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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 108 Coz’s Stubbornness (Please read it tomorrow)

Said was startled and asked: “Brother Huang, that’s not the point! According to your speculation, the psychic shield of the Webway is useless and any evil god can break it!”

The Emperor nodded: “From the beginning, I did not expect the psychic shield to work. The Webway Project has been extremely smooth since its inception and has not experienced a war. Do you think it is possible?”

Said shook his head: “Impossible, there is no such good thing in the galaxy! So you think the Webway will definitely be broken, and then there will be a Webway War?”

The emperor nodded solemnly: “Yes, it is difficult to find a scapegoat. Just as becoming a god requires overcoming the tribulation, only by winning the Webway War can the Webway successfully overcome the tribulation!”

Said was silent. Historically, the Webway War had been fought for nearly ten years, consuming countless resources, until the rebels arrived on Terra, and finally the country was exhausted and declared defeated.

In the Webway, the power of subspace can be fully exerted, and the number of demons is greater than that of all humans combined. Even Bingmu, who has powerful explosive troops, is not sure of victory.

At that time, the Emperor threw all the coffins in, which resulted in insufficient troops when facing Horus. Compared with then, the Empire was stronger and had more resources.

So, can the Empire survive this?

Seeing Said’s worry, the emperor touched his head and comforted:

“It’s all about the people, Said. Think of everything we’ve done for this, from the military operations, to the Unification War and the Great Crusade, and the three lines of insurance we established for the Webway!”

“We have done everything we can, and the rest is left to fate. No matter what the outcome is, we will face it calmly!”

Sadness welled up in Said’s heart. He thought of an ending he least wanted to see, shook his head and said:

“No, my brother, I don’t want to leave you, and I don’t want you to sit on the Golden Throne. Without your empire, without your humanity, it means nothing to me!”

The emperor showed a soft smile, held Said’s hands, and promised: “Sayed, I promise you, whether you live or die, your soul will be by my side!”

“What we have to do now is to avoid the worst case scenario and create a bright path for us and mankind!”

Said nodded and said: “I understand, I will capture Koz right now, and then increase the number of troops near the palace!”

At this moment, 300 million Krieg puppets, 50,000 Titan soldiers, thousands of Titans and countless vehicles are stationed around the Terra Palace at all times.

In normal times, this power was enough to ensure the safety of the Terra Palace, but in the face of the upcoming Webway War, Said felt uncertain and urgently increased the garrison strength.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal with Coze as soon as possible and mobilize the garrison troops!

However, Coze has the ability to predict and can easily find blind spots in the scan and avoid microscopic scanning. Therefore, Said upgraded the satellite network to monitor the entire Terra without blind spots.

Curze is completely invisible. According to his prophecy, no matter where he hides, he will inevitably be found.

At this moment, Corax relied on his superior strength to create a huge encirclement, tightening towards Curze step by step.

Curze relied on prophecy and powerful combat power to escape from the encirclement many times, but microscopic scanning repositioned him and established a new encirclement.

In the end, the encirclement shrank to its limit, completely blocking Curze’s escape route. Corax sent out Thunderhawk gunships to persuade him to surrender over and over again:

“Curze, you have been surrounded. Surrender can save you from death and continue to serve the Emperor! Your life should not die in such a humble way! The road to justice should not end here!”

Curze replied angrily: “Shut up Corax, I hate your condescension and arrogance the most. It’s simply disgusting!”

“Seeing what the empire is like now, I originally had some thoughts of surrendering, but when I see you… I don’t want to surrender anymore!”

Corax said calmly: “Although we are somewhat unhappy and have conflicts of ideas, we can definitely seek common ground while reserving differences. There is no unsolvable resentment!”

“If we have time to communicate with each other and promote understanding, maybe we can resolve the misunderstanding!”

Coates smiled: “Misunderstanding? Not understanding enough? How is it possible? Among the brothers, I know you best, just like I know myself. We are so similar, almost like a pair of twins!”

Corax frowned: “What exactly do you want to say?”

Curze replied: “Corax, we are both creatures of the darkness. I am a killer and you are an assassin. We are both attracted to justice and grew up in sin!”

His voice gradually trembled, and the sound of nails scraping flesh came from the communicator:

“We follow a similar path and have so much in common. Our skin is pale as death, and our eyes are sinister ink beads. You are a crow and I am a bat, both are the masters of the dark night!”

Corax replied: “Yes, but our differences are so huge!”

“That’s right!” Coze loudly agreed: “I am very dirty, exuding the stench of blood, you are very clean, and the armor is polished! You have a serious and sad face, and my expression is twitching, like a beast!”

Corax understood somewhat and asked: “Are you jealous of me? Curze!”

Kurtz smiled crazily: “Yes, we are like two sides of the same body, you are the good side, and I am the bad side!”

“You were not born into a terrible predicament, you were not oppressed or bullied, you didn’t have to commit murder like me, and while I was preaching with blood, you were debating passionately!”

“I’m jealous of your talents. I’m just a midnight ghost, but you can master all shadows. If I had the same conditions, I could have become a perfect monster!”

Corax shook his head: “You can’t change what happened to you, but the person you become is your own choice! As long as you want, you can be as clean and rational as me. You have always had this condition!”

Cozz suddenly yelled: “No, I didn’t. The prophecy forced me to do so. I had no choice but to do this! Even betraying my father is the same. It is the optimal solution guided by the prophecy!”

Corax had nothing to say and said calmly: “In this case, farewell to Curze!”

At this moment, golden light fell from above, shining on the steel ruins where the midnight ghost was hiding, and a majestic voice fell from the sky:

“My son, you believe that fate is unchangeable. You have no choice. But if this is true, everything will be meaningless! Even the gods who laugh at us can only exist by choice!”

“In the mysterious future, your predictions are like a book in the library, but you stubbornly choose to read one of them! It is you who choose to make yourself a prisoner of fate!”

“And now, you still have a chance to choose, choose to come back to me or continue your self-exile! Whether you need it or not, Conrad, I forgive you!”

“no way!”

Cozz’s smile froze and he said tremblingly: “I cannot be forgiven. Along the way to rebellion, I have committed too many sins. If I can be forgiven, then where is the justice!”

“You are right, father. I cannot be a prisoner of fate. It is predicted that I will not die today, but I decided to carry out justice!”

After saying that, a violent explosion engulfed the ruins, annihilating all traces of the midnight ghost’s existence.

Kezi finally resisted fate~

(Please read it tomorrow. I heard that I have decided whether I can go to Sanjiang. Although the hope is slim, I still try hard, just in case it comes true!)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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