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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 100 The empire will never surrender!

On the way to Isstvan, the loyal primarch received an astropathic call for help from the loyalists. They were fighting with the rebel legions and requested reinforcements.

When the news was sent back to Terra, Sayid was not happy at all, but full of doubts.

The rebels sent the loyalists to the ground, and they could have used the extermination order to blow them up along with the planet, but they did not do so. Instead, they put the loyal astropaths down and asked them to ask for help.

Historically, Horus planned to use a virus bomb to kill them instantly, but Angron got excited and dragged the entire army into close combat, which took a full three months.

But in this life, Angron was not a brainless reckless man. Anyone with a normal mind would use the extermination order, but the rebels did not do so.

This was very unusual. Sayid had the urge to withdraw his troops, but the loyalist warriors were not puppets and could not be abandoned at will. If he was ordered to retreat, the primarch would definitely not agree.

So he could only participate in the defense of Terra in worry.

At this time, the defense of Terra was the responsibility of Valdor and his imperial guards.

Each of the Imperial Guards is a scientist and commander who can take charge of a certain aspect. They form a senior staff group and command tens of thousands of warships, hundreds of millions of solar auxiliary troops, tens of billions of Krieg puppets, and 300,000 giant soldiers in the Solar Sector.

After taking office as the Lord of the Sun, Valdor calculated the forces in his hands and believed that the Emperor’s estimate of the war situation was too pessimistic.

In his eyes, Terra had too many resources, enough to increase the depth of defense and include the entire Solar Sector in the defense circle.

At this time, the Webway War had not yet broken out, and Terra could easily gather unprecedented forces without even mobilizing the worlds in the star field.

The currency showed unparalleled power. Just soak the parchment in the holy water of the Emperor’s power and print the face value to become a banknote.

Terra relied on pieces of paper to exchange for a large amount of materials from all over the empire that far exceeded the tithe, and the planetary governor happily handed over the output of many years.

If it were in the past, such a collection force would inevitably go through a bloody rebellion war, but now it was exchanged with just a piece of paper.

Although the warp was turbulent again, Terra did not need to consider the transportation risks. As long as they paid money, there would be a lot of merchant fleets and wandering traders to transport supplies. It can be said that Terra leveraged countless resources and manpower with just a piece of paper. This is the power of money! Malcador was dumbfounded, and he was annoyed why he didn’t think of it earlier. The empire’s territory spread across the galaxy, and the production capacity was too large. Even if it printed money at full capacity, it was still in a state of deflation, and even the solar star field could not meet it. As long as Terra exported currency, it could collect resources and wealth from all over the empire. Relying on a large amount of resources, Valdor turned the Terra solar system into an iron wall, and at the same time, he went a step further and extended the defense focus to the eight warp channels in the star field. The emperor read Valdor’s report, thought about it for a while, and approved it. He gave a speech the next morning and issued a general mobilization order for the solar star field. The speech was relayed through puppets and broadcast in real time to all worlds of the Empire:

“Ten Terra hours ago, we suffered a shameful betrayal. The Primarchs of nine legions betrayed the Empire because of the instigation of the Warp aliens! They betrayed humanity! They burned, killed and looted in the Empire! From now on, the Empire and the Warp are at war.”

“Unlike the real universe, the Warp has an endless source of soldiers, corruption that distorts reality, and powerful and immortal aliens! This will be a cruel war, and the Empire is not sure of winning!”

“However, the rebellion of the nine legions does not mean that the Empire will fail completely. Any pessimistic remarks and defeatists will be severely punished! If anyone believes that I will surrender without a fight, then you are wrong. “Wrong!” Lu Dian combat, fighting in the field and streets, and fighting in mountainous areas. Even if Tyra is occupied by the enemy and plays all the food, our huge fleet and the vast territory will continue to fight. We will never give in! ” At the beginning of the physical rebellion, the empire will unable to block the existence of the enemy. After being considered by the emperor, he simply listed it as the target of the war. At the end of the speech, the Emperor announced that the Solar Segmentum was in a state of general mobilization. Although it was not necessary from a military perspective, the Emperor still decided to do so in order to boost morale and exaggerate a new war.

After the speech, a bad news came from Isstvan, and Sayid’s worries became a reality.

Lion Jonson contacted the loyalists in the rebels and learned that they were fighting against demons and were besieged by Fulgrim and the Emperor’s Children.

Although they were in a tough battle, they were still able to hold on, and Fulgrim seemed to be furious and killed a lot of people on the planet Isstvan III.

According to the Loyalists, after arriving in the system, they discovered the remains of the Randan aliens, and then under the orders of the original body, they continued the previous genocide.

The process was the same as usual, but the loyalists discovered that there seemed to be more “tricks” used by their companions to cleanse the aliens, and it was more like a ritual.

The loyalists didn’t pay much attention to it and just regarded it as a break from the boring work. Although the scene was a bit shocking, the Space Marines were hard-hearted and it was not unacceptable.

It was not until these sacrilegious rituals emitted bursts of ominous purple energy and set off violent warp storms that the loyalists became aware of the abnormality.

When they tried to stop it, it was too late. A large number of demons tore open the curtain of reality and killed the loyalists. The two sides fought fiercely.

The traitor Space Marines, on the other hand, retreated safely due to the blessings of the warp, leaving Fulgrim and his Emperor’s Children legions behind to fight the loyalists.

The other seven Primarchs are missing!

After this situation was reported to Terra, Said immediately paid great attention to it. He ordered Leon Jonson: Leave two legions to encircle Fulgrim, and all the remaining legions will withdraw to Terra!

However, it was too late. The angry Primarchs could not bear the anger of betrayal and launched an orbital airborne landing on the surface of the planet. The water was overwhelming and it was impossible to recover in a short time.

The Lion King said calmly: “Don’t worry, Your Highness, the rebels won’t be far away. We will soon eliminate Fulgrim and then start the pursuit!”

“Relying on Blackstone Fortress, our sailing speed is not affected by subspace storms!”

At this point, Said could only believe him and warned: “Please ensure that you control the Blackstone Fortress. It is the key to your passing through the subspace storm!”

The Lion King patted his chest and assured: “Your Highness, don’t worry, the defense of Blackstone Fortress is in charge of my most trusted lieutenant – Luther…”

Said almost spit out a mouthful of old blood:

“Who are you talking about?!”

He magically altered some of Churchill’s speeches and made them so soul-stirring!

loyalty! loyalty! loyalty! for the emperor!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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