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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 93 The Final Era: Living Saint

The entrance hatch of the Skyhawk’s hangar opened upwards smoothly. Vito strode into the private apron, took down a nut wrench from the shelf on one side, and walked towards the beautiful, advanced and incredible spaceship. Eagle.

Vito picked up a toolbox along the way. Judging from the sign on the toolbox, the yellow box once belonged to the Armageddon Iron Legion, but apparently it now belonged to Vito.

Celestine also walked into the hangar. She walked through the corridor between the shelves and walked between the two sloping gray supports at the end. Vito came straight to the side of the Skyhawk. Opening the cover on the side of the propulsion engine, he pressed the response button on the control panel, and the screen lit up instantly.

“So why did that old bastard ask you to come to me? Attack a certain planet? Or is there another nagging crisis that needs me to save?”

As he spoke, Vito unplugged a cable from the engine connection pipe. He adjusted the parameters on the control panel, while Celestine walked to the side of the suspended motorcycle. Her fingers pressed the seat cushion, but that The suspended motorcycle is still floating steadily.

She smiled and stepped back and looked up at the entire large shelf. There were many tools and spare parts on the other side of the shelf. “Has the person called by the machine come in?” “No, what’s wrong?” “No, I just wonder how excited they would be if they saw what’s here.”

Celestine turned to look at Vito, who walked to the other side. He walked up from the boarding deck to the cabin. Celestine walked over vaguely and stood outside the cabin with one hand on his hip and looked at Vito. Oh, he was fiddling with a holographic screen in the cabin.

“Tell me, what are you here for?” Vito said, pulling up a control line, and the propulsion engine on Celestine’s side immediately started to sound, and the rumbling engine nozzle began to slowly open and close, Blue Colorful plasma tail flames gradually erupted from it.

“Vito, I know he is not very good, but you should understand him after so many years.” Celestine said, and Vito smiled and walked past her, dragging a sliding bed from the shelf. He pushed the board to the side of the Skyhawk and sat on it.

“He’s an old bastard, he’s never changed, but the great living saint of the Empire has come to my little place. Do you have any instructions?” Vito said, lying down on it, and then slid under the Aquila. He only had half of his body left. Outside the body, he skillfully disassembled the armor plate on the lower side of the fuselage and began to deal with the problems.

Celestine walked up to Vito with her arms folded, or to be precise, underneath him. After all, he was lying down, right?

“Although the whole empire calls me that and always thinks of me as a demigod or something, these words always sound weird from your mouth.” “What’s wrong? I misunderstood the teachings of the state religion. ?”

Celestine smiled disdainfully, “Listen, National Religion, the current empire probably doesn’t even know the truth of the empire. Every time he talks about it, he is very sad.”

Celestine looked at Vito, or at least part of him, and the man smiled and reached into the toolbox at his leg to take out a spray gun, the sparks of welding lighting up half of his face.

“Look at you, those wings on your back. Why do you think people don’t regard him as a god? Treat you as a god?” “Vito, you know better than me that having these things doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a kind of energy. It’s just a performance, just like the Star God can reorganize his own form.”

“But humans are just like this. You look like gods and you talk like gods, so you are gods.” Vito put the welding gun aside and started tinkering with the wrench again. The sound came from below the Aquila as if it was a rumble in the valley.

Celestine sighed and walked over to Vito, then sat on the box on the side. She dragged her chin and raised her slender legs slightly, obviously not sitting flatly.

Celestine was tall, even before she became the Emperor’s herald and messenger. Vito still remembered that when he first saw her, she seemed so unique among the hive orphans, It’s hard to imagine how she could grow so tall in such a fucked up environment.

After becoming the Emperor’s Messenger, the old bastard obviously still continued the stupid idea of ​​being bigger than mortals to be intimidating, so Celestine is taller now, she is more than two meters tall.

“That idiot pulled me out after the Beast War, and tricked me into his big plan with all sorts of nonsense. I helped him lead the empire on countless expeditions in the Forging Era, and that idiot didn’t even say thank you.”

“Thank you.” Celestine said sweetly, her voice as melodious as a sacred song. Vito cut and tightened a screw, “You thank me, not him. I have been with him for 20,000 years. He didn’t even say thank you once.”

“What about you? Did you say that?” Celestine asked with a smile. Vito cut again and did not answer the question but continued to tinker with the engine.

Celestine shrugged slightly and held her chin, “You have always been like this, Vito, believe me, he has sprayed you too.”

“What did he say?” Vito asked, and the little angel smiled and touched his ear. “Stubborn, unruly, arbitrary and arbitrary and completely reckless, a complete idiot.”

“Then I’ll give him back what I said.” Vito said, taking out another tool from the tool box. Celestine looked at him with slightly squinted eyes and put her elbows on her knees, “Why is Lilith here too?” On the ship? You know she’s in danger.”

“I need her help with something, that’s all.” “Vito, you know she is Slaanesh’s sister. She and Slaanesh don’t know what love is at all.” “Really?”

Vito asked, pulling off a cable and starting to connect it to another line, “A man who doesn’t even know what love is, can you tell me what love is?”

“Vito, he loved, you know.” Celestine said, and Vito snorted disdainfully, “Ask him yourself, what was he doing when Jesus died, and what was he doing when Maria died? ? What did he want me to do when Joan of Arc died? “

“Vito, you almost killed him that time.” Celestine’s beautiful golden eyes looked at Vito’s lower body. She adjusted her sitting position to make herself more comfortable. “He stopped you because he couldn’t let you Burn all Burgundy to ashes.”

“Fuck him, he didn’t use his brain when he blew up the Perfect City, right? He clearly knew that Luojia just made a small mistake, but that idiot of his solved the problem like this? And he started to point fingers at me in turn. ”

“Remember, Celestine, I don’t care if you’re going to tell him that that old bastard is the biggest fucking bastard that ever lived.”

The beautiful little angel sighed and leaned against the engine of the Skyhawk, while Vito smiled and pointed in the direction of the shelf, “If you don’t want to continue teaching me, go and get the connector for me. “

Celestine stood up, her slender legs standing high. She walked to the shelf and rummaged through the cabinets to find it. “What brand are you talking about?” “Mercedes-Benz, on the shelf in the third row.” superior.”

The tall Celestine easily reached the connector. She returned to the Aquila and handed it to Vito, who took the device and started working, with dazzling sparks spurting out from below.

“You and him are nostalgic, Vito, you have many similarities.” Celestine said, and Vito slid out from underneath with a snort, “It is precisely because of the similarities that I know he is not He will send you back to the physical universe inexplicably. Tell me, what exactly is he going to do?” Vito sat on the skateboard and looked at Celestine, who held his huge wings in his arms and opened and closed them slightly behind him, “Abaddon is going to do it. The attack on Cardia was going to be huge, and he had a bad feeling. “Yes, it’s both bad and hopeful. It’s simple.” It’s both good and bad.”

Vito raised his eyebrows slightly and lowered his head to think for a moment, “Then what? What did he ask you to do?”

Celestine sat next to Vito, like two men and women working together to repair motorcycles. She waved her hands slightly and seemed a little helpless, “He asked me to go to Cardia to help them, and then he will Spend more time thinking about and calculating the future.”

“Where’s Sanguirio? Is he here too?” Vito looked at the little angel and asked about the whereabouts of the other little angel. He still remembered that guy, who was mysterious, powerful and reliable. Although he seldom spoke, he was much better than the other little angel. Celestine is much more reserved.

“He went to deal with other things, I think it was Baal’s matter? Maybe to help his brothers, just like me.”

“I met the sisters of the Sisters of Battle on the way through the subspace storm, and rescued them and guided them. Moreover, they happened to respond to Cardia’s request for help. Lord Krieg obviously thought of a way to send the request for help. The signal was sent out from the subspace storm, and then I met you along the way.” Vito smiled mockingly and crossed his arms, “Really?”

Celestine smiled charmingly and held up her chin, “Not really, but he did ask me to tell you something.” “You want me to go to Cadia to save the world? Again?”

“No, Cardia, I will deal with it, do what you think is right, and then do it.”

Vito fell silent after hearing this. He looked at the screwdriver in his hand. He thought about those words and recalled the old bastard’s face. He was always so familiar with himself and knew what kind of words would make him hesitate, think and finally Join him in his fucking plan.

Constantine sighed and threw the screwdriver into the tool box. He was silent for a while and then stood up. Vito walked to the shelf with the tool box and put it on it.

Celestine looked at the silent Vito and didn’t say anything. She just looked at him, at this ancient guardian of mankind, at this stubborn guardian.

The communicator on Vito’s wrist lit up, and Helen appeared on the disc projector, “Sir.”

“Hello Helen, long time no see.” Celestine smiled and waved hello. Helen nodded to Celestine in affirmation, then turned to look at Vito.

“I detected the model of a large human ship, the identification code of the Golden Age.” Vito frowned and looked at Helen, “Can you confirm the identity?”

“Unit No. 1 of the Fortress-class space station.” “Mountain Town.”

Vito said silently, then raised his head and looked at Helen, “The Mountain Town is in subspace?”

The little girl made of light particles nodded affirmatively, “Yes, and it is under attack. I detected a lot of damage and alarm reactions.”

Vito smiled coldly and turned around to look at Celestine. Vito pulled out the bolter and turned on the safety, “Together?”

“Is this a date?” Celestine asked with a sweet smile.

Vito smiled and walked towards the hangar door, “It doesn’t count.”


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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