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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 10: Close Combat, Discovering Khorne

Four thousand technological barbarians of the Holy Kingdom rode in jeep off-road vehicles, speeding across the dim wasteland, raising a large cloud of dust behind them.

This off-road vehicle is small and light, with weak armor, and only equipped with a machine gun or plasma cannon on the roof. It has no advantage over tanks and armored vehicles.

But this simple vehicle like an armed pickup truck is particularly favored by the barbarians.

In their eyes, their advantage is the genetic warriors, not the vehicles. Compared with the combat power of the vehicles, mobility is more important.

The role of the vehicle is to deploy troops and to pursue the enemy after the war, while the combat is left to the brave and powerful genetic warriors.

With the blessing of power armor, the genetic warriors can split the tank armor with one knife, as the spearhead of the attack, and destroy all enemies.

And the hearty close combat is also what the God of Oakland likes. The happier the gods are, the more genetic warriors there are in the Holy Kingdom.

If there are enough genetic warriors, they are confident that they can flatten the planet and offer fierce battles to the gods.

Just as the barbarians were full of righteousness, the land under their feet had quietly turned green, and in the sand dunes in the distance, gun barrels slowly stretched out.

When he looked carefully, it was the Spartan tank disguised as a sand dune!

At this moment, some technological barbarians had already discovered the abnormality under their feet and exclaimed. The emperor thought to himself: “Is this the ability of the aliens in Rebirth Town?”

As his thoughts flew, he looked far ahead and saw a vast expanse of green. He had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that there was something wrong with those sand dunes.

So he called his men, pointed to the sand dunes in the distance, and ordered: “Go and see those earth mounds, I feel there is something wrong…”

However, before he finished speaking, the sand dunes suddenly flashed with fire, and the emperor of the Holy Kingdom immediately shouted: “Enemy attack! Disperse!”

In an instant, thousands of figures jumped off the trucks, and at this time the shells whistled and blew up the vehicles.

The emperor shouted: “Fight back!”

With an order, the technological barbarians consciously divided into two groups and rushed towards the ambush tanks.

Sayid noticed a detail. The emperor did not specify how many people to send to fight back, but the technological barbarians formed a suitable counterattack formation on their own.

In battlefield command, laymen look at tactics, while experts look at formations. The emperor only issued a simple order, and his subordinates immediately made appropriate force arrangements. This subjective initiative is extremely rare.

Such a level of tacit understanding cannot be achieved without long-term running-in. Sayid deduced from this that these people have experienced hundreds of battles.

However, he was still full of confidence. With a thought, the Spartan tanks removed their camouflage and attacked the technological barbarians from both sides. Behind the tanks, smoke and dust rose to the sky.

From the smoke and dust, more armored vehicles and tanks can be vaguely seen.

Tank artillery fired in salvos, exploding one after another among the technological barbarians. Some barbarians were hit and turned into fragments on the spot.

The emperor of the Holy Kingdom immediately ordered: “Disperse and counterattack comprehensively!”

With the help of power armor, the technological barbarians quickly jumped and dodged, reducing the lethality of the tank guns, and then the entire army was divided into two and rushed towards the attacking tanks.

At this time, Sayid increased the stakes. With a thought, hundreds of Orgus aircraft rushed out of the clouds, like dragonflies in the sky, diving towards the enemies on the ground.

These simple aircraft can hang a missile and a machine gun, and are a powerful weapon for close-range ground support.

When they descended to a sufficient height, hundreds of missiles were fired with long tail flames, covering the technological barbarians.

The ground infantry fired infrared lasers, locked the technological barbarians, and provided guidance for the missiles.

In an instant, the missiles seemed to have eyes, accurately hitting the target, and blew hundreds of technological barbarians into pieces.

The barbarian emperor was angry and ordered: “Fight back! Fight back!”

Then he picked up the grenade gun and fired at the sky. In an instant, many aircraft exploded, and the aircraft was not to be outdone, diving and firing machine guns.

At the same time, the puppet armored forces were still advancing, the tank guns were still roaring, the plasma cannons fired blue energy balls, the coaxial machine guns fired dense bullet rain, and the infantry in the rear fired volleys of explosive shells…

Under the metal storm of land and air, tracer bullets intertwined to form a large firepower network, covering the enemy, and the barbarians were constantly being crushed.

The emperor saw that his men had not even touched the enemy’s hair, but had lost a small half, and he was instantly furious and ordered loudly: “Attack on all fronts! Stick to them and kill them all!”

“Kill them all!”

Sayyid’s entire army pressed forward, and the emperor of the Holy Kingdom no longer held back. He vaguely felt that the enemy this time would be very difficult.

But he was still not afraid. As long as he could win, he could get the blessing of Oakland, and no matter how big the loss was, he could make up for it.

The technological barbarians faced Sayyid’s ground-to-air firepower network and launched a desperate charge. They were very fast, not inferior to vehicles running at full speed.

Seeing this, Sayyid stopped the armored vehicles and tanks, set up a defensive formation, and waited for the other side to hit him head-on.

Barbarians were constantly being crushed by the fire net. As the distance shortened, the grenade launchers of the big infantry also joined the battle. They used tanks and armored vehicles as cover and killed a large number of enemies.

Under the fire stranglehold, 4,000 barbarians left 1,500 corpses on the charge road, and the remaining 2,500 barbarians and puppets rushed to a distance of 30 meters.


The barbarians shouted loudly, and the puppets were not to be outdone. At Sayid’s command, they shouted: “waaaagh!!!”

Then they rushed out of the cover, with chainsaw swords in the right hand and grenade launchers in the left hand, while shooting and rushing towards the enemy.

The puppets lost their cover and faced the barbarian bombs directly. The casualties increased sharply. In just a short moment, they lost 500 troops, and then they fought hand to hand.

3,500 big puppets fought 2,500 technological barbarians. There was no obvious difference in combat power between the two sides. They were all powered armor, chainsaw swords, and bolt guns. It was a complete competition of will and killing skills.

“Kill, kill, kill! Kill them! Kill! Waaaagh!! Kill these shrimps!”

In the distant Rebirth Town, Sayid danced with joy, his face flushed with excitement.

In the future, he will be in the human camp, so he tried to adjust his way of speaking and try not to sound like a green skin, but once the puppets started fighting, his “true nature would be exposed”.

He and the puppets are of one mind, and the puppets’ experiences are his experiences. The bloody battle activated the warlike genes and became particularly bloodthirsty and crazy, like a berserker.

Berserker Sayid reacted to the puppets, making the puppets fight more and more crazily, generating emotional psychic energy that continued to accumulate, strengthening their waaaagh stance.

The battle became more intense, more and more big guys died, and more and more big guys were strengthened, becoming bigger, more powerful, and killing more efficiently.

As casualties increased, the Technobarbarian tribe gradually fell into a disadvantageous position, and soon lost more than a thousand people. The remaining thousand people faced the siege of more than two thousand big guys.

If nothing unexpected happens, Sayid will win this battle.

The Holy Emperor also realized this and immediately used his trump card “Auckland’s Blessing”. A red field spread out from him as the center.

In an instant, the Technobarbarian tribe became taller and stronger, more bloodthirsty and ferocious, killing the big guys one by one.

A large number of puppets were smashed, and Sayid fell into a disadvantageous position again, but he did not panic, muttering to himself: “Royal brother, this breath… is it Khorne?”

If you don’t come to speak up again, I won’t write this book


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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