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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 79 The Final Era: Uninvited Guests

Bell looked at the data analysis interface in front of him. On his side, the advanced equipment of the Mechanicus was running at full speed. The advanced instruments “lent” by Vito and Omega from various forging worlds were analyzing and calculating around the weapon.

The servo skull flew past the pharmacist. Several golden and bronze skulls were suspended on the analysis platform. The mechanical eyes emitted scanning beams to repeatedly scan the enemy blade. Countless data were summarized and calculated on the central processor. Countless analytical data and progress bars are scrolling on the holographic screen.

The intricate and dazzling analysis data is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, but Omega can. The Great Sage stood in front of the holographic data screen. Countless iron snake mechanical arms were debugging analysis platforms and countless complex instruments and buttons around them. The keyboard operates in an orderly manner under Omega’s mechanical operation.

The tapping sound of the mechanical keyboard accompanied him as he continued to slide the analysis interface in front of him. Countless sacred computing arrays gathered into a huge data temple.

Surprisingly, there are very few religious elements in Omega’s mechanical temple, such as blessing scrolls, wax seals or incense burners. It reveals a purely pragmatic nature. Bell rarely even hears Omega reciting. The sacred song of the Mechanicus to appease the machine spirits.

Although in fact, most of the time, whether it is the grassroots technical priests, the maintenance and technical personnel of the Astra Militarum, or the Navy, they will not do those troublesome things unless it is not necessary, and they will selectively skip some. Extremely troublesome steps, such as the long series of prayer rituals before starting the engine.

But generally speaking, the sages of the Mechanicus are more enthusiastic about these rituals. At least in the presence of outsiders, the Mechanicus will create various mystical links that are puzzling and incomprehensible, although Bell agrees that It is actually a religious ritual used by mechanical calls to fool outsiders and ensure technical authority.

But obviously, Omega does not belong to this kind of priest. He is too lazy to care about those things. Maybe in his eyes, if you can learn it, then learn it. If you can’t learn it, you can’t learn it. The knowledge of Ohm Messiah is tolerant. It is open to all who seek the path of knowledge, and there is no need for him to close that path.

“Damn it, did you analyze anything? I’m going blind!” Ragnar complained and crossed his arms. The chain ax on his belt hung at his waist. He was fully armed, and Lancelot on his side Specially comes with a full set of weapons and equipment.

They were also the only ones present wearing full power armor. Bell knew their job, monitors.

At Bell’s request, Vito handed over the enemy blade to them for analysis and research. Although he told himself not to expect anything from the research, Bell still asked the Inquisitor to lend it to him, and then brought it here to study with Omega.

And the ancient laws have come into effect again. As early as the Great Crusade, the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels were the executioners of the Emperor. They were the defenders and enforcers of the Imperial order. They were the military police among the Space Marines to alert them. All acts of betrayal and conspiracy will be punished by thunder when necessary.

So yes, the wolf and the lion continue to fulfill the ancient contract. Bell doesn’t know if Vito told them to bring weapons, but the two of them understood and brought a full set of weapons and equipment here to “observe” the experiment, although it seems He was careless, but Bell knew that they could kill him and Omega in an instant to keep his old enemy Blade on the Empire’s side.

Bell didn’t know what Omega was thinking, but he didn’t like the feeling of being watched by his brother, although he also understood that it was necessary.

“The analysis is over.” Omega said and separated a large spherical data terminal from the holographic screen. He projected it into the center of the temple. The two people responsible for the research came to the spherical data terminal. A large number of messages were displayed on it. the operation result.

Bell looked at the data carefully. He squinted and sighed in disappointment, “There is no valuable information.” “Indeed, the energy component of the enemy blade is almost completely random, and we cannot analyze its patterns. ”

Omega said, the robotic arm fiddled with the data platform at the far end, “I can only be sure of one thing. The Enemy Blade can destroy and interfere with the human body’s psychic signals and bioelectrical signals, etc., which are responsible for the key parts of running all functions and coordination of the body, and , seemingly unable to reverse the damage.”

“But the Inquisitor said that we might be able to find a way to awaken Lord Guilliman on that planet.” “Perhaps, is not a definite word, Bell, you should remain rational.”

The pharmacist sighed. Of course he knew, but he was still full of enthusiasm and hope for it. He was eager to save his genetic father. Ragnar and Lancelot or any space warrior could understand that if they sacrificed their lives, Every Space Marine would die generously if the price could bring back their father.

But Omega is right, he must remain rational. Only rationality can prevent the evil power of subspace from deceiving him. He must ensure his responsibility and loyalty to the Empire and the Emperor above all else.

“But hope still exists, Great Sage. In any case, this is the greatest discovery and opportunity in ten thousand years.” Lancelot said and walked to Bell, and he pressed his brother’s shoulder comfortingly.

“Yes, just like we have always believed that the great wolf lord Leman Russ will one day return from subspace and lead us to the final great battle. This has not changed for thousands of years.” Ragna also stepped forward. He said firmly, clenching his fists and snapping.

This wolf cub doesn’t know how to think about complex and long-term issues, but Bell is still very grateful to him. He gave him confidence and hope. Yes, this is the most likely opportunity in millions of years.

Even if there is only one chance in a billion, as an Ultramarine, a son of Macragge and a bloodline of the Emperor, he must fight for and try with all his strength.

“Speaking of which, where is the Vito? Are you dating Lilith?” Ragna asked, and Omega answered without any emotion. He was operating the analysis array while talking mechanically.

“To be precise, a “date” with Lilith and Cole?”

——It seems that Omega doesn’t know the definition of dating, which is not surprising. After all, he may not have a few pieces of flesh on his body, and you can’t expect him to understand such “complex” human emotional issues.

And to be honest, Vito wasn’t dating. After all, when he stayed with Cole, he only worked. This guy didn’t even want to gossip. He was always working, working, working and working.

It has to be said that he is indeed a qualified Imperial Navy captain. Cole has no selfish motives, no pursuit of power or wealth, and no interest in women or men. All he loves is sailing and exploration, that’s all.

So although it sounds scary, scary and crazy, Cole is actually looking forward to entering the Eye of Terror. He is eager to explore everything beyond the current sight of human civilization, beyond the reach of the Star Torch and the Emperor’s Light of Truth. all mysteries.

As for the Eye of Terror, although that thing has been located at the northern end of the Milky Way for tens of millions of years, humans fear and fight against the evil spirits in it, but people know very little about everything in it, and it is this deadly mystery that makes Cole particularly excited. .

He looked at the eye-catching Eye of Terror crack at the edge of the Milky Way in the distance. The crack spread to almost half of the northern border of the Milky Way. Its black eye was stretched out, as if it were a real eye staring at the Milky Way.

“Vito, are you sure we can see the light of the star torch in it? No one has ever sailed in it.” Cole asked, while Vito sat on the command platform and shrugged slightly, “My old friend, I am so Have you ever done anything you weren’t sure about over the years?”

Cole turned his head and glanced at Lilith, who was sitting on the captain’s command chair. The latter’s slender legs were hanging on the armrests. Her whole body was nestled in the command chair and she was eating grapes from a ceramic bowl in her wrist.

Vito also looked at Lilith and smiled and waved slightly, “I know, although she looks outrageous and weird, I guarantee you that she can do it.”

“An Alpha-level psyker, Vito, you still let her study the subspace? Or even let her run around the galaxy?” Cole said seriously, “You know she is a walking time bomb.”

“Yes, but I believe in her, so I convinced the rest of the people and the old stubborn to believe in her.” “Vito, is this your personal feelings or business?” “Cole, if I and the other inquisitors are the biggest The only difference is that I will not coldly issue an extermination order and treat people as tools.”

Vito turned his head and looked directly into Cole’s glasses. Vito held the bolter in both hands and leaned lightly on the platform. “So yes, it’s both sides, but I believe her.”

Cole let out a long sigh and looked at the Eye of Fear again, “I believe you.”

Lilith picked up a grape and threw it up to eat it in one bite. Vito looked like Slaanesh was eating the soul of the Eldar, but the moment the “soul grape” fell, Lilith suddenly Catching it, she raised her eyebrows slightly and looked over, and Vito suddenly sensed something.

Outside the battleship, a large psychic vortex suddenly emerged, and flashing lightning storms lit up one after another outside the battleship’s window. Cole suddenly frowned and slapped the console, “Sound the alarm!”

Alarms began to roar throughout the battleship, and the entire bridge instantly became chaotic. Orders and roars were issued one after another along with warning red lights.

Under the red warning light, Lilith walked to Vito holding the pottery bowl. Cole and Vito looked at the countless Eldar sailboats outside the bridge. From the webway, the unique battleship of the Eldar Suddenly appeared from everywhere and surrounded the Infinite Frontier.

A huge shadow enveloped them. Vito and Cole raised their heads and looked at the void beast sliding over the battleship, the true void vessel.

An Eldar ark sailed over their heads.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

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