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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 110 Webway War

The Eldar are experts in using the Webway, and the Harlequins are even more experts among experts. They guard the Black Library deep in the Webway and preserve the civilization heritage of the Eldar.

It can be said that no race in the galaxy knows the Webway better than the Harlequins. If the Emperor’s Webway plan succeeds, it will threaten their monopoly on the Webway and the safety of the Black Library.

That’s why the Harlequins proposed a deal in which the Emperor gave up the Webway and helped suppress the rebels.

The Emperor knew the Clown’s plan very well, and of course he would not agree. He replied coldly:

“Man can conquer nature, strangle the throat of fate, and get rid of the manipulation of the gods. These are the excellent qualities that humans are born with. How can you Eldar understand!”

The Clown asked: “Then are you going to refuse?”

The Emperor’s voice was majestic and calm: “Go back and tell Xi Gaoqi that the web is the legacy of the ancient saints, not the private land of the Eldar. Any race has the right to use it!”

The Clown leader said calmly: “It seems that you don’t need our help. You will regret your arrogance, Lord of Humanity!”

After saying that, he pretended to leave, but was stopped by the Emperor: “Killing someone means paying with your life, do you know? Kill my imperial guards, and leave a few lives!”

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the spiritual energy turned into a blade, beheading all the Clowns except him.

Impressed by the Emperor’s power, the Harlequin leader gnashed his teeth and said, “You will regret your atrocities today!”

At the same time, in a remote part of Terra Hive, an ordinary puppet doing hard labor was suddenly dragged into a corner and his limbs were removed.

A clown said with a smile: “Your Highness, it’s a pity that we meet again in this way. Do you remember me?”

Said only knew one clown and nodded immediately: “Are you Yoda? The reinforcements will arrive in three minutes. If you don’t want to die, just say it!”

Yoda took off his mask, his beautiful face was full of mocking smiles, looking down at the paralyzed puppets from a high position. Sayid couldn’t help but get angry and said angrily:

“If you let me agree to give up the webway, then give up. My attitude is the same as that of my brother!”

Yoda shook his head: “Not this, the scapegoat who broke the webway for the evil god, don’t you want to know who it is?”

Sayed smiled disdainfully: “It doesn’t matter, the emperor’s counterattack can easily kill them!”

Yoda said to himself: “If you let the Lord of Humanity let these scapegoats go, the clown troupe will help you kill three targets, how about it?”

The feeling is to let Sayid be a lobbyist!

Sayid’s tone was still disdainful: “You can tell this to my brother, why do you have to do this?”

Yoda smiled: “He is him, you are you, there are always different ways of thinking, the Lord of Humanity is stubborn, you may be different!”

Sayid laughed and said: “You guessed wrong, I am like my brother, I have racial cleanliness, and I will never let go of any alien enemy!”

Yoda didn’t seem surprised, and said calmly: “That’s a pity, goodbye!”

Then there was a wave of psychic energy, and it disappeared before the reinforcements arrived.

In the palace, the Emperor heard about this, but did not make a judgment immediately, but asked: “Sayed, what do you think?”

Sayed shook his head and said: “I don’t think we can agree to it. No matter who the scapegoat of the Four Gods is, he must have malicious intentions towards humans. Magnus’s lesson cannot be repeated.”

The Emperor nodded: “With what the Harlequin said, combined with Alpha’s prophecy, I roughly guessed who the scapegoat is. It really can’t be let go.”

Sayed had a flash of inspiration and guessed: “It can’t be the Secret Cult. This nest of cockroaches is really disgusting. To eliminate humans and stop Chaos, they should be eliminated at once!”

The Secret Cult is an interstellar alien alliance, and the Eldar are in a leading position in it. Naturally, there is no shortage of high-level psykers, and the level of the strong is even not inferior to Magnus.

With the help of Tzeentch, the pony can break the webway, and the Secret Cult can do the same.

And an organization dedicated to opposing Chaos, but inadvertently helping Chaos, is very much in the style of the Lord of Change.

The Emperor confirmed this guess and said decisively: “Although the clown’s proposal is tempting, those who are not of our race must have different hearts. Humans cannot rely on aliens!” At this moment, the two were walking in a white corridor. The ground was white, the walls were white, the sky was white, and there was only white all around. The golden and white mist was diffused, scattering golden light, like a fairyland, full of the holiness of the morning. The white material around them came from nowhere, completely isolating the subspace pollution. Sayid had tried to refine the earth of the soldier wood, but the psychic energy could not be injected. This was the first time that his body entered the webway. Around the two people, the Mechanicus and the Imperial Guards kept passing by and saluted them respectfully. Soon they came to an Eldar ruins, which the Emperor called the Great Cemetery of Kalasta, and the magnificent and dilapidated Eldar Temple stood in the center. The ruins of the dead empire were silent, and the collapsed dome was wrapped in mist, tightly grasping the ground. Not far away, the statue of the Eldar girl stared at the two. The spirit bones shaped her gorgeous robes and graceful body. One soft arm stretched out to Sayid, as if praying for blessings, and the other gently stroked her chest, as if soothing the unknown heartache.

Magnificent buildings and statues were scattered throughout the ruins, writing the glory of the Eldar’s passing. There was silence all around, and the two stood silently.

After a long time, Sayid said calmly: “Brother Huang, are they your reliance on defeating the warp?”

The Emperor shook his head: “The webway is just a key, and the road to salvation is much more complicated. These ruins of the ancient empire gave me a lot of inspiration, but not from their success, but from their failure!”

The Emperor let out a breath, neither a sigh nor a chuckle, just regret: “Their path to ascension was close at hand, but they missed it, and their grand plans and great achievements disappeared in an instant!”

“They all believe that their civilization can go further and fly higher than their predecessors. They all believe that they are unique and can break out of the strange circle of history. However, in the end, all species and civilizations return to the starting point!”

“Tell me, will our ending be the same as theirs…”

Said looked around and said calmly: “Brother Huang, we must have confidence in our career and believe that the future is bright, but the road is tortuous!”

“There may be accidents during this period, but this is not a reason to despair. As long as you are still there, even if the entire network collapses, there is still hope for humankind’s revival!”

“So please be sure to stay alive. If the worst happens, Terra will be blown up at worst, and you can make a comeback elsewhere and continue your unfinished business!”

The emperor chuckled and rubbed Said’s head with his iron hand: “Idiot, how can you give up on Terra? How is the front line now?”

Said tilted his head and said calmly: “Some changes have occurred, but they are still under control!”

During the visit to the Webway, the two subspace portals in the solar system were distorted, and it seemed as if a huge monster struggled out of it. After a moment…


Mountains of garbage jumped out of the subspace one after another and headed towards the battlefield. The rebels knew that they were short of troops, so they attracted a green-skinned warlord.

Greenskin attacks are indiscriminate, and neither rebels nor loyalists are immune. However, the huge Imperial fortress is more attractive to the Greenskins than the smaller rebel fleet.

So the green-skinned warlord gave an order, and a large number of garbage mountains rushed towards the two fortresses. The rebels took the opportunity to retreat and get a chance to breathe.

In normal times, such a large group of greenskins can be eliminated by the sector fleet alone, but if the rebels are added, the existing forces will not be enough.

Waldo immediately sent more troops to the front line. The White Scars gave up their guerrilla operations and joined the frontal battlefield, while investing more fleets.

Finally, Waldo applied to mobilize the Leman Russ Legion, but Said refused. Under the Emperor’s arrangement, the Space Wolves would participate in the Webway War.

Despite paying a heavy price, the two fortresses still successfully resisted the attacks of the rebels and greenskins, and inflicted hundreds of times of casualties on the rebels.

The rebels were once depleted of troops and even sent lycanthropes and mutants to the battlefield, but Said discovered that the frequency of the rebel space warriors was getting less and less.

Comparing the corpses on the battlefield, he found that the rebel Space Marines active at the moment accounted for less than 10% of their total strength.

A terrible guess emerged in his mind, and he immediately ordered: “Waldo, the main force returns to defend Terra!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise came from the network channel…

I originally wanted to put it on the shelves tomorrow, but I deliberately broke the chapter today, but…in order to let more loyal people see it, I won’t put it up yet~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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