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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 90 The Final Era: Disaster Comes from Heaven

There are many training areas on the Infinite Frontier. Almost every branch of the military and unit has its own unique training area, including the fire control area for continuous and rapid loading of artillery, aiming and firing, the take-off and landing of hangar ground crew, equipment and attack training area, the emergency repair drill of the damage control unit, and of course, the training area for marines and stormtroopers.

The entire huge Mars-class battlecruiser itself is a highly modular mobile city. Every area, every cabin and deck is changeable. The Mechanicus has designed quite a lot of movable modules for it, which can quickly piece together the required functions and areas.

For example, if Vito had a brain seizure that day and led everyone to rush into the enemy fleet and needed to launch proton torpedoes from both sides to blow the heretics on both sides into idiots, the fire control team and ground crew could convert several parking decks into temporary launch positions for torpedoes in one or two hours to satisfy this lunatic.

To be honest, he had done this kind of thing more than once, but fortunately, the automation level of this Mars-class battlecruiser was very high, very high, even far higher than that of ordinary Mechanicus warships.

When the sailors of the Imperial Navy were still loading the automatic cannons by hand, Vito’s ship had already used fully automated fire control, and even the macro cannons were equipped with giant loaders to prevent the gun crew and ground crew from having to work hard to poke the shells.

And here, the combat training area is of course equally high-end.

Automatic targets moved at high speed in the shooting area, and ugly holographic targets with aliens and heretics painted on them ran around along the track, but this did not help their fate of being hit by a single shot.

The marines stood at the shooting position, holding the laser guns and aiming and shooting skillfully. The properly maintained laser guns fired one after another, and the scarlet laser beams kept lighting up on the baffles on both sides of the shooting position, and the hissing sound of charging energy sounded one after another.

The officer holding a data tablet walked behind the crowd, looking at the target ring data in his hand that was fed back in real time, while the same thing was happening in the combat training area on the other side.

Muscular men wearing training vests were active in the training ground. They grabbed each other and knocked each other to the ground. When one of them was thrown to the ground, the attack point would light up on the ground, giving feedback on how much damage this would cause in actual combat, so that they could re-understand their own shortcomings and make tactical adjustments.

Stormtroopers were practicing rappelling on the modular high-rise building. They slid down from the roof with active cables hanging around their waists, and their precision bolt guns were tied tightly behind their backs to avoid trouble caused by swinging. When they broke into the window, the assault team in the holographic CQB indoor training area downstairs also rushed in.

They knocked down several training servitors with training laser guns, and the sound of stun grenades and energy-charged guns echoed throughout the side hall.

Vito walked through the hall with his hands in his pockets, and Lilith followed him. They passed a team of Chimera vehicles that were practicing rapid assaults. The high-speed armored vehicles almost hit them, but the crew braked sharply at a very close distance and turned to the other side.

Lilith waved her hand to disperse the diesel smoke in front of her. The unpleasant smell briefly filled her surroundings, but was soon completely eliminated by the efficient exhaust fan.

The entire training area was obviously converted from a deck. The space was spacious and comfortable, and there was no feeling of a cramped training camp at all. The whole hall was very lively, and almost all the land combat units were training here.

She followed Vito through the training areas from the central axis. Lilith’s high heels stepped on the clean deck and made a series of clanging sounds. On the open space beside them, they were training battlefield first aid. The marines carried their comrades and rushed across the hundreds of meters of open space at high speed, while their squad leader was reading the stopwatch.

The neat and loud sound of zipping echoed on the other side. Fully armed marines ran by with guns and full equipment on their backs. On the other side was a half-finished tank that was obviously not completely transformed.

Vito made way to the side to let the Leman Russ with its turret removed pass by. Lilith looked at the tank passing by. The crew members on it all looked at Lilith and whistled, seemingly unaware that they were flirting with an Inquisitor, at least now an Inquisitor.

Lilith sneered and followed Vito. They crossed most of the training deck and came to the training cage area in the corner, where someone was already using it.

Ragnar howled and waved his training axe to show off his skills. The high-speed mechanical arms of the training servitor kept attacking, equipped with training weapons that were not yet sharpened but still extremely dangerous, but obviously these things could not hurt the Space Marines at all.

Ragnar’s sweaty upper body muscles dodged between the blades. He swung his battle axe to block and intercept attacks again and again. The Space Marine roared or laughed as he danced between the blades. The high-speed dancing blades could not touch him at all.

The red mechanical eyes of the servitor kept turning to observe Ragnar, and the blades were also adjusted in real time, but all this could not bother the Space Wolf at all. He knocked away one of the long swords that cut from it with an axe, and then reached out to catch it. Ragnar swung the long sword with his backhand. Well, for him, a short sword might be more suitable.

The long sword slashed out with the force of his wrist, knocking away another weapon in the servitor’s hand. He laughed and threw away the training axe and long sword, reaching out to grab the servitor’s arm, but the slender long arm stopped halfway to meet Ragnar.

“Fuck! Bell! What are you doing?” Ragnar looked at Bell beside the cage displeased. The latter was also wearing training clothes instead of armor. It was he who turned off the servitor’s switch.

“Cole warned you that if you dare to damage the training servitor, you will be put into the macro cannon and shot out, Ragnar.” Bell said, while sitting on the bench on one side with a large piece of Aspen hanging around his neck. Lancelot, who was wearing a towel, also laughed, and he patted his thigh.

“And I will be happy to manually load the ammunition, and help Cole seal the breech.” Lancelot said happily. He was also covered in sweat, and he had obviously completed the same training.

Among the people, only Olaf didn’t sweat. He was still wearing a decent priest’s robe and sitting on the bench on the other side. He was blessing and diffusing the weapons of several people, chanting the ancient Fenrisian eulogy in his mouth, incense. The incense burner slowly moved past the weapons with his fingers.

There are even weapons from Lancelot. Surprisingly, the Dark Angels, a member of one of the most traditional, stubborn and stubborn Chapters among the Space Marines, would give their weapons to their own culture and customs. Maintained and blessed by brothers in different Chapters.

Well, this at least shows that Lancelot believes in his brothers, completely.

Ragna waved his hand impatiently and took a step back, “Bell, open it and let me practice again.”

“No, get off here and I’ll do it.” The beautiful female voice said. Ragnar turned his head and saw Lilith who had rolled into the training cage. The latter took off her coat and threw it to Vito outside, revealing her perfect body curves. of exposure to the spotlight.

Ragna looked at Lilith with a strange look on his face, raised his finger slightly and pointed at the woman in front of him, “Well, should you go there?” “But I’m here, so get out.”

Lilith said and moved her arms. The slender but powerful arms swung in front of Ragnar. She took off the folding knife and threw it to Vito. The judge outside nodded at Ragnar. He nodded and motioned for him to come out.

Ragnar hesitantly walked out of the training cage and closed it for him. He stood next to Vito and said, “What’s wrong? She seems to be in a bad mood.”

“It’s really not good, so I need to vent and find something to hit.” Vito said and put Lilith’s belongings on the bench aside.

Bell watched Lilith hesitate for a moment and then began to prepare to adjust the training data. After all, the current parameters of this training servitor were designed according to the training of Space Marines, not for mortals.

But before Bell could do anything, Lilith turned on the switch with a slight lift of her finger. Bell looked at the defenseless Lilith in the cage in surprise, “Judge Lilith! Come out immediately! This thing is too dangerous now!” “

“Bullshit.” Lilith said, raising her arm to block the servitor’s incoming weapon. She used her arm to block its sword-wielding wrist just in time. Then she grabbed the sword and swung it backhand, using Ragnar to The faster speed knocked away the weapons coming from the other side.

The long knife flew out and stuck on the frame of the training cage, almost touching Vito’s nose.

Lilith moved with the same extreme speed. Her speed was so fast that it could be called a phantom, and her graceful body twirled and danced in it like a perfect dancer.

Her long silver hair was flying between the swords, but not a single strand of hair was cut off. The long sword in her hand kept blocking, and even knocked away the incoming weapons. The force was very strong, quite big.

“Did you provoke her?” Lancelot asked from behind. Vito smiled bitterly and rubbed his neck, “Yes, maybe I mentioned her sister, so she was not very happy.”

“Her sister? Is Lilith’s sister also a judge?” Lancelot continued to ask. At this moment, a group of Marines and Stormtroopers were surrounding them. They all looked at the beautiful dance in the cage curiously. The two performers perform a highly ornamental battle dance,

Lilith kicked up her whole body and jumped over the swung knife. When she landed, she cut off the servitor’s fingers with a sword, causing one of the long knives to fly out, and then she caught it.

Vito looked at the annoyed Lilith and subconsciously leaned back, “No, but the relationship between her and her sister is indeed not very good.”

“What’s wrong? You slept with her sister too? That’s awesome, Vito.” Ragnar smiled and patted Vito on the back. The latter still had a bitter look on his face, but Ragnar obviously planned to continue this dangerous plan. topic.

He gestured with his famous fingers and said with excitement, “I dare say! Her sister is definitely just as beautiful! Damn it, you are really lucky, aren’t you, Lancelot?”

“Yes, this lucky dog ​​thief.” Lancelot waved his hand helplessly and said. Everyone around him was amused by the haha, but only Vito’s face changed drastically because she saw Lilith coughing her teeth.

Lilith cut off the servitor’s arm with one knife, and then cut off the other with her backhand. The arms and the weapons on them fell to the ground with a clang, and Ragnar, Lancelot and others all looked back.

They watched as Lilith began to tear the servitor into pieces, and the blade kept cutting off the servitor’s limbs. In the end, Lilith suddenly threw the weapon away, grabbed the servitor’s arm and tore it alive. It broke.

She cursed loudly and threw away the broken arm. Lilith turned around and kicked the other arm that the servitor had hit, directly breaking its steel bones. The broken arm hung weakly to the side.

Lilith then circled and kicked the servitor. The steel heel of the high-heeled shoe pierced its chest like a bayonet. Lilith pulled out countless cables and parts with a sharp jerk.

The servitor was paralyzed, its waving arms hanging feebly around, and countless electric sparks erupted from its chest.

Lilith cursed and opened the cage with a pull. She picked up a knife and threw it to Vito outside, “Let’s fight once.”

“Dear, didn’t you mean…” “I changed my mind! Get out of here!”

Lilith said almost angrily. Everyone around Vito looked at him, especially the two giants. Vito sighed and held his forehead helplessly.

Ragna pressed Vito’s shoulders with a meaningful look on his face, “I believe Omega can give you a full-body transformation.”

“Yes.” Lancelot agreed.

“Shut up.” Vito said speechlessly.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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