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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 89 The Final Era: After One Night

I have to say, if you can serve on Vito’s ship, you will definitely be the lucky one for eight generations. Why? Because although the navy is still much better than the Astra Militarum environment, the food and treatment are much better, but within the navy, the environment of the battleships under Vito is comparable to paradise on earth.

Take the canteen for example. Although the Navy’s food standards are the highest among all the armed forces of the Human Empire, Vito’s ship is the highest among the highest. Why? Let me just say one thing, they are not eating synthetic food.

The neat, clean and aesthetic mess hall was almost full of people. Happy sailors were sitting around each long table. On their tables were placed food that looked very delicious, and all the food It doesn’t look like slush either, but like real food.

Manxloe steaks, vegetarian combinations of hairy carrots and carrots, delicious juice drinks and carbohydrate drinks on the table, pork chops, mashed potatoes and salads of various flavors, yes, you heard it right , this is an ordinary mess hall on a battleship.

To be honest, there is not only one canteen on the Infinite Frontier, but several canteens arranged along the central axis of the battleship, but their conditions are enough to make any navy jealous to death.

There’s nothing surprising about that, do you know what the mutiny rate is on Vito’s ship? an integer, 0%

Don’t be so surprised, okay? Vito famously said that under paid loyalty and good leadership, fear and betrayal are unbearable.

So yes, everyone on Vito’s ship is doing pretty well, so in this case everyone is more willing to think about how to give those subspace demons a middle finger, but to suffer while self-doubting their faith. Emperor.

But I have to say that the Sixth Canteen where Vito is now does have the best taste among all the canteens. After all, the chef here was recruited by him from a certain idiot governor, although that idiot thought he could betray him. Empire, and then was killed by Vito, but he did enjoy life, especially food.

So between being executed by the local Ministry of Justice as a traitor to the governor’s comrades, and joining Vito to get a new job, the chef decisively chose the latter, and Vito naturally placed him in In the cafeteria closest to his room.

Vito is sitting on the left, chewing a delicious steak in his mouth, and holding a drink in his other hand. No, it’s not wine. To be honest, Vito needs to wake up. His mind is as confused as a sandstorm. Gooey.

Another group of visitors sat on the table next to Vito. The major commander of the gun deck was eating with his soldiers. This may be another place where Vito’s ship is different from the rest of the navy. Here is the officer and soldier mess. There is no distinction, everyone eats and drinks together, and there is no conflict between officers and soldiers.

But although everyone was in a good mood, Judge Vito Constantine looked very tired.

Vito took a sip of the drink, and then handed a piece of meat to Vito’s mouth with a fork. He looked at Lilith, who was sitting next to him with a joking smile on her face. She shook the piece of meat slightly as if to invite something.

Vito bit off the piece of meat and ate it with a drunken look on his face, “Lily, don’t use your little magic next time. My mind feels like a sandstorm, worse than when I went to Terra and listened to that old fool’s arguments. Uncomfortable.”

Lilith still had a smile on her face and slid her fingers over Vito’s arm teasingly, but the latter had no response at all. He was too tired, since this girl really kept him awake for most of the night.

But I think it’s still good, right? You see, Satisfied Slaanesh sits down as the greatest demon, the queen of the succubi, and the supreme guardian of the Ring of Slaanesh. This lady has a lot of titles, and her face is pretty bloody. I think Vito is pretty good. .

“I think it’s pretty good, very good.” Lilith hugged Vito’s arm and stared at him with her charming purple eyes. Vito glanced at Lilith and calmly took a sip of the drink, “You were so happy last time. “Who did it with?” “You.” “It was you last time.”

Vito sighed, not knowing whether he should be happy or what. If he was unhappy, it would be like he liked NTR, so okay, Vito smiled tiredly, and Lilith hugged his arm. Picked up a piece of meat and took a bite.

“The rest of them are too boring, not interesting at all, but there are not that many demigods willing to be so interesting.” She said to herself, wagging her fingers.

Vito glanced at the table next door. The sailors were chatting and laughing while eating breakfast. According to the coaxial time clock, it was eight o’clock in the morning. In fact, most of the work had already started, so everyone eating here was There were no sailors on duty today, so everyone ate leisurely.

“I want to have another round, my dear.” Lilith came in front of Vito, her charming red lips came slightly closer to him, but Vito cleared his throat and motioned for Lilith to step aside, and then ate a piece Meat, “Then next time this will definitely not be tonight, nor will it be tomorrow night.”

Lilith hummed slightly, shrugged and sat aside. Vito glanced at her and raised her eyebrows slightly, and then saw Lilith taking away the unfinished drink in front of him.

“Whose are the demon fleets of Slaanesh that appeared earlier?” Vito asked, and Lilith watched jokingly as he rotated his finger in a circle and then pointed at her.

“You called out your demon army and then launched an unquestionable harassment battle against the Eldar Ark?” “That’s right.”

“Don’t you think it’s a bit wasteful? I saw that several ships and a bunch of fighter planes were blown up.” Vito said, but Lilith seemed very indifferent, “My dear, you saw that the ones that were blown up can occupy my demon army.” Less than two percent?”

“My dear, it’s not for nothing that I’m called the number one demon under that old woman. It’s not for nothing that I can walk sideways in the Chaos Realm. I don’t think there’s anyone who can pull out someone with the same military strength as me in the entire Chaos Realm. so many.”

Vito shrugged slightly and pointed at Lilith with his fork. There was still half a piece of meat hanging on it, and then Lilith naturally bit it up and ate the meat on Vito’s fork in one bite.

“Are you just wasting your military strength like this? Are you doing whatever you want?” Vito asked, “No, not this time, because the leader of this war gang has fallen out of favor. I don’t like him, so I will use it.”

“Wow, you gods are really cheating on me, boss. It’s such a disservice.” “To each other, my dear.”

Vito was silent for a moment and took a sip of wine. He glanced sideways at Lilith, who obviously knew what he wanted to say and had probably guessed the content, so Lilith sighed unhappily.

“You ask.” “Well, does your sister know that you’re doing this?” Vito asked silently after pondering for a moment. Lilith snorted and opened Vito’s hand that was trying to take back her drink, and then directly took it away. Drink it all in one gulp.

Lilith raised her slender legs and leaned on the table with one hand, “Of course that bitch knows, she and I have the same thinking, of course she knows, and she also told me to be serious this time, as if I won’t be able to take you Like being rescued.”

Vito raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the angry Lilith in front of him. Was she angry with herself? Although Vito still hasn’t figured out how to distinguish the specific relationship between her and Slaanesh, although according to the two of them, their consciousnesses are independent of each other and do not interfere with each other.

But there are many aspects that are interoperable, so God knows how they differentiate between the two, but this is not a big problem. Anyway, if there is no way to solve the problem, then it is not a problem.

“Hahaha, what’s wrong? That bitch cares about you and makes you very happy?” Lilith smiled coldly and looked at Vito with the expression of an old woman who will stab you to death for this heartless man. She was definitely jealous. And it wouldn’t be a good idea to continue irritating her now.

Lilith will almost never get really angry if you make fun of her, but when you compare Slaanesh to her and say that Slaanesh is so or so better than her, Lilith will get really angry, and she only needs to be angry. The risk posed may be greater than if Slaanesh himself were angry.

Vito cleared his throat, grabbed a bottle of drink from somewhere, and toasted respectfully to Lilith, who made a sound and picked up the glass to clink with him.

Lilith drank the drink in one gulp and then stood up. She picked up her pocket knife and hung it on her waist with her hands on her hips, looking at Vito who was still sitting on the bench with a confused look on his face.

Boy, this girl is definitely still angry.

“I need to wake you up early in the morning, and I want to hit someone.” “I hope you don’t want to hit me.” “So you’d better find a place for me to hit someone, so that you can be happy Have a good day.”

Vito took a sip of his drink, stood up from the chair and gestured, “Well, I happen to know that there is a good place for you to vent your anger.”

“Follow me.” Vito waved his hand and walked towards the exit of the cafeteria. Lilith looked at her and suddenly a burst of laughter appeared in her mind. Lilith cursed in a low voice in an extremely unhappy voice, and she followed Vito towards the exit. On the way out, he pulled out a long knife and cut off the drink cup in the hand of the sailor who was eating.

The drink spilled out, causing the man to stand up in shock. The people at the table looked at Lilith’s murderous aura, and then they all made the right choice to shut up.

Oh, it looks like she’s really pissed off and hopes the unfortunate guy is okay.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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