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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 109 The Rebels’ General Offensive

The flames drowned Coz’s body, but did not drown his last words. The loud voice still came out from the burning ruins, echoing around:

“Dear father, I heard that some animals regard you as the divine savior of mankind, but I knew from the beginning that your salvation would definitely fail!”

“I have seen countless possible futures, but only one thing has never changed, and that is that the Webway will eventually fail. I wonder if you are prepared for this!”

The emperor shook his head and said calmly: “I am not a god, and humans do not need gods. And I always firmly believe that the future can be changed!”

Curze didn’t take it seriously and said to Sevita and other Night Lords:

“There is no need to be afraid, my children, just as my father forgave me, I also forgive you. You are better than I thought!”

“I have always been worried that you have crossed the critical point of perfect fear, regard killing as a pleasure, and become heinous sinners, but you have not!

“You managed Nostramo with imperial truth, restored order to this planet full of poet-like murderers, and practiced justice in your own way!”

“We have reached the same destination through different paths. Even if you betray me because of the truth of the empire, I will still forgive you!”

“My father~!”

Sevita’s eyes filled with tears, and the vampire giants sniffed. Although most of the Night Lords were scum, they had a common characteristic of loving their father.

It’s unimaginable what kind of psychological struggle they went through when they betrayed Kurt. Now that they suddenly got their father’s understanding, their entanglements and depression were gone.

“Why are you crying, you bunch of losers? Although the truth of the empire can enforce justice, don’t forget that when guns are ineffective, fear is the most powerful weapon!”

“The ending is the justification of the means. A few people must die in pain so that the majority can live in peace. Fear is the road to civilization! It is the birthmark unique to the Night Lord! No matter how the truth of the empire washes away, it cannot be washed away!”

“Yes, father!” The Midnight Lords all bowed their heads: “We will definitely remember your teachings.”

During the microscopic detection, the flames engulfed Curze’s vocal organs, then engulfed his head, burning him and the ruins to ashes.

So far, the infiltrated rebels have been completely eliminated, but they have completed part of their mission and reported to the headquarters the distribution of forces in the solar system through the rebellious high-level humans.

Somewhere in the Warp, a vast fleet sailed silently, crawling with all manner of daemons due to the absence of the bubble-like Geller Stand.

Various flags were hung on the battleship, representing the four rebel legions of the Luna Wolves, Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, and Death Guard that did not participate in the war, as well as the remnants of the Shacklebreakers and Alpha.

The situation of the rebels is not good. Even the legions that have not participated in the war have been severely damaged by the division of loyalists and have not recovered yet.

Six incomplete legions and five primarchs were the entire strength of the rebel army. Compared with the Empire, it was extremely shabby.

On the Luna Wolf flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, the five renegade Primarchs held a meeting.

The conference room was crawling with ferocious demons, and the participants turned a blind eye. The demons passed through obstacles like phantoms and did not interfere with the meeting.

Perturabo was the first to question: “Horus, before the battle really started, you killed three primarchs! How can we fight in the solar system?”

Mortarion nodded and said: “Fulgrim will bury Istvan, Angron will bury the Gate of Hades, Alpha and Curze will bury Terra, when will it be our turn?”

Perturabo: “Horus, I think you are a spy sent by the false emperor!”

Luojia said calmly: “The necessity of sacrifice has long been demonstrated. Fulgrim has fallen into chaos and has become extremely uncontrollable. The Emperor’s Son staying with him will do more harm than good!”

“Furthermore, Fulgrim trapped the five legions of the Pseudo-Emperor and created their due value. The same goes for Alpha. They sacrificed themselves in exchange for Terra’s defense information!”

“Angron has already implanted a nuclear bomb in his head. It will only be a matter of time before he is killed instantly. The entire Curze Army has rebelled, and its effect is of no use.”

Horus nodded: “Loujia is right. The false emperor was stronger than us from the beginning. Even the defense force of the solar system is much stronger than us!”

Mortarion was confused: “Then shall we fight against Terra? Horus, you won’t let us become rogues, right?”

Horus said fiercely: “Of course we must kill the false emperor and burn the galaxy! We regard the false emperor as our father, but he does not regard us as his children!”

“He made a plan but didn’t share it with us, but made us bleed and die for it. We are strong and loyal, but we are not stupid! We have done so much for him, enough to see that abominable plan!”

Chaos distorted the perceptions of the traitorous Primarchs, making them believe that the Emperor would sacrifice most of humanity to become gods. Inspired by personal grudges and righteousness, they rose up in rebellion.

Luo Jia nodded and said: “You are right, our hearts are broken, but our loyalty is not broken. We are still loyal to the empire and human beings, but we are not loyal to him!”

“Only by taking down Terra, slaying the false emperor, and letting us take charge of the empire can humanity be brought back into chaos!”

The Primarchs were greatly encouraged and shouted in unison: “Destroy the false emperor and burn the galaxy!”

After his enthusiasm subsided, Perturabo asked: “It’s true to attack Terra, but with our strength, we can’t take Terra at all!”

Horus sneered: “Don’t worry, our subspace allies will help us, Omega, how is your work going?”

Since the beginning of the meeting, only Omega has said nothing. It was not until Horus asked the question that he calmly replied with four words: “Everything went well!”

“Okay!” Horus was confident and ordered: “At this time, it is less than three days since Angron’s feint attack, and the black stone obelisk is still in a cooling state!”

“I give an order for the entire army to leave the subspace and attack Hades and the Fortress of Paradise!”

At Pluto and Neptune, the subspace was distorted, and a huge fleet of six rebel legions jumped out and launched a strong attack on the two fortresses.

The rebels attacked fiercely and defended the fortress urgently. Light spears and macro cannons flew towards the opponent like raindrops, but were blocked by the void shield. The jump gang assault boats quickly approached and were blown up by close firepower.

However, there were still a large number of rebel space warriors who boarded the fortress and fought fiercely with the defenders. Sigismund had long expected that under his command, a large number of fortresses would become insurmountable barriers for the rebels.

Every time the rebels captured a position, they had to suffer dozens of times the casualties of the defenders, not to mention that the defenders were far more powerful than the rebels, so Sigismund was full of confidence.

News of the rebels’ general attack was sent back to Terra, and Waldo gave an order, and the main force of the Sun Fleet headed to the border to engage in a fierce battle with the rebel fleet.

Regardless of quantity or quality, the rebel fleet is far inferior to the Sun Fleet. Once the Black Stone Obelisk has cooled down, it can close the door and beat the dogs, wiping out the rebels.

In order to avoid chasing away the rebels, Waldo reduced the intensity of his counterattack and dragged the main force of the rebels into the solar system. Little did he know that the rebels had the same plan.

At the same time, underground in the palace, deep in the Webway, the Imperial Army was waiting. Behind them, the bodies of the Emperor and Said frowned and stared at the uninvited guests.

Two Imperial Guards fell on the ground, as well as traces of explosive bombs all around, suggesting that a battle had just stopped.

Next to the corpse of the Imperial Guard, there was a group of colorful clowns. The leader saluted the emperor and said: “Great Lord of Humanity, I bring my Lord’s revelation!”

“Your webway will definitely fail. I hope that even if you withdraw, you can reduce your losses. If you agree, Harlequin will be your ally to deal with the rebels!”

I originally wanted to put it on the shelves tomorrow, but the editor said it might be pushed back, so I guess it will be next week~

Alas~ I originally thought that the final battle of cards is on the shelves, but now my plan has failed (﹏)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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