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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 103 Angron Invasion

With the joining of the Primarch, the defense construction of the Loyalists has made rapid progress. After the professional construction of Tumuluo Emperor Fist, the solar system has gradually become a super fortress.

Within the Sun Star Domain, several stable subspace strongholds such as Lysila, Gasharamo, and Olmec have established fortress celestial bodies.

Their job is not to stop the rebels, but to provide early warning.

Everyone is speculating on the direction of the rebel attack.

In the Royal Palace of Terra, the headquarters of the Imperial Army of Hejimonta, the loyalists held a military meeting.

The Emperor, Malcador, Said, and Waldo listened to the work reports of the four Primarchs.

Rogal Dorn Report: “Reporting to Your Majesty and Commander Waldo, as of now, 70% of the fortification of the solar system has been completed. It is expected that it will only take three weeks to complete all project progress.”

The Imperial Fist is responsible for all defenses. If a war begins, it will direct all fortress troops to resist and delay the rebel attack.

Sun Lord Waldo gave instructions: “The progress must be accelerated. The rebels will not give us three weeks. We must be prepared to be attacked by the rebels before the fortifications are completed!”

Afterwards, the Dark Crow stood up and said: “The Dark Crow and the Night Lords have broken into pieces and established surveillance networks in various nests in Terra. They are cooperating with the Truth Party Tribunal and local militia to carry out counter-infiltration work!”

“So far, a total of 34,000 Alpha spies and 251 cult dens have been captured, but this is far from enough. There are still many gutter rats that have not emerged!”

Waldo replied: “What are you going to do? What support do you need?”

Clarks replied: “We hope to obtain the support of His Highness the Prince’s microscopic scan. If possible, we will purge the entire Terra!”

Malcador immediately objected: “No, if we do this, the senior officials of the Mortal Auxiliary Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have no privacy at all, and it will greatly affect unity!”

“Affecting unity?” Dark Crow frowned, and then sneered: “It seems that the Midnight Lord’s sanctions have frightened you mortal worms!”

During the period of suppressing counter-revolutionaries, the Night Lords went against corruption and used terror to eliminate a large number of corrupt mortal bureaucrats. The methods were so cruel and the scenes so shocking that even Zhu Yuanzhang was willing to defeat him.

If microscopic scanning is used, the entire Terra will be transparent at the atomic level. With the terrifying methods of the Night Lords, the entire Terra will inevitably experience a new round of turmoil.

Waldo vetoed Dark Crow’s request. As compensation, he ordered: “The Assassin’s Court and the Ministry of Justice of the Ministry of Interior will fully cooperate with your actions!”

The White Scars Legion is responsible for reconnaissance outside the solar system, and reported:

“Until now, there have been no changes in several nearby galaxies. The possibility of the rebels attacking Terra from other subspace nodes has been basically ruled out!”

Using conventional power, it would take a month to get to Terra from the nearest star system, and it would also take a month to get reinforcements from Istvan. If the rebels weren’t crazy, they wouldn’t have borrowed the passage from other star systems.

Waldo nodded and said: “This speculation deserves attention. Rog Dorn, how is the expansion progress of the two fortresses of Gate of Hades and Gate of Paradise?”

Both places are the Mandeville Points of the solar system. If the rebels attack the solar system directly from subspace, they must jump out of these two points.

Dorn nodded solemnly and said: “The expansion has been completed! There are countless defending fleets. Even if nine primordial legions are sent together, they can hold on for several days!”

Finally, Lemanus stood up and said: “The defense of the palace area has been completed. I hope that your Majesty and the commander-in-chief will send more tasks.”

The emperor, who had been silent, said calmly: “Russ, you are a strategic reserve. Stay well and obey orders!”


Waldo was about to announce that the meeting was adjourned when Said suddenly looked shocked and said, “The rebels are attacking!”

At this time, an Imperial Fist soldier pushed in the door and reported to the crowd:

“Just five minutes ago, the Liberator, the flagship of the Shattered Legion, sailed out of the Gate of Paradise and launched an attack on the Fortress of Paradise!”

Waldo said calmly: “Return to your post and command the battle!”

Everyone followed the order and left. At this time, near Neptune, the Paradise Fortress fired a salvo of light spears and macro cannons, focusing their fire on a huge red battleship ahead.

“Get up~hungry and cold slave~”

“Arise~all the suffering people in the galaxy~”

Through the space broadcast, the battleship played the well-known “Song of the Shacklebreaker”, which echoed in the ears of everyone in the space domain, revealing the identity of the attacker.

The Shatterer—Angron!

Before each battle, the Shatterbreakers sing the Shacklebreaker Song and charge against human and alien slave masters.

At this time, the whole army of the Shacklebreakers will be buffed by the Wrath of the Enslavers, which can turn the class antagonism in a region into anger and produce various psychic bonuses.

When slaughtering the exploiting class, the Shacklebreakers will be particularly brave and gain a divine pleasure.

The Liberator’s void shield was strengthened by the wrath of the enslavers, and its resistance to the macro-cannon light spear was greatly enhanced. The battleship withstood the gunfire and rushed straight towards the fortress.

Behind it, hundreds of warships of all levels poured out of the subspace, scattered in all directions, and quickly charged into the solar system.

However, the fortress fleet was twice as large as them and successfully entangled the invasion fleet and pinned it down near the fortress.

At this moment, reinforcements from two battleships, four battlecruisers, and ten cruisers arrived, carrying a large number of light cruisers to counter-encircle the invasion fleet.

The loyalist battleships faced the Liberator, and in conjunction with the fortress’s firepower, they quickly pushed the Liberator’s void shield to the brink of overload.

The Liberator immediately fled towards the Gate of Bliss. Next to it, the rebel warships were bombed one after another, but the Liberator ignored it and continued to escape.

If nothing unexpected happened, this wave of rebels would be useless. Said did not believe that Angron was a fool and there must be a deeper conspiracy behind it.

But no matter what, the loyalists must prevent the enemy from escaping. Malcador immediately ordered to activate the black stone obelisk in the Paradise Fortress.

In just a short moment, the exorcism dead zone spread, the Mandeville Point was forcibly closed, and the Liberator was trapped in the real universe and could not escape.

After Said occupied the Great Rift, he mined black stone deposits on a large scale and used Trazin’s technology to build black stone obelisks everywhere in the solar system.

Once activated, the entire solar system will become a forbidden area within a few hours, isolating the four gods of chaos.

The only drawback is that there is a one-week interval between starts.

The subspace channel was closed, and the Shacklebreaker fleet had no way to escape. On the Liberator, Angron stared at the fortress in the distance and sneered:

“The moment before the Gate of Bliss closed, a certain being told me that only by destroying the black stone in the fortress can Mandeville Point be reopened.”

“Now, Shacklebreakers, the whole army joins me!”

Even if the flagship was attacked by two battleships, the Shatterbreakers remained fearless, boarded an assault boat and launched a gang attack on the fortress.

The commander of the Bliss Fortress is Captain Sigismund of the Imperial Fist. He was about to set fire to the assault boats, but was stopped by Said’s puppet:

“Put Angron up. I can kill him quickly. Without Angron, the other Shacklebreakers will be like a pile of sand.”

Sigismund said worriedly: “But that is the original body, and none of us can match it in close combat!”

The puppet came close to Sigismund’s ear and whispered a few words. The latter looked surprised and said in disbelief: “Is this okay? It’s too… despicable!”

At this time, Sigismund received an order from the commander-in-chief Waldo and agreed to Said’s plan.

Guess how the protagonist takes down Angron~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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