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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 1 The Emperor and the Primarch

The Age of Strife, the 29th Millennium of Terra.

In the base of the Himalayan mountains, the emperor stared at the twenty empty culture tanks in front of him with a slightly gloomy expression.

Just now, a subspace storm broke out here, scattering the twenty Primarchs he cultivated throughout the galaxy.

And the initiators are none other than the Four Gods of Chaos!

The Emperor knew that this was inevitable, for the power of the Warp had been used to create the Primarch, and Chaos had many means at his disposal to do small things.

They can fail 999 times, but if they succeed once, they make money.

Through psychic perception, the Emperor knew the location and status of the original body. After confirming that he was safe and sound, he left them behind and asked:

“Where’s Said? Why is his dormant chamber missing?”

Waldo, the commander of the Imperial Army, said: “Your Majesty, your brother suffered the same fate as the original body!”

The emperor’s face, which had not changed before the collapse of the mountain, was slightly startled, and then said: “Without the base’s energy supply, the stasis field will fail, and that guy… is about to wake up!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor suddenly covered his head, and then heard a voice: “Brother Emperor! What happened? Where is this? What year is it today?”

“Your Majesty, are you okay?” the commander of the Forbidden Army asked with concern.

The emperor waved his hand and said: “It’s okay, you can go down first!”

After the Custodes left, the Emperor said: “This is the 29th Millennium of Terra. As for the position…you decide for yourself.”

“Since you’re awake, it means that the fusion of Bing and Wood has been successful, right?”

Said said excitedly: “Yes, Brother Huang, I really want to go into battle now, I really want to fight, waaaagh!!!”

The emperor twitched the corner of his mouth and said calmly: “Then wait until I come to you!”

After that, the communication was cut off.

At the same time, I don’t know how many light years away.

An unknown world in the extreme star field.

Said was processing the memories in his mind. One second he was an orphan on Earth, and the next second he traveled through the world of Warhammer 40k and became the Emperor’s younger brother.

“But where did the Emperor get his younger brother?”

Said muttered, and more memories came out, and then he knew that he was indeed the emperor’s biological brother, born from the same mother’s womb.

Compared with the Emperor, Said is physically weak and has no psychic powers. Apart from being able to communicate with the Emperor’s mind and having a longer lifespan, Said has nothing special about him. He is almost a mortal.

However, he admired his brother the emperor very much. In order to help the emperor save mankind and prove that he was useful to his brother, Said took the initiative to undergo a soldier tree transplant.

The success rate of this operation is very low. Once successful, the Emperor will control an alien civilization and go a long way towards reviving humanity.

After the operation, Said fell into a coma and lay in the dormant chamber for nearly ten thousand years until he was transported through time and space.

According to the original history, the operation failed and Said did not wake up, resulting in the legend of Said in Warhammer.

But now, as Said kicked open the freezer door, the future changed!

Outside the freezing warehouse, you can see a deserted area, with the vast yellow sand and desert stretching as far as the eye can see.

Although the air here is slightly poisonous, it is still breathable, indicating that it was once a human world.

In the more ancient dark technological age, humans colonized space, and the stars were playthings in their hands, transforming countless planets into livable worlds.

Even if civilization later suffered a catastrophe, these wasteland planets still retained the fire of mankind.

At this moment, the Emperor is destroying the separatist forces on Terra (Earth) and preparing for the Great Crusade to regain the human world in the galaxy and realize the revival of mankind.

“First of all, I want to waaaagh through this world, and then build a fleet to join Brother Huang and participate in his big waaaagh! Huh? Why do I talk like a green skin?”

Said muttered to himself, suddenly realizing that his thinking was abnormal, but he quickly came up with a guess:

“I think this is because the surgery performed on me by Brother Huang made me become an alien god! My mind was affected by the alien, and this alien is called… Bingmu!”

The next moment, countless information poured into his mind, all about Hyoumu’s knowledge.

The Emperor took reference from the green skins and designed the Soldier Wood Alien. The Soldier Wood not only has the green skin’s violent troop speed, but also has a gestalt leadership similar to the Zerg.

When it comes to Warhammer 40k, it’s a combination of Brother Mao and Hive Mind.

If the weapons can be used by the Empire, Said alone can be a civilization, and the Astartes and the Astra Militarum can retire, the Warhammer will change the tone of sadness and despair.

But the premise is that Said can survive until he is found by the Emperor. He is still a mortal and a laser gun can kill him.

“Cough cough cough…”

The poisonous air corroded his lungs, and Said kept coughing. If no measures were taken, he would soon die of poisoning.

Immortality does not mean immortality!

Said has experienced the dark age of science and technology, and his knowledge accumulation is not inferior to that of the emperor, and he is not lacking in practical ability.

He disassembled the life support system of the freezer and easily assembled a breathing filter device to temporarily get rid of the poisonous gas.

But he knew that this was not a solution. The breathing device had a lifespan and would fail in three days at most. The only solution was to refine the land and transform it into the land of soldiers and trees.

The land of soldiers and trees is the domain of Said. It is not only suitable for living, but also can grow soldiers and expand the race. However, refining the land requires spiritual energy, and Said does not have spiritual energy.

Said thought silently in his heart: “Brother Huang, give me some psychic powers, I’m going to attack!”

The emperor replied calmly with one word: “Okay!”

As he spoke, a mysterious energy poured into Said’s body. Said touched the ground with his palm and channeled the spiritual energy.

As the spiritual energy increased, a green wave spread out around him with him as the center, turning into the land of soldiers and trees. As the refining area increased, his perception also spread.

In the soil of Bingmu, a grain of sand, a bug, and a bacterium are all within his perception. If spiritual energy continues to be injected, he will sense the entire planet.

However, when the refining area reached a football field, the Emperor stopped the input of spiritual energy. He said: “No more spiritual energy can be input, it will attract chaos.”

Psychic energy will form a projection in the subspace. The more psionic energy, the larger the projection, and the Chaos Evil God will notice it, and then locate your position in the three-dimensional world.

Said was still very weak and could not withstand the torment of chaos. He worriedly asked:

“Brother Huang, I have such a waaaagh future, but now I am very weak. Will subspace be the first to do something to me?”

The Emperor said: “It’s okay. You are not a psyker. The subspace projection is very small and they cannot locate you. If anything happens, I will still be watching. Don’t worry.”

Said was overjoyed: “Long live the emperor! waaaagh!”

Then he thought of something and asked: “Do you also protect those nephews of the original body who fell into the universe with me?”

The Emperor nodded: “Yes, but unlike you, I cannot talk to them, nor can I transmit psychic energy. I cannot interfere with their experiences, thoughts, and actions.”

At this time, Said remembered the future Horus Heresy, where half of the Primarchs would betray the Emperor, turning him into a vegetative state and leaving him half-dead on the throne.

The Primarch had elements of Chaos, so the Emperor knew there would be a rebellion, but he didn’t know who would rebel, and Said couldn’t help but think to himself:

“If I tell Brother Huang the list of rebels, can tragedy be avoided?”

story background:

Primarch: The Emperor collaborated with the Evil God to create 20 superhuman offspring, half of whom will rebel

Golden Age/Dark Age of Technology: When humans were at their most awesome, they almost conquered the galaxy

Iron Man Rebellion: AI rebellion in the golden age, blocking space routes

Age of Strife: After the Iron Man Rebellion, the Earth is divided and civilization regresses

Unification War: The Emperor wipes out the separatist empires and unifies the Earth


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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