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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 84 The Final Era: Prophecy and Decision

The moonlight shines on the floating island on the Fire Phoenix Terrace. The bright moonlight shines in from the forest floor of the floating island. The little bits of moonlight are cut into countless shining light particles by the dense tree crowns and forest leaf fragments. The moonlight is in bunches. The ground is projected among the woodland.

Yiyanna walked through the forest on the rock path. She used her fingers to pick up the hanging branches and leaves in front of her eyes. The shimmering butterflies made of light danced and circled in the forest. Her beautiful eyes scanned everything around her. The silent forest was beautiful and beautiful. Dreamy, countless luminous plants shimmer and illuminate areas.

The darkness is no longer scary, but a beautiful existence between dreams and reality. The hazy darkness envelopes Yiyanna’s eyes like a thin veil.

Roman tree vine sandals stepped on the ground, and the slate countertop clicked under the steps of their heels. Iyana walked through the clumps of tree canopies and the flowers and grass stretched out by the roadside.

It is beautiful here, no one can deny this, but in fact Yiyanna does not like this kind of tranquility. There is always a fire in her heart that will never go out, and she longs for adventure and novel things.

Both of these are difficult to achieve on the Ark. Now my people are completely immersed in calm and peace, and will always live in the memory of the glory of the past, even if they have not lived since before the Great Fall. Elders, most of them have been integrated into the Ark circuit.

But their will, teachings and words also made their people stay in a corner and be content with the status quo. It can even be said that they actively gave up on the rise of the spirit race that everyone had been thinking about, and were content to hide in arks, in this darkness. In the galaxy, he is trying to survive to avoid the pursuit of the Queen of Indulgence.

But Iyanna is not one of them. Iyanna’s desire for adventure and enthusiasm may come from Vito in large part.

She had been adventuring with Vito, exploring the galaxy and committing suicide for many, many years, many, many years, even by Eldar standards, with a man who was never serious about doing things or going to do them. Hanging out in the galaxy.

She didn’t like Vito at first, not at all. She thought Vito was unruly, outrageous and unruly and would always cause all kinds of trouble. But gradually she got used to it and began to see a lot of sparkles in him. point.

Yiyanna arrived at her destination, which was a fountain. A beautiful Eldar female statue stood on the fountain, holding a clay pot high, and sprayed out a pool of spring water that shone with little silver under the moonlight. Those water splashes Shining brightly like starlight, beautiful and moving.

One hand washed under the spray of the fountain. Tex, the blue-robed elder of the Prophet’s Council, stared quietly at the spring water. The reflection of the twinkling stars eventually turned into the bright moon above his head. His gray-blue eyes reflected it. Bright light.

Yiyanna saw countless reflections from those eyes. They were images, images of people and buildings, which were what the ancient Eldar empire looked like in the past.

“I often wonder, Yiyanna, how we got to where we are now.” Tex said, taking his hand away from the stream. He poured the remaining drops of water in his hand onto the grass, and the white flowers were dripping in the water. It swayed under the beating.

Yiyanna walked to the fountain and stopped a few steps away from Tex, “Master.” “No need to be polite, my child, you and I have long coexisted with the fate and soul of this ark, without you and me. “

Tex said with a rare smile. He pressed Yiyanna’s shoulders, “You went to see him in private, right?” “Yes, Master.”

She didn’t intend to hide it, because it was pointless. She knew that Tex could see it at a glance. There was no point in deceiving and pretending.

Tex didn’t look angry either. He smiled and turned back to the fountain. He looked at the spring water and seemed to see some fantasy again. “I often sigh at the similarity between human beings and us. How much they are now like the spirits of the past.” The clan empire looked like before it collapsed, ushering in destruction in the midst of indulgence and carnival.”

“The fate of the Milky Way is so similar, round after round, never changing.” Tex said, his fingers gently touched the water, and a piece of water splashed out and sprinkled on the back of his hand.

Yiyanna shook her head slightly and took a few steps forward, “No, Master, we still have a chance to change the trajectory of our destiny. We have all seen that possibility!”

“Child, I know you have seen it, and I have seen it, but it is just a reflection in the water. No matter how much the moon in the water looks like, it is not the moon, but a dangerous trap, tempting moon chasers to fall into it. in.”

Tex looked at the reflection in the fountain and sighed slightly, “I know what you want to say, kid. You want me to convince the Council of Prophets to support Vito Constantine and let Eldarad try to change the trajectory of fate.”

“We have this opportunity!” “We do, but no one can be sure whether that path is a right path or a trap. My child, our people cannot gamble at all.”

Tex turned his head and looked at the beautiful Yiyanna, her red hair turned a strange color in the moonlight, “You believe in him and that man because you still have feelings for him, child.”

Yiyanna did not reply. She glanced slightly to the side. Tex walked towards her and said, “That man is your first teacher, first lover and even father to you.”

“When your parents died in Aire de Shoret, it was he who took you in and took care of you. Although you were already young at the time, for you, he was still your guide and mentor, and his values The way you think shapes you.”

“This makes you significantly different from us and different from your tribe.”

Tex walked up to Iyana, and he lifted Iyana’s face so that she could look at her slightly older face, “I’m not blaming you, or denying you, child, I must admit that Vito… Constantine was a remarkable and great person who made you see destiny from a different perspective.”

Yiyanna recalled many things. She remembered the days when she was with Vito. She was still a very rebellious and crazy girl. She was no better than Vito when it came to finding trouble.

Although he has never admitted it and will never admit it, Vito has indeed played the role of an elder brother and even a father in his life. He still remembers the pseudonym Vito gave him.

Iyanna Constantine.

It was he who taught him the skills of shooting, fighting, survival and trickery to survive in this dark galaxy. I have to say that he is a good teacher, although Iyana will never admit this.

“This has created you and allowed you to become the best visionary today. I can understand your desire to change, your desire to change the destiny of us and them, but I also hope you understand, child, the chaos of war and war in the galaxy today. The chaotic soul waves are no longer what they used to be.”

“Although we are prophets, we cannot accurately see the trajectory of destiny. What we see are just some flickering shadows. The waves that appear from time to time on the water are nothing more. We do not know the bright moon we see. Is it the moon in the sky?”

“So I hope you understand, child, we must carefully fulfill our mission to lead and guide the direction of our people.” Tex said, Yiyanna looked into his eyes and was silent for a moment, “Even if our destiny has already been Are we getting buried deeper and deeper in this shitty drama? Can’t we give it a try?”

“Child, our tribe has long been like a candle in the wind. We can no longer withstand another storm, even if there may be something on the other side of the storm that can change everything.”

“So, child, do you understand? It’s not that I don’t want you to try with him, but we have no way to try. We must be responsible for our people.” Tex’s aging face looked at her, and the red-haired woman The prophet was silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

“I understand, Master.” Iyana said, and Tex nodded and returned to the fountain. After Iyana bowed slightly, she turned and left, walking towards the path she had just come from.

For some reason, a voice sounded in her mind. It was when she was a teenager. She remembered it. She forgot why and what he said when something happened.

But she still remembered those words.

“Believe in yourself, Iyanna, and regard the advice of those idiots, especially God, as fart. Be yourself and do what you think you should do.”

Yiyana sighed and took out the disk from her arms. She lit it and Helen appeared on it. She looked at Yiyana, “Hello, Yiyanna, long time no see.”

“Hello, Helen.” “Have you decided?”



Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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