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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 114 Webway Counterattack, Draconion

The Emperor’s formation killed Horus, and the Loyalists achieved a great tactical victory, but they could not conceal their strategic failure.

The rebels attack the Webway in order to prevent the Loyalists from retaking the breach and repairing the Webway.

Before his death, Horus manipulated the Spirit of Vengeance to smash the black stone array and disperse the forbidden magic field, allowing demons to pour in, making repair impossible.

At this moment, although the rebels are retreating steadily, they still control the gap in the Webway. If the Spirit of Vengeance arrives one hour later, the loyalists can retake the gap and prepare for repair work.

But there are not so many what-ifs in the world. Vast numbers of demons crossed the rebel positions and overwhelmed the Webway defenders.

The Puppet Legion and the Space Wolves were at the end of their game, especially the Puppet Legion, which had suffered heavy casualties from its desperate tactics earlier and was swallowed up by the recharged demonic tide.

Said said to Leman Russ through the puppet: “After the puppet army, the people leading you must retreat immediately!”

The Wolf King looked at the puppets for a few seconds and said solemnly: “Although the puppets are lifeless, it does not prevent me from respecting them. Your Highness, please cherish them!”

The remnants of the Wild Wolf troops retreated, and the last tens of millions of puppets were strapped with bombs and charged towards the demon.

In an instant, explosions continued, flames shot into the sky, a large number of demons were expelled in the flames, and the attack momentum suddenly stalled.

At the same time, in the Terra Palace, Said said anxiously: “Brother Huang, activate the second insurance!”

The Emperor nodded and glanced at Sister Silence, who immediately understood and said in sign language: “Activate the Silent Oath!”

Before the Heresy began, the Sisters gathered ten million psykers from across the galaxy and sealed them in stasis fields to serve as fuel for the Golden Throne.

There are grooves around the Golden Throne, and coffin-shaped boxes are stuffed inside. The blue lights on the boxes flash, generating psychic energy to supply the Golden Throne.

At the gap in the webway, a spiritual light curtain slowly closed, but was opened by the influx of demons.

The Emperor said: “The silent oath can only last for one day. We must drive the demons out of the gap in the webway within one day!”

Said looked serious and said with high morale: “Brother Huang! There is good news, the frontline army has returned with reinforcements!”

Heavy footsteps were heard outside the throne room, and Malcador reported: “Your Majesty, the Imperial Fist Legion, the White Scars Legion and the Auxiliary Army have all been assembled and are ready to reinforce the webway at any time!”

Said loudly said: “The Prince’s Legion of 150,000 Titan Soldiers and the Dark Crow Legion have been assembled and can reinforce the webway at any time!”

There are three hundred thousand Space Marines in this support army, and the mortal and puppet auxiliary forces are close to ten billion, not counting the Imperial Guards and Sisters of Silence. Compared with the Webway defenders in history, they have robbed more than a hundred times.

With powerful military power in hand, the emperor couldn’t help but smile, glanced at the golden throne built on the mountain, and said boldly:

“Sayed, stay here in your true form. All troops, follow me into the webway!”

At this moment, the demons had just recovered from the self-destruction of thousands of puppets, reorganized a huge offensive, and surged towards the City of Miracles.

As long as this hub city is captured, Terra can be invaded along the tombs, and the Warp will realize its great victory.

The City of Miracles is intertwined with countless bridges and platforms. The Adeptus Mechanicus has set up a large number of sentry cannons and other defense fortifications on it. The Skitarii and Space Wolves have dispersed various fortifications to stand ready.

The demons swarmed towards the City of Miracles, and the garrison strongholds responded with fierce firepower. A large number of mechs and Space Marines huddled in each stronghold, desperately resisting.

But there were too many demons. Even though each stronghold caused thousands of times more casualties than our own, it could only slow down the demons a little.

Strongholds were lost one by one, the city was eroded bit by bit, and the situation gradually became unfavorable to the defenders.

At this time, a huge military force suddenly surged out from the tomb of the City of Miracles behind the defenders. Hundreds of thousands of Astartes and Titan soldiers were like a torrent, rushing headlong into the demonic tide.

Chainswords swung, bolters roared, and the Librarian’s psychic energy flashed brightly as the daemon was struck head-on, halting its advance.

The Primarchs transformed into assault spearheads and personally took the lead in rushing into the demonic tide to kill them. The rest of the defenders were morale-boosted and fought back bravely, gradually pushing the battle line back.

The situation reversed instantly. Behind the Space Marines, a large number of vehicles and Titans surged out. Together they formed an armored spearhead and charged at the demon.

Each Titan is surrounded by massive Leman Russ tanks, more armored personnel carriers, and countless auxiliary troops.

There are countless planes in the sky, forming a swarm that blocks the sky and the sun, tilting their ammunition towards the devil.

The advance of the battle line accelerated. Behind the demon front line, the firepower was overwhelming, and the scene seemed like the earth was shattering.

Hundreds of millions of laser guns fired at the same time. Heavy weapons spewed heavy explosive barrages, anti-tank missiles and heavy mortar shells. Ion fireballs and melt rays created gaps in the demonic tide. Intensive rockets and artillery shells roared into the enemy formation and exploded violently. Throwing the spirit bones and demon limbs high into the air.

The firepower output is massive enough to decimate the most stubborn foes, and any Daemon counterattack is delayed by the armored spearheads before being whittled to pieces by the Space Marines.

With the cooperation of the Space Marines and the Auxiliary Army, the battle was grand and bloody. In this way, the Lord of Mankind sounded the clarion call for a counterattack against the subspace.

Soon, the demons returned to the place where they started. Although the demon tide was still raging, the rate of replenishment could no longer match the killing rate. As the gap gradually narrowed, the empire’s victory was in sight.

The Emperor, the Lord of Mankind, stood solemnly at the Tower of God, the headquarters of the City of Miracles, watching the retreating battle lines, lost in thought.

Beside him, the Imperial Guard Waldo said: “Your Majesty, if you and the Emperor’s Claw can take action, the counterattack speed will increase by 20%!”

The emperor shook his head: “No, before the time comes, we all have other enemies!”

Waldo was confused: “Other enemies?”

At this time, the emperor’s expression condensed: “Here we come, the Imperial Army and the Sisters of Silence are ready! Follow the Cursed Legion to attack!”

With a wave of his hand after speaking, a large number of cursed legions rushed towards the battle line. Behind them, the Forbidden Army and the Sisters of Silence followed in the attack.

After Waldo left, Said manipulated the puppet and asked: “Is Draconion back again? It seems that it is the only one worthy of Brother Huang’s attention!”

The emperor nodded: “The demon was born from the first murder of mankind. It has extra damage to mankind. Even the four gods are afraid of its destructive power!”

Said did not believe in evil and muttered: “Is it such an exaggeration? With such a magnificent military strength, even if it is unparalleled, it will take a whole year to win!”

The Emperor said calmly: “But we don’t have a whole year, we only have one day. If we can’t clear this place in one day, the Webway will have to be abandoned, and I will have to go to the Golden Throne!”

At this moment, somewhere in the front line, the auspicious instrument of an Imperial Fist warrior suddenly captured a target. The meditator quickly calculated the trajectory, and the Imperial Fist warrior raised his bolter.

At this time, on the screen of the auspicious device, the target instantly moved to the side of the Imperial Fist warrior, and a huge mouth full of sharp blades appeared, swallowing the Imperial Fist warrior in one gulp.

Draconion has a special attack on humans and cannot be killed. Even the Emperor is quite afraid~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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