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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 106 Duel with Alpha

Since the emergence of a unified currency, Terra’s industry has undergone capitalization reforms, from the original feudal yamen-style management to the establishment of industrial trusts.

Through economic and market regulation, efficiency and production capacity have been greatly improved. The Ministry of the Interior only needs to print money to buy anything, which not only improves administrative efficiency but also improves economic benefits.

Most trusts have various personal relationships with officials of the Ministry of the Interior. They undertake orders from the Ministry of the Interior and obtain a large amount of wealth.

Through these personal relationships, the Ministry of the Interior was able to manage factory owners and coordinate wartime production.

When the factory owners were replaced by labor unions, only a purely commercial relationship with the Ministry of the Interior remained, which greatly weakened the control of the Ministry of the Interior. Bureaucrats could not seize monetary wealth by using the left hand to the right hand.

For high-level officials such as Malcador, currency is just a piece of paper that can be printed at will. However, in the eyes of ordinary people, currency is a certificate of purchasing power.

Everyone knows that the empire will never inflate, and money can buy everything.

So Malcador warned: “Your Highness, you are trying to win over the lower class to fight against Alpha infiltration, but you don’t know that you will push the senior officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Terran nobles to the opposite side.”

“They may not openly oppose you, but they can facilitate Alpha’s activities, and some may even hold heavy troops and directly instigate counter-riots!”

Said said disdainfully: “Without the support of the people, a few worms are insignificant!”

Machado laughed: “How many worms? How many worms is the Ministry of Justice? How many worms is the 100,000 auxiliary army? These are all things I know. I don’t know how many places there are!”

But Said said calmly: “Don’t worry about this. Soon there will be no secrets in Terra! All the Alphas and traitors will be found out!”

Macado was stunned for a moment, thought of something in an instant, lowered his head and sighed: “Is this really necessary?”

Said said expressionlessly:

“After all, the empire is a superhuman politics. The situation is critical and there is no room for dissidents! They must either obey us or be completely wiped out. They can stand behind us, but they are never allowed to stand opposite us!”

At the same time, in the fortress of Terra’s Ministry of Justice, the adjutant pushed in the door and reported: “Report to the minister, the arbiters have been assembled. Who is the target?”

The Minister of Justice pointed at the map and said in a cold voice: “We just received intelligence that there was a riot at the Terra Union headquarters. We went to suppress it immediately!”

The officer was startled and asked: “Is there any report from the Raven Legion?”

The Minister of Justice said angrily: “Wouldn’t the order be carried out without you?”

“Of course!” The answer did not come from his subordinates. The Minister of Justice was startled. The cold muzzle of the gun pressed against his head. After a loud bang, he lost consciousness.

At some point, several Night Lords had already sneaked into the room, and crisp blasts of bolters were heard outside. Soon, Terra’s Ministry of Justice was littered with corpses.

At this time, Sevita walked into the Ministry of Justice, took out the letter of appointment jointly signed by Malcador, Said, and Corax, and said loudly:

“Starting today, I, Sevita, will serve as the Minister of Justice to maintain law and order on Terra!”

On the other side, five auxiliary army commanders were executed by Dark Crow. The survivors were so scared that they did not dare to disobey the giant warriors and knelt down to surrender.

This riot ended before it even started, but everyone knows that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and the undercurrents under the sea are still raging, waiting to explode one day.

The new officer of Sevatar took office and was ready to show off his skills. However, at this time, he learned that Curze was also on Terra, and he was frightened to death.

After Curze teleported to Terra, he did not follow Alpha, and Alpha could not order him. He resumed his old career on Terra alone and became Batman.

The heads of lawbreakers were piled into pyramids, and the organs of criminals were used to create strange symbols…Kuzz used various terrifying methods to write the legend of the Midnight Ghost on Terra.

Previously, the Ministry of Justice covered up Curze’s atrocities and even took the credit for himself. It was not until Sevatar took over the Ministry of Justice that he learned that his Primarch was on Terra.

Compared with Alpha’s incitement to rebellion, Coze is just a perverted serial killer at best. It is a criminal case of public security and has not attracted the attention of Terra’s senior officials at all.

But now that the original body was involved, it was no ordinary criminal case. Sevatar was frightened. He had vividly remembered the time when he led the loyalists to assassinate Curze in the back.

He knew Coze’s character well. Since ancient times, traitors have been more hateful than enemies. If Coze knew he was here, he really didn’t know what he would do to him.

So he immediately reported to Said and said: “Your Highness, the Midnight Ghost Coze is in Terra. The Ministry of Justice may not be able to capture him. Please ask for reinforcements!”

Said was stunned and asked: “Although the original body is strong, can’t your entire legion be able to defeat him?”

Sevatar lowered his head in shame, his pale scarred face became even paler, and he nodded:

“Yes, when we discovered that he was rebelling, our entire legion tried to take him down, but failed. Many brothers were killed in counter-attack.”

“Compared to the spaceship, the situation in the hive is more complicated. It’s impossible to catch him with just the power of the legion. And once he knows that we are here, he may…”

Said knew that what Seweta said was true. In the original history, Coze was hiding on the Lion King’s flagship. The two played hide and seek for several years, but the Lion King was stunned and could not find Coze.

The Lion King in the spaceship can’t do it, and the Seveta in the hive city can’t do it even more!

Said thought for a while and said: “I will send the original puppet to the Ministry of Justice, and then add the puppet auxiliary army. You have to rely on yourself for the rest.”

Sevatar breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Thank you, Your Highness. We are not afraid of Coze’s elusiveness. It is mainly due to his strength in single combat. With the original puppet, we feel more at ease.”

Said said: “When you encounter him, try to persuade him to surrender. As long as he is not corrupted by Chaos, his crimes will be forgiven and he will witness the rejuvenation of mankind with His Majesty!”

After Savita left, a secret report came from the Dark Crow, and senior officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began to work in tandem with the auxiliary army. Under the guidance of Alpha, they acted more secretly, making it impossible to confirm the list.

At the same time, the factional struggle in the Ministry of Interior became more and more fierce, and the conflict between the pro-royal faction and the prime minister faction became fierce and even turned into an open conflict.

Malcador simply ignored them, further exacerbating the conflict.

During this period, the union continued to expand and workers’ power further increased. With the efforts of the Dark Crowes, a large number of low-level workers turned to the empire and knew why they were fighting.

In contrast, the mortal elite’s centrifugation has become increasingly serious, and they even regard the Alpha Legion as their savior and provide all necessary assistance.

Soon, the conflict reached a critical point. With the cooperation of Terra’s upper echelons, many auxiliary armies received orders to cleanse the union and impose martial law on the hive.

However, Said and Dark Crow reacted quickly. The puppets quickly arrived at each unit and ordered them to stay put. At the same time, Dark Crow quickly executed the traitorous high-ranking officials who were exposed.

In the end, only a small number of auxiliary troops stepped out of the military camp. Before they could do anything, they were shot dead by political commissars and soldiers.

The soldiers come from the bottom, and the political commissars come from the Party of Truth. If they don’t support it, what can the commander accomplish?

Afterwards, Dark Crow found Said and complained: “Your Highness, it’s okay for us to be beaten passively all the time. We must do something to fight back!”

Said sneered: “You’re right. After holding it in for so many days, the scientific research ship is built, and it’s time to pull out the Hydra!”

During the Horus Heresy, Alpha led hundreds of warships to infiltrate Terra and planned many riots. There are only a few strokes in the history books, but in reality it is thrilling and there are a lot of stories to write~

Curze basically didn’t care. When the Night Lords were fighting, Sevatar was the commander-in-chief, and Curze wandered around alone, so it’s not surprising that he returned to Terra and became Batman.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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