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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 111 Tantric Folly

The Eldar of the Secret Cult sacrificed low-level psykers, and under Tzeentch’s instructions, they made a psychic call to Terra just like Pony did.

The only difference from Pony is that the Secret Cult knew the consequences of the phone call and was fully malicious, trying to eliminate Chaos by annihilating humans.

Even though humans are fighting Chaos, in order to eradicate the roots, humans still have to be eliminated. It is really a Tzeentchian dialectic.

However, just as they were intoxicated with their sense of mission to save the galaxy, they did not know that they had already become cannon fodder in the game between the Emperor and Chaos.

Along the webway leading directly to Terra, the esoteric spiritual avatar advanced rapidly until it was blocked by a psychic barrier. At this time, an unknown spiritual energy was injected into the avatar.

With a little effort, the incarnation easily tore a hole in the barrier and entered it.

Soon, the Avatar saw the abandoned hub city of the Webway – the Miracle City “Kasla Tower”.

The city presents 360° in space, miraculously expanding its dimensions in a dazzling way. It is filled with winding paths and tunnels, connecting various networks.

The city embodies the natural and harmonious beauty of the Eldar race everywhere. The spirit bone buildings and statues reflect the past glory of the Eldar empire. Even if it has become a ruin, it is still shocking.

The incarnation showed a look of nostalgia on its face, and became more determined to destroy Chaos. A little further along, it gradually roared and burned.

It saw that the holy Eldar ruins were equipped with all kinds of ugly and cumbersome human machinery, and a large number of Mechanicus reformers and puppets walked through it, tearing apart the unique tranquility and beauty of the Eldar.

Just like the magnificent statue of the emperor was replaced by green skin with the head of Gorgo, red and blue paint was painted all over the body, and the majestic and solemn church became a tavern for promiscuous sex.

What a blasphemy! Even if the Eldar city is in ruins, it cannot be defiled by insects like you!

With the accelerated speed of the incarnation, as long as you go to the tomb of the City of Miracles and pass through the man-made webway, you can reach the underground palace of the Lord of Humanity and then destroy the Golden Throne!

At that time, countless warp demons will pour into Terra through the webway and destroy mankind.

However, the next moment, the Avatar was swallowed up and torn into pieces by a burning army.

In the City of Miracles, in the Tower of God, Said asked: “Brother Huang, have you found the cockroach nest?”

The Emperor said calmly: “We found it. The Curse is on its way. The Webway will become a battlefield. Let’s return to Terra first to protect the Golden Throne!”

At the same time, deep in the unknown webway, in an unknown Eldar city, the great psychic sage suddenly twitched and fell to the ground.

Others looked regretful: “After sacrificing so many people, did it still fail?”

Omega said: “No, we did not fail. At least we broke through the webway and left the rest to the devil.”

At this time, a large number of burning shadows appeared in the distance of the city, converging into a burning giant in the city. The giant held a burning giant sword and pierced the ground from top to bottom.

In just an instant, the explosion flames swept around, engulfing the entire city, and no living thing inside was spared.

At the same time, in the Palace of Terra, the Emperor said calmly: “I can feel that my child Omega is dead.”

Said nodded: “The Alpha Legion has been destroyed, the Secret Cult has been solved, and the war in the Webway Gap has begun.”

The Gap of the Webway is located on the outskirts of the City of Miracles, and is known as the “Esoteric Folly.”

The invading daemons entered the Miracle City through the breach, through the Miracle City’s tombs, through the Emperor’s man-made webway, and finally into Terra.

The City of Miracles is the only way to the Golden Throne and determines the outcome of the Webway War. A large number of demons poured in from the gap in the Webway and killed the City of Miracles.

The empire was caught off guard. Several Adeptus Mechanicus strongholds were destroyed, large numbers of servitors and mechanical monks were overwhelmed, and several Krieg lines were breached.

But they succeeded in buying time. The Krieg puppets quickly entered the position, and there were many steel guns and artillery, ready to give the demon a head-on attack.

Then, the demon ran headlong into Krieg’s solid defense line. Countless laser beams pierced the dense fog and burned through countless blasphemous bodies.

Behind Krieger’s position, barrages fell like raindrops, turning the front of the position into a sea of ​​​​fire. The firepower was powerful enough to destroy everything and make any attack fail.

But the enemy is a demon. Even if the counterattack has no blind spots, there are still a large number of demons rushing out of the sea of ​​​​fire and killing the puppet position.

The dense lasers knocked them down in large numbers, and the artillery fire blew them into pieces, but they still continued to move closer to the position, and started hand-to-hand combat with the puppets.


The puppets roared loudly, wielding engineering shovels and bayonets to fight the demons. Many puppets pulled bombs on their bodies and died together with the demons.

The frontline entered a fierce battle. In the palace of Terra, the emperor calmly asked: “Sayed, can you predict whether you will go?”

Said nodded and said: “The Titan Legion and air forces are already in place and can launch a strike with thermonuclear power to retake the gap!”

As long as the breach is recaptured, the breach can be repaired and the Webway War can be won.

Under the combined attack of land and air, the demons were killed in pieces. However, the killing speed was not as fast as the influx. For every one killed, two to three would enter.

As the firepower increased, the demon’s speed not only did not decrease, but also continued to increase. Said finally saw the violent power of subspace.

At this time, the emperor ordered: “Sayed, activate the forbidden magic field, an incredible existence has come in!”

Said nodded: “Understood!”

With a thought in his mind, the forbidden magic field swept across the entire webway, melting demons wherever it went, and the few demons that did not survive were also greatly weakened.

The survivors are all powerful beings among demons, including Draconion, who was born from the first murder of mankind.

Draconion can grow through killing, change forms at will, and has extremely strong combat power with the blessing of spiritual energy. Even the Emperor is extremely afraid of it and believes that it can one day become a great threat.

When attacking the position, Draconion was easily unparalleled among the Titan soldiers, and nimbly dodged bolter and laser attacks.

Hundreds of millions of troops were unable to do anything to it for a while, until the Black Stone Obelisk activated and successfully imprisoned Draconion. Surrounded by a large number of Imperial Guards and Sisters of Silence, he was torn apart by chain swords and explosive bombs and exiled.

The Imperial Army took the opportunity to counterattack across the board and pushed the front back to the gap in the Webway. The Black Stone Obelisk was so terrifying!

However, this is a double-edged sword!

The Forbidden Demon Realm eliminated both the psychic energy of the Warp and the Emperor’s psychic barrier. Although the Imperial Army pushed back the demons, they were unable to repair the gap in the Webway, and instead widened it further.

What’s worse is that even with the blessing of Trazin’s technology, the forbidden magic realm can only last for three days.

At this moment, Netao was like a girl who was about to be raped, her clothes were half-undressed, so she sprayed poison all over her body to drive away the villain, at the cost of completely undressing her.

During this period, the clothes cannot be put on and the gaps cannot be repaired.

This means that the defenders must build a solid defense line at the gap within three days to create conditions for repairing the gap after the Forbidden Demon Realm dissipates.

However, Chaos also expected this step. On the second day, the main force of the rebels poured into the gap!

Guess what happens next? (u0026gt;u0026lt;)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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