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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 88 The Final Era: Victory Escape

Vito lay leisurely on the bed and threw and caught the fruits in his hands like acrobatics. He seemed very bored, although this

This isn’t the first time he’s been locked up somewhere, and this time isn’t the worst, but it’s not much better in terms of boredom.

But after a while, Vito knew that his boring moment was over. He grabbed the moon juice fruit and sat up. The door to his house under house arrest opened again, and the visitors who came to visit were the same as last time.

Vito looked at Iyana with a joking smile. The latter walked into the room naturally and closed the door with a flick of his finger. Vito looked at Iyana whose expression was very different from last time.

Well, in fact, she was still expressionless, but Vito was familiar with this little girl, and he knew that what this girl was thinking now was different from last time, and he knew it without having to read minds.

Besides, if he uses it, Iyana will definitely find out, and she will give him a slap on the forehead like before, so yes, Vito won’t use it, but he also knows that Iyana is not here to fight with her. The same purpose.

“Little girl, have you decided?” Vito asked jokingly with a smile. Yiyanna watched him throw the disc directly to Vito, who immediately caught the display disc.

Before Vito could make any move, Helen had already appeared on the display projection, and her body was instantly formed by the convergence of several rays of light from the inside of the disk.

“I will arrive in a minute, sir.” Helen said coldly. Well, although Vito can understand Iyana’s expressionless mood, he still can’t understand Helen after so many years. To be honest , how to understand artificial intelligence?

Although Helen, as an intelligent artificial intelligence, is very similar to human beings, especially when she complained after she got into trouble, her viper abilities were the same as most of the women Vito knew, or even better, but he still couldn’t understand Helen’s expression. There’s something hidden underneath.

Don’t understand? What’s so difficult about this? It’s a binary data stream.

Vito smiled and looked at Yiyanna, “Aren’t you afraid of getting into trouble?” “Who am I growing up with?”

Yiyanna crossed her arms and said coldly, but Vito laughed and shrugged slightly, “Where are my weapons? I hope you brought them.” “Your old antiques are all on Helen, and you can meet them again in a while. It’s old and immortal.”

“Dear, I think” before Vito finished speaking, there was a burst of thunder outside the room. Vito looked at the lightning outside the window and raised his eyebrows slightly, “It’s going to rain? I hope you put away your clothes.” “

“It’s not raining!” Iyana cursed and strode to the window. She looked at everything outside the window and cursed loudly, and she used human Gothic. Oh, it seemed that this chick was really angry. Only She only uses Gothic when she curses, because according to her, humans are more knowledgeable about how to curse than Eldar.

“This is an alarm! The entire Ark’s armed forces are required to prepare for a counterattack!” Iyanna cursed, pointing at the lightning outside the window and glaring at Vito, “Old bastard! What trouble have you caused me? !”

Vito smiled jokingly and gave a very inappropriate thumbs up, “Small problem, I called a Slaanesh demon fleet to come to the rescue.”

“What?!” Yiyanna said in a mixture of the most vicious words, but before she could say anything else, she was interrupted by an explosion. The violent explosion penetrated the wall and rained debris and bricks into the house. , smashing those exquisite ornaments and decorations into the same pieces.

Vito’s head tilted inward, and the shock wave of the explosion blew his hair and coat to one side, but after a moment Vito regained his dignity. He straightened his collar, cleared his throat, and quickly rushed towards He reached the gap and jumped onto the deck of the Skyhawk.

“Don’t worry, I asked Lily to be careful not to sink the ark! I wish you all the best today!” “You fucking old bastard!”

Almost at the moment Vito escaped, the door to the room behind Yiyanna also opened. Phoenix guards holding psychic stances rushed in quickly. They rushed to the gap with spears, and the guards immediately picked up the long handles. Weapons were aimed at the Aquila and fired.

The spearhead flashing with crimson lightning fired out beams of psychic energy. Those laser bombardments left scorched black marks on the Skyhawk, but they were completely unable to destroy this fluid longship that could be called a work of art.

The Skyhawk had already slipped out at this moment, and immediately turned around and sprinted towards the end of the horizon. It almost accelerated to the speed of sound in a few milliseconds. The deafening sonic boom exploded at such a close range that all the Phoenix Guards cursed. .

They covered their ears and used the beautiful language of the Eldar to organize swear words that didn’t sound like swear words at all. Only Yiyanna grabbed one hand on the window frame and cursed in the simple and plain language of humans, “Fuck you! Old man!” jerk!”

Iyana turned her head and watched the Aquila’s tail flame disappear into the night. The Phoenix Guards around her gradually calmed down. They all looked at Iyana, while the prophetess quickly regained her composure.

She was pretty sure these people didn’t understand what she just said, and they probably didn’t understand either.

Yiyanna looked at the few guards in front of her and nodded affirmatively. The guards immediately saluted with spears and rushed out. Lightning was still cutting through the sky, bringing thunderous storms that resounded across the earth. Yiyanna watched the lightning light up. direction, looking at the small black dot, sighing helplessly and holding his forehead.

“Damn, old bastard.” Iyanna cursed.

The Skyhawk’s cockpit door slid open, and Vito quickly rushed into the cockpit. He held the side armrests of the driver’s seat and jumped into the driver’s seat.

Vito lightly touched the disc with the platform of the cockpit, and Helen moved to the driving platform in the blink of an eye. A beautiful woman made of fluorescent material stood on the holographic display on the armrest of the driver’s seat. The little girl with fingers turned her head to look. Looking at the dark storm ahead.

The Skyhawk was diving through the dark forest at extremely high speeds, with lightning and storm roaring and reverberating overhead. The bright electric light illuminated the back of the silver longship, streaking across the streamlined steel back like water.

The power engine spit out blue fire and pushed the fighter plane roaring past. Vito leaned on his seat and looked at the dark night illuminated by lightning in front of him. Vito closed the lock and held the operating lever, “I’ll drive.”

As the autopilot icon disappeared, Vito made a side pull to make the fighter roll at high speed to avoid a giant tree in front of him. Almost instantly, the thruster’s jet nozzle adjusted downwards, and the blue flames were like the collision of the sun. The end of the entire ship was lit up like this, the propulsion was instantly fully charged, and the end of the fighter jet immediately output a terrifying propulsion.

The Skyhawk rushed into the sky like lightning, and the flowing hull rushed straight into the dark clouds. Vito piloted the fighter plane through the dark clouds that were constantly illuminated by lightning, and fleeting short lightning flashes continued all around. It flashed, but Vito had no intention of dodging. He knew that the lightning was not real lightning, but the Eldar’s way of warning, just like a red light.

Vito held the control rod and rushed to the sky. The Skyhawk broke through the clouds and flew into the sky. But as soon as it flew out, Vito saw the Phoenix fighter jet roaring past from one side.

Eldar fighter planes were roaring from different directions in the sky. A huge dragon ship rose from under the clouds. Dark clouds slid down from the deck and sails, and the ship was slowly exposed to the bright moonlight. rising.

There was not just one Eldar warship, but countless Eldar warships were rising under the surrounding clouds. Various fighter planes broke out of the clouds at extremely high speeds and rushed towards the giant portal in the sky ahead.

Of course, that was not a portal, but an exit from the surface of the giant Ark ship. The deck exit had been opened, as if a hole had been torn in the sky.

Countless Eldar warships are sailing out of the Ark and into the galaxy, and on both sides of them, Eldar fighter planes are rushing past in formation at high speeds. They rush into the universe and immediately join the melee outside.

Vito looked at the countless flashes of lightning, electric light and beams outside and smiled, “Lily is so fast.” As he said that, he opened several switches on the operating instrument panel in succession, “Helen, activate the interstellar propulsion engine, we Going to run away.”

Helen waved her hand and the switch representing the main propulsion engine lit up. Vito smiled and pressed his fingers on the holographic projection on the side, “Oh, my dear, I really missed you when you were sleeping.” Sir, can you please withdraw before you flirt with me?”

“Of course.” Vito smiled and pushed the propulsion power to the maximum. The eye-catching red color indicated that it was almost pushed to the limit. 100% of the propulsion power came into effect instantly, and the powerful power of all possibilities was injected into the engine. In an instant The Sky Eagle rushed towards the exit.

Vito drove the fighter plane through the Eldar warships. They didn’t notice him, or no one cared about him now, because there was a fierce space battle going on outside.

Vito rushed into the chaotic battlefield. Various lasers and lightning beams were intertwined in the galaxy. The gorgeous background of the galaxy was lit up with countless sparks and strange energy explosions.

The Eldar navy is engaged in a desperate battle with the Slaanesh fleet. A huge Slaanesh demon fleet is sailing into the physical universe from the rift in the warp flashing with purple lightning. The artillery fire from both sides is bombarding each other to deal with the warships, and the fighter groups are in There was chewing between hulls.

Vito did not join the battle. He drove the Skyhawk across the battlefield at high speed. He made a large and complete turn from the entire length of the Ark. The shining propeller flames lit up the rear side of the Skyhawk, making it visible from a distance. Like a meteor that is speeding towards me.

In front of it is the Infinite Frontier that is sliding forward. The giant human ship has begun to accelerate. The propulsion array at the end of the trailing edge building complex is running at high speed, and a giant fire beam roars out from the plasma launcher.

Vito pressed the operating lever fiercely, and the Skyhawk rushed towards the accelerating Infinite Frontier at high speed. The subspace tunnel had begun to appear in front of its bow.

“Vito! We’re about to jump! Where are you?!” Cole’s voice sounded in the communication channel. Vito smiled and pressed the dialogue button, “We’ll be there soon! Close the hangar’s protective door! I’ll go in from the private helipad!”

“Hurry up!” Cole shouted, and Vito immediately saw the armored door of the hangar that began to slide. The entire battleship rushed through the chaotic battlefield at high speed. It was rushing through the war zone at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

Countless beams of light and broken fighter plane wreckage collided with the void shield, and dazzling fireballs rose from the shield. Vito drove the Skyhawk towards the Infinite Frontier. He dodged the fighter planes passing by on the battlefield. With the trajectory of firepower, it constantly changes its posture and rushes towards the entrance.

He had already seen the entrance to the private hangar. The Skyhawk rushed toward the entrance with dazzling propeller flames. Vito turned his head and looked at the subspace rift not far away, with chaotic vortices churning in it.

Vito suppressed the control sense and rushed towards the entrance at high speed. A Chaos fighter plane hit the void shield at the entrance, and instantly turned into a large piece of burning flames and flying debris.

“Helen! Enter permissions to close this void shield! Hurry!” Vito shouted without any intention of slowing down. He rushed directly towards the shining surface of the shield. Helen looked at the shield in silence, and the fighter plane was approaching. Approaching at great speed.

Vito rushed to the entrance without any suspicion, and Helen didn’t say a word. Her eyes were flashing with light. As the data pupils lit up for the last time, the shield at the entrance of the hangar was suddenly torn open. gap.

The Skyhawk rushed into the hangar, and the longship’s propulsion engine immediately began to turn. The vector nozzle pushed the longship to stabilize, and the deck surface did not hit any wall. All of this was due to Helen.

The Skyhawk slowly adjusted its direction and began to land. Vito let out a long breath and leaned on the pilot’s chair, looking at the armored door that had slipped in front of him. The chaotic battlefield outside had been isolated in another world.

As the landing gear landed, Vito collapsed on the driver’s seat and rubbed his neck, “Fuck, now that it’s successful.”

“My dear, you are so awesome.” Vito gave Helen a thumbs up, but before Helen could react, the communicator on his arm rang.

“Now, come and pay, I’ll wait for you.” A pleasant laughter suddenly sounded, and Vito’s expression suddenly froze. He looked at Helen, who still looked at Vito expressionlessly.

“Good luck to you, sir,” she said quietly.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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