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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 96 The Final Era: Battle of the Mountain Formation (Part 1)

The Khorne Vampire was crawling on the ground. The demon’s lower body was missing. The blood flowed and extended along the broken remains it dragged behind it. The demon’s claws scratched the ground and crawled hard, but he Khorne’s back was suddenly stepped on by power iron boots, and Khorne was firmly trampled to the ground, and then a bolt gun was aimed at his head.

With an expressionless expression, the battle nun pulled the trigger. A brief flash of fire illuminated her young face. The nun with short brown hair took up the blaster and walked towards the other corpse.

There were corpses lying outside the temple of the Hand of Dorn. The corpses of demons and traitors were removed individually. The filthy corpses were piled into small hills and then used by the Battle Sisters and Stormtroopers with flamethrowers and plasma. ignite.

The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the hall. The forces of the Battle Sisters and the Inquisitors who had won the Battle of the Hall were cleaning up the battlefield. The Battle Sisters walked past the corpses, using chainswords, bolters and power weapons to ensure thorough cleaning. Out of breath, the Stormtroopers and Marines were doing the same thing.

The searing light of the infernal muzzles lit up the black ground, the glare of Masterwork bolters and plasma flickered, and the Imperial Fists Space Marines gathered around their commander.

The survivors of the Imperial Fists were scattered in a small area, checking each other’s equipment, and the centurion walked through the small group one by one to ensure that they were in top condition.

The Astartes did not talk to the mortal soldiers. In fact, they gathered alone at the edge of the hall, using a yellow iron wall to separate the mortals from Captain Thor Garadon.

But this is not absolute, because there are two “mortals” behind the yellow iron wall. They are standing with Captain Garadon at the entrance of the towering dark corridor.

Vito looked at the deep dark corridor. The deep darkness enveloped the sky. The majestic colossus and exquisite murals were immersed in the darkness, and everything disappeared in the deepest darkness.

Lilith stood beside Vito with her arms folded. She stood very close, almost touching Vito’s arm, and she obviously did this on purpose. Lilith would glance at Celestine threateningly from time to time. Make sure the little angel is in her “right place”

The correct position is about an arm’s length from Vito, an arm’s length from Astartes size.

Celestine put her hands on her hips and looked at the black corridor. Dazzling golden light scattered from the halo and wings behind her head. The pure light illuminated the entrance of the black corridor, making the closest mural And the sculpture appears before your eyes.

“Thank you for your assistance, Inquisitor.” Captain Garadon walked behind Vito. He handed the data plate in his hand to the following noncommissioned officer. The latter left silently after saluting, and with all the Imperial Boxing warriors are as taciturn.

“I have left a small team to guard the Hand of Dorne, and we will ensure that the holy relics are placed effectively.” Galaton said, while Vito raised his eyebrows and looked at the entrance door of the shrine in the distance. Having built a position, the Sons of Dorne stacked and welded together bulletproof shields and armor plates removed from unknown locations to form a simple position.

Although Vito wondered what Donn would think of his children if he knew what they did to his severed hands.

“I’m more curious, company commander, why are you here? Subspace is not a suitable place for outing.” Vito raised his head and looked up at the company commander. Garadon’s tall body became even taller after wearing the Terminator armor. It was more than three meters tall, and even Celestine had to raise her head to look at him.

“Indeed not, Judge, but I must order the jump into subspace to ensure the safety of the palace.” Galaton said and looked towards the dark corridor, his giant explosive gauntlet slowly moving his fingers. , the armor joints creaked.

“The Demon Prince Be’lakor managed to open a Chaos Portal in the Phalanx. We still don’t know how he did it, but he led an army of demons and traitors to sneak attack us in a place we didn’t expect.”

“Beelak tried to capture the Phalanx, use our railguns to bomb Terra, destroy the Golden Throne and kill the Emperor.” Garadon said through gritted teeth, clenching his fists tightly and cracking his knuckles.

“I had to choose between failing the Emperor and failing the Primarch. I finally ordered the Phalanx’s artillery that we could still control to attack the Daemon-controlled cannon and area, allowing the Phalanx to destroy part of itself. I I have failed the Chapter Master, and even more so, Lord Dorn.”

Vito looked at the extremely ashamed Garadon and shook his head slightly, “No, Captain, I believe Dorne will be proud of you.”

Garadon reproached himself, his face full of shame and self-resentment, “I failed Lord Dorne and the Emperor. I did not expect that I would be attacked in such a way above Terra. I seriously neglected my duty. “

“Company Commander, if I remember correctly, all the companies have left Terra to perform their missions. Even the Chapter Commander himself led the first company and the Honor Guard to leave. There are less than thirty third company bosses on the mountain formation. And seven Terminator veterans, as well as dozens of recruits from the 7th Company who are still undergoing training,” Celestine said comfortingly, looking at the company commander with holy eyes.

“You can’t hold the entire Phalanx, but you have done your best, Captain.” Celestine said softly, as gentle as the warm sunshine in winter, making people so kind and reassuring.

But Galaton stubbornly shook his head, “No, this is my dereliction of duty. There is no reason or excuse. I am a garrison officer. Everything that happens is my responsibility.”

Like his father, Vito thought, Donne was stubborn and extremely responsible, and that responsibility sometimes led to painful and incomprehensible decisions.

So does he.

Vito thought to himself. Celestine glanced at Vito as if he knew what he was thinking. Celestine smiled and looked at Garadon again, “But you protected Terra and the Emperor.” With the throne, he asked me to thank you.”

Garadon knelt down and saluted Celestine without hesitation. The Imperial Fists around him all knelt down on one knee, and everyone was decisive and not sloppy at all.

“I have no right to accept this gift, sir, but I ask the Emperor to forgive my chapter’s dereliction of duty.” Galaton lowered his head and said, Celestine stepped forward and pressed his shoulders, “You did what you should do. Everything, Captain, the Emperor and I saw you ordering the Phalanx to jump without coordinates, thereby preventing the Chaos Traitors from carrying out their plans with the certainty of total annihilation.”

Yes, making an emergency jump out of Terra’s orbit with an entire fortress full of demons and no reinforcements or destination is basically courting death, and no madman would do such a thing.

But the Sons of Dorne were neither madmen nor idiots, but they faithfully fulfilled their duties as the Iron Guard of Terra.

“Raise your head, Captain, the Emperor wants you to stand up in glory.” Celestine said, and Garadon no longer hesitated and stood up with the soldiers.

Vito looked at Celestine and smiled, she really learned the essence of that old bastard.

“Bell, Lancelot, Ragnar and Olaf, report the situation.” Vito started the communicator and said, and immediately his wrist communicator transmitted the disturbed rustling communication audio.

“Lancelot and I captured the sixth deck and the hangar, but we and the commandos were suppressed. Traitors and demon bastards were everywhere. We are trying to meet up with the Imperial Fists at the armory.” Ragnar’s voice said. He was obviously fighting with something. From the sound of the voice, it seemed to be another guy using a chain axe.

“The situation is very bad, Vito, our retreat has been cut off, Cole and the Sisters’ ship has left the port.” The Son of the Wolf said.

Vito switched to Cole’s channel, and the Imperial Navy’s logo appeared on the screen. Soon the audio section began to jump, and huge explosions and noises came from it, but Cole’s voice was also mixed in.

“Cole, what’s the situation?” Vito asked. Cole’s voice came over after the huge sound of cannons. “The number of Chaos fleets is too great. The Absolute Truth and I cannot maintain connection. I ordered to leave the mountain.” The formation’s starport is engaged in a dogfight.”

“But it’s best to find some way, Vito. Our two ships can’t handle the dozens of Chaos warships around us, let alone the traitor Space Marines on them.”

“They tried gang jumping, and they almost succeeded, so they better think of something,” Cole’s voice said, and then there was an explosion.

“Captain! The end of the left deck has been landed! Traitor Space Marines have appeared on the deck!” the first mate’s voice shouted, “Battle Sisters and Marines are intercepting! But we must prevent more traitors from landing!”

“Did you hear Vito? Come on.” Cole’s voice was offline. It was obvious that he had no time to chat. Vito sighed and switched to Olaf’s channel.

“Old Wolf?” “You can hear the Inquisitor.” “How are you doing?”

The dense roar of bolters came, and a burst of shouts and gunfire almost overloaded the entire audio. The harsh noise caused the entire audio wavy line to completely peak.

“We have reunited with the Imperial Fists veterans, but have been suppressed. We must prevent more traitors from ascending the mountain formation, Inquisitor.” “I know, hold on, old wolf.” “Of course, may All Father guide you.” “The same to you.”

Vito turned off the communicator and looked at Galadon and Celestine. Vito looked at the two men and narrowed their eyes slightly, then looked at the company commander, “Company commander, how many automatic controls of artillery do the Phalanx have?” Is the system online?”

After all, the Phalanx is a space equipment built in the Golden Age. Of course, it cannot be driven purely by manpower. Otherwise, a battle group of a thousand people would have abandoned most of the moon-sized fortress.

Galaton frowned slightly, and then made an accurate estimate, “We only destroyed the demon-controlled artillery, and now 60% of the firepower is intact, but we must go to the bridge.”

“I ordered the central control system of the Phalanx to be shut down and cut off to prevent the traitors from seizing control of the Phalanx. I think there are still some soldiers fighting near the bridge, and they will help us reach the bridge to restart the system.”

Galaton said, both Celestine and Lilith looked at Vito, who smiled and shouldered the chain sword, “So, Captain, are you ready to take back your right to live here?”

The Imperial Fist warriors all raised their weapons. The centurion stood at the front of the team holding a power sword shining with energy lightning. Garaton glanced at his brothers who were always ready to attack and turned to look at Vito.

The bolt gauntlet clicked into place.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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