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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 75 The Final Era: The Battle to Slay Demons

The bolter fire illuminated Bell’s dark armor, the white shoulder armor symbolizing the chapter he once belonged to, as well as the U letter logo on it, and the golden Ultramarines chapter logo under the eye-catching light of the bolter. Sparkling.

Bell quickly moved his gun, and with precise firepower, he destroyed the Nurgle demons and zombies blocking the way in one shot. To be honest, the latter were as unsuspecting and pitiable as the Grots now. Their brains that have lost all thinking may not be able to understand. , with that fragile body, there is no way to stop the killing machines in front of you.

Ragnar and Lancelot charge forward, and as always, the wolf cub and the lion cub are the main forwards. They will charge into the enemy group with large strides, and the power sword and chain ax will chop the enemy into pieces with a roar.

The two Astartes charged into the battle like Leman Russ tanks, with splashes of diseased flesh flying and spreading around them. Nurgle zombies were trampled to pulp under their iron hooves, and the Plaguebearers and Nurgle beasts were driven to death. Swords and battle axes cut and chopped, and collapsed corpses filled the battlefield like a landslide.

Lancelot’s winged helmet flashed with black light, and the light was as fast as his movements. The knight’s sword kept swinging and killing, the flashing blade slid and jumped between enemies, and the whirlwind of death surrounded him. set off.

But he was not the fastest at the scene. That was Lilith, a beautiful female judge whose movements could be called lightning. In a literal sense, her movements were so fast that it was even difficult for Bell to see clearly.

Astartes’ superhuman senses were extremely difficult to capture her movements and behaviors. Bell could only barely see clearly the two long knife blades reflecting the gray sunlight. The cold knife light reflected and drew arcs in the air. The cold light thread danced the dance of death accompanied by the swing of the blade and killing.

Lilith rushed through the zombie crowd at almost the speed of a flash. The zombies and Nurgle demons wherever she went collapsed and disintegrated, and their heads and limbs fell to the ground in pieces. Even if there were no dead demons, Aspen would arrive after them. Tate was completely crushed in his hands.

Lilith jumped up, she jumped towards the face of a large Nurgle demon, and stabbed the long knife through his eye socket. The Nurgle demon wailed with a distorted voice between laughter and screams, but His pain did not last long, as the long knife tore half of his face apart with Lilith’s yank.

Lilith took off the grenade and stuffed the explosive grenade into its torn flesh. The moment she rolled back and landed, an explosion sounded above her head, and the huge corpse fell to the ground.

She was smiling with joy that the Space Marines couldn’t detect. Vito knew that this girl was having a lot of fun. As for him, he was busy making sure that the planet wouldn’t be blown up, and she was just playing.

Vito came to a sudden stop, and Bell immediately stood next to him and started firing. The explosive fire ensured that there were no demons or zombies around to disturb Vito.

The inquisitor turned on the communicator, and Cole’s voice mixed with distorted interference came into his ears, “Vito, hurry up, the critical point is almost passed.”

Vito Constantine cursed secretly and looked at the great scribe. He was brewing a decoction, pouring spoonfuls of rich decoction onto the land with his torn open mouth. The sick land was poisoning the entire planet. , and he’s almost successful.

“Got it, Lily! Zoom in! Stop the time!” Vito shouted, shooting off a zombie’s head. His voice accurately passed through the chaotic battlefield and reached Lilith’s ears. middle.

She pulled out the long knife from the face of an unlucky zombie with her backhand. Lilith turned around and threw the two knives to both sides, inserting the two zombies’ faces at a very close range. The two zombies were stunned. Standing there, it seemed that his brain had been completely destroyed.

Lilith looked at the large crowd of demons and zombies in front of her. Her tongue slipped between her lips, and a purple halo flashed in her charming eyes. Countless demons and zombies had their heads exploded in an instant, and their brains were flying. The pustules were scattered across half of the battlefield in an instant.

Ragna rushed up quickly, and he blocked Lilith from the splashing sick liquid like a gentleman. Lilith raised her head and looked at Ragna in front of her and blew a kiss, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, Pretty chick.”

Ragnar said as he turned around and drew his gun and opened fire. A blast shattered the head of the demon in front of him. Lancelot rushed past him and continued charging over the corpses on the ground. Ragnar immediately followed. , the two death chariots continued to roll forward.

“Judge Lilith is a psyker?!” Bell said almost in surprise, while Vito smiled and rubbed his head, “Obviously.”

“I don’t remember there being psyker Inquisitors in the Ordo daemons, Vito, that…” “A secret, we all have secrets, Bell, especially the Inquisition.”

Vito said and turned off the communicator. He looked in the direction of Lancelot and shouted at the top of his voice, “From the Little Secret Chapter!” “What?!” “Ah! Wrong! Dark Angel! Open the passage! Put it on!” Get rid of those bastards!”

“Understood!” Lancelot nodded slightly to Ragnar. The two giants immediately stepped forward and started to carve a bloody path between the demons and the zombies. The collapsed fat corpses and the splattered filthy blood marked this scarlet bloody path. Spread slowly.

Vito glanced at Bell, who looked at Lilith thoughtfully and then raised his gun to fire. He ended the discussion with a silent answer.

The Inquisitor smiled and rushed out. He rushed through the bloody road at high speed, and the grenade in his hand kept shooting at the surroundings. The zombies who were about to climb up the bloody road to block him had their heads smashed. Vito rushed through the sticky blood and brains. The Inquisitor passed over the fallen corpses one by one, and the chainsaw and grenade in his hand kept turning more enemies into piles of corpses and substrates on both sides.

The Inquisitor chopped a Nurgle beast that pounced on him with a sword. The monster’s entire face was split in half by the chopped by the chainsaw axe, but just as Vito was about to start, a whirlwind composed of plague flies whistled towards him. Vito looked at the swarm of insects, but before he could react, the insects hit a shield.

The swarm of insects was instantly split into two halves like a wave hitting a wave-breaking slope. The swarm of insects collapsed and scattered around, and many of them were turned into charcoal and fell to the ground under the flashing lightning on the shield.

Vito looked behind him. Olaf was crushing a zombie’s head and marching towards him. The lightning jumping under him smashed all the corpses he passed.

“Keep going! I’ll stop him!” Olaf shouted, and arcs of lightning burst out from his palms. The power of thunder bombarded the plague priest on the other side of Vito. The Death Guard priest held the scepter in front of him and turned the insect swarm into a shield. The lightning hit it heavily, and was blocked by the screams of countless insects.

Olaf turned forward and turned around. Countless lightning rushed from the ground like electric snakes towards the traitor. Lightning rose from in front of him and stabbed the priest like countless daggers.

The plague priest waved his staff, and the insect swarm turned into the same sharp blade and rose up to meet him. The exploding arcs of lightning and the flying insect swarm debris scattered to the sky, but Vito had no time to appreciate the battle between the mages. He didn’t have much time.

Vito rushed out like lightning, he rushed towards the scribe, the fat monster was pouring another spoonful of poison on the ground, he looked up at the rushing Vito and gave orders with a sick laugh.

The Death Guard Space Marines who had been silently guarding beside the Great Demon nodded to each other, and these traitors rushed forward, holding chainsaws or long knives that had been corroded by the flesh virus and rushed towards the Inquisitor.

But almost immediately, Ragnar and Lancelot rushed up, blocking their heavy blows with power swords and chainsaw axes, and they pushed the traitor space marines away to open the way for Vito.

But among them, there was still a Death Guard rushing towards Vito, he swung the long sickle in his hand and slashed at the Inquisitor, which was obviously a weapon made in imitation of his traitorous Primarch Mortarion.

Before the scythe hit the Inquisitor, fierce bolter fire bombarded him. The tall giant’s head was blown up by the rapid and accurate bolter fire, and the incomplete body collapsed to the side.

Vito sprinted while looking behind him. Bell was holding a bolter and shooting accurately again and again. Vito couldn’t help laughing. He didn’t feel strange because Bell’s job before becoming a pharmacist was to serve as an elite sniper in the 7th Company of the Ultramarines.

This “life-saving” doctor resumed his original job. He stood among the corpses and completely ignored the chaotic battlefield around him. His eyes were aiming and shooting in an orderly manner through the holographic display screen.

The ammunition of the bolter kept bombarding the Death Guards who rushed over. Several of them were shot in the head, but the rest were also suppressed by this.

Vito rushed forward, and Lilith appeared beside Vito from nowhere. The judge looked at his beautiful “colleague” and nodded affirmatively, “Go! Use all your strength!”

Lily smiled, her speed increased suddenly, and she rushed up at almost the speed of light. She flashed through the Death Guards suppressed by artillery fire like a flash.

As Lilith spun and landed behind them, her slender boots drew a beautiful arc on the ground. She stood up with her back to several Death Guards whose heads fell to the ground and continued to charge.

Vito rushed through the collapsed giants. He looked at Lilith who was clearing the way in front. She laughed and jumped and flashed between the demons and traitors. The blade danced and cut between the heads with her sweet laughter. Her arms spinning like windmills danced with her silver hair, and the long knife cut through the long silver hair.

Lilith laughed like a little girl shopping in a mall. She spun around lightly to avoid the mace hammer swung by a huge Death Guard. Lilith threw the long knife forward, shot through the Death Guards on both sides and stabbed into the faces of two zombies.

Lilith waved her hands, and her long nails suddenly turned into sharp claws. The succubus’ tail on Lilith’s hips also slid down, and her flashing purple eyes were full of pleasure and joy.

Lilith swung her claws and cut the tall Death Guard into several sections like a hot knife cutting cheese. The giant fell to the ground section by section.

She rushed forward and instantly returned to her normal state with her palm to pull out the long knives from the faces of the two zombies. The faces of the two monsters were torn and shattered under the action of inertia, as if they were pierced by a bullet from the horizontal direction.

Lilith laughed loudly while harvesting lives, but fortunately her laughter was drowned out by the chaotic noise of the battlefield, so Vito didn’t intend to care about him. The Inquisitor drew the silver dagger on his waist and rushed through the corpses.

He dodged the attacking Plague Bearer by leaning to the side, and Vito used his agile body to constantly change his posture and shuttle among the attacking Nurgle monsters.

He slashed and chopped the last monster’s head with a silver dagger. Vito almost rushed in front of the scribe. He spun around and pulled out his bolter and blasted the Nurgle war beast that flew towards him with one shot.

Vito came to the clerk. The fat monster raised the huge pot and spoon in his hand and smashed it down. The poisonous soup in it splashed towards Vito, but at the moment when the soup wrapped Vito in it, the judgment A golden light flashed in the officer’s eyes and he knocked away all the soup.

He raised his chain sword to block the heavy attack of the spoon. Vito leaned down and half-knelt on the ground, “Lily! Up!”

Vito shouted, stepped on his back with high heels and jumped up. Lilith rushed up along the clerk’s arm with a smile on her face, her long silver hair flying in the wind with the succubus’ tail, Lilith Two small horns sprouted from her head, and she wielded her long knife to chop up the Nurglings playing on her arms.

These little things shattered the moment the blade touched them, and the green residue flew around. The clerk was shocked. He looked at Lilith with a maniacally laughing expression and almost shouted in surprise.

Lilith.Phantom! Why are Slaanesh’s twins here? !

Lily didn’t give him much time. She almost rushed to the clerk’s neck. The fat monster raised its arm and slapped Lilith on the wrist, but the latter abandoned the long knife and turned her arms into two war blades. The clerk was spinning on his arm.

Countless blood fell on both sides of her smile along with the broken fingers. The scribe screamed and wailed. Lilith jumped to one side, and she dropped the Slaanesh war blade that her arms turned into from the scribe’s chest and cut it open. A long wound was opened, and the body was disemboweled in an instant, with a dirty heart beating under the bones covered with fungus and gut.

Lilith turned around and landed, her hands returned to their normal form. She raised her hands to catch her two long knives. She turned around and threw them out, instantly shattering the last protective layer on the outer layer of the clerk’s dirty heart.

“My dear, it’s your turn.” Lilith smiled and jumped back. The clerk looked up at Lilith and looked up. He saw that Vito had rushed up. Lilith held up the platform with her hands to let Vito Toto stepped on it and was pushed out, and the Inquisitor flew towards the Clerk like a cannonball.

He raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed the heart. Suddenly, the dagger began to lengthen rapidly, and the small blade turned into a delicate long knife weapon, a long knife that Vito was familiar with.

Rival Blade!

Vito looked at the long knife in surprise. The blade had penetrated deeply into the heart of Nurgle’s scribe. The monster’s wailing turned into a scream, and the scribe screamed towards the sick sky.

Countless white and purple beams of light burst out from its heart. Vito pulled out the blade and flipped back to the ground. He looked at the secretary who began to squirm and collide. He screamed and was torn into pieces by the power of the expansion and explosion inside his body. A shower of flying gravy.

Lilith came to Vito, who immediately summoned a golden shield to catch the rain of gravy. The Astartes all stopped, and the Death Guard Space Marines all looked at them in surprise. Exploding Clerk.

A heavy rain of gravy flooded the entire square, and all the Nurgle demons exploded and disintegrated amidst screams. A terrifying force in their bodies began to expand extremely, expand and lose control. A large number of demons instantly exploded into flying clouds. Broken flesh and blood, even the Death Guards began to retreat.

The Space Marines looked at the heavy rain that was pouring all over the sky. When the heavy rain gradually stopped, they looked at the two people walking out of the front edge of the square into the thick fog after the rain.

Lilith held Vito’s arm and said something joyfully, while Vito looked at her with a smile. Bell looked at the white long blade in Vito’s hand, a unique weapon that he had never seen before.

But Bell did not choose to ask questions. He just looked at Vito silently, and at Ragnar and Lancelot who came forward and laughed together.

Vito raised his head and looked at the sky above his head. The gray and sickly sky was dissipating, and the sun shone from the dark clouds on the land covered with corpses.

“Cole, problem solved, don’t knock that damn thing down.” “I know, it seems that the morale of the Nurgle Legion has collapsed, and they are fleeing away from the planet’s orbit and surface.”

Vito glanced at Lilith, who also smiled charmingly and let Vito hold her waist. Where the Space Marines couldn’t see, the succubus tail was disappearing.

“Done! Get off work!” Vito said sternly.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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