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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 81 The Final Era: The Ark

Don’t believe it, although Vito has his people in ten places and nine places, in fact Vito himself pays great attention to personal privacy. All his personal belongings are placed in a private cabin, even weapons. He would never prepare for battle with the Space Marines if he kept it in his bedroom, but would prepare it quietly by himself.

His rooms are all locked, and they are biological locks that are rare in the empire. It is said that except for the Emperor’s Imperial Guard who equip their own weapons with biological locks, such locks are rare, but Vito pretended to have them.

Not only his private cabin, but also the apron of the remote unit where the Skyhawk was docked also had a biological lock. Vito pressed his palm on the scanner, and countless scanning beams repeatedly slid over it. After just a few seconds, Recognition completed.

The red indicator light on the thick hatch came on, and the hatch with the Inquisition logo on it was slowly lifted upwards by the pull of the gears and transmission, and finally completely embedded in the top bulkhead.

Vito straightened his collar and walked into the dim tarmac. As Vito walked in, the entire cabin lit up, and the lights began to light up automatically.

The tools, ammunition chains and spare parts placed in the dark were all lit up one by one. Each of these accessories was expensive, especially the turbocharged shaft of the propulsion engine. That damn thing was absolutely serious. Personally customized for the Forge World, it not only has the Mechanicus logo, but also a unique letter V logo.

Everything here except for the exploding consumable ammunition is custom-made. The owner pulls them out on a cart from the warehouse in the hangar and then assembles them on his ship with great care.

In the center of the hangar, there is a spaceship parked on the apron marked by the huge letter i of the Inquisition. The spacecraft is smooth and smooth, and the flashing light on its surface flows like silver water. The entire spaceship is like a It parked in the hangar as quietly as a drop of water.

Vito walked to the Skyhawk and patted the beauty’s landing gear. He smiled and turned around and walked to the hoverbike next to the hangar. Vito took down a small disc object from the shelf on one side. He pressed the button at the end, and blue light particles appeared in front of his eyes.

Vito smiled and put it in his arms. He patted the hood of the motorcycle and walked towards the Skyhawk. The beautiful silver longship had just completed an overhaul. It had to be said that Vito felt that his The repair skills are absolutely amazing.

He has always repaired the ship by himself, maintained and updated it by himself, never asked for help from the Mechanics, and did not even use the servitors but worked by himself. He liked this feeling, watching himself put the spacecraft, motorcycles, weapons There is a sense of satisfaction and pride in repairing something.

This brings back all the good old times, lots and lots of great memories.

Vito walked into the spacecraft from the back boarding deck. Vito skillfully passed through the still slightly messy cabin. There were many tool boxes and electrical boxes here. To be honest, Vito had planned to pack them away. If that If Tiao Po Ark hadn’t suddenly appeared.

The circular hatch of the cockpit rotated open to both sides. Vito walked into the cockpit and opened the interface skillfully. He sat down on the seat and adjusted to his most comfortable posture. The holographic projection icon appeared on the circular operation interface. Before his eyes, Vito started the engine in just a few seconds.

The vigorous power of the machine soul was awakened, and the powerful soul power was injected into the engine. Dots of blue light in the nozzle began to light up. Vito shook the control panel and watched the immediate and coherent response on the interface.

A patch of light was projected on the small disc next to the operating armrest, and the light gathered the outline of a woman. She was as small as a finger girl, standing on the projection disc and looking at Vito.

She has short hair that shimmers under the convergence of data streams. She wears a tight linear tights that is almost the same as her skin and fits the curves of her body. She looks at Vito with an expressionless expression and is extremely indifferent.

The latter looked at her with a smile and activated a switch, “Hello, Helen, long time no see. I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up when I beat Tyron before.”

“Strictly speaking, I was updating at the time, so you couldn’t wake me up, sir.” Helen said and looked at Vito. Several display windows appeared in front of her with a wave of her hand. “You almost overloaded the engine and almost blew it up. Space thruster, sir, I remember I warned you not to seek death while I was sleeping.”

“Well, the situation was worse then, and it is still worse now.” Vito said, pushing the jet power, and the spacecraft began to slowly climb up and slide forward, “Open the hatch.”

Helen turned her head and raised the hangar door slightly, then opened it. The Skyhawk slid smoothly out from behind the wall of the air station. After adjusting its attitude, the silver longship sprayed out a long tail flame and flew towards the other side. Giant ships, small water droplets passing between battleships, the flowing light is like real water droplets.

Vito looked at the ark opposite. He operated the lever to approach the ark. Helen also looked at the Eldar ark and turned to look at Vito. “Sir, this is a stupid idea.” “I know.”

The side entrance of the Ark opened, and the part that originally seemed to be the ship wall suddenly began to slide open around it. The tightly fitting solid part quickly changed, and a beam of light shot out from the Ark.

The Skyhawk flew towards the beam, and the golden light shone on Vito’s face, making it difficult for him to see the way forward, but it didn’t matter because the entrance was very large, big enough for a frigate to fly in, and he also No detailed operations are required.

The Skyhawk flew into the Ark, and Vito drove the spacecraft to adjust its angle and drive over a field, yes, a field.

The reason why the Eldar’s Arkworld is called the World is because it is a true miniature world, not even a miniature. It has everything a world should have, including rivers, grasslands and mountains.

This moving world is like a paradise, a real paradise, with azure skies and endless grasslands and forests stretching out below. Vito knows that this is all due to the achievements brought about by the dimensional technology of the Eldar. In a small Such a vast world is created in the physical space.

The Skyhawk whizzed past the grass, and the grass beneath him swayed. Vito sat back in the pilot’s chair and looked at the channel ahead. He slightly pulled the operating lever to let the Skyhawk lift its fuselage and roar away. Passing through the Eldar’s dream forest, this forest looks exactly like the one in the Gardens of Slaanesh.

“It seems that the Ada people have not set up defensive firepower around here, sir.” Helen said, Vito smiled and piloted the spacecraft to avoid a big tree. The towering giant tree rose up almost directly into the sky. The sky, if the top of your head really counts as the sky.

“It’s not surprising, this is the place where the prophets are. They are not used to putting weapons where their own prophets are.” Vito had already seen the platform not far away, which was a white hall that could be called a work of art, and the shining The buildings are built one by one on the mountains with rushing waterfalls, and rainbows rise and wind down from below.

There was a suspended platform island in front of the holy building. There were already people waiting for him on it. Vito drove the Skyhawk and landed steadily on the apron. The violent airflow during landing made the clothes of the waiting people… The skirt started to flutter.

The Skyhawk’s engine had cooled down, and the take-off and landing support frames had landed securely on the ground. Vito stood up and stretched out the disk he took from the warehouse in front of Helen, who reached out and touched the disk. A flash appeared in Vito’s palm.

Vito closed the projection disk and put it in his arms. He turned around and walked out of the cockpit. Almost a few seconds later, Vito walked off the landing deck at the end.

He looked at Iyanna who was greeting him on the platform. Although there were two rows of challengers standing around this beautiful Eldar prophetess, she smiled and stepped forward to salute him, and Vito also politely responded. respond.

“Welcome, ancient guardian, we look forward to your arrival.” Yiyanna said in the elegant Eldar language, and Vito also spoke in a not very standard, but definitely decent Eldar language. In return, “Nice to see you again, Yiyanna. The last time we met was two thousand years ago, right?”

Yiyanna smiled and said, “A thousand years is not a long time for you. Come on, dear friend, they are waiting for you.” As she said this, Yiyanna measured her body and motioned for Vito to look at the gorgeous palace in the distance. In fact, it is not luxurious, but its beauty exceeds most of the luxurious buildings in mankind.

Vito smiled and walked up. He and Iyanna walked on the suspended platform together. The silent Eldar Hissers on both sides stood quietly holding lightning spears. They all wore masks of the screaming banshee. There is no visible male or female, but this does not affect how dangerous they are.

“Why did they ask me to come? If you can reveal it.” Vito asked. His words made you think that he was also an Eldar. Yiyanna looked at the palace in the distance and was silent for a moment, and then said A hand pressed on Vito’s elbow, “Trouble, it’s a serious question.”

“What? If you can stop riddles.” Vito asked, looking into the eyes of the beautiful Eldar prophetess. A trace of doubt flashed through her red eyes like a flaming phoenix, but was quickly dispelled.

“Eldarad, he’s in trouble.” Yiyanna said. After hearing this, Vito let out a long sigh. Well, how come he wasn’t surprised at all?

Vito quietly took out Helen’s communication disk from his arms. He secretly handed it to Iyana. The latter hesitated for a moment when looking at the disk, but after looking into Vito’s eyes for a moment of silence, she still handed it over. He took it and hid it in his wide cuffs.

They walked up the steps and entered the holy building. This was a hall built to imitate a tree root structure. The roots and vines carefully carved from white stone climbed upwards and finally bloomed at the top of the meeting hall. A magnificent tree canopy emerged.

Vito walked under the tree crown dome of the conference hall, and Yiyanna had already turned at the entrance and walked up the winding steps on both sides, joining the Eldar who surrounded the seats on both sides of the art troupe.

Vito’s weapons were confiscated by the guards when he entered. Now he can be said to be like a snail without its shell, standing here naked.

These spirit tribes looked at Vito in front of them. The Great Prophet who stood on the seat in front of Vito held the fire phoenix scepter symbolizing Asuryan. He actually stood not high or arrogant, but he was full of energy all over his body. With an undeniable aura of greatness.

“Vito Constantine, ancient guardian, we have questions to ask you.” The Eldar elder said, and Vito smiled bitterly and raised his head to look at them.

“Of course, with all due respect, members of the Prophet’s Council.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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