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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 86 The Final Era: Plan B

The gorgeous auroral color of the Milky Way background shines on the outer armor of the battleship. The huge muzzle of the macro cannon is pointed directly at the Eldar dragon ship ahead. Not just one cannon, all the macro cannons of the entire Infinite Frontier are aimed at the surrounding area. alien battleship.

Behind each artillery muzzle, the aiming hand sat in the operating position and watched the locking mark on the display screen vigilantly. The scarlet fire control radar and macro gun sight were accurately placed on the strange-shaped gun. On the alien warship.

On the long artillery deck on the side of the battleship, the artillery crew members were all ready. The surrounding anti-aircraft guns, auxiliary naval guns and coordination instruments were all full of people. They were vigilantly holding the launch triggers tightly, and all the safety guards were in place. In the state of war, the operator only needs to press the unlock button to immediately send the guns and ammunition produced by the Mechanicum’s forge world and containing the wrath of the Emperor himself into the barrel, and then blast them into the alien ships.

The sailors were running behind the firing position. They and the ground crew were helping the Mechanicus priests with their work. Cannonballs as tall as buildings were being lifted by cranes.

This round of cannons painted with the prayers of the Ecclesiarchy and the blessings of the Mechanicus is being prepared. The sailors are shouting instructions to each other, and the servitors are pushing the safety bolt at the command of the lower-level sailors, and the heavy locking device is released. Slowly move away, and the entire crane moves forward along the track.

A crane arrived behind each macro gun, and a shell was fixed on the lifting code of each crane. The giant naval gun shells, which were several meters long, were loaded as the transmission device moved forward. In the macro cannon’s autoloader.

Ammunition transport trucks arrived at gun positions one by one. The secondary battery positions and anti-aircraft gun members immediately arrived at the transport vehicles. They did not wait for the servitors to react and immediately began to lift boxes of heavy ammunition out of the cargo boxes. People regarded the two as One group arrived at their weapons carrying ammunition boxes.

The long ammunition chain from the ammunition box was pulled out, and the launch chute of the heavy anti-aircraft gun bounced outward. As a whole column of ammunition chains crashed into the firing position, the shooter pulled the firing bolt, and with a heavy clicking sound, the shell was pressed into the barrel. .

Behind the gun deck, naval officers on the raised tower looked at the display screen in front of them. Behind the curved tilted glass, the operators were adjusting the fire control data. The automatic wetware servitor also responded to them in real time. A gun The gun’s firing unit is in place, and the officer nods with satisfaction as green icons light up one after another.

He walked to the hanging communicator on the side of the tower. He took off the phone and put it to his ear. “The third firing deck is ready to fire at any time.”

“The first deck is ready.” “The second deck is ready.” “The fourth, fifth, and sixth decks are ready.” “The torpedo tubes are ready.”

Different confirmation voices came from the channel. Cole quickly scanned the holographic screen in front of him. The light spear was charging, the bombardment cannon and the rapid-fire anti-aircraft cannon were all in combat readiness positions. The entire galaxy battleship that the Emperor was proud of They are all ready to roar at any time.

The captain opened the display interface and looked at the giant ship outside the bridge window. The giant ark of the Eldar was crossing in front of him. The huge shadow enveloped half of the battleship, and the entire bridge was sunk in the darkness it brought. .

“We are ready.” Cole said and walked to Olaf. The old wolf glanced at the Eldar longships outside the window. These alien warships are very unique.

It is indeed equipped with sails and side poles like a sailboat, but its canvas is indeed composed of some kind of strange light particles. Various lusters shine on these Eldar longships, which is strange and inexplicable.

“Can we destroy the Ark? Captain.” Olaf asked. The white beard on his helmet hung down from his face into the armor, and the runes on his face also wrinkled with his aging face.

Cole also looked at the Ark and shook his head slightly, “The most powerful weapon we have at the moment is the Extermination Order. I have ordered the Cyclone Torpedoes, Virus Bombs and Sky Burning Cannons to be ready. If we can use the Cyclone Torpedoes to blow through the outside, If it has a layer of armor, it should be able to destroy the ecosystem and life-support devices inside.”

This is a suicidal attack. Cole and Olaf both know that they may indeed be able to destroy the Ark, at least causing it to be irreparably damaged in terms of functionality, but they will definitely be destroyed instantly.

Dozens of Eldar warships around will instantly focus their fire, projecting countless destructive firepower on the Infinite Frontier. The void shield will fail within a few seconds, and then they will be smashed into explosive fragments.

“All we can do is exchange one for one, Olaf.” Cole said, looking at the Ark slightly uneasily, and Olaf also raised his head slightly and let out a long snort, “But we can exchange for a sufficient record.”

Exchanging a battle patrol for an Eldar Ark is a deal that you can make with blood, but that is not the case at this moment.

Bell walked up. He was not wearing a helmet but had already put on full equipment. The Ultramarine walked behind the two of them with a bolt gun on his back. Both the captain and the old wolf looked at Bell.

“We have a more arduous responsibility. We must go to the Eye of Terror and find a way to resurrect Lord Guilliman.” Bell said seriously, emphasizing and aggravating this problem.

Cole nodded affirmatively, “Of course, Bell, of course we know that if possible we would choose to complete the task first, but now all we can do is wait for the Inquisitor to come back.”

“But if the Inquisitor never comes back, we must prepare for rescue or breakout. Are there any options now?” Olaf asked, while Cole shook his head in disappointment.

“The subspace jump takes time, and I think this short moment is enough for them to knock us into ashes. All I can think of now is to pull the Ark into the water.” Cole said and looked at Bell, “Maybe we can spread the news Send it out, and at least ensure that the rest of the empire knows about it and completes the mission.”

“I doubt it, Cole. I think the Eldar will interfere and prevent us from seeking reinforcements or sending messages.” Olaf said, but his words were interrupted by a pleasant laugh.

The three of them turned to look at Lilith, who was walking through the entrance arch. The latter was walking gracefully with two folding knives in her hands. Her long silver hair was carefully styled down her head. She walked to the edge of the captain’s chair and then stood up. He sat down silently.

She crossed her legs and sat on it like a queen, especially when Ragnar and Lancelot came closer. The latter two looked at each other differently and then stood behind the throne.

Lilith leaned on the captain’s chair and raised her finger, “First, this is a confidential mission. The Tribunal will not allow such secrets to be known to unrelated people.”

“Second, we have a way to solve the problem. Plan B to rescue Vito and run away.”

“Plan B?” Olaf asked in surprise and leaned forward. Cole and Bell also walked over from the edge of the bridge. Several people gathered around Lilith, while Lilith held her chin with a smile.

“Vito asked me to find a way to fish him out if he hasn’t come back by now, and give the Eldar a surprise by the way.” Lilith said, but Cole looked a little confused. To be honest, everyone was like this. How to make a comeback under such circumstances is indeed a problem.

“We need reinforcements, Judge Lilith, and at least a fleet to help us attack the Eldar.” Bell said. He turned his head and glanced at the communication platform not far away, “But I don’t think we can do it in a short time. Call for reinforcements, I’m afraid no one can respond to our request in such a short time.”

Lilith smiled charmingly, “Yes.” “Who?” Bell asked, Lilith’s smile gradually turned cunning, “Devil Fleet.”

“What?!” Ragna exclaimed. Lilith covered her ears and looked at Ragna accusingly. “Are you trying to deafen me by speaking so loudly?”

“No, but what on earth are you talking about?! Demon?! Are you crazy?!” Ragnar walked up to Lilith and exclaimed. Apparently the other people also showed alert and serious expressions. They looked at each other and finally Cole spoke first.

“What do you want to do? Judge Lilith.”

The serious Lilith was as casual as ever when facing several people. She sat on the throne calmly and naturally. She still smiled and looked very similar to Vito, especially when Vito was about to cause trouble.

“Summon a demon fleet and let Chaos come to help us fight against the Eldar.” Lilith said calmly, seemingly not noticing what kind of terrifying or even heretical words he was saying, especially when these words came from an inquisitor. Speak out.

Lilith signaled Ragna to shut up, who was about to curse. Unexpectedly, he actually swallowed back the words he was about to blurt out.

“The demons will attack the Eldar, disrupt the Eldar’s formation and force them to turn and fight the demons. Then Vito will take advantage of the chaos to escape and join us, taking this opportunity to start the subspace engine and jump away.” Lilith said playfully. Blinking his eyes, “And if there is a subspace rift, the jump speed will be faster.”

Cole and several others frowned and looked at the woman in front of him seriously. Even Lancelot had put his hand on the hilt of his sword. Anyone who listened to what she said would only have one thought, Chaos. Cultists.

“Judge Lilith, why did you summon demons?” Olaf asked, his voice serious and sharp, but facing several murderous Astartes around her, Lilith was relaxed and natural. She stood up from the throne. He patted his trouser legs and said, “I am the judge of the Demon Tribunal. Of course I know how to summon demons. Otherwise, what do you think we are studying on weekdays?”

“What do you mean?” Ragnar asked in confusion, while Lilith looked at him with his hands on her hips jokingly, “Summon a demon, then interrogate and study it, and then kill it with a single shot.”

“We did this during the Gothic War. Otherwise, why do you think Spier was able to fight back? Whose intelligence did he rely on?” Lilith’s words made several people look at each other, and for a while no one answered or was there. say.

Lilith continued to smile and waved her hands slightly, “Don’t worry, we will be fine, I promise, and what’s the harm in demons fighting aliens? Let the emperor’s enemies dog eat dog, no matter who is killed, isn’t it a good thing for the empire?”

Several people hesitated.

“If I remember correctly, Vito once took you to do something similar, right?” Lilith smiled jokingly, and of course several people remembered what she said.

It was a war against Chaos. Vito deceived and encouraged the boss of the local greenskin warband, and coaxed and deceived the greenskins to fight with Chaos. The two sides fought in darkness. In a moment, Vito took several The people fished out the important holy objects and then ran away from the scene with a boatload of people.

“And we have more important things, don’t we? How much time do you think we can delay?” Lilith looked at the several silent giants. Obviously, this was an obvious answer.

“So that’s it, get ready.” Lilith waved her hand and left. Ragnar subconsciously made way for her, and everyone looked at Lilith who was walking away and looked at each other.

Cole looked at Olaf, who looked at Bell after a moment of reflection, and then gave the captain a positive nod.

Cole immediately turned around and walked to the command position and shouted, “Open the Geller stance shield! Prepare to jump!”

Several Space Marines looked at each other and put on their helmets. Ragnar laughed when he put on his helmet, “Fuck, this woman is really crazy.”

“Yes, can Vito’s woman not be crazy?” Lancelot responded with a smile, and the shield outside the bridge glass behind them was already flashing.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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