

But people were wrong. When the Horus Heresy began, all this ceased to exist. The cruel and eternal war between the Astartes and the Astartes began from the ruins of Isstvaan until ten thousand years. Now, the alliance of brothers has been shattered, and only betrayal remains in the galaxy.

Here, on the planet St. Bassus, the war between loyalists and traitors that has lasted for thousands of years is once again staged.

The Death Guard of the Traitor Legions and the Death Watch Space Marines loyal to the Emperor and the Empire fought against each other. Chainsaws, power swords and rotten blades collided with each other. Fierce and rapid attacks continued in the square.

These terrible enemies who have been hiding in the Eye of Terror and spying on the empire for thousands of years are covered in sickly armor. Their once glorious armor is now rotting and covered with fungi. Under the broken armor are large, squirming mouths of blood. Whip-like tentacles danced and whipped across their bodies.

The Space Marines fought against the traitors. Lancelot wielded his power sword to continuously block the incoming attacks. The ancient rotting sword sprayed sparks and poisonous liquid in front of him.

The Caliban Knight spun at high speed and struck continuously. The Lion King’s Sword struck continuously with the black winged helmet wings. The long sword stabbed the face of the abominable thing in front of him, but was blocked by it. The traitor who betrayed the brotherly covenant waved the war blade to It wasn’t fast, but it struck the son of Caliban with a powerful blow.

Lancelot blocked the attack again, but he took a few steps back. After a few steps, he regained his footing. The sword in his hand quickly spun with the alternation of his hands, and the sword peak almost rubbed against the ground. , sparks burst out from between the sword peak and the ground.

He rushed towards the traitor and attacked again.

The other three were also locked in a bitter battle. These enemies who hid in the Eye of Terror and existed thousands of years ago were extremely difficult to deal with. The battle between the Astartes was always difficult and threatening. They all tried their best to try. Kill each other.

But you know what? Even on a tense battlefield, there will be leisure moments. When there are leisure moments, there will be weird people who are incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere, such as this person.

Vito looked Lilith up and down. He examined Lilith’s clothes. The black tights and bra outlined her perfect curves. The white lace trimmed the cuffs and neckline, which was neither too revealing nor too revealing. It’s pretty conservative, just stuck in between.

Although Vito was curious, wouldn’t it be inconvenient for Lilith to wear high heels on the battlefield? But obviously, the latter was not affected by this at all.

“Oh, it’s quite beautiful.” Vito gave him a thumbs up after a moment. Lilith shrugged slightly and straightened out Vito’s collar. She thoughtfully helped him turn over the folded collar, “Well, I originally wanted to wear it. Something else, but I looked at your judge’s clothes. Seriously, why are you all black?”

“What do you mean, maybe black represents mystery and awesomeness.” Vito said thoughtfully, and then was protested by Ragnar, although it was not an objection to whether black is the most awesome color.

“Vito, I think it would be better if we kill these thieves first and then go back to the ship to flirt?” Ragnar said as he was struggling to block the death guard’s pliers in front of him with his chain axe. He looked like Not very relaxed.

Vito and Lily turned their heads and looked at the traitorous Space Marine who was striding forward in front of them. His bloated body almost burst through the power armor. There were gaps under the carapace, and roots protruded from the gaps. The wriggling short tongues, those tentacle-like tongues swung around, throwing sticky saliva onto the ground.

Lilith stood next to Vito and stared at the traitor warriors approaching. She held the folding knife in her hands and hung it by her side. “Nurgle’s aesthetics are still so bad. It just so happens that these ugly monsters are disgusting and ugly.”

She lowered her hands teasingly, swinging her flexible wrist to spin the folding knife like a windmill. The blade was so fast that only blurry blade light strips could be seen.

Lilith took a step forward, but when the high-heeled shoes that seemed extremely out of place on the battlefield stepped on the floor tiles in front of her, Vito pulled her shoulders with his hand and said, “Come back here.”

“What?” Lily asked, and Vito looked at her, almost like a little girl, with a playful toy-like smile.

“Take it hard, be careful not to kill him all at once.” Vito said, and Lilith smiled and put the blade of a folding knife on her shoulder, “Can’t you do it too?” “So I’m pretending. I’ve been pretending for who knows how many years.”

“Are you talking to a Slaanesh demon about how to suppress your desire to play?” Lilith said in a surprised or funny tone, while Vito smiled and pointed at her nose, “Yes, and You still have to listen to me.”

Before Lily could express any opinions, or in other words, curse, Vito had already rushed out. He pulled out his bolt gun and fired continuously in the direction of the Nurgle Demon. The bolts hit the monster’s carapace. The man-made bolt gun was obviously not very powerful and could not penetrate the Space Marine’s armor. “Go and deal with those fat guys, and then come and help me.”

Lilith gave a long sigh to the sky. She was very unhappy, very unhappy. No Slaanesh demon would be in a good mood when being “ordered” to do something he didn’t like to do. They are the embodiment of desire and nature, I don’t like to be restricted by nature.

And those who limit them, or things, will generally not have good results in the end.

But Lilith just cursed, and then she stepped out, rushing into the bodies sealed by the Nurgle demons like lightning. She jumped up in front of the first demon, and she spun between them. , and ended up at the end of the queue.

Lilith’s slender legs slowly stood upright. She stood up from the ground, and then the heads of a dozen demons fell behind her. These fat monsters separated their heads and fell to the ground.

Lilith shook off the filthy blood on the fluid blade. The poisonous blood of Nurgle seemed to have no friction at all, and was smoothly sprinkled from the blade. The silver blade flickered again as Lilith ran. .

Vito pulled out his chainsword and engaged the Death Guard at close range. The rotten bone knife hit Vito’s head hard, but the Inquisitor immediately caught the attack. The roaring blade of the chainsword quickly rotated and hit. On top of the bone blade, sparks spurted out like a waterfall.

Vito looked at the traitor’s eyes through the sparks. His scarlet eyes stared at the mortal in front of him under the helmet. Some kind of horns grew on his head, and the proliferated bone structure pierced the upper part of the helmet and twisted on the top of his head. hover.

He stared at Vito’s deep laughter spitting out words from his armor and his thick throat, “The Corpse Emperor’s lackey, the Inquisitor, give up and join the great family of your loving father, and you can be saved.”

“Give up the false emperor, and you will get something you have never had.” With a short dull breath, accompanied by each word, Vito held the sword in both hands and withstood the pressure of the traitor, but with a sarcastic look on his face smile.

“Oh? What is that? I am very curious about what I have seen.” “Love, the selfless love of a loving father, accept his blessing, you can feel the vigorous love of life, feel the false emperor’s obedience The selfless love that is not given to us.”

Vito smiled and nodded politely, “Well, first of all, I don’t really like to look like this. Secondly, you are wrong, I have love, and that love is coming towards your head.”

The Death Guard was slightly stunned. The tall traitor giant turned his head and looked back. Almost at the moment he turned his head, the silver blade pierced his face. The thick Space Marine power armor helmet was almost like paper. was instantly pierced, and the broken armor was sprinkled in front of Lilith along with flying blood.

She pulled up and down with one arm, and the sharp blade broke out from the top of the Death Guard’s head. His entire face and upper half of his head were torn in half, and the collapsed pieces of flesh and blood hung precariously on both sides. .

Lilith jumped up from the front of his face and stepped on the shoulder armor. She jumped over the head of the Death Guard. The blade was displayed at the moment of falling. The thick neck was cut open instantly, and its broken head fell from the huge head. His body slipped to the ground and fell to the ground with a heavy roar.

Vito stood up and looked at Lilith who happened to fall in front of him. He turned his head and looked at the corpses of the Death Guards on the ground and the corpses of Nurgle demons not far away.

“Here, how many seconds did it take you to finish the fight?” “Hmm, nine seconds?” “Wow, have you gained weight? Why are you two seconds slower than the last time we fought the Demon of Khorne?”

As she spoke, Lilith put the blade on Vito’s neck, and then showed a “kind smile”

Vito looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and sighed helplessly. He nodded slightly and pointed in the direction of Ragnar. He was fighting another Death Guard. The traitor’s entire right arm turned into a huge crab claw and a thick carapace. The layer makes it difficult for Ragnar’s chainsaw to function.

“Kill him.” Vito said simply. Lilith smiled slightly and leaned down on the ground like a cat. Then she suddenly jumped out. She crossed half of the square almost instantly, and then stepped on a piece of building from a certain building. She jumped up on the falling gravel, and after somersaulting in the air, she accurately sat on Ragnar’s shoulders.

Her legs stretched down from both sides of Ragnar’s head. The latter was using his chain ax to block the traitor space marine in front of him who was clawing at him with his huge claws. However, Ragnar still raised his head and gave with a smile. A polite greeting, I have to say that Ragnar is at least polite when treating beautiful women.

“Hello, my name is Ragnar Rathbrok. Nice to meet you.” “Me too.”

Lilith slashed out with her sword, and the blade slashed out horizontally. She sat on Ragnar’s shoulder and was almost level with the traitor’s head, so as the blade slashed out, it cut through the broken armor on the traitor’s face. The helmet, which had been almost broken by the bloated face, was broken and cracked under the extremely sharp silver blade. Under the helmet fragments that collapsed.

His eyes, which were squeezed by the swollen face, looked at Lilith with an incredible look. He couldn’t understand how she did it, but when he saw the white snake coiled on the silver folding knife, everything was too late.

The blade blinded the eyes of the Death Guard, and he retreated wailing, and this retreat and loss of vision gave Ragnar a chance.

The son of Leman Russ howled and rushed forward. He solved the problem simply and roughly. The chainsaw axe slashed down with the heavy blow of the iron arm, and the chainsaw cut into and tore his ugly face. The traitor screamed and was cut through the head bit by bit by the chainsaw axe, and the roaring blade broke out from the back of his head.

Ragnar stepped on his chest and pulled his chainsaw axe out of the rotten corpse. The filthy blood splashed on the ground as the chainsaw axe was raised, and some of it almost hit Lilith.

The latter tilted his head with disgust and dodged. Ragnar laughed and threw the chainsaw axe in the direction of Lancelot, “Kitten!”

“Kitten” grabbed the chainsaw axe and then smashed it into the crack of the traitor’s shoulder shell in front of him. The tiny tongue that stretched out instantly broke and shattered, and the roaring cut of the chainsaw axe pierced into the gap between the shells. Lancelot grabbed the chainsaw axe and then pulled it out violently.

The entire carapace on the shoulder was torn off by the chainsaw axe, exposing a large piece of squirming pustules and flesh underneath, and the disgusting orange-yellow pustules kept colliding and moving underneath.

“It’s really disgusting.” Lancelot said as he raised his sharp blade, and then he slashed it down, hitting the shoulder of the Death Guard like a meteor. The power sword instantly broke the pustules, and the sticky and disgusting liquid in it splashed on Lancelot’s armored arm. The highly toxic liquid did not penetrate into the fully sealed carapace, but its pungent smell still made Lancelot nauseous.

He hit it down continuously until a clear gap appeared on its shoulder. The Death Guard roared and punched Lancelot in the face.

Lancelot dodged backwards, but his fist still hit the side of the winged helmet, and the helmet was knocked off Lancelot’s head. The double-winged knight’s helmet went out far away, hit a wall and fell to the ground.

But the young Caliban Knight did not die because of this. He immediately pulled out the hot melt grenade on his waist and then thrust it into the wound on the shoulder of the Death Guard. The grenade was deeply embedded in the wriggling and twisted flesh. The flesh kept wriggling and made the grenade sink deeper and deeper.

Lancelot pulled out the chain saw axe and then immediately rolled back. In a short moment, the hot melt explosion sounded again. The violent explosion impact instantly evaporated half of the Death Guard’s body. His broken flesh was blown away and hit heavily on a crumbling wall.

The front wall collapsed instantly, and a huge amount of stones buried the Death Guard under the rubble, leaving only the half face that was blown by the hot melt and could not be seen clearly.

“Old Wolf!” Lancelot roared and threw the chain saw axe at Ragnar, who grabbed the long handle of the spinning chain saw axe. His other hand hit his chest fiercely, and the psychic shock wave pushed the Death Guard in front of him back a few steps.

The latter barely stood firm after taking a few steps back, but the moment he raised his head, the chainsaw axe slashed into the neck of the Death Guard with the heavy blow of the old wolf. The old wolf was obviously very familiar with the structure of the Space Marine armor. He knew where the most vulnerable part was and where to attack.

The chainsaw axe instantly shattered the weakest part of the entire armor, the lower part of the neck. The roaring chainsaw axe smashed into the part where the carapace and the main part of the armor were connected at the neck. The gushing blood gushed out from the gap, and the blood fountain then filled most of the breastplate of the rotten armor.

The Death Guard was suppressed in front of the equally tall Olaf. The latter knelt on the ground, and the blood at the gap of the chainsaw axe flowed down his arms and breastplate.

Ragnar pulled out the chainsaw axe and gathered dazzling lightning in his hand. Countless arcs bombarded his palm. The tall priest shouted in a voice between human and wild wolf.

“All-Father! Give me divine power!”

With Olaf’s roar, lightning struck the gap opened by the chainsaw axe. Electric arcs flowed into the flesh and blood. Violent spasms and tremors broke out all over the Death Guard. He twitched and fell to the ground. He roared in pain but still raised the bolter in his hand. The almost living muzzle was aimed at Olaf.

The old wolf looked at the muzzle. The black muzzle fell to the ground before any fire was emitted, because the Death Guard’s head was blown open.

The blue plasma plasma bombarded the broken neck from a distance with great precision. The plasma instantly blew half of his head into a steaming slurry.

The plasma cannon in Vito’s arm turned the muzzle to the enemy fighting with Bell. He fired again. The plasma plasma cut through the space of the square. The plasma whizzed past Lilith, and its plasma even burned a corner of Lilith’s black corset.

The target’s Death Guard also reacted quickly and immediately dodged the plasma, but at this moment Olaf threw the Chain Axe to Bell again. The Extreme Warrior grabbed the Chain Axe and chopped the Death Guard’s knee.

The Death Guard knelt on the ground with a low roar, and Bell reacted quickly. He hit his chin with the butt of his bolter. He forced the Death Guard to raise his head and look at himself, and at the man who was pressing against him. The bolt muzzle of the head.

Bell’s finger was on the trigger of the bolter. He looked at the shameful traitor in front of him, “In the name of Macragge and the Emperor, I sentence you.”

Bell said in an almost confusingly calm tone, a voice more like a judge than an executioner, but he still pulled the trigger, as a judge who carries out executions himself.

The bolt gun instantly penetrated the Death Guard’s head, and the brain matter and pus spurted out were mixed with pus and sprinkled on the rubble behind it. The Death Guard fell to the ground with a bang, and fell on the broken land.

Bell lowered the muzzle of the bolter, bent down and pulled out the chain axe. He and the other brothers walked to the center of the square. Bell glanced at Lilith, who was sitting on Ragnar’s neck. The latter had a He placed his hand on top of Ragna’s head and supported his chin, looking very relaxed.

Ragnar took the chain ax that Bell returned and smiled honestly, “I say, female inquisitor, if you want to ride something, I suggest you ride Vito.”

“Didn’t you say that you Space Marines don’t make dirty jokes?” Lilith smiled and jumped off Ragnar deftly. She supported the ground with both hands and did a perfect back roll with her perfect figure.

Ragna smiled and rubbed his wrist, “Our group is not as boring as them.”

Obviously this was meant for Lancelot, who caught the helmet thrown by Vito. Bell walked to Lilith and looked down at the beautiful female judge.

“Judge Lilith, where is our target?” Bell asked, while Lilith looked to Bell with a charming smile, “So anxious? I’m a little tired.”

Lilith pretended to stretch, and Vito came over with a chain sword on his shoulder, “Because if we fish for a while longer, our dedicated Captain Cole in orbit will bring down the entire planet. Let’s issue an extermination order together.”

“Oh~ it sounds spectacular.” “Indeed, but I prefer to watch the scenery on the boat instead of having close contact with the cyclone torpedo on the ground.”

Lilith looked at Vito and smiled and waved her hand slightly, motioning for the others to follow.

She easily jumped onto the raised ground where she first appeared. Vito also jumped up two or three times. He saw a heroic scene on the raised ground.

It seems that the Kashezin commandos who followed Lily here were sacrificed here. The corpses of the Cadian elites were lying on the rubble of the broken streets and on the broken ground. There were also many Nurgle demons lying around them.

There was even the remains of a Death Guard Space Marine, the heroic mortal commandos who had accomplished the feat of slaying demigods in their mortal bodies.

And their fearless sacrifice had achieved its meaning. Vito stood on the edge of the broken street and looked at the monster in the square in front of the church. The fat monster sat on the ground, holding a book in one hand and cooking something in the other. The thick soup in the cauldron in front of me, that poisonous and destructive soup.

Countless Nurgle demons surrounded him, laughing twistedly. Nurgling spirits were playing around on his shoulders and armpits, and their deformed laughter echoed throughout the church square.

Vito looked at the monster and laughed, “Scribe of the Plague, that’s right. The person your sister asked me to kill must be an important person. If he dies, Nurgle will not know how uncomfortable it will be.”

Lily smiled and put a hand on her waist, “Is it weird?” “No.”

Before he finished speaking, four giants stood behind Vito. They all looked at the monster in the square. Lancelot put on his helmet, “Order? Inquisitor.”

“Kill him.” “With pleasure.”

There was the roar of bolter rifles and the roar of chainsword engines.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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