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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 102 The Primarch returns to defend Terra

Far away in Terra, Said sighed: “No wonder the lion king couldn’t be a war commander in history!”

Not to mention his low emotional intelligence, which alerted Luther. Instead of using the key to dismantle the Blackstone Fortress immediately, he instead joined a gang to fuck Luther. Said was particularly speechless.

Once the Blackstone Fortress is corrupted, it will fall into the hands of the rebels, which will be a disaster for the loyalists.

Each fortress has a vortex cannon, which can destroy a planet with one shot. If used by the rebels on Terra, there is basically no need to defend it.

However, Lion King thought he could kill Luther before the fortress was corrupted. As a result, Luther summoned a large number of demons to help. By the time Luther was beaten away, the corruption had reached a critical point.

Compared with Horus, the Lion King’s tactical command is comparable, but his strategy and overall view are far different.

During the Horus Heresy in history, the Lion King began to fight against Curze and refused to return to defend Terra. Later, he burned the rebels’ home planet and launched a massive siege to save Zhao.

As everyone knows, warlords have rebelled throughout the ages, and the key to success or failure lies in whether they can quickly capture the capital. If Terra is lost, it will be useless to burn the rebel home planet.

The rebels knew this and didn’t care about the destruction of their home planet. Instead, they attacked Terra, leaving the Lion King alone.

If the First Legion quickly returned to the defense, Terra would surely be able to hold out longer, holding out until the Ultramarines were reinforced, and the Emperor would no longer have to fight Horus alone.

With such a lack of awareness of the overall situation, it is no wonder that after the Horus Heresy, there has been talk within the empire of holding the Lion King accountable.

Said shook his head, dispelled the complicated thoughts, and said: “Brother Huang, the Lion King has messed up, let the Cursed Legion come in!”

In the center of each Blackstone Fortress, there is a huge entrance to the Webway, large enough to accommodate a fleet to pass through.

Ignoring the anxious Lion King, hundreds of thousands of puppets took over the four black stone fortresses and poured into a central chamber hundreds of miles away.

There, the ceiling and floor disappeared into the shadows, and a huge black column stood in the center of the cabin.

Outside the pillars, countless bridges, stairs, and platform gantry radiate out, like dark twisted tree trunks with divinity.

A puppet came to the Lion King: “Leon Johnson, in the name of His Majesty, I order you to hand over the key to Blackstone Fortress!”

The Lion King knew that he had messed up, so he obediently handed over the key after hearing the words. After the puppet took it, it injected psychic energy based on Trazin’s knowledge.

The next moment, within the four black stone fortresses, huge black pillars expanded into a curtain of light, and a large number of cursed legions surged out, killing the demons.

The reserve force was insufficient and retreated steadily under the siege of demons, expanding the field of corruption. When the Cursed Legion burst out from the depths of the fortress, the corruption melted and dissipated like ice and snow meeting the sun.

The reserve team’s morale was greatly boosted, and they shouted “Long live the Emperor” and charged. They were surprised to find that the demon was so fragile under the light of the Emperor.

A cursed forbidden soldier rushed into the space rift opened by Luther. After a moment, he captured Luther. Still in front of the Lion King, he silently turned around and killed him elsewhere.

The Lion King was so ashamed that he turned into anger and killed Luther with a knife, but he believed that this was not enough. All the fallen angels must be eliminated in order to clear the name of the Dark Angels.

The battle in the sky was victorious, and the battle on earth came to an end. The demons in Isstvaan were eliminated, and Fainus chopped off Fulgrim’s head.

At the end of the battle, Lemanus used the Spear of Dionysus to kill Fumifeng, briefly stripping him of his warp essence.

When Fumifeng saw his current appearance, her mentality collapsed and she wailed for Feinus to kill him. He participated in the Great Crusade largely because the alien was too ugly.

Now he is as ugly as an alien, and is watched by his brothers. His defense is broken on the spot, his personality is shattered, and he is upgraded to a demon prince.

Although Fenus quickly killed him, Fumifeng was still able to be reborn in the subspace. Fenus was determined to fulfill his friend’s last wish and kill him every time he saw him in the future.

After the battle, the nine legions gathered at Blackstone Fortress, and beneath their feet, Ishtar III burned in the Order of Extermination.

At this point, they were faced with a choice.

Until now, the main force of the rebels has disappeared, but everyone knows that they will definitely attack Terra.

Use the Loyalists to lure reinforcements, abandon Fulgrim to buy time, then let Luther rebel and destroy the fortress, trap the Loyalist Primarch, and buy time to attack Terra.

Originally, in history, the rebels achieved their goals through the Shadow Crusade, but now it is an Istvan trap.

Without the Cursed Legions, the nine Primarch Legions would be trapped in Istvan, watching helplessly as Terra was besieged by the rebels.

Although the Loyalist Legion was victorious, Blackstone Fortress was severely damaged and unable to function in any way except the Webway.

Moreover, the network channel can only last for one hour and can only transport part of the legion.

When the puppet told the truth, all the primarchs enthusiastically signed up and requested to return to Terra, among which Fainus and the Lion King were the most active.

One of their friends was displeased with the fall of their friend, and the other was eager to kill his enemy to wash away his shame, but the Emperor and Said did not give them a chance.

The puppet read out the names of the legions agreed upon with the Emperor: Imperial Fists, Ravens, White Scars, and Space Wolves.

The Imperial Fist is good at building various fortifications such as bunkers, and works with the rebel Iron Warriors to build and demolish them.

Raven is good at special operations. In addition to commanding his own army, he also commands the Night Lords of Sevatar, which can effectively defend against Curze and Alpha.

White Scar is good at mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare, and can play an unexpected role in chasing and delaying rebels.

Lemanus was known as the Emperor’s Military Police, and he slaughtered his Primarch brothers without mercy. When other Primarchs could not bear to kill, he just let the Space Wolves act as executioners.

The chosen legions walked gloriously into the webway, while the losers looked annoyed and could only wait in Istvaan for the warp storm to subside.

Many Primarchs cast dissatisfied glances at the Lion King, among which Fainus was the most displeased.

The Lion King had a gloomy face and could not argue. There was a problem in the Blackstone Fortress in his hands, and he could not shirk the responsibility. It is not difficult to imagine that after this battle, he would be completely eliminated from the position of Warmaster.

But he was still the commander-in-chief, so he had to do something. He said in a deep voice: “Your Highness, can you send one of your black stone fortresses to Istvan to help us pass through the subspace storm?”

The puppet nodded and said: “No problem, but they are in the Maelstrom and the Eye of Terror respectively. It will take time to travel. By the time you reach Terra, the battle will be over.”

The Lion King insisted: “Please, Your Highness, even if you spend time on the road to rescue, you can’t passively wait for the storm to subside. This is related to the honor of the warrior!”

Said sighed and agreed.

At the same time, four primordial legions walked out of Terra’s webway. Even if they did not count the puppets, Terra’s military strength was far stronger than that of another time and space.

At that time, Sanguinius’s Ninth Legion rushed from the Ultramarine to Terra, but encountered warp storms and various obstructions, and had already suffered heavy losses.

The White Scars raided the rebel supply rear in an attempt to delay the advance, resulting in heavy casualties.

The Imperial Fists had a peaceful time building fortresses, but then the Mechanicus rebelled and stabbed them in the back, causing them to panic.

Although there were three legions at that time, on the eve of Horus’s arrival in the solar system, they all suffered heavy losses due to various reasons and almost had no health left.

Now all four legions are fully equipped, and the losses in Istvan are slight, not to mention that the Dark Crows have been strengthened by the Night Lords, which is almost two legions.

Looking at the abundant troops, Waldo was full of confidence. Even without the puppet army, he was confident that he would be able to defend Terra until all the armies came to Qinwang.

Said couldn’t help but wonder: “How will the rebels attack? They won’t just flee to the Eye of Terror or the Maelstrom without fighting, right?”

It was firmly guarded by the Prince’s Legion, and if the rebels did that, only death awaited them.

During the Terra Expedition, Guilliman was captured in the Maelstrom and imprisoned in the Blackstone Fortress. He was then rescued by Harlequin and the Fallen Angels and returned to Terra through the fortress webway~

In addition, if you say loyalty will win, you will always win. Loyal Emperor’s Chosen people, don’t worry~()


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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