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Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor — Chapter 98 The Final Era: Battle of Mountain Formation (Part 2)

The Imperial Fists are humanity’s best defensive war group, right? You ask why they were suppressed by Chaos before, because the reason is simple. No one expected to be attacked by teleporters in the orbit of Terra. Since the Beast Wars, no enemy of the Empire has been able to approach the orbit of Terra.

The entire solar star field is almost a giant defense line built around Terra. There are countless galaxy defense zones based on astronomical scales. A huge imperial navy fleet cruises between various planets and galaxies. There are even astronomical phenomena in the void. Digital early warning radar stations, battle fortresses and Astra Militarum barracks.

It can be said that the entire outer reaches of the solar system is an iron barrel, and near the Mandeville Point of the solar system itself, it has also been horribly enhanced after the Beast Wars and the Horus Heresy.

A full circle of automatic fire stations set up by the Martian Mechanicus is deployed around the entire jump point. The most loyal, powerful and elite solar system fleet guards the outer space of Terra. Together with the headquarters fleet of the Martian Mechanicum, they will attack anyone trying to get close to Terra. The traitors and enemies were wiped out.

Besides, the Empire has an ancient rule that any fleet entering the solar system must be disarmed unless allowed, and approaching Terra is forbidden on any ship capable of orbital attack.

There are only two forces that can remain armed in the skies of Terra. Terra itself is most loyal to the powerful Terran Astral Legion, who are also generally known as the Praetorian Guards outside the palace.

The entire legion was born out of the Solar Auxiliary Army. They control Terra’s orbital weapons platforms, ground-based anti-aircraft firepower, and barracks and positions across the continent. In orbit, they also have a combat moon platform made of the entire moon.

The other armed force is the Imperial Fists. Their Phalanx and Chapter Fleet are the only forces that can sail freely over Terra and possess devastating firepower. But it is also in these ten thousand years that The glory and peace of the past have made the Imperial Fists neglect their defenses.

The entire chapter no longer simply guards Terra. After the Beast Wars, the norm for the Imperial Fists is that most companies go out to join the endless war in various parts of the galaxy, leaving only a small number of new recruits on the mountain formation for training. and some veterans responsible for training.

And this has become the Phalanx’s biggest weakness, a huge weakness that will be exposed if Chaos can find a way to enter the Phalanx.

But Chaos ignored one thing. If the Sons of Dorn stood firm and seized any opportunity to reorganize their defenses, then this small garrison could also use the mountain formation’s own defense system to become an indestructible eternal front.

Now, that’s it.

The Sons of Dorn set up a position outside the steel gate leading to the bridge. They skillfully activated their existing defense systems. The automatic cannons and hive missile systems were activated, and terrifying firepower bombarded the attacking demon army. Among them, the flames of the explosion and the debris of collapsed flesh and blood were flying everywhere like splashing water.

In front of the Iron Gate, the Imperial Fist warriors used bulletproof shields, movable walls and modular shooting positions to build a solid position. The Imperial Skyhawk was illuminated by gunfire outside the battle wall, and the golden light continued to shine.

Above Skyhawk’s head, Imperial Fist warriors opened fire fiercely with bolters. A whole platoon of mixed recruits and veterans were stationed here. None of them were soldiers from the same company, recruits from the 7th company and veterans from the 3rd company. Half a company of soldiers permanently stationed with the mountain formation are gathered here.

The last order they received was to defend the bridge at all costs, because as long as the bridge was not lost, the Phalanx would not be defended. Even if most of the fortress was eventually occupied by Chaos, the self-destruction system of the Phalanx could be overloaded here. The reactor blew up the fortress monastery.

Even if it turns into a broken wreckage in the void and disappears forever from the sight of the Emperor and his people, the Phalanx will never fall into the hands of a traitor!

With the position as the core, the Sons of Dorn used heavy bolters, large-caliber shotguns, plasma cannons, and melta cannons to build this destructive position. They would turn this place into a tomb, a tomb for traitors. .

The yellow-robed veterans of the Imperial Fist Chapter fired rapidly with their portable bolt machine guns, blasting bolts into the enemy formation and beating the traitors to pieces.

And beside the veteran, there were mortal soldiers fighting alongside him. The survivors of the mortal auxiliary army on the Phalanx also gathered here. They formed a whole company of defense forces here to fully cooperate and support Dorne. The sons held their ground.

Laser guns and mounted bolt machine guns fired from behind the shooting slots. The colorful gunfire illuminated the entire dark space in front of the door. Even though the power supply system had been cut off, the bright gunfire illuminated the place brighter than before. brighter.

The demons launched a rapid offensive towards the position. The hell artillery of Khorne demons and the traitor’s explosive bombs bombarded the fenders of the position. Countless steel fragments splashed in the air and fell to the ground. The golden skull symbol that symbolized loyalty and the emperor was broken into pieces. , almost all the sunken carvings were destroyed, as if there was a silent countdown to the moment of destruction of this garrison.

But even if the light of the Emperor has long since disappeared, they will not surrender. They will fight to the death because they are the blood of Rogal Dorn! They are the Imperial Fists!

“For the Emperor!” The mortal soldier shouted and stood up from behind the shield. He pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher on his shoulder, and the rocket projectile with tail flames roared out, and its shooter was also hit by a explosive shell. kill.

The rocket slid through the air, and one shot destroyed the Khorne demon cannon in the distance with incomparable accuracy. The small demon engine quickly overloaded and exploded, spitting out blood and blazing fire, engulfing the surrounding demons and traitors.

The Master Chief looked at the bloody mortal soldiers. He turned around and shot the Khorne hound that climbed up to the position. The Master Chief kept pulling the trigger, and the airflow from the muzzle of the bolt pistol caused the cockscomb helmet on his head to repeat with the shock wave. Rocking back and forth.

On both sides of the Master Chief, his battle brothers were still conducting defensive counterattacks in an orderly manner. The multi-functional automatic cannon that slid out from the wall above their heads was providing fire support. Its high rate of fire sent shells and large-caliber explosive shells in. Enemy sea.

The sergeant felt that the ammunition was holed. He pressed the side switch of the bolter and the magazine quickly slid off. The sergeant took off a new magazine from his belt, but when he was preparing to reload, he started to build and stepped on the position. Daemon of Khorne.

The Khorne demon with wings and a face between a wolf and a bat roared and raised its claws. The Master Chief immediately inserted the magazine into the bolter, but he didn’t have time to lift the monster’s head in front of the gun. Then it was smashed to pieces. To be precise, the whole body was beaten into a hornet’s nest.

The monster fell backwards and fell to the ground. As the monster fell to the ground, countless tall figures fell into the trench. The Master Chief looked at the newly arrived brothers of the battle group. They did not wait for orders but immediately joined in the defense of the position. During the war.

The only exception was the Master Chief, who waited for new orders because his company commander was now in front of him.

The Master Chief knelt on one knee and bowed his head in salute to Captain Garadon, “Please allow me to report to the Captain that our unit is holding the position leading to the bridge. The position is still under control, but please listen to my advice.”

“I request to activate the self-destruct system and detonate the mountain formation to complete our mission.” The Master Chief calmly stated his suggestion. In other battle groups, I would have trembled inwardly when saying such words to the company commander. After all, you proposed blowing up the entire chapter’s home, and all the relics within it.

But the Sons of Dorne will not be afraid. They will faithfully perform their duties and will gladly accept the punishment it may bring, even the punishment of death.

“I will listen to your request, but I must overrule the noncommissioned officer because I have brought other missions.” Captain Garadon said sternly like a majestic iron statue. He turned his head to signal the noncommissioned officer to look at Vito and his party. , the Inquisitor waved to the sergeant jokingly. Of course, he also knew that the Son of Dorne would not respond to such an informal greeting.

“Judge Vito Constantine has brought reinforcements, and Lord Celestine, the living saint, has brought the light of the Emperor back among us! The fate of the Phalanx is not over yet, Sergeant, and together with us, she will continue to serve the Emperor Fight on until the Emperor calls us!”

Galadon clenched his iron fist and roared loudly, his voice loud enough to be heard by everyone above all the artillery fire.

“I, Thor Garadon! Captain of the Third Company, in the name of Rogal Dorn, order you to stay alive! Stand firm! This is your mission!”

Garadon raised his bolt gauntlets high and roared like thunder, “Primarch above! For the glory of you and the Lord of Earth!”

“For the Emperor! For Dorne!” roared the surrounding warriors, and the Iron Wall would now become even stronger and impossible to destroy.

Galadon turned his head and nodded affirmatively to Vito, “Go, Inquisitor, I will stand firm here with my brothers and buy time for you.”

Captain Garadon said as he turned around and roared, raised his bolt gauntlets and joined the battle. The Master Chief also stood up and pulled the bolt of his bolt pistol and strode past Vito to join his brothers in the battle.

Vito looked at the gunfire that almost engulfed everything around him. His ears were engulfed by the deafening gunfire. Fortunately, his ears would not be deafened by the noise, nor would he suffer negative effects such as severe hearing loss.

Vito looked at Celestine and smiled awkwardly. He touched his chin and said, “Lord Living Saint, please help me guard here. Ah, I’ll be right back!”

Celestine smiled disdainfully, and then glanced at Lilith, who was standing behind Vito, covered in blood, holding a knife and staring at Vito with murderous eyes.

The little angel rolled her eyes and smiled mockingly. She waved her hand and turned towards the position, “Okay, let that bitch accompany you.”

“Cut chicken.” Lilith cursed in a low voice. She met Vito’s eyes with murderous intent. The latter trembled and immediately ran towards the steel gate. Lilith also rolled her eyes and followed.

The bridge door opened to both sides, and Vito rushed into the bridge of the Mountain Formation. This was a huge semicircular space. What made it unique from other naval ships and spaces in the empire was its operating position.

Most of its operating positions, such as the fire control system, radar and weapons array waiting facility operating units, are located below both sides of an iron bridge. The cogitator servitors are connected to a long row of recessed control stations.

The system control units within the ship on both sides and back of the circular platform are also connected to the Thinker servitors. These servitors, as cold and dead as corpses, are covered with cables, and their data guides At the end of the bridge is a master control servitor placed on a cylindrical computing array at the back of the center of the bridge hall.

The machine servant was quietly embedded in the cylindrical steel structure. Countless indicator lights and data hard drives were inserted into the cylinder, and it was surrounded by a circle of control platforms and holographic displays.

Vito rushed to the master control servitor. He quickly clicked and tried to activate the servitor’s response unit. According to the holographic instrument, the servitor’s system was damaged and was undergoing slow maintenance before it could be reactivated.

But looking at the crazy progress bar, this thing is progressing as fast as the Ministry of Government approves a document.

“What the hell did they change the Mountain Formation into? This fucking fortress is a golden age battle fortress! What kind of crap did they change the system into for me!” Vito cursed and kicked the control platform, and Lilith stood Behind his back, he used the tip of the knife to gently poke the servitor’s wrinkled skin against the bones.

“So what should I do?” Queen Succubus asked. Vito sighed and rubbed his neck. “Theoretically, I can bypass the cogitator system and directly activate the engine and the entire system of the Mountain Formation. I guess the god of the Mechanicus The sticks probably don’t know how to really strip away the Golden Age system.”

Lilith slightly shrugged and patted the machine servant’s shriveled thigh with a folding knife, looking at the metal box covering his crotch with great excitement, “It’s boring, but if I remember correctly, if you want to bypass the Thinker system, you need to In an astronomical system library, to screen and calculate a one-in-a-billion program vulnerability, is it necessary to perfectly avoid the data trap set by the Mechanicus? “

“That’s right.” Vito said, walking towards the bridge glass in front that was lit up by the brilliant light of the subspace and the gunfire outside. Lilith turned to look at him and raised her eyebrows slightly, “My dear, your brain. How should I put it? , The IQ cannot be said to be low, nor can it be considered high.”

“I know what you mean, so it’s not me who has to do this.” Vito smiled and walked to the bridge glass. He looked at the dazzling subspace naval battle going on outside, where the Infinite Frontier and the Absolute Truth were going on. Using parallel maneuvers, they used large swings to widen the distance from the Chaos Fleet.

With one battle cruiser and one cruiser, he fought against the entire Chaos fleet.

Cole is indeed still one of the best captains in the Imperial Navy, and even Speyer probably won’t do better than him here.

Vito pulled off the lower cover of the data panel in front of him, and a data interface appeared on it. Vito took out the display disc from his arms and inserted it into the circular connector that suddenly opened on the skin of his right arm.

A data socket popped up at the end of his palm, and then Vito slammed his palm on the interface of the data panel. The data socket on his palm was inserted into the interface. Almost immediately, the entire bridge lit up, and various The instruments began to roar, but none of the servitors responded.

Helen appeared on the holographic projection on the console. The cold-faced girl with short hair looked at Vito with his hands behind his back, and the lines of data glistened on his skin-like tights.

“My dear, activate the mountain formation and calculate quickly.” “Calculation completed.”

Helen said expressionlessly, and Vito looked at her and laughed, not knowing what he was urging her to do. She might not even need a second to break through this garbage system.

She was built to control and command the entire automatic fleet and intelligent army, or directly take over the entire planet-level orbital defense station.

In the golden age, people called this kind of AI “all-intelligent war artificial intelligence.” It was one of the pinnacle products of human technology in the golden age. What’s worse is that they also inherited many characteristics of humans, so what happened later A little accident?

Iron Man Rebellion and stuff, yes.

But for Vito, she is just a little data girl with a permanently paralyzed face, a sharp tongue, but a cold face and a warm heart.

“Have you taken over the system?” “Okay”

Countless data streams flashed through Helen’s eyes, flashing in short and dense bursts. She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again.

“The background program of the Mountain Formation has been activated. The instructions overlaid by the Mechanicus have been blocked by me. The Mountain Formation has been taken over and all systems are online. Order, sir.”

Helen said coldly and looked at Vito. Lilith also came up and put her arm on Vito’s shoulders and looked at the data lady in front of him, “Hello, Helen, long time no see.”

“Hello, Lilith, but I think now is not the time for greetings, sir.” Helen asked, looking at Vito indifferently. The latter smiled and shook his head slightly, then raised his eyes and looked at the Chaos fleets outside. He laughed murderously.

“Fire.” “Yes, sir.”

As Helen’s thoughts were conveyed, the entire mountain formation began to operate like a part of her body. The entire fortress’s weapon system became an extension of her body, and its data consciousness covered and controlled all weapon arrays at extremely high speeds. .

The silent macro cannon began to turn slowly under the action of the transmission structure. Rows of naval guns began to raise their barrels. The light spear array stretched out from the protective cover, and the shining energy airport flickered at the spearhead.

The dense weapon arrays built in the fortress buildings on the mountain formation were ready, and they aimed at the Chaos Fleet.

They opened fire, almost simultaneously. Thousands of guns, missile launchers, torpedo tubes, lance arrays and countless large and small weapons fired simultaneously with unprecedented synchronicity.

Weapons quickly weaved a precise fire network, hitting the Chaos fleet with devastating artillery fire. They obviously did not expect to be attacked. In an instant, countless warships exploded and disintegrated under the dense fire net of the mountain formation.

The light spear’s shield breaking, the macro cannon’s body breaking, all the firepower cooperated like a whole will, but in fact they are now the incarnation of one will, the incarnation of Helen.

The war artificial intelligence mobilized all the firepower accurately. She looked at the exploded and disintegrated warships with an expressionless face. Behind him, Vito also looked at the disintegrated chaos warships and the firepower projected on them.

A brilliant light shone on his face, and now Vito finally remembered. He recalled why mankind suffered so heavy losses in the Iron Man Rebellion and fell into the dark age after the war.

The evidence of it all is right in front of you, in this little finger girl.


Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


This is a story about Warhammer, a story about the Emperor's wage earners in the dark galaxy. When time came to the end of the 41st Dark Millennium, he had worked for the Emperor for ten thousand years. As a "model worker" of the Empire, he just wanted to retire, but this was all the Emperor's mission. At the end of this dark millennium, the story of ten thousand years of working has begun to be written again.

Author's Other Novels


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