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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 105 Dark Crow with Black Skin and Red Heart

Although Angron was dead, the main force of the Shatterers was still there. Except for the flagship Liberator, the other warships were not the Shatterers fleet, but the Alpha Legion.

In other words, more than 100 Alpha warships, under the cover of the feint attack of the Angron flagship, launched a surprise attack on the solar system.

Although the fleet was soon annihilated, the Liberator still bought them enough time to launch a teleport to Terra.

The Alphas did not believe in Chaos, but in order to weaken the Empire, the Warp still provided them with help, allowing most of the Alphas to reach Terra safely.

Only a small number of them were teleported into the wall of the hive city, and were discovered and taken seriously by the Terra authorities.

Nearly 10,000 Alphas resumed their jobs, split up into small pieces, and infiltrated the Terra hive city with the help of spies and launched an infiltration operation.

In a workshop, after worker A screwed a screw, he said to worker B:

“Have you heard? The rebellion was not caused by the bullshit subspace, but the Emperor wanted to purge some of the Primarchs and kill them!”

Worker B was surprised and said: “Really? That’s too abominable. The Golden Emperor dragged us into the war for his own selfish desires!”

Worker A said bitterly: “That’s right! The masters are fighting each other, and they also implicate us ordinary people. Look at what life is like!”

Worker B gritted his teeth: “Humph! My father was forced to join the army and his life or death is unknown. My mother is in poor health, but she has to screw screws like me! The daily ration of food is not enough to eat! It’s too abominable!”

Worker A hurriedly called him: “Hush, keep your voice down, the patrol puppet is coming!”

The two hurriedly worked hard. When the puppet passed by, worker B complained He stared at its back with a vicious look, and cursed in a low voice: “Fake emperor eagle dog!”

At this time, Worker A quietly handed a piece of paper to Worker B and whispered:

“The rebel leader said that if we remain neutral, our lives and property will be guaranteed! If we provide help, we will be rewarded after the war and become the best!”

Worker A glanced at the workshop director who was nodding and bowing to the puppet in the distance, and said bitterly: “The running dog of the black-hearted businessman, I will kill him first when the time comes!”

Worker B opened the flyer and saw a few big words: “Agent Assistance Guide!”

At the same time, the workshop director in the distance said respectfully to the puppet: “Your Highness, I assure you that the entire workshop workers are absolutely loyal to the empire!”

Everyone in Terra knows that the puppets are all the prince’s clones. Talking to the puppets is like talking to the emperor, and there is a certain probability that it will reach the emperor’s ears.

So when the lower levels of the empire encounter puppets, it is like meeting a big leader at the grassroots level, and the reaction is particularly positive.

The puppet nodded and said, “Recently, the enemy’s spies have infiltrated seriously, inciting and persuading the ignorant people to provide them with help. Be vigilant!” Then he took out a leaflet: “Tell the people below, if you pick this up, you must hand it in, otherwise you will be severely punished!” The workshop director patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, Your Highness, I will go back and do it immediately!” After the puppet left, the workshop director bent over for a long time, excited, thinking about voting for a few enemy spies and handing it over to the higher-ups for credit. Little did he know that several pairs of murderous eyes were staring at him. At the same time, in the Terra Palace, Corax found Sayid and said:

“Your Highness, where there is no union, mass work is not ideal, and it has become a disaster area for Alpha’s infiltration!”

“The masses do not understand or support the war, and sympathize with the rebels, which has become the soil for rebellion. If it is not resolved in time, it will be a big deal!”

Sayid pondered for a while and replied: “Are you going to popularize unions and take over all factories?”

Corax has black hair and snow-like skin. With lipstick, he is a three-meter-tall Snow White. He nodded and said:

“Yes, the facts have proved that the exploiters cannot mobilize the masses. They are vulnerable to Alpha’s infiltration. Many factory owners and scabs were hanged on lamp posts. If no action is taken, the masses will stand on the side of the enemy agents!”

Corax has a black skin and a red heart. Although he looks like a melancholy bourgeois, he is actually very good at labor. Before being found by the emperor, he led the workers of the mother planet to defeat the capitalist government.

If the emperor hadn’t come, maybe he could see a red planet.

After returning to Terra, the Dark Crow still did not give up its old business. It formed a large number of unions in various nests to take over factories, which became a unique economic form.

In resisting Alpha’s infiltration, these unions played the role of a strong fighting fortress, which was in sharp contrast to the factories controlled by the exploiters.

Alpha killed the rich and helped the poor on a large scale, won the hearts of a large number of people, and gained the support of the people. If their lives were not harmed, the people were willing to help them.

Give some intelligence today, send a few bombs tomorrow, point the way the day after tomorrow, and send a chicken feather letter the day after tomorrow… The poison is far-reaching.

Sayid looked solemn: “I understand, the pressure of the people does need to be channeled, otherwise they will join the enemy, but there is a problem…”

“If the people are won over, the nobles will join the enemy, and the harm caused is no less than the mass riots. How to solve it?”

The Dark Crow sneered: “Now the situation has proved that the exploiters are vulnerable to the power of the people. As long as the people are controlled, even if they rebel, they can be easily crushed!”

Accompanied by the sonorous and powerful words, the Dark Crow clenched his fists, obviously full of confidence.

Sayid said calmly: “Malcador will definitely disagree with your suggestion, so you came to me, right?”

Dark Crow remained silent, and Sayid continued: “If we can’t quickly clean up the exploiters, we will face a counterattack from the Ministry of the Interior, so we must be quick and efficient!”

Dark Crow smiled: “So, His Highness the Prince supports me?”

Said sighed: “With the current situation, there is no reason not to support it. Thousands of Alphas are supported by tens of billions of people, and there is a Coze hiding in the dark… We cannot use conventional methods!”

“Purge the exploiting classes as soon as possible and let the unions take over the grassroots. The puppets will cooperate with you. I will help you resist the pressure of the Ministry of Interior!”

If successful, Alpha’s space of activity will be greatly reduced, making it impossible to cause any riots, and the threat will be greatly reduced.

Corax stood up and said solemnly: “Your Royal Highness, your personality is admirable. If your Party of Truth can stand on the side of the people, the Nineteenth Legion will definitely join!”

Said said calmly: “When facing a national crisis, we still need to establish a united front. If those managers are not useless, I will not clean them up.”

Soon, factory owners, low-level bureaucrats and nobles in various hives on Terra were assassinated one after another. When the workers were leaderless, the factories were quickly taken over by the union.

The prince’s puppet stood up for it, and the union was like a cancerous cell that quickly spread throughout Terra’s hives, sweeping away all the grassroots forces of the Ministry of the Interior.

Makhado found Said and said angrily: “What are you doing? No more wartime production! If there is a problem with the supplies of the frontline army, are you responsible!”

Said calmly said: “The Ministry of Interior cannot resist Alpha infiltration. If there is a production problem, can you be responsible for it?”

Malcador was furious: “But couldn’t you discuss it with us before you take action?”

Said shook his head: “No, the relationship between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the exploiters is deeply entangled, it is impossible for you to agree!”

Dark Crow was very happy in his early years. He was raised by a group of aunts and had an older sister. When he grew up, he knew how to control his emotions. He was an upright and restrained version of Conrad, and a gothic version of Sanguinius~

Later he became a labor leader…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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