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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 101 Luther's Betrayal

Luther is the adopted father of the Lion King. When he adopted Leon, he was still a young knight, and Leon had lived in a forest full of monsters for ten years.

With the help of Luther, Leon reintegrated into human society and established a close father-son relationship with Luther, but the two had very different personalities.

Leon had been a savage for ten years, and his personality was inevitably severely autistic. He was usually taciturn, superstitious about strategies and tactics, and insisted on going all the way.

On the other hand, Luther was good at communication, could easily understand the minds of his subordinates and enemies, knew how to be flexible, and had many complementary relationships with the autistic genius Leon.

So, the two became a golden partner, and they rose step by step in the Knights with their military merits. Among them, Leon was more popular and gradually became the head of the Knights.

At this time, Luther thought that his contribution was ignored, and the seeds of jealousy were planted in his heart. He became a stepfather of the Star Warrior and became a son, and his mentality became further unbalanced.

In the original history, Luther discovered that the enemy brought a nuclear bomb on the Lion King’s flagship, and planned to pretend not to see it and kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Later, he gave up this idea after being persuaded by others, but his relationship with the Lion King deteriorated sharply afterwards. He was sent to Caliban to be a trainer for new recruits, and finally raised the banner of rebellion.

But now the history of the expedition has changed, and there is no nuclear bomb. Luther still hides his dissatisfaction in his heart, and the Lion still trusts him.

In addition, there is the variable of Lorgar. The battle in the hazy star field allowed the legions under the primarch to contact each other, making it possible for corruption to spread.

Lorgar could not seduce the Lion, so he set his target on Luther, the second-in-command of the legion, and used the power of chaos to amplify the jealousy in his heart and easily corrupt him.

The rebels knew the power of the Blackstone Fortress. With the Blackstone Fortress, the loyalists would not be afraid of any subspace storm and would appear anywhere in the galaxy at will.

On the other hand, if the Blackstone Fortress was abolished, the retreat of the loyalists could be abolished, and they would be trapped in the Isstvan system.

Sayid thought of this and immediately ordered Leon: “Replace Luther! This is an order, execute it immediately!”

The Lion King was confused and asked: “What’s wrong with Luther? Your Highness!”

After all, he was a capable assistant and a comrade-in-arms as close as father and son, Leon didn’t think there was anything wrong with Luther.

Sayid said anxiously: “There is no time to explain, get him out of the fortress immediately, and I will tell you slowly later!”

Sayid only ordered to replace Luther, and did not ask what to do to Luther. The Lion King hesitated for a moment and nodded to execute.

Sayid was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he forgot that with the Lion King’s emotional intelligence, if Luther really had a conspiracy, he would immediately notice the abnormality.

Sure enough, the Lion King bluntly ordered Luther’s troops to join the ground attack and hand over the Blackstone Fortress to the guards, and was immediately alerted by Luther, who had a high emotional intelligence.

The ground offensive went smoothly. Although the demons were numerous and powerful, the forbidden magic field of the Blackstone Fortress weakened them and was easily killed by the Space Marines.

In front of Fulgrim, Finus questioned why his former brother betrayed him. After learning the reason, he started a duel. The seven Primarchs formed a circle around them so that they could fight without being disturbed.

The loyalists had already secured victory, but the Lion King ordered Luther to join the ground battle, obviously not for the ground battle, but for the Blackstone Fortress.

Then, Luther concluded that the conspiracy was exposed, so he decided to act in advance.

He took out a plasma gun and pressed it against the head of a loyalist beside him. After a gunshot, the loyalist was caught off guard and half of his head was burned by the plasma ball.

This shot seemed like a signal. Luther’s confidants suddenly jumped up and stabbed their comrades nearby. The loyalists suffered heavy losses without any preparation and were almost wiped out.

However, a few still escaped. While fighting guerrilla warfare on the Blackstone Fortress, they reported the situation to the Lion King.

However, it was too late. Luther had already seized control of the Blackstone Fortress, closed the forbidden magic field, summoned the power of the subspace, and corrupted the fortress.

If the corruption succeeds, the Blackstone Fortress will be out of the control of the “key” and become a demon engine, becoming a killer for humans in the subspace.

At this time, the Lion King finally knew why Sayid was wary of Luther, and he couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of shame in his heart.

There was a traitor in his own legion, but he didn’t know it, but an outsider reminded him, and he still made mistakes in response, leading to irreversible consequences.

The shame then turned into anger, and he immediately ordered all fleets to attack the Blackstone Fortress.

At this time, the loyalists still had a chance to win. The “key” to control the Blackstone Fortress was in the hands of the Lion King. At his command, the Blackstone Fortress immediately shut down and turned into a huge stone floating in the universe.

Then, he personally led 500 people and all the legion’s reserve forces to launch a boarding attack on the Blackstone Fortress, attempting to recapture the Blackstone Fortress, question Luther’s reason for the rebellion, and then kill him.

Following the Lion King’s order, the nine legion fleets fired their cannons, and the light spears were like a forest, hitting the unprepared Blackstone Fortress, causing continuous explosions.

However, the Blackstone Fortress is a creation of an ancient super civilization. Even without a shield, the structure alone can still withstand the attacks of light spears and macro cannons.

By the time the bombardment results, the fortress has already become a demon engine.

In the fortress, the fallen angels are using the corpses of the loyalists to perform a ritual of depravity and blasphemy, allowing the power of chaos to spread and accelerate the corruption of the fortress.

At this time, Sayid said to the Lion King through the puppet: “It is best to destroy the fortress now, and don’t let them fall into the hands of the rebels!”

The Lion King suppressed his anger and said: “Don’t worry, Your Highness, I will board now, kill Luther before the chaos is corrupted, and take back the fortress!”

“If it fails, I will not let the fortress fall into the hands of the rebels! Please believe me again!”

Said sighed: “Okay, you are the frontline commander, you have the final say! But please remember the responsibilities you shoulder and don’t let anger get to your head!”

The Lion King said seriously: “The First Legion is absolutely loyal!”

The reserve teams of each legion boarded shark assault boats and boarded the Blackstone Fortress. They were attacked by a large number of demons and fell into an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength.

At this moment, the main force of the legion was fighting fiercely on the ground and could not return support for a while. When the Lion King learned of the situation, he immediately ordered the Dark Angel fleet to launch a suicide attack.

One after another, the light cruisers accelerated and crashed into the Blackstone Fortress. The void shield generator and plasma reactor exploded, and the majestic energy finally caused damage to the fortress.

After the light cruisers, there are cruisers, battlecruisers, and even battleships. Even if the entire legion is wiped out, the honor of the Lion King will not allow the fortress to fall into the enemy’s hands.

The Lion King himself and five hundred people were killing each other in one of the fortresses, purging the demons while looking for Luther.

Finally, after suffering heavy casualties, the Lion King found Luther and his fallen angels in the control room. Only two hundred of the five hundred were left, which was about the same number as Luther.

“Why on earth? Luther! Answer me quickly!” The Lion King roared.

Luther said calmly: “I’ve had enough of you, Leon, remember the maxims I taught you?”

The Lion King gritted his teeth and said, “Remember, honor is the second life of a knight! But Luther, you have betrayed your honor now!”

Luther nodded: “Because of you, I have no honor for a long time. By your side, no matter how many achievements I make, I will be dim and lose my honor!”

“So I decided to betray you, maybe I can find a new path!”

The Lion King said coldly: “My biological father told me that honor is not given by others, but a feeling in the heart!”

“Despicable jealousy will not allow you to gain honor with or without me, so die!”

After saying that, he rushed towards Luther with his sword!

However, Luther sneered disdainfully: “Leon, I will have a battle with you eventually, but not now, goodbye!”

After saying that, a subspace crack appeared next to him, and Luther and the Fallen Angel were swept away.

At the same time, due to the failure of the reserve team’s attack, the power of Chaos continues to corrupt Blackstone Fortress, reaching a critical point…

(History will not be repeated! Please be assured!)

I have a bit of a cold, sorry for being so late~

Guess what makes a comeback~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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